Is The Trinity Biblical?
From the Christian Research Institute
The Trinity is a basic doctrine of orthodox Christianity. Yet the word "Trinity" is not found anywhere in the Bible. Is the doctrine of the Trinity really biblical?
The doctrine of the Trinity says that there is one All Mighty One (God) who exists eternally as three distinct persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I can assure you that the elements of this doctrine are all taken directly from the Bible.
The first plank of the Trinitarian platform is that there is only one All Mighty One (God). The Bible could not be more explicit on this point, which it states explicitly about two dozen times. In Isaiah 44:8 Yahweh (The LORD) says that even He does not know of any other (mighty ones)gods!
Yahshua (Jesus) often spoke of the All Mighty One (God) as His Father, and the apostles frequently spoke of "the Almighty One (God) the Father." But the New Testament also insists that Yahshua (Jesus) is The Almighty One (God). For example, Thomas acknowledged Yahshua (Jesus) as, "My Lord(master) and my Almighty One (God)" (John 20:28), and both Peter and Paul spoke of Yahshua (Jesus) as "our All Mighty One (God) and Savior" (2 Pet. 1:1; Tit. 2:13). Yet the New Testament also makes the distinction between the Father and the Son as two very different persons. In fact they tell us that they love one another, speak to each other, and seek to glorify each other (e.g., John 17: 1-26).
The Old Testament refers often to the Holy Spirit as The Almighty One (God) at work in the world, without distinction from the Father. But Yahshua (Jesus) in John 14 to 16 explained that this Holy Spirit would be sent by the Father at the Messiah’s (Christ's) request. The Holy Spirit would teach and guide the disciples, not speaking on His own initiative, but speaking on the Messiah’s 9Christ's) behalf and glorifying The messiah (Christ). Thus, the Holy Spirit is revealed by The Messiah (Christ) to be a third person distinct from the Father and distinct from the Son.
In short, the doctrine of the Trinity is completely and totally biblical, and it is essential that all the Followers of the Messiah Yahshua (Christians) give assent to this doctrine.

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Thats not what I said. I said the "Apostolic Fathers", a part of history that is clearly rejected by the Oneness Doctrine.

Also, the problem when you say "scripture" is this: "whose canon of scripture are you referring to?" The Roman Catholic Canon is longer than the Protestant Canon; the Greek Orthodox Canon is longer than the Roman Catholic; the Ethiopian Church Canon is larger than the Greek Orthodox, the largest of them all. For example, I can reveal some things to you from the Book of Enoch (which has been quoted by several of the Apostles, Prophets, and JESUS Himself in the Gospels) that prove the Trinitarian doctrine.
Ok Busby We are back to You Don't Believe what Peter Said to be saved in Acts 2:38.
You Rather believe the Basic Plan of Salvation ( YOU Quoted above.. So therefore
If a person Rejects the trinity In Your Statement they are not True Christians.
Could you please tell me YOUR Interpretation of Basic Salvation biblically? I am willing To Listen.
Thanks Love In Christ Della Morton
Also Busby Your message says: 3. Seek to build a personal and respectful relationship with the Oneness Pentecostal. So I am waiting for a biblical reply since you don't believe that peter's Message is Important in Acts 2:38. So In case you didn't read my question I asked What does salvation mean to you biblically? Meaning
Can you show some scriptures on your belief for BASIC SALVATION? Thanks PLEASE RESPOND SOON...
I don't know why people just can't Answer for their Faith But simply Ignore my question.
Busby must be too Busy to Share HIS FAITH WITH me. OH WELL Another UNANSWERED QUESTION(S) on this Blog. It's a shame people that say they are Christians don't answer THEIR questions according to their faith in the bible. I was simply asking a real question.?
Bubsy Why do you and others Hate us oneness pentecostals So Much? Is that Good Fruit? Having a copy paste it note saying that we are some kind of Legalistic Cult! Your article is the furthest thing from the truth!
But I Love you anyway In Christ's LOVE.I am Praying for you Busby. :)

Let us take a Real Look at the Issue at Hand

ACTS 2:38 And Baptism
Acts 2:38 is the most controversial baptism verse in the Bible. Most Trinitarians hate it and have fought hard to either pervert the wording of it or the meaning of the words. At issue is two things: the name to be invoked over the convert, and if baptism by faith in water is essential to salvation.

