Why is the present day Church not as successful as the early Church? Why does it appear to be weak, powerless and faithless and lacking in the integrity and character that characterized the early Church? Why is it that the world can jeer and make mockery of the Church? I submit to you that it is because the Body of Christ is out of order. The Church today has gone away from the blueprint that God has laid out for His Church. If the Body of Christ is to operate at the level at which God has ordained, it is imperative that order be restored to the House of God. In this dispensation of the Church, God longs to restore order to our personal lives and to the Church at large. You may wonder how I can make such a bold statement as it relates to disorder in the Body of Christ. The fact is, if our personal lives are out of order then the Church is indeed out of order because we are the church. It is time for the church to return to the divine structure, which God has ordained to be the expression of Himself in the earth. It is indeed time to follow God’s blue print.

Order is achievable; the reality is that the Church has already been restored and renewed in the Spirit; the problem is that our hearts have not yet received the message. Therefore, many of our lives do not reflect the process of change that God has already performed on His Bride. Although some of us are going through the process of purification we have not allowed change to take place in our lives. It is very important that we hear the voice of God to receive direction for our lives and so that change takes place. We need to spend time with God so that we would get to know His voice. If we listen when we pray we would be able to move away from the level where we can only say “I sense” or “I believe God is saying” to the level where we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God has said.

A major problem in the Body of Christ today is that there are too many sheep today who do not know the voice of their shepherd for themselves. We are living in a dispensation where people are dependent on their pastors and leaders to hear from God for them rather than seeking the Lord and waiting on Him. It’s the culture of the world which stipulates that we should receive everything that we need ‘now’ and unfortunately today the culture of the world has an extremely significant impact on the culture of the Church. As a result of the prevalence of our humanistic and philosophical thinking, we have denigrated the divine plans of God for communication with His people. We have cut ourselves off from knowing, understanding or seeking God’s will for our church, family, job, and on, and disorder has been the result.

Too many of the sheep have stopped listening to the shepherd and have started to listen to the thief.

“Then said Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily I say unto you,
I am the door of the sheep. All that ever came before me are
thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not hear them.” John 10 vs. 7-8

As long as the sheep listen to the shepherd and follow Him, they will not listen to the thief.

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Comment by Sally Williams on June 11, 2009 at 9:35pm
Mighty man of God you are on point here! Bless you!
Comment by Evangelist Laura L Gates on May 29, 2009 at 9:00am
This is Good!

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