Is The Trinity Biblical?
From the Christian Research Institute
The Trinity is a basic doctrine of orthodox Christianity. Yet the word "Trinity" is not found anywhere in the Bible. Is the doctrine of the Trinity really biblical?
The doctrine of the Trinity says that there is one All Mighty One (God) who exists eternally as three distinct persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I can assure you that the elements of this doctrine are all taken directly from the Bible.
The first plank of the Trinitarian platform is that there is only one All Mighty One (God). The Bible could not be more explicit on this point, which it states explicitly about two dozen times. In Isaiah 44:8 Yahweh (The LORD) says that even He does not know of any other (mighty ones)gods!
Yahshua (Jesus) often spoke of the All Mighty One (God) as His Father, and the apostles frequently spoke of "the Almighty One (God) the Father." But the New Testament also insists that Yahshua (Jesus) is The Almighty One (God). For example, Thomas acknowledged Yahshua (Jesus) as, "My Lord(master) and my Almighty One (God)" (John 20:28), and both Peter and Paul spoke of Yahshua (Jesus) as "our All Mighty One (God) and Savior" (2 Pet. 1:1; Tit. 2:13). Yet the New Testament also makes the distinction between the Father and the Son as two very different persons. In fact they tell us that they love one another, speak to each other, and seek to glorify each other (e.g., John 17: 1-26).
The Old Testament refers often to the Holy Spirit as The Almighty One (God) at work in the world, without distinction from the Father. But Yahshua (Jesus) in John 14 to 16 explained that this Holy Spirit would be sent by the Father at the Messiah’s (Christ's) request. The Holy Spirit would teach and guide the disciples, not speaking on His own initiative, but speaking on the Messiah’s 9Christ's) behalf and glorifying The messiah (Christ). Thus, the Holy Spirit is revealed by The Messiah (Christ) to be a third person distinct from the Father and distinct from the Son.
In short, the doctrine of the Trinity is completely and totally biblical, and it is essential that all the Followers of the Messiah Yahshua (Christians) give assent to this doctrine.

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Amen, Brother Anthony, Amen.

I personally like Bonhoeffer's incomplete theology (and misunderstood by many) and his portrayal of the suffering God, omnipotence, omniscience and majesty laid aside in taking on human flesh.
Brother Anthony

I have not read Ethics, but very much liked his letters and papers from prison written to Eberhard Bethge.

Bonhoeffer's phrase 'Religionless Christianity' was abused, and I totally misunderstood, some have tried to suggest that Bonhoeffer's theology, in particular his christology, denied the divinty of Christ.

John AT Robinson (Honest to God fame) tried to do by completing and extending and the end of Christianity itself, which of course this lead to the death of God movement, hmm a sorry state of affairs indeed.

At present I am disgesting Barth's early theology (1910-1931) quite fascinating, it has been suggested that Barth should be listed amongst the greats of Augustine, Aquinas and Luther, although obviously not by Brunner ;)
Romans 8:3
For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh:

If you understand the Godhead you understand that Jesus came forth from the Father and was not created through the womb of Mary.
Culberson said: On a side not- one thing I have heard about the Oneness doctorine is that when He was the Father he wasnt the son, when he was the flesh He stopped operating as the Father, and now the Holy Spirit is resident in our lives and is the only one in operation. If I'm wrong correct me please.

You haven't seen anyone on this discussion say that. Usually what happens is a some will try to explain what we teach and they add these ridiculous statements and claims to make others think we are lunatics. LOL
Gotta be honest I havent read everyone's replies. But just notice I said I heard.

Remember that famous line from the movie COOL HAND LUKE:

"What we have heya is a failure to communicate"


It's like tug of war but both sides are forgetting that they are using the same rope LOL

Ok everyone, grab one end and dig in your heels and PUUULLLLL!!!!

We Believers are just hilarious to the outside world.

Hey that reminds me of an illustration my son used explained the Godhead to some elementary kids. He took rope that had three braided strands. He asked the kids, how many ropes do I have. They said 1. He unbraided it and asked again, how many ropes do I have.. they said 1. He then asked how many strands do I have in this rope... they said 3 strands. He re-braided it and asked them again. How many ropes do I have... they said... 1

one group says 3 manifestations.. one group says 3 manifested "Person-hood"

A simple tug of war with one rope. A tug that will go on for quite some time.

Again I say, we are absolutely hilarious to the outside world.
Bro. Watson,

You know, God's "implied" word is not the written word. When scriptures "seemingly" contradict... our tendancy is to negate the passage that doesn't support what we Believe.

Here's an example:

Ephesians 4:26
Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath:

Ephesians 4:31
Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice

Wait.. didn't Paul just write in vs 26 to BE angry but don't sin and yet turns around just a few verses later and write that we should PUT AWAY ALL anger?

Are these contradictory OR... do they give you a COMPLETE picture of how we are to behave?

So what do we Believers do when a scriptures "seems" to contradict or say something somewhat different in one place and another.

We face the same thing in this discussion and in other discussion that "discuss" the same topic ad nauseum.

I tell you it's a merry go round

I'm not saying discuss the topic. Discussion is wonderful. But man... sometimes this is what I see in some of the discussions:

A Christian Conversation in the form of a... merry go round
Yes Absolutely I will correct you Mr. Eric! Oneness believe this statement below. Also God did never at any time stop being God!

So am I clear in thinking that you are saying the Apostles were dishonoring the Father and the Holyghost. I thought the fullness of the Godhead, dwelt in Jesus Bodily.
I can agree with you to some degree, however, without the mention of Jesus (the one of whom the family in heaven and earth are named) the baptism is only in titles that anyone holds. (Are you a Father? Are you a son?) Jesus is the identifying factor in the Baptism.


Would this suffice you? It covers our butts in terms of not eliminating the Name of Jesus. In the book of Revelations, the Lord particularly praised one church for not denying his name.
Yes GOD is one GOD yet three manifestations, but the manifestations are in fact 3 separate persons with three separate wills. They, acting in perfect unity and love, walk according to one perfect will. Have you forgotten that JESUS prayed to the FATHER saying "never the less not My will, but Thy will be done"? Why is this ignored??

The name of GOD is YHWH. JESUS is the name of the Son of GOD. Have you ignored what the name JESUS actually means?? Its literally means "YHWH my Savior/Salvation". The Bible has shown that throughout time, YHWH (YAHWEH, JEHOVAH for transliteration's sake) has been called upon in various ways

-EL: God
-ELOHIM: God (a plural noun, more than two, used with singular verbs)
-EL SHADDAI: God Almighty or "God All Sufficient."
-EL ROI: "God of Seeing"
-JESUS: "JEHOVAH Our Salvation/Savior"

This does not make JESUS the Father, but certifies that we Trinitarians understand JESUS to be GOD.

Let me shake things up a bit with this little Bible fact/question: Peter truthfully said that JESUS' name was the one name given under Heaven by which we must be saved. In the Book of the Revelation of JESUS Christ, it says this:

"His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and He had a name written, that no man knew, but He Himself." - Revelation 19:12

With each name GOD gave, He gave a revelation of Himself that was deeper than before. Do you all believe that the name of JESUS is as deep as GOD gets, or have any of you realized that there is more to GOD than we all argue bout?


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