Baptism was not invented by man and not a work instituted by man (John 1:33--"he that sent me to baptize"). Therefore it is from God. What was God's purpose in baptism is the issue here. If the purpose was to demonstrate one's faith in Jesus Christ and the finished work of Calvary and the Resurrection how can men deny its holiness and essentially? Only through this act of faith a person is risen with Christ. A person is not risen with Christ until they are baptized by faith. Baptism is essential as an act of faith and is a requirement for salvation (Mark 16:16-"he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved").

Acts 2:38 is Peter's obedience to the command of Christ in Luke 24:47-49. We cannot discount Peter's preaching on the grounds additional Scripture to be written 25 years later might be manipulated to prove Peter was wrong. Acts 2:38 was the only baptismal formula used by the Church. There is no trinitarian formula ever used. In fact the Hebrew Matthew now discovered does not contain the trinitarian clause at all proving as scholars say it was added to the text and Bible in the second century.

Upon close examination we will see that water baptism in Romans chapter 6 does teach baptismal regeneration. When trinitarians are defeated in the formula to be used they next want to say that baptism is not essential in faith salvation and attack the concept of regeneration. But Romans 6 leaves us with no escape: those baptized into the death of Christ are raised, regenerated, in the likeness of his resurrection. If this is not true, then it is not essential to be buried with Christ in baptism and it is not essential to be raised in the likeness of his resurrection. So, baptismal regeneration is a Biblical truth? Let's look at Titus 3:5:

"Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost."

Regeneration: Greek paliggenesia Strongs #3824--rebirth (born again), from #3825 palin=anew, once more and #1078 genesis=birth, nativity.

The second birth, called being born of the Spirit (John 3:8); born again (1Peter 1:23); born of God (1John 3:9, 4:7, 5:1, 5:4).

Regeneration here is the same as re-birth or born anew or again as found in John 3:3-5. Now where is there a washing of rebirth except in the waters of baptism as found in Romans 6:4-5?

Does a person receive this washing of regeneration and resurrection by saying I accept Jesus into my heart? No! Do they receive it by saying I accept the Lord Jesus as my personal Savior? No!

Where is washing by the blood of Jesus by which he saves us, in the same place as renewing in the Holy Ghost? It is found exclusively in Acts 2:38 and not grouped in any other single text in the New Testament. In one text we have both, and Paul writing to Titus says this is how he saved us. Therefore, this washing of regeneration is not works of man or Paul contradicted himself. Faith is not works of man. Faith is works of the Word of God. For faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God (Romans 10:17).

Acts 2:38 stands uncondemned in spite of the many attacks by trinitarians to destroy its message and meaning.

Can a doctrine be made from one verse in the Bible? Yes!
Man in His carnal thinking can take one verse and base the entire bible on it,But If The Entire Bible doesn't support it than The Person has taken it out of Context.If The One Scripture stands alone or another scripture that is ignored in the bible on the same topic It is OUT OF context. Paul was stating at least two or three witnesses to make the truth established backing one another up and not contradicting another verse in the bible.
2 Corinthians 13:1 (King James Version)
2 Corinthians 13
1This is the third time I am coming to you. In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.

The Holy Ghost spoke through Peter in Acts 2:38. Those words were not Peter's words. Why do so many always resist the Holy Ghost?

Is Acts 2:38 the only verse we have for baptism in the name of Jesus only? No, we have many text such as in Acts 8:12, Acts 10:48, Acts 19:5. And there are other text that indicate baptism into Christ and him alone for it is his death into which we are baptized (Romans 6:4-5). Then there is the text in Ephesians 4:5 of one Lord, one Faith, and one Baptism. We have plenty of verses to validate baptism into the name of Jesus Christ. Acts 2:38 is the pole-star of the Apostolic baptismal mode and method as practiced by the Apostles.

Now it must be understood that Acts 2:38 teaches salvation by grace through faith. Without this understanding a person can wrestle this verse unto their own destruction.

Repentance that is commanded in this text is an act of faith and the grace of forgiveness is given.
Water baptism that is commanded is an act of faith and the grace of remission of sins is given.
Holy Spirit baptism is commanded as a receiving by faith, and the grace of the gift of eternal life is given.

There is complete and full salvation by grace through faith in the obedience of Apostle Peter's preaching.

Anyone who teaches water baptism in the name of Jesus Christ is not essential to salvation is preaching a false doctrine. Anyone who teaches water baptism according to Acts 2:38 is a work of man and is not of faith is teaching a false doctrine. Anyone who teaches that in Romans 6 that baptismal regeneration is not taught is teaching a false doctrine. Why follow after the cunning devises of men. Why not take the Apostle Peter's words unto your own heart as if you were there on the day of Pentecost.

