Have you been hurt in Church or by the People of God, lets talk.?

Maybe you have been hurt in Church or left Church or your Pastor. It was probally a misunderstanding.If we discuss it , maybe you can help others not to make the same mistakes or just be healed by talking. No Church or Pastors or persons name that hurt or offended you. . We are just sharing in general in hopes of healing and restoration. Lets hear from you.. We have another discussion for Musicians and the healing and information shared its has been awesome.We prayed and thought this discussion may be as effective.

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I find and I know by personal experience that when you know that GOD has sent you to a particular house to be fed and to receive from the Holy Spirit through the anointing that is on the man or woman of GOD that has been set to speak into your life: no matter the opposition, challenges or religious church folks issues with Kingdom folks, you stay put! When God sends you and sets you, there is an anointing to stay and persevere.... no matter what! Through the hurt, lies, shame, tears, etc. you stay; because that is the beginning of your lifeline......and if you allow the enemy through people, circumstances or things to move you - you miss your Holy Ghost connection!

Is it easy... no it is not; can you stand no matter what...yes if your anointed to be there!

It all starts with finding out from God where you are suppose to be! If you are church-hoppin, or at a church because that's where a family member or someone wants you to be, or because you are searchin for Mr. or Mrs. right now, or because you like the pastor, choir or church activities; then more than likely you are there under false pretense and when there is a challenge or offense you immediately up and run, to the next church or place where GOD has not sent or set you! Find out where you are suppose to be, stay there and get what God has for you so that you are functioning in your place, part or assignment and you are effective through the anointing!

When you know that God has ordained a thing and spoken a thing; no circumstance, situation, thing, person nor devil can stop you from receiving what you know you are suppose to have......the empowerment for strength from Jehovah-T'Sur, The Lord our God who strengthens us will anoint your hands for war and your fingers to fight - spiritually!


Can you imagine what would happen if HALF of the body of Christ (not just members, there are leaders with titles that are not called, not sent, out of position, selected by man and not elected by God) found out where they are suppose to be and truly be sent: Things would seriously change!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you go to the store to get water (a neccessity) and you are dying of thirst, do you stop to listen to the person with a bottle of water (that has never been opened and they have been in the store for 5 - 10 years) who looks like they are about to drop dead of thirst at any moment because they do not realize what they have, appreciate or take the time to drink, do you stop to listen to the gossiping passerbys, do you stop to listen to the disgruntle store clerk, do you stop to listen to those that are trying to tell you that the water is somewhere else when you know it is not, do you stop in the middle of the store because there is a problem or disturbance in your way or even coming directly at you......NO! You will die of thirst messing around with folks or allowing them to mess around with you, no matter what even if you get hurt in the process, dust it off, forgive and release them to God, get up in the NAME OF JESUS, hold your head up, press your way through and GO GET YO WATER MAN...LOL!!!!!

God did not promise us HIS source of strength, HIS source of peace or healing just because it was a nice thing to do! Oh, HE knew we would need it in dealing with each other, especially those of the religious sector! IT IS WHAT IT IS, which is all the more reason why we all have to be planted and remain adamant about receiving what we need....TO STAND AND TO PRESS THROUGH TO VICTORY!

Much love to you and yours,

"In HIM"

Sister Janice Marshall you have said it all . So truthful. We have this blog here and on the Musicians page . Please respond both places. Praise God for truth.
Hello DR.Marietta Brown,

WOWHave you been hurt in Church or by the People of God, lets talk.?
I saw this posting weeks ago and decided to avoid it because there is not enough time or space to talk about past hurts. LOL

I would like to address Ms Janice Marshall's post, if I may. I love your last name, Sis. LOL

I understand and agree with your remarks in a very general sense.
I can tell that you mean well and you have passion and purpose.
Yes Mam, you make powerful and persuasive points with interesting perspectives about perseverance, persistence and avoiding particular personalisms. I agree that we sincerely need structure and stability within our statue and we need to strive to be steadfast and unmoveble. Paul says, "Ephesians 6:13 - Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand." And so if someone needs encouragement to stay the coarse; they can be helped by your remarks.

