Jimmy Carter explains the real reason for the Anti-Obama hatred i.e. same old, same old, RACISM!

Hi blessed believers, as warriors of Christ we know we must withstand the devil's evil worked through the hierarchies of our time, just as he has always worked through hierarchies to bring about his evil, even going so far as to use the wicked, wretched Jewish Pharasaical and Sadducee hierarchies to plot to kill our Savior (Jn. 18-19).

Well, fast forward to the REAL REASON for the 'Obama is the Anti-Christ' rhetoric pushed by none other than the so-called Christian right and their demonic southern brothers who are doing all they can to bring about a race riot.

Former President Jimmy Carter has laid it out for what their deceitful hate is really all about. A BLACK MAN. They hate Obama because he is black.


He's right on the money ofcourse. We with 'eyes to see' know that is the real reason behind all these 'hate-fests' allegedly done in the name of Jesus.

As you all have noticed, it is strictly white southerners spewing the hate. Not that it hasn't infected whites everywhere. Not all whites mind you, but strictly the demonic possessed racist faction.

Funny how the majority of blacks, browns, yellows, reds whether they are born-again Christians or not, do not have this incensed, demonic hatred towards Obama. It is strictly whites who are as demonically enraged as they were during segration when they lynched and killed blacks and allies who sought to break their demonic stronghold.

Mind you, these fools were not enraged when Bush and the Republicans sought to altogether alleviate the Middle Class.

They were not vociferous when Bush and the Republicans brought this country to an economic collaspe and then suggested of ALL things, that Congress 'bail out' i.e. 'takeover' the automobile, and banking industries.

No cry of 'socialism' then. It is strictly when Obama had to do it to save American jobs of which factions of the Republicans solution was 'let it fall.' Let Americans lose their jobs. In other words, if they had had their ghastly way, more than 10% would have lost their jobs.

Anyway, bottom line, African/American leadership wake-up! This is a dangerous hour that is upon us. These racist devils mean to incite a race war and it is none other than one of their own southern brothers who has come out to WARN whosoever will.

As so, let us unite, pray down the Holy Spirit's fire to deliver us not only from white racist evil allegedly spewed in Jesus name but also from their flunky black slave children who are aiding and abetting them in ideology and in some cases, deeds.

Not to mention, that these same Republican filth have let in this sinister, demonic Middle Easter army with their Latin American, Asian and African allies. Yes, they would that such filth wreak havoc so they can come riding in like the Lone Ranger and knock out the Democratic majority led by a black man whom they insist on teaching is the Anti-Christ.

Shameful, Cowards! The Lord Rebuke Them All!

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Trevor, let me deal with your 'A' hypocrisy FIRST. "You're no hypocrite" says you, while more or less proclaiming 'Barack is the worst abortionist ever to existed on planet earth"

First, that a black man could proclaim Obama, a black man, with BLACK children who it is obvious that he loves dearly, is 'the worst evil abortionist promoter on Earth; shows you not only a hypocrite but a fool!

Oh yeah, the FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT sat around, fantasizing about getting control of the white house, the most powerful position on Planet Earth, so he could, promote the 'SLAUGHTER OF UNBORN AFRICAN/AMERICAN BABIES' is, is, well, just IS INSANE!

Secondly, your hypothesis, nay, LIES about him would have Obama more or less proclaiming, 'hey, me and Michele got Sasha and Melea so the hell with all them other black babies being aborted, hey, I'm for it, kill em', just kill em' all, cause, as the world can see, white people are going to 'love me and my family' for cutting off all those would be future votes of black people.' Come on Man, Wake-Up to the Madness about You!

Oh, and if that's not bad enough Trevor, you've got we, righteous black women right there in the mix of it. Yes, according to your hypothesis, we are just as wretched and out for the 'slaughter of the unborn African/American babies' as Hitler/Obama which by the way, I would have thought the first comparison example uttered by a black man would NOT have been HITLER rather, a TRUE INDEPENDENT THINKING BLACK MAN would have used the many WHITE RAPIST AMERICAN SLAVEHOLDER COMPARISONS AVAILABLE as that, SHOULD BE, more FAMALIAR TO HIM.

For instance,, how about 'Obama is as bad as that RAPIST Thomas Jefferson who raped and IMPREGNATED BLACK WOMEN. Huh? Good one, eh?

Or, how about George Washington, Patrick Henry and a host of other white male enslavers who were in essence, pro-abortion. All these were abortionists in that history tells us some of the 'raped' black women killed i.e ABORTED their offspring rather than see their white father RAPISTS put them into a life of wretched slavery.

