"At the name of JESUS every knee shall bow, of things in Heaven, things on the Earth, and things under the Earth, and and every tongue shall confess that JESUS CHRIST is LORD, to the glory of GOD the FATHER."

We as Christians all know that JESUS is the way to the paradise we long for. I however, have this question for the saints: What about those that never heard of the name of JESUS before? I'm not talking about those that heard and rejected HIM, I'm talking about those that LITERALLY never heard the GOSPEL or the name of JESUS CHRIST. I want to see exactly where the saints stand on this issue, for it has been a controversial one for a long time.

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The fact still stands that you cannot begin to comprehend the bible with a lack of Hebraic culture and context. You know this!
This is not about studying the Bible. This is about the measure of GOD's love, and even Hebraic culture and context can never fathom its depth. You know this!

You cling to the Hebraic, thinking I am clinging to Greek. I CONSTANTLY tell you that the knowledge of GOD and HIS love transcends both!

I do not deny that Yehwah's love extends to them that are "not his people," but he gives them the word as He gave it to his people. The understanding of Yehwah and Torah comes from Hebrews. So, the only way to truly grasp what the scriptures say is to understand Hebraic culture, language, and context. I know you do not deny this :)
Dios es bueno, Dios es amoracion!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, God is good!

If the possibility is maybe not all will hear the Gospel, I believe that they will may be judged on how they responded to his Spirit/Presence or inner consciousness to inner truth.

THAT is the best answer I heard so far on it!!
You said: "Everybody will hear it. and those who don't , nature speaks of the wonders that God can do."

1) Technically speaking, thats a contradiction. Either they'll all hear about the name of JESUS, or not all will hear of the name of JESUS. Its one or the other.

2) This isn't a matter of nature or morals (even though apostle Paul addresses those issues in Romans 2, 3, & 4), this is a matter of the question: "How can one be deemed guilty of rejecting the Gospel if one never had the chance to hear the Gospel before death?"


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