The Apostle Paul left Titus on the island of Crete to be a "trouble shooter" for the local churches there. His task was to "set in order" or straighten out that which was left unfinished. From the Greek phrase for "set in order" we get our English words, orthodontist and orthopedist. It litterally means to set right, set in order, complete unfinished reforms. There were people from Crete present on the day of Pentecost who heard and believed the Gospel and brought the good news back to their homeland and Cretian churches had already been established. Yet even after the great begining and even after Paul himself had spent time on the island preaching and teaching, he leaves Titus there to set some things straight in the lives of believers. There were still some things going on in these churches that needed to be straighten out. Titus' job was to set straight the things that were left unfinished. The word, "un-finished" indicates that there were some things lacking. I believe this is applicable to the individual Christian and the church as whole today. Every local Christian congregation, regardless of its theological camp, has areas that some straightening work needs to be done. And when that work is not addressd correctly, a lot of crookedness and mess goes unchekced. No church should ever assume they have no areas that are lacking. What was it that was lacking in the chruches at Cret that concerned Paul so much?

As we look at Titus 1, we discover the lack of structured leaedership. Churc leadership must be structured according to the Word of God. You just don't put folk in leadership positions in the church immediately after thy come down the isle and get baptized. Time must be spent teaching them how to serve right and they need to realize their need to be taught. This is true of every office in the church, from the pulpit to the pew. The day after a preacher preaches his or her first sermon is not the time to make them pastors or church elders. You don't put folk in leadership positions in the church just because they look good or sing good or whoop good. Just because a person is qualified to teach in public school does not automatically qualify them to teach in Sunday school. Paul tells Titus to appoint elders in every church "a I direct you."Every Pastor that God calls will see to it that they and everyone else who preaches and teaches in the church are biblically sound in what they teach and preach and in the manner in whch they lead. Paul was an apostle and Titus is to follow his instructions and directions. Whether you are part of the lay leadership or the clergy in your congregation, make sure you base your leadership on apostolic standards.-on the message that the apostles first delivered-on the message of Jesus Christ as proclaimed by the apostles.

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Truly wonderful insight about true leadership.
Praise GOD for sharing it to us.


aman brother the word is right.


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