Hmmm... but instead a black man like yourself, bypasses all of these READY MADE BLACK EXPERIENCED AMERICAN EXAMPLES only to quote nay, ROTE white racists' 'Hitler' comparisons.

By the way, do you compare ANY white President's version of'Democracy' to HITLER's version of Democracy? No, wait, does any of the white racists, devils who agree with you compare ANY WHITE PRESIDENT'S VERSION OF DEMOCRACY TO HITLER? Name one, uhm, excuse me, ROTE ONE?

The fact is, the white racists of America aren't in to cursing their own ancestor's demonic evil for they insist on proclaiming such demonism as the 'CHRIST-LIKE WILL OF GOD' and now, we see, niether are their house KNEE-GROS who mimick them to a demonic tee. Shame on you!


Proclaim white male slaveholder's DEMONIC EXAMPLES OF ABORTION to your white brothers and you will see a glazed, silent numbness come upon them that will show your mentality up for the Rev. Josiah Henson madness that is it.

Rev. Josiah Henson? You ask? "Who be He?' The ulimate house knee-gro who believed it was an 'honor to be a slave,' and 'rote' his white massa's demonism' just as you are, make no mistake about it!


Too long a sermon to get into but at any rate, what you are ROTING is that we righteous black women are also all about 'blinding ourselves to the black man Obama'S genocide of our offspring and instead, ignorantly uplifting him to the point that we support a black man who is all about SLAUGHTERING UNBORN AFRICAN/AMERICAN BABIES IN THE WOMB. Your slave-mentality disposition sickens me!

Is thist LYING insanity really that which you dare lift your voice to INSULT OUR GOD who altogether knows different? Such a JUST GOD who we strong, black women serve despises your folly!!!

Yes, indeed, I reitierate, you are lying to Jesus Christ i.e Yahshua Hamashiach himself more or less professing that all we black born-again, believers, preachers, Evangelists, prophtess, apostles, etc,, are P, LIARS AND DECEIVERS who are really about murdering I.E, slaughtering black babies in the wombs! Again, the Lord Rebuke you!

The God of Truth is no more fooled by your foolishness white Rebel er, I mean, alleged Christian Right factions who are notoriously and historically racists on any given subject than I, or any righteous believer all over this board. Like beloved Anthony Watson pointed out, this same sort accused Dr. Martin Luther Kng of being a 'communist' whereas Obama is now accused of being a 'socialist.' Do you even consider the source you are 'roting' from?

Bottom line, it is strictly your white 'rebel' allied forces who have the track record of hypocrisy, deceit, murder, and evil whereas righteous black women, of the same sort who support beloved Obama have a track record of God doing exploits through. Such black women of the likes of Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth, Ida B. Wells and a host of other sung and unsung heroines. How dare you insult our intelligence with this white-bred slave manure, how dare you!!!

It is DISGUSTING to say the least! Over two thousand years ago, the Most High used a little black Jewish girl and her elderly black Jewish aunt to usher in the coming of His Son. (Lk. 1-2). Throughout the preceding ages the Most High used righteous black women to keep, sustain, uplift and deliver blacks enslaved and oppressed. Do you really think that the Most High IS NOT speaking through we their black daughter descendants when we RIGHTLY proclaim that BARACK OBAMA IS THE BEACON LIGHT SENT FROM GOD against these modern day white wretched, filthy, abominations who once again are fighting against TRUTH which is GOD?

The fact is, it is you and those influenced by your type who are once again deceived by white madness. Black kings were deceived 400 yrs. or more ago and here we go around the mulberry bush yet again as you spout this same such weak-willed rote of the white man deceiver.

For the record, 400 yrs ago, history tells us that it was predominantly black QUEENS with their male and female army who resisted then and it is quite apparent that we must once again resist today or once again, die at the will of foolish black males roting their white massas' will and ways.

Oh, and to prove my point, the FBI has found that the most dangerous resistance to white injustice is NOT the black man rather the BLACK WOMAN! Same old, same old, girls, get ready for the fight against the black male enemy within as well as the white devil faction who once again deceives

Now for part B of your mishigosh, you more or less said, 'you don't care if it's black, white, brown or yellow, abortion is wrong.'

Whose saying abortions is right? Not ME, not other black women posting on this post and certainly NOT OBAMA!

That's where you have LOST YOUR MIND! Obama, like me, and righteous men and women have said, and get this through your THICK SKULL, 'ABORTION SHOULD NOT BE THE SOLUTION FOR INCONVENIENT PREGNANCIES.'

Ergo, let's come up with ways to alleviate abortion other than unleashing demonic hate on any and everyone who does not agree with the Christian Right's insanity of 'blessing the Republicans and cursing the Democrats' who won't bow to their insanity.

