One of the music groups I liked as a teenager was Def Leppard. One of their song lyrics says, "it's better to burnout than fade away"

Is it really better to burn out? There's a quiet stillness that comes with faded glory. Fading is gradual and can be easily handled. But burnout, although it happens gradually, you don't necessarily notice the signs. It comes upon you in a blaze of glory? POOF... YOU'RE ON FIRE!!! It's a fire that never goes out because you keep adding coals to it or you allow coals to be added to it.

So, how do you avoid ministry burn out?

Have you ever just been tired of ministering to people?

Sometimes it can feel like there are all of these different tubes attached to various parts of your body from head to toe and there are different people coming to you for ministry and it feels as if they are just sucking the life right out of you. I belive God -- El Shaddai -- is the many breasted one" I only have two - LOL

Your need for solitude and refreshing is perceived as rejection. Even a car needs refueling on a regular basis.

But the other side of this is that it is truly the joy of the Lord that is my strength. It's funny, just when I am at my weakest either physically or emotionally, that is when I hear God the LOUDEST!! I can't hear him when I am complaining on the inside or on the outside. All I hear during those times is MY voice, not God', I get ... quiet.

I literally have to get still and quiet the noise of life around me to really hear His voice.

If it werent for moments of silence and solitude, I think I would go off on everyone and my mouth would be like a machine gun and my words like bullets aimed at everyone in my vacinity. *sigh*

Man, I totally understand the Apostle Paul....Oh wretched (wo)man that I am.

So tell me friends on BPN, how do you avoid or deal with ministry burn out?

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By doing exactly what I'm doing now, allowing myself to go to a different level, be exposed to different attitudes and beliefs, to be rechallenged, that causes ones to study the more to prove themselves a workman that is not ashame. I never grow weary in the word of God.

Although I might not agree or never agree with everything I see hear, it's a peekhole to what to minister to. The door I keep closed on some, and other's thank you Yeshua! I break the hinges off, to get a better understanding.

I encourage myself, and I leap for joy! when God brings an opportunity to minister HIS WORD
We trust God, we talk to the Lord, and we tell him all our troubles. We have to be lead by the Holy Spirit, for direction, and total dependences on Jesus. Burn Out come from not allowing our soul to be wash. Burn Out come from not laying before the Lord in quiet moments, to seek him to "refill" us in strrenght. The other is that we don't spend enough time with Jesus, nor do we give ourselves time alone. Jesus, always got away from people to be with the Father. Be encourage, we cannot allow to be consumed by people. Give thanks unto the Lord. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. Matt. 11:29.
I agree.. sometimes we just need to get away from people and enjoy the Lord all by ourselves.
I hope this doesn't sound [typical] I've realized it's two types of burnout,when you're just tire of being tire,and when the answers just repeatedly sends you in circles.The re-energizing of the spirit,has to be from within,so our outward presentation can be of GOD.Then also when the burnout is upon you,it's meant to slow you down,so you can find direction,or its for reflection.So the spiritual,will step back, look at whats going on around them ,and over think the situation.My cause is to remember John,when he said he had to decrease in order for Jesus to increase,and remember,because he shifted his application,and attention,he was'nt done in ministry.I turn to this passage,frequently when i'm disturbed,1THESS.1;3-REMEMBERING WITHOUT CEASING YOUR WORK OF FAITH,AND LABOR OF LOVE,AND PATIENCE OF HOPE IN OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST,IN THE SIGHT OF GOD AND OUR FATHER.
Every now and then I get like I am right now. It seems to happen every 3-4 years. Not sure why but I just get tired of people. I mean my tolerance for people gets reaaaaally low.

Usually it is something I'm frustrated with and haven't fully identified it or don't want to (LOL)

My sister once told me that I am an introvert posing as an extrovert ---LOL. She said that I really don't like being around a lot of people but I have trained myself to tolerate them and then my tolerance runs out and I have to escape and go be by myself to recharge.

She's probably correct. Bcuz right now I want a vacation from people but not life. I can understand why Jesus had to get away from his dicisples. Sometimes he left them completely and sometimes he wasn't too close yet he wasn't too far either.
Rev Luckett,

You are probably right. Because right now I can only write when I am away from people. For some reason people co-workers, family, friends, and ministry associates are buggin the heck out of me. They aren't necessarily doing anything wrong I just need a break....

HEY!!! I just figured it out as I was writing to you. My quiet time had to be moved some place else and I've had to break my routine! I don't like my "new" fortress of solitude (Superman) or cone of silence (Get Smart) -- LOL I can't wind down like I use to. I've GOT to find a new quiet spot.
Burnout ultimately was good for me. Except, with me it took me many months to realise I had burned out. Had to go to the desert to figure it out. Heck I was so shell-shocked I didnt know WHAT had happened. We will burn if we dont take time out. To prevent burnout I try to pace myself all the way around.

I learned to cover myself in the blood on the way INTO church, because we have viciousness and other subversive issues in the Body especially among leaders. I learned to say no without feeling any guilt. I learned to take as much time as I need for me also without feeling guilty. All of us are not going to the same place, nor will we move and advance at the same pace. I learned too that people percieving that I'm rejecting them or their program is a small price to pay for maintaining pace. I learned the difference between religion and relationship with God and man. I am learning to let God build the house, and listen and execute as He says so. Every word aint for every body LOL. When I feel irritation coming on, its my signal to take time out for me. I love going to nature, the country or daycamping at the beach to just chill. Otherwise I'd spit nails too LOLOL and I dont wanna hurt nobody. Read a good mystery and listen to music (and no not always "christian" music either). For days, LOL. It takes that sometimes to rehcharge.... I try not to rush the process. Stay encouraged sis....


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