It is my concern that we as "Christians" Need to define better, what God said in the bible, and what man says about the bible.

Ask yourself?

Is the bible the inerrant Word of God? Does God change His Word! Have Christians changed God's Words and Taught erroneous Doctrine to those who have not read the Torah(First five books of the bible) in a bible they really can understand , in the language they speak; to compare what they have been taught by preachers, teachers, evangelists ????????????????

Please See Attached!

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You have not thought on it. You must consider what was stated above, unless you do not read the Torah & Prophets.
I love you Bro. James

I love you too sis
You're not free, until you obey God. Freedom is not freedom to do and believe what we choose, is free to worship and serve God from sin and from the rudiments of this world.. it does not eliminate obedience. And to what you said earlier Evangelist about going and witnessing, God doesnt and me neither for that matter have a problem with witnessing, and if you carefully read what I said, I said that God has no problem with you witnessing on the Sabbath, as long as its witnessing and not doing your own pleasure.. Now, what are you going to do about Isaiah 56:6? You cant change that.. and it aint going nowhere... as a matter fact, if you research early church history, we have always kept Sabbath worship.. the catholic church from the council of nicea was the one that came and changed our worship day to Sunday, along with bringing in many other things that God did not establish... Now, how is it that you can keep Christmas and Easter, and defend it, and God didnt ordain it, but call the keeping of the Sabbath bondage? It's the same principle... you are commemorating the works of the Lord that shadow and typify our salvation...
I don't celebrate Easter, and my participation for what it is, of Christmas has no religous connoation to me.
AND ALSO... I am not judging you in it... not one time did I say you were going to hell for not doing it; I cant do that. Not one time i have said you arent saved cuz you dont do it; but nevertheless, you asked ME a question about a statement I made earlier in the post about the Sabbath.. I answered and you cross-examined it.. and here we are.. I am not in anyway trying to disrespect your convictions, but I realize that one day I was as you are, without this revelation and when I received it, by PERSONAL study and not word-of-mouth, it blessed my spirit, and I observe His Sabbath... It may not be comfortable for your flesh, but its necessary to obey God, even in the things we dont understand. If Scripture say it, I'm go do it... There is no way God go tell the stranger to keep the Sabbath in Isaiah and then the New Testament tell us not to, when all the Early Church we celebrated and worshipped on the Sabbath, and collected offerings for the Apostles and the Church on Sundays... read the Bible for yourself.. I had to..

But you will not even consider the question?

And THAT'S what got our people in trouble;'

[13] Therefore my people are gone into captivity, because they have no knowledge: and their honourable men are famished, and their multitude dried up with thirst.

[22] For my people is foolish, they have not known me; they are sottish children, and they have none understanding: they are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge.
Please tell mw why it is so hard Bro.? It IS that easy!

First, you have to prove in Torah where, on the weekly Shabbat, we cannot buy or sell.
He will not be able to do it, without a private interpretation,

this is exactly why I had Bro Marshall state these things

What private interpretation do I have? You sure love to dismiss me by saying you love me. Yet you talk to others about my failure to interpretet scripture correctly. Talk to me, Evan. What private interpretation do I have?
Not you, I'm working, did I read wrong, you asked him to show you where you can't buy and sell on the Sabbath?


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