As you know, in the former reply, I have put forth example after example that clergy should be utilizing to end abortion. The Heavenly Father NEVER ordained that the so-called 'Christian Right' unleash demonic HATE against Democrats as the solution to abortion.

The true reason the males of the so-called Christian Right unleashed hate towards Democrats is that they are 'cowards' by nature. Yes, filthy, dirty little insincere, money-hungry cowards who shook, and feared exceedingly when they saw Jim Bakker (Former PTL host) in chains. It was at that time, that the Republicans who they ran to to defend them, took on such Christ-like qualities. White man's fear is what their mentaility is all about. Why can't you see that. We wise black women and SOME BLSSED MEN, THANK GOD, SEE IT AS PLAIN AS OUR ANCESTORS DID. At least, the righteous among our ancestors.

Oh, and since you are soooo against ANY FORM OF ABORTION, have you written the Chinese embassy who FORCES abortion of female babies on their masses. Have you preached sermons or written articles on this very board for instance on that GOVERMENT SPONSERED GENOCIDE? No wait, rather, I should ask, have the so-called Christian right spoken against CHINESE GOVERMENT FORCED ABORTION and ofcourse, the answer is NO.

Ergo, NO, is YOUR answer to so caring about 'abortion of the babies of all colors' that you haven't spoken ONE WORD against CHINA who FORCES women to abort female babies.

Oh yeah, your tender 'care for ALL babies' brings me sentimental tears.' Yeah, right!

Receive this stern rebuke Trevor and be delivered! As usual, love ya in Christ, my brother!
.....I remember the days when people, especially some moderate Black people, were 100% against what Dr. King was doing. They criticized him and mocked him, both privately and publically. He was accused of being a Communist, just as President Obama is accused of being a Socialist. And now, everyone of them benefit from what King fought and died for. Now, they praise his name and the work that he did.....

Wow I did not know that about our history.
I thought all black people would have blessed Dr. King for what he was doing. But when you think about it - when blacks were sneaking off the plantations and going north to freedom - there were actually blacks turning them in and condemning what they were doing...
I guess there is nothing new under the sun.
And yet I thought we would have been beyond this Unclism by now.

But I know there were blacks back then praying for the slaves on the 'underground rail road' to successfully make it to freedom - instead of hatin' on them.
Please keep the President in your prayers.
Dr.Watson so many choose to ignore or sadly don't know our history. it can't be "churched" away " IT HAPPENED the FACTS of OUR history must not be allowed to be sanitized, twisted, or diluted. so many can't/won't deal with the realities of the American Black Man. JESUS dealt with the reality of Rome matt:22:21,GOD dealt with the reality of Egypt & the former slaves (please, people i'm only talking naturally) see Exodus/Leviticus
i invite you to read the poem i posted earlier on this discussion

more than conquering in HIS name
Unbelievable Brother Watson!!! Just amazing to its core.
Hey, as usual you're on the money and unfortunately the half has never been told. Dr. King withstood much BLACK HATE. That's always been the case. Malcolm X was killed by black rivalry. It's always been the black enemy within.

The fact is, black kings aided and abetted whites in enslaving our African ancestors in the first place. They didn't get it then and certain segments don't get it now!

Oh, don't even get me started on the 'black overseers' during slavery. Or, the blacks who sold out blacks who were planning an escape.

What such things teach us is that Yahshua is right. The matter before us is all about the righteous versus the wicked. Those who call upon Christ will be saved be they black, white, brown, yellow or red. Whereas, those who walk in fear, evil, ignorance etc. will be and ARE already condemned because the 'light' Yahshua came into the world to seek and save whosover will call upon Him.

Throughout the ages, it's the wheat dwelling among the tares. Amidst that, God raises up beacon lights. Dr. King was one. Harriet, Sojourner, Fredrick Douglass and a host of others were beacon lights.

Amidst the political world, there was Lincoln, Kennedy, Clinton, and now the ultimate BARACK OBAMA.

We had a dream, and it was GOD WHO FULFILLED IT!

Now, you your excellency with regard to the facts of yesteryear would know better than I, as I was but a child during that period. Albeit, thank God righteous blacks taught me via subsequent books, documentaries, etc. of what happened back then.

I, am a BLESSED woman to be of the generation where respect for all that our forerunners did was the rule of the day. Oh yeah, praise God, I'm a rich woman to be honored first to be born black, and secondly, to be taught to respect the valiant and righteous among blacks. Praise God!

But I digress.

Anyway, yes, you are right, the battle was fierce for Dr. King just as it is fierce for Obama. It is shockingly so in that instead of blacks unitedly celebrating this ultimate 'WE HAVE OVERCOME' moment, the most fierce resistance to Obama is coming from black-skins.

