Theologian;a person(not religous) who is learned in theology,the science which studies GOD,AND ALL THAT RELATES.
Christian;a person who believes in the doctrine of JESUS,and acknowledges HIS divinity.
Religous sites such as this one,sets in motion the life long question who is who?The challengers of the Word are able to express their views and questions,in a well-rounded,non agressive manner,and it's usally against those that think or have acted superior to other believers,so now the door is open.

Not speaking of the ones,who just say I'm for the Lord,and forsake all others,but the ones that run into that brick wall or the person that can go a bit deeper than they can,because it's their job to put the believer on trail.The theologian has studied and bring up controversal,reading and writings that some refuse to deal with or have just written off.Both sides have points depending on what side of the isle you're on,do you believe,why do you believe.I don't understand why the christian,even worries about the theologian,if the BOTTOM line is just to serve the Lord!(1 Peter2:6)

There is a place for questions,especially when ego takes over in christianity.So many have removed themselves from their calling,and are trying to fit into this thing we call church,[the big building,the famous leader,the tv,the radio etc.]
And when they are called on some of these things,thats when the followers choose sides.(not the followers of Christ,but the followers of man.) Then the theologian has a way into their discussion.One thing I know to be true,a newcomer to faith,don't give a dawn,if the converter is an apostle,revern,minister,prophet,bishop,man or woman,they are seeking the Lord.But they see that those who elevate themselves over others,as smarter or deeper,get torn down by a theologian,and say forget this.
We're losing to many newcomers,and to many that tried to evangelize on a level they were'nt scheduled for.So a suggestion to the wise,there different levels of christianity,as i wrote in HYPOTHESIS,WOULD WE DARE!,if you need to debate the O.T,women preaching,titles of men,denominations have at it,just remember there are people that would love to debate you,just don't make the rest of us who just want to serve God look bad,PLEASE! I know in the end,it's only one question,i'm worried about,it's the one HE'S going to ask me,WHO DO YOU SAY I AM!

HE won't be asking me if I figured out all HIS parables,HE will be asking me what have I done for the KINGDOM!
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Thank you Evangelist Dublin,my point was only to let some know that to debate someone armed with particulars you don't have,leads to exchanges that continue and never stop.Knowledge is key revelation,priceless.My respect is for all,nomatter your veiw.
God Bless!
E.W,may the Lord,continue to bless you and your ministry,family,and all who are graced with your fellowship.The Kingdom of God yokes the Believers,with an unbreakable bond.I feel it's my job to be up for reproof if needed,but it's awesome to know the saints i converse with here, can share experiences,and grow and learn through shared experinces and revelation.
Theologian;noun;a person who is learned in theology. WEBSTER
Theology;pl. the science which studies God and all that relates ot him,including religion and morals.
My point to my post is to explain the differences when most are in the middle of an argruement.When you read the raints,that are going back and forth,it's easy to tell if it's two spiritual people debating,or if it's a shot at christianity.My spiritual background is as follows,raised catholic,educated catholic,until 8th grade,experienced the victimization in my family from the so-called leaders,liberl arts degree,bachelors of science,12 years law enforcement,4yrs baptist ordained,3yrs cogic ordained.Then came to the truth about man and his doctrine.The understanding of where the scriptures began,and how they were kept before,they were written down.I have personally if you believe it or not,experienced GOD,and HIS plan for my life.I'm a street minister,preaching God's word,bi-weekly in St.Louis,Chicago,atlanta area.Life experiences,and my knowledge of who the King of KINGS,is gives me more knowledge of who my Father is then any debate,I can have with a mere man.No disrespect meant.A theologian,can find find the true meaning of our creator,but generally,he doesn't start off that way.Now after a man who studies,theology,with a christian heart graduates from college,[seminary or accredited,he or she is addressed as a theologian.Lots more experience but i think this can safice for now
My point exactly,now the theologian thats not religous,leans towards the religous folly that goes on inside the faith,to prove the christian faith is similiar to a cult,and half the disagreements here,makes us seem that way to some,because it's a dominating spirit that exist,when many don't agree.
Sister Lisa thank you,this point was brought up my another gentlemen i just met and i agree.By no means am i bashing anyone,and i know you didn't say i was.My point like yours,knowledge used to enrich the kingdom is priceless,but the learned man who's lost the grace of the cause, by bashing is my only pet peve.So many are turn away,because they can't go word for word with that type of knowledge,then it's another one lost.And my cause is that i don't want to see any lost,i remember my struggle to get back to the kingdom,because at a early age it was forced on me to understand the way a certain individual wanted me to think.My true belief is One Body,Many Members
Brother Minister,
I'm praying the God would release you from your past experiences... it's showing through your writings that you have an ought against those whom God has blessed to be seminary trained...