What was the intent of the Apostle Peter in this text? Why do men pervert his intent? They asked the Apostles: "men and brethren what shall we do?" Why do men pervert the words of Peter in answer to this important question? They wanted to know what to do to be saved.

Things Peter did not say:
Peter did not say Calvary plus nothing;
Peter did not say believe in your heart and confess with your mouth Jesus Christ is Lord;
Peter did not say accept the Lord into your heart;
Peter did not say accept the Lord as your personal savior;
Peter did not say accept the Lord Jesus by faith;
Peter did not say receive Christ and have a personal relationship;
Peter did not say come as you are and believe you are saved because Jesus died for you;
Peter did not say come and receive holy communion and be saved from your sins;
Peter did not say come up and shake the preacher's hand and get the right hand of fellowship from the church members;
Peter did not say sign the church roll and you are saved;
Peter did not say confess you are a Baptist and you are saved without water baptism;
Peter did not say confess you are a Church of Christ and you are saved;
Peter did not say confess you are a Catholic and you are saved;
Peter did not say sign a prayer card as your profession of faith and you are saved;

What Peter did say:
Peter said repent;
Peter said to be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ:
Peter did say they would receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

What did the people do:
3,000 Israelites from the 12 tribes repented of their sins;
They asked to be baptized after the order Peter had preached;
There were baptized that day 3,000 souls;
They were added to the New Testament Church following their baptismal covenant.

What was the intent of the Apostle Peter:
He was following the command of Jesus that repentance and remission of sins was to be preached first in Jerusalem (Luke 24:49);
He was being obedient to the authority given him with the keys of the Kingdom (Matthew 16:19);
He now had power upon him by the Holy Ghost and so now he could witness the Gospel in its purity (Acts 1:8).

He intended the people to repent by faith;
He intended the people to be baptized by faith in water in the name of Jesus Christ that they may rise to walk in a newness of life;
He intended all the people to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost by faith and to be added to the Church as born again believers.

If the Apostle Peter did not intend all this by his preaching, he played one of the biggest jokes upon 3,000 Jews ever pulled upon Israelites. It is indeed sad and a shame that men would try to destroy this first Gospel message preached after Jesus ascended. It is a mockery that they would alter Peter's words and play alphabet soup with them until they totally destroy all faith, all grace, and all salvation that comes by Jesus Christ as contained in Acts 2:38.

Why do trinitarians want this verse destroyed?
It proves there never was a trinitarian phrase in the original Hebrew Matthew;
It proves baptism is in the New Testament name of God which is Jesus Christ;
It proves there is faith and grace in repentance and water baptism;
It proves according to Romans 6 there is baptismal regeneration from a dead corpse burial and a resurrection unto a new life;
It proves water baptism is essential to salvation;
It proves Mark 16:16--"he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, he that believeth not shall be damned" IS TRUE;
It proves there was one water baptism ordained by Jesus and this is the same as born of the water in John 3:3-5;
It proves all who are not baptized by faith to receive the grace by Christ alone, by grace alone, by faith alone, ARE NOT SAVED!

I urge all to receive the Word of God in Acts 2:38 and follow this. Do not follow the cunning lies of trinitarians who are sending more people to hell then the Muslims and Hindus by their lies and deceptions.

Go to Acts 2:38 and see of you can find evil in this verse or in Peter's intent. See if you can find in this verse any hint that these could be saved without repentance, without water baptism in the name of Jesus Christ, and without Holy Ghost baptism. Go there and see how 3,000 were added to the Church. Why, if these 3,000 were the first Gospel converts added to the New Testament Church after the ascension of Christ, MUST THE PATTERN BE CHANGED? Ask yourself if it was good enough for 3,000 to accept by faith and then find salvation into the Church, why it will HURT YOU!

Most Not All Trinitarians have spread the lies that if you follow the Apostle Peter in Acts 2:38 it will hurt you. Some how you will be added to a cult instead of the Church. That some how you will become demon possessed and deceived. Don't be afraid to think outside the trinitarian box. Get out of the box. Don't let men deceive you so easily. Take the Word of God because it is Holy Spirit inspired. The Apostle Peter was speaking by the Holy Ghost when he commanded the multitude of Jews to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Any man who claims Peter was not speaking by the Holy Ghost is a devil. If Peter was speaking by the Holy Ghost, what was the intent of the Holy Ghost for those who heard the first Gospel message?

The intent of the Holy Ghost was for people to be saved!

How did the Holy Ghost tell the people to be saved through the lips of the Apostle Peter?