But for the grace of God, and believe you me, the grace of God is here amidst this end-time hour, such black skins would fight the KKK for the honor of lynching Obama.

They are fools! Always have been and always will be. They proclaim 'Christ, Christ' but are really too cowardly to do the things he says.

Perfect example you gave was the Chicago mess. it was always a mess, be it the south or north you had KNEE-GROS who resisted him.

Oh, and while we are laying out the truth. Or rather, you are well doing it, you didn't even get into the so-called 'militant' factions resistance of King. That too, was shameful.

Do yo think we have learned from history rather than repeat it? Well, just look at this convo and convos all throughout this board and you will see, the sad and unfortunate answer is a resounding NO!

God help us! But like you said, the victory came in spite of this faction now praising King, just as the victory will come for the righteous who support and celebrate God's ultimate lifting up of the "I have A Dream" victory via the Obama ascension to power. Praise God! Praise God!

What's the most exciting is, from this victory will come the ultimate victory which is the lifting up or snatching away of the true church of Yahshua Hamashaiach i.e more familiarly known as Jesus Christ. Just Watch! Exploits like never before are about to be unleashed. We ain't seen nothing yet as Obama will go down in history as the GREATEST PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!

It is the Lord's doing and it is marvelous in my eyes, Amen? :-)
Yep, Newview, Anthony Watson again speaks the truth. Many blacks were full of FEAR and withstood Dr. King. In fact, the late, great, awesome Harriet Tubman is recorded as proclaiming, "I would have freed more blacks if they'd of only known they were enslaved."

Yes, the Holy Spirit working through her called for 'many' more to go up north as He worked through this valiant woman, Harriet Tubman, but 'many' though blessing and refusing to turn her in, also refused to go. Again, FEAR!

And what does Scripture say about the 'fear'? It is the ultimate hindrance to progress. This is why there is a 'FEAR NOT' for every single day of the year.

FEAR has been the enemy throughout all ages. Let's pray against it that God might do exploits through the righteous among us.
...In fact, the late, great, awesome Harriet Tubman is recorded as proclaiming, "I would have freed more blacks if they'd of only known they were enslaved."...

No, you did not go there...Dont go there no more - its too hard and too true
Newview, 'ain't it though'....lol

Hey, but still, Savior's coming! :-)
This bashing of our President has got to stop! Since the day he took office, all I hear is the hate towards him concerning the abortion issue. Where was all the hatred for abortion before Obama? Abortion isn't some new thing that happened when he took office. I don't believe any of us could honestly say there was one President that we were in total agreement with during his whole term in office. I may not agree with every issue Obama presents, but he is our President and I will support him through prayer and fasting. So, if those of you who are so dead against President Obama and want to see changes that are much needed in this country, start with your Jerusalem, then your Judea, Samaria, etc. Take a serious interest in your local politics, beginning with your city, county, state, and educate yourselves along the way so when you begin to feel bold enough to march on the capital steps, prayerfully you will be well equipped with knowledge and experience. You will be able to stand with confidence and speak facts with effective proposals for solutions rather than rhetoric and badgering.
"....Abortion isn't some new thing that happened when he took office...."

Hellooooo! Thats what I'm screaming. Why now?
Anthony, all I can say to your well articulated comments is 'Amen and Amen.' No, wait that's not all I can say. Okay, here goes, black resistance to Obama can be likened to the house knee-gro resistance to the field blacks who sought to escape slavery and did not 'rote' the white enslavers madness such as the house knee-gro did.

Unfortunately, this sick mindset was passed down from generation to generation and is what is heard from a lot of conservative blacks. It is, it really is. They rote word for word that type of white (not precious Caucasian people who DO see the light) rather, 'that' blinded, so-called 'religious' white who warps his/her mind to justify their lunacy of which they choose to refer to as 'Christ-like.'

Honestly, just look at what those 'lynch mob' whites who are spewing hate against Obama is saying and you will have the house-knee-gro of today saying the exact same thing without considering the 'truth' of which righteous blacks do not blind ourselves to.

Now, don't get me wrong, there are some sincere, briliant schooled blacks whose ideology agrees with those racists ilks but, I don't know man, I don't know, it just reeks of the same demented disposition as southern hatemongers.

Well, hey, I tried to say just a 'little' with regard to this truth but it all comes out the same in the wash anyway you look at it, amen?

Pray, righteous black people, pray like you've never prayed before for these are dangerous times but the Lord has remembered to have mercy on 'we the righteous' and will make that 'Egyptian/Hebrew' distinction in this end time hour. Saving grace, oh yeah! Thank God for that Amazing grace, eh?


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