many are ever learning but not coming to an understanding...and there are those whom are teachers but need to be taught... In order to properly understand the Bible one need to understand the history and contexualization of it. (you said, Jesus wasn't seminary trained nor were the apostles...) I say go and research Hebrew/Jewish history... by the age of 13 the average Jew had the whole Torah memorized... Jesus at the age of 12 was found in the Temple both learning and teaching with the doctors... Jesus is the Word... and as long as the Jesus was among the disciples/apostles...they had the Word... the apostles spent three years at the feet of Jesus (learning)... Rabbi means "teacher",,, so to say that Jesus nor the apostles were seminary trained is incorrect... in fact as was stated, Paul was the most learned, most educated of his time... he sat at the feet of the most distinguished scholars... he was able to dialouge with kings, scholars, and the lowly...

I agree seminary has made many think more highly of themselves... but there are those of us who are humble in our learning... I do believe Theologians must be Christians first...

There exists within many of congregations today "The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind"... the basis laws of physics is true: nothing - nothing = nothing... we have many today that are making s mockary out of the ministry and making a mess because of their lack of training... in order to guard against heresey... one must be able to identify it...

brother minister, If you haven't tried seminary... I pray you give it a try...
With all due respect,the posting was a response to another that wanted to throw around his knowledge that did'nt impreess anyone here,in all honesty,no direspect to you, and if you are i apologize.Another Theologian,felt the same way you did.Anthony Watson,and now we're .communicating through these airways with the spirit of GOD! I respect your level of conviction,people as myself,try to bring the souls to educators as yourself,just tired of rejection some of them go through once we get them in the kingdom!
not offended... brother, when you say you're tired of rejection some of them go through once they get into the kingdom... you don't have to limit this rejection to theologians... there are many others who reject them way before we come into place...some feel rejected by the ushers when they come in the door... we must not make this a theologians problem/error...

I believe what's going on brother is arrogrance on the behalf of many both learned and unlearned... and many of our senior pastors are fed up with young ministers who refuses to learn... you'll agree that ministry today is glamorized and watered down to entertainment... as it was mentioned... many today are licensed as ministers and ordained without even knowing the articles of faith... but they know how to tune it (whoop)...

there must be a level of humility on the behalf of our young ministers of wanting to learn from our senior ministers... and there must be a level of humility among our senior ministers to want to teach our younger ministers...

I pray you and others hook up with ministers that's willing to both learn and teach...
I agree,and as you say it's many,as well as myself who can continue to learn,all thats availible.Also the glamour in which you speak of,is a learned behavior and some senior pastors try to mold the trainee,into an image of themselves.Again as i said,no offense,but i have accepted the position God wants me in the kingdom.HE needs me to get them into the faith realm,and then as you say without then whooping and glamourizing the knowledge base,treat them as babes,not my way or the highway syndrone.I consider myself humble,because this isn't for me it's all HIS glory.As the Lord says,when it's time to look in the glass (mirror),i do.I receive teachable moments with a thirst,unquenchable.If you have time,on my page,a blog titled Would We Dare,may explain a littlenow that we know this wasn't an attack on the learned,who nourishes.
Thanks for the Word,i'm always ready to receive,and even if my printed words seem agruemenative,it can just be the belief in my point,(which could still be wrong).I pray that saints as yourself,step in and just post a humbling word to adjust me are my thoughts.My progression in the kingdom has been from prayer warrior to volunteer to church aid,to activist,to comforter,to street evangelist,and this is where i feel the most comfortable,because the views of the people are raw! They let us have it,when we preach,repent and live!But correction is always appreciated here,knowledge is power.


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