As those of us who make up the latter rain Apostolic/prophetic company , prepare ourselves during this"divine gap", and strategic pause, to be galvonized and dispersed to our assigned regions, territories, and contingencies, the main thing the Lord desires to modulate and perfect in us, is the "divine pitch" or "timbre of our individual and collective voice. The volume and pitch of the Prophetic and Apostolic voice of the past never reached a perfect synergy,or a synchronized harmony, becaused few were saying the same thing. It is for this reason ,that this dispensation of pioneers, ground breakers, standard and oracle bearers,must submit to "vocal coaching", and skills training in using the instrument of their voice to establish the Kingdom of Heaven, and prepare Him room. Even though the Bible says that we are to make a joyful noise,He was not referring to a scattered, fragmented cacophony, or noise like the people over at "Babal", but rather that we lift our voices like a "trumpet" as we sound the alarm on the Holy mountain. What makes orchestras so commanding and excellent in their musical rendition, is not so much their skills, but their collective voices, discipline, blending, and diversity of instruments, as numerous as they are, complementing, enhancing, drawing strength from,and producing a "ONENESS OF SOUND"! You never hear the bass cello, or the cymbals playing their own individual interpretations, and you never hear the flute playing "Silent Night", while the drums beat out "Oh Happy Day"! The present "noise" is deafening in volume, but lacking in "bottom" and life altering impact, because the "conductors", (the Apostles) have misplaced their "music sheets" (mandate), and their "play lists (the divine instruction from God)!!

Our present companies are not cohesive or even supportive of the "horn section" on the East Coast", or the 'strings" in the Midwest" and no one even takes the "percussion" of the Deep South"seriously. When the divine instruments of the Lord are out of synch, and one section is decreeing "Prosperity", while another is preaching or prophesying to their own increase and notoriety, and have left off preaching Jesus, the kingdom of Heaven, repentance, and the imminent return of Jesus, the Christ, their "musical value" is weakened and ineffective and no more than jangling timbrels. As we submit to this season of perpetual consecration, self assessment, and deeper fellowship with the Lord, He is adjusting and fine tuning our "pitch", adjusting the bass, and regulating the "tenor". One of the things that has thrown off the collective pitch and power of this present time, is that everyone wants to be "it", "that" prophet, or "that" Apostle,the "prima dona" or soloist, thus bringing about disunity, confusion, envy and disharmony. All it takes is one voice to be off to throw the whole "sonata" off, and shipwreck the entire mission to advance the kingdom of God,church by church, soul by soul, city by city, and nation by nation.Whenever you have affluent and wondrous gifts together, someone who perceives themselves as the qualified "soloist",because they've slain the most giants, or has been on the most mission assignments, that orchestra is going to stop getting "gigs" in a matter of time, because the lost didn't come to hear the chaos and off beats of the "performers" trying to outdo each other. Divine decibles refer to the volume and reach of our voices as we release the clarion cry, and blow the trumpet. Someone has to be the "back-up " singer or the "understudy" from time to time, to undergird those whose season it was/is to have "first chair". Where there's competition, envy, resentment, conniving, and jealousy amongst the ranks, the people will no longer have a desire to come., sit, listen, receive and enjoy the "sounds " that we make. This time around, we can not afford to make the errors of the past, and we must not cry so loud, that the people can't hear God for the loudness of the noise you're making, and it can't be so low, that the people are straining to hear what the Lord is saying.When divine decibles are perfectly adjusted, and the amplifiers (Intrecessors)are doing their work, the sound that the company of Apostles and Prophets make will summon, stir, and provoke to arms, the people of God who've been waiting and listening for a long time, for the sound of the bugle, so that they can storm the gates of hell and present arms.There is a perfect pitch that shall come forth as a provocation for Christ to "drop the flag", and suddenly release His divine "ochestra", and all the provision, back up, and endoresment that they need to play and execute the most excellent and powerful "symphony" of decreeing with mutual power, declaring from their "diaphragm" with incredibe octaves,and commanding the manifestation of Christianized heathen lands, with magnificent range. It is important to note that divine decibles and range are interdependent on each other, because if the pitch is off, the range becomes limited and strained., The Apostolic/Prophetic range are the Prophetic utterances and oracles, and the Apostoloc sealing, establishing, and governing. Due to certain developments amongst the present ranks, much has been put on hold so that the Lord can "tune up",re-string, repair,, and polish His instruments destined to soothe the savage beast and confound the enemy. There is a new sound piercing the ears of this world , and the spiritual atmosphere,and it's not the former sound of abundant rain, or the random voices promising "shacks and cadillacs", and "pimping "29.99" miracles and shredded , brightly colored handkerchiefs, but rather, it is the fearsome voice of the "beat of eagle's wings", at the exact decibles, loudness, and volume to alert the enemy that his destruction, evacuation, and exposure lieth at the door. These divine decibles, at times, may appear to be silent,even while the "music" is being played, but that is far from the case, because those being trained and affirmed, polished, and buffed are moving by stealth, and precision, even as the Israelites were marching around the walls of Jericho, silent until they saw triumph. They were doing their "scales" to build up their stamina and power for the final crescendo,at the moment of victory, on one accord. There was no one "tribe",shouting "When can we eat?", while the others were saying "How excellent is our God!

This is that moment of climax or crescendo, and it shall be the finest hour of Christ's Church, and those who've diligently served and obeyed Him. As we submit to the tutelage of the Holy Spirit, as to how best use our voices, we are developing powerful vocal cords, and projection, so that when there's need for a spontaneous "riff" or "run", we are able to switch it up, and yet maintain our synergy, and ONE VOICE. The "riff" is that utterance in tongues that radioes heaven for reinforcements in the battle, and the "runs" are those songs of the Lord that the angels can not sing, which thoroughly dumbfound the enemy. Dynamic decibles, must be rendered to perfection whether on the "low" end or the "high" end, and they must be able to be interpreted and backed up to add greater depth and substance, by everyone who makes up this divine orchestra, of tried and proven altos, tenors, basses, contralltos, falsettos, and sopranoes. When we have conquered and assimilated our volume, pitch, timbre, and range, the advancing of the kingdom, and the preparing of Him room, shall be evident as we render up ONE VOICE, with a unified sound that will burst the devil's ear-drums and drive him mad, while blessing, edifying, and strengthening the people of God. As a footnote, if you don't know the "song', if you haven't studied to show yourself approved, or have no revelation of Jesus, the Christ, or His kingdom, sit a few "performances out, or you will jeopardize the whole "concert".

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This is Major league stuff.....Directly from the High Place....

Apostle H.
I absolutely agree with Apostle Howard.

This is awesome!
Dynamic Decibles............. God, I hear ya!
Thank you prophetess.
Prophet Brignac - You're SOUNDING A THE TRUMPET OF GOD with a powerful clarity that speaks ORDER! Thank you so much for releasing the sound of God in you in all of your blogs. Looking forward to the day we all come together in one place to witnesss .............AND SUDDENLY! This is an awesome time to be found in the Kingdom with King's sons and daughters. I hear the sound of the feet of the Apostles and Prophets - it's getting louder! Thank you Lord!@


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