I understand this lesson very well. But however; if someone needs to run like a scalded dog, your remarks can be the wrong thing to hear. I've been there. May be hard to believe; but at one time I was venerable, vengeful and had a very vitat need to be vendicated. There is a time to stay and dig in, and then there is a time to leave like Abraham and Lott did the city. We have to continually pray and seek God for ourselves. We need to be encouraged to do it. I have found that some assignments are for a time and others are for a season. Now that I've heard just about every 'line' or just about every lyric of litigation concerning my own destiny; I able to go to God in prayer concerning His plan for me. God has to speak to me and it must bear witness in my spirit. But everyone may not know this; so we have to be careful with our advice.

When Jesus spoke to Saul [Paul] on the road to Demascus, and told him to go to see a man called Ananias; Jesus spoke to Ananias as well and told him that Saul [Paul] was coming and to lay hands on him. God confirms destiny on both end. He's not the author of confusion. And at some point, it's important to let people know that before things resemble a Jim Jones situation, it may be time to leave.

Paul discovered this very thing himself. He was dealing with folk that looked like him. And they just wouldn't do right. You know how 'US' act sometimes. He tried to persuade and convince. He sent for his sons in the ministry and sooner or later, the bible says that he shook his raiment and put their blood upon their own shoulders and he went to minister to another people. Acts 18:6 - And when they opposed themselves, and blasphemed, he shook his raiment, and said unto them, Your blood be upon your own heads; I am clean; from henceforth I will go unto the Gentiles. We can't always be spiritual about things that need to be dealt with by discipline. And what happened to common courtesies and common sense.

Allow me to throw this in for good measure: Ecclesiastes 3:1 -2
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

Thank you Mam. Please understand that there is always two sides to every coin.
I agree with this wholeheartedly man of God! Sometimes in our spiritual fortitude and stick-to-it-ness, we tend to miss God saying "it's time to leave". It's not always in God's will for us to stay at one church all our lives. God sent me to one church to learn how to be a Christian, how to study the bible, and how to praise Him. But I thought I was supposed to be there forever.

I will say that after I married the woman God intended for me to be with, I began to be ignored, rebuked, and the gifting of poetry God placed in me was not allowed to flourish because my wife was not the "church's choice" for me. But I distinctly heard God say, "That is your wife" when He opened my eyes to see her the way God saw her. So I listened to God, not man. The next 2 years were straight "hell" for us at that church. We were ignored, our ministry was ignored, and I know I heard God saying it is time to take this message to the nations. But we stuck it out on all the abuse we were suffering because we had to hear from God before we left. One day God spoke to me and said, "This is your last day here". I can hear it as clear as day. And we left not knowing where we were going next. But the Lord said, "Go to a place in which I will designate for you". God was trying to show us that He, not a church, is our covering. God was blessing us with the Abraham anointing. So we trusted God and left through much scrutiny and "warnings" from church members, ministers, and leaders who said our marriage would break up if we left from under the cover of a church. Then God began to bless our ministry and our marriage in ways we couldn't imagine. God eventually led us to a home church and we have been there now for 2 years and God is sending us out to many places to minister through poetry.

I say all this to say that persistence and sticking it out is good only if God told you to stay. Sometimes, God's plan for your life cannot come to fruition because of the decisions of man, so God will make a way out of no way for you. And you will know you made the right decision in following God, not man when you begin to see the fruits of your labor.
Mr. Robert T Sells,

That was beautifully stated. I pray for you and your wife's continued victories.
I hear you and thank you.

As different as we all look, so are the plans for our lives and purposes for our lessons.
We need to seek relationship over religion. When we are in relationship with Christ, we be able to get a prayer thru for ourselves, we are able to hear the voice of the Lord and we are able to discern a stranger voice. His word says that my sheep know my voice and a stranger's they will not hear. We have to study the word of God, meditate on, pray and seek God's face.

This is not to discard the saints. We need the fellowship and leadership. We need to be taught, trained and need to be encouraged.
Hebrews 10:25 - Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

Paul reminds us that there were fivefold ministries given for the perfecting of the saints. It is part of God's plan that we have spiritual fathers and mothers Ephesians 4:11 - And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;

But let me share one last point. Matthew 27:51 - And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent;The veil was ripped from top to bottom, meaning that God dit it. And also, with the ripping of the veil, we who have have accepted Jesus CHrist; can enter in ourselves. No more praying to a priest.

We have the right and the responsiblity to seek Gof for ourselves, especially ministers. Amen.
Be blessed and be encouraged.


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