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I JUST wrote a blog posting on this called "OLD COVENANT SEAL vs NEW COVENANT SEAL" in the Preaching & Teaching section.

Show me in what Paul stated above is not in Torah?

That is simply beautiful!!!!

James, The Torah and the New Commandment of Jesus go hand in hand. One is done practically of the Spirit and the New commandment is done in the Spirit.

I die daily, when there is a law, one cannot die from it, it's law, however in the Spirit we live and die from the old man.

That is why I toss the law not away, it taught us, just like we learned our ABCs and were tested over them. Now I say them after graduating without a thought.

We freely walk in love now

The written Law (the Torah) given to Israel was introduced because of transgression 430 years later(Galatians 3:17-18).

It was that Law which prescribed rituals like sabbath keeping and so on...

Indeed, before the introduction of that written law(Torah), there was a LAW, namely the Law of Christ( Galatians 6:2: Jesus-Christ is the Biginning end the End, the Almighty God).

At the bigining was the WORD. Jesus is the Word(John 1:14)

Brother Paul says that the written law which was introduced because of transgression 430 years later does not set aside the covenant previously established by God and thus do away with the promise.

Christians should live according to the pevious law which was based on faith.

Today, that law of Christ based on faith justifies the believers from everything he/she could not be justified from by the law of Moses, the written law(Torah).

Of course, Such believers are sons and daughters of Abraham, since Abraham lived according to that previous LAW which was based on faith.

So, we are to return to the begining, to the the previous law, to the previous convenant based on faith.

Please, read Galatians 3:1-29


Bro. Germain
Romans 14:5b says, "Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind."

As long as you are serving God the best of your knowledge, living a righteous, set apart, sanctified, holy and moral life what matter is it going to make?
All the WORK you do is not going to save you.
So keeping all those laws and such mean nothing when you stand before God and you have a nasty attitude, you don't give to anyone, you are bitter, angry and prideful WHICH IS VERY APPARENT WITH CERTAIN PEOPLE on this site.
If you are not going to follow ALL the laws then don't tell me to follow them.
Many of you telling others to follow the laws aren't following the greatest commandment Jesus gave and that was to show love to your neighbor.
Work does not save you.
How can you tell me something and you only take PART of the Bible and not all of the Word?
You can condemn others when the Word says there is no condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus.
How can you take part of the Word and not ALL but then have the audacity to look down and belittle others with your snide and negative comments because they won't follow you?
Pride IS sin contrary to popular belief- it is one of the seven things God HATES as well.
Blessing to my family,

James, The Torah and the New Commandment of Jesus go hand in hand. One is done practically of the Spirit and the New commandment is done in the Spirit.

I die daily, when there is a law, one cannot die from it, it's law, however in the Spirit we live and die from the old man.

In closure, I pray that the Holy Spirit will draw all of us to know that the Law and the Spirit are one. Torah and Besorah (Gospel of Yahushua) are indeed one. Keeping the Law without a spirit of true righteousness is vanity and has NO meaning. Yet, you cannot fully obey Yahushua nor live as Yahushua lived without obedience to the Commands of His Heavenly Father. You have read this but many opt to ignore it. We must die daily in order to strive for purity and righteousness as taught in Matthew 5. With all of this said, I say listen to the Holy Spirit as it speaks to your heart. Bishop says with a little adaptation it is a profound way to close this discussion. Please allow it to meditate and mellow and marinate within you.

"As long as you are serving God the best of your knowledge, living a righteous, set apart, sanctified, and moral life"
this is what Abba wants of each of us.

"All the WORK you do is not going to save you."

"So keeping all those laws and such mean nothing when you stand before God and you have a nasty attitude, you don't give to anyone, you are bitter, angry "


Which of Abba's children have you truly served this week? Which prison have you visited? Which shelter? Which soup kitchen? Which hospice? Which rehab? Which rec center? Which least of these?

We must serve Abba is Spirit and In Truth! Shalom and Ahava.... thank you for sharing.

Thank you, Bishop for such a fine statement of valor and True TRUTH to us all.

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