The Holy Ghost said through Peter REPENT!
The Holy Ghost said through Peter RECEIVE THE GIFT OF THE HOLY GHOST!

Now, what will you do?

Will you follow the cunning lies and devices of Men who have always perverted the Word of God and followed traditions of Men Or will you believe the Pure Word of God for what it says ?

Will you follow the Apostle Peter, the man to whom was given the keys to the Kingdom?

Key #1 REPENT;

You must follow the Word of God with your faith. Do it now! Do it today! Do not allow men to talk you out of obeying the Holy Ghost who spoke through Peter on the day of Pentecost. Come to the waters of burial. Come to the waters of separation. Come to the waters of holiness. Come to the place where the blood of Jesus will wash your sins away. True, water does not wash away sin: we NEVER SAID IT DID! But we did say, that the blood of Jesus washes away sin during water baptism. If there is no blood of Christ applied in water baptism, then remission of sins by and during water baptism is a joke Jesus and the Apostle Peter pulled on 3,000 believing Jews. It was no joke. It is for real. Now come to these waters of the blood covenant. Come to these waters of blood purification. Come to these waters of the crossing from death unto life. Come today. Come right now. Do not delay. It is you soul you must bring from darkness to light by the way of New Testament salvation found in Acts 2:38.

May the Lord Jesus himself reveal unto you his glorious grace in Acts 2:38 water baptism.
Men that despise the truth compiled all of the info above. The Apostolic Oneness Movement Started more than 2,000 years ago in Acts 2:38, with the Apostles, not in 1913. The people that wrote the above article sound just like the Baptist church that have declared all tongue speakers and shouting folk to be demon possessed. Really look at what they are calling cultic. They are literally saying that the Apostles were a cult that went astray from the Lord Jesus Christ teachings.

Brother Leigh, is this what you believe? Is that what you are saying?
Its interesting to note that while you have asked for a response to your question and are still waiting, I too am waiting for someone from the Oneness Doctrine representatives here to step up and respond to my request. I said that the early Church taught the Trinity doctrine and have presented this info before TO YOU. It was YOU that rejected it as being "Roman Catholic Heresy", when in fact I DID NOT quote not one Roman Catholic!! I presented it again to the rest of the Oneness believers, and not a one have responded to it except for one person, saying that she is ready to read whatever scriptures I had to present. As much as scripture has been tossed to and fro from both Trinitarians and Oneness, repeating them would actually prove useless by either side. I therefore am ready to bring FRESH, UNUSED, & IGNORED EVIDENCE for the Trinity claims.

However, it is for you all to be ready to receive it. The choice is yours......
Yeah....I didn't think you had any scripture and that your information had to come from an outside source other than the bible. Even if you did present it, it would have to mean that the apostles preached 2 different things because the Oneness Doctrine (Apostles Doctrine) is fully documented in Acts 2:38-42
On the contrary, I have twice as many scriptures to back my Trinitarian doctrine than you have to back your Oneness Doctrine. Oh and the Oneness doctrine is fully documented. Its under the files called Sabellianism, Modalism, and Heresy.
I have been waiting for these scriptures but you say that they are in another book outside of the bible. If it isn't in the KJV then it isn't sufficient. Sorry, the Unbiblical Doctrine of Trinity is Heresy.
Amen EW!! Trevor doesn't read his bible he reads OTHER BOOKS. He's ALL talk when he says he has scriptures for the trinity If he does then gee? Why does he refer to history so much?
God Bless! lOve In CHRIST,Della M
Col.2:9 Trevor read your bible!
Ok you logic makes no sense !! You say: The trinity has three persons and they are all God but not each other? Well Your Saying the Father which is God (spirit)Jn.4:24 is Not THE HOLY SPIRIT (God)? So who is the true Father of Jesus then?
in Matthew 1:18?
If you say God then you are contradicting your own doctrine! Because it's like saying Wendy is my mom. But my mom is not Wendy. But I JUST SAID WENDY IS MY MOM!
Your saying: The Father is God
The Son Is God
The Holy Spirit is God.
But God is not the Father because he was separate from the Holy Spirit A.K.A The Spirit OF GOD!
God the Son is not God the Holy Spirit
Please Explain these verses then: Jn 14:17-18,Eph.3:16.17
Christ in us the Hope of Glory?
Who will baptize you with the Holy Ghost and Fire?
God is not God they are all distinct! But yet they are GOD!
Sounds like True CONFUSION TO ME!
Also sounds like three separate Gods if they are not each other!


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