Jimmy Carter explains the real reason for the Anti-Obama hatred i.e. same old, same old, RACISM!

Hi blessed believers, as warriors of Christ we know we must withstand the devil's evil worked through the hierarchies of our time, just as he has always worked through hierarchies to bring about his evil, even going so far as to use the wicked, wretched Jewish Pharasaical and Sadducee hierarchies to plot to kill our Savior (Jn. 18-19).

Well, fast forward to the REAL REASON for the 'Obama is the Anti-Christ' rhetoric pushed by none other than the so-called Christian right and their demonic southern brothers who are doing all they can to bring about a race riot.

Former President Jimmy Carter has laid it out for what their deceitful hate is really all about. A BLACK MAN. They hate Obama because he is black.


He's right on the money ofcourse. We with 'eyes to see' know that is the real reason behind all these 'hate-fests' allegedly done in the name of Jesus.

As you all have noticed, it is strictly white southerners spewing the hate. Not that it hasn't infected whites everywhere. Not all whites mind you, but strictly the demonic possessed racist faction.

Funny how the majority of blacks, browns, yellows, reds whether they are born-again Christians or not, do not have this incensed, demonic hatred towards Obama. It is strictly whites who are as demonically enraged as they were during segration when they lynched and killed blacks and allies who sought to break their demonic stronghold.

Mind you, these fools were not enraged when Bush and the Republicans sought to altogether alleviate the Middle Class.

They were not vociferous when Bush and the Republicans brought this country to an economic collaspe and then suggested of ALL things, that Congress 'bail out' i.e. 'takeover' the automobile, and banking industries.

No cry of 'socialism' then. It is strictly when Obama had to do it to save American jobs of which factions of the Republicans solution was 'let it fall.' Let Americans lose their jobs. In other words, if they had had their ghastly way, more than 10% would have lost their jobs.

Anyway, bottom line, African/American leadership wake-up! This is a dangerous hour that is upon us. These racist devils mean to incite a race war and it is none other than one of their own southern brothers who has come out to WARN whosoever will.

As so, let us unite, pray down the Holy Spirit's fire to deliver us not only from white racist evil allegedly spewed in Jesus name but also from their flunky black slave children who are aiding and abetting them in ideology and in some cases, deeds.

Not to mention, that these same Republican filth have let in this sinister, demonic Middle Easter army with their Latin American, Asian and African allies. Yes, they would that such filth wreak havoc so they can come riding in like the Lone Ranger and knock out the Democratic majority led by a black man whom they insist on teaching is the Anti-Christ.

Shameful, Cowards! The Lord Rebuke Them All!

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You mean women have been doing all this killing of their unborn babies BEFORE Obama...but He is the evil President?
Did you protest the presidents before Obama because of the abortions that these black chicks were having?..........Probably not.

White people aint gonna dig you anymore than if you prayed for this President to lead this country with wisdom......It aint happenin captain.

Just keep your disdain to yourself for this one and hit your knees.
He'll be needing your prayers against the haters on the outside and the inside...(wink)
"White people aint gonna dig you anymore than if you prayed for this President to lead this country with wisdom......It aint happenin captain."

You are foolish in thinking that I care if white people are "digging me". This aint about white or black for me. If it were, then I wouldn't have supported Mike Huckabee, I woulda supported Cynthia McKinney for President, a BLACK WOMAN that was running. Or did you forget about her? Did you even hear about her?? I doubt it......

Yes women have been doing this long before Obama, and yes I was against abortion long before Obama. I was against Presidents that supported abortion and will ALWAYS BE! Keep your health-care plan if it includes money for abortions!!

I ask you this: If I support a means of killing of my own people by the TRUCKLOADS DAILY, shouldn't I be viewed as racist and un-Christian?
Whatever problem you have with him - pray for your king. That way - we people that are against abortion and believe in Jesus - may live a peaceful life here in this country.

Do what the haters dont want you to do. Hit your knees and write your President tell him thus sayeth the Lord but encourage him to seek God and be a good president for the whole nation. Thats all you can do.
Thats your problem right there, he's your "king". He's not my king.
Well this is what the scriptures say:

"I exhort therefore, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and givings of thanks, be made for all men: for KINGS and all who are in high places; that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior; who desires all people to be saved and come to full knowledge of the truth." 1 Timothy 2:1-4.

They did not have the word President back in the bible days so I would suffice it to say the Lord meant pray for the President.

But even if Obama is not your king - you should pray for him so that the saints can live peaceable lives while we are here passing through to the real promised land.

And even if he is not your president and this country aint your country - I have respect for that - but at least pray for Obama as you would a crack head that knocked your mother to the ground and took her pocketbook. Because its only scripture that we are to love those that hate us and you know Obama hates us - right?

And pray for Obama for general purposes.
No Trevor, he's our President just like Bush who YOU fawned upon for making 'preachers' millionaires' was an acceptable PRESIDENT for you.

Bro. Waston: If I support a method of killing babies so I can no longer be inconvenienced by their life, then I'm a traitor to all humanity, not just blacks. It just so happens that abortion has killed 13+ million babies since 1973, but you are only clapping your hands that a black man made the Presidency?? Is this man gonna ban the method of murder that haunts us? NO, HE's GONNA MAKE IT LEGAL! Whose the real traitor of blacks? Whose the real traitor of people period? More importantly, whose the traitor of GOD's Kingdom ways?

I cannot support anyone that supports death in such a manner. These children are sentenced to death, and you have no problem with it being legal. Why not just legalize drugs and tax it then? Its the same thing in your theory, so long as "the black man is in power"! When things like abortion are ignored for the throne of Presidency, no man is safe.

Ms. Elaine: It was your ally that referred to him as your king. Did I fawn over Bush, or are you exaggerating words that you simply do not like? Be truthful about it. The truth of the matter is that yes the Church did prosper from Bush's Presidency, like it or not. I'm not just talking about the millionaire Pastors (which you mentioned as if being rich is a sin), I'm talking about the funds that were available for Churches to finally do projects that GOD gave them vision for. If Obama does the same, then ok, thats cool. But I'm no supporter of Obama whether he tosses thousands of dollars at us or he's cheap, whether he's he's black or white, because there are things here in play that your personal ethnic love has blinded you to.

It AMAZES me that such "pro-black warriors" are not saying ONE SINGLE THING about abortion, the #1 black killer of our generation. I'm the traitor??
Shame on me?? Turn your back on me?? My President Bush?? I said nothing about this generation?? LISTEN TO YOURSELF!!! You and the rest of the people here are so caught up with having a black man for President that Biblical morals are secondary on your list! I know he wasn't here for 1973, but he's here now, and he supports the same concept that was practiced since that time. Do you blame the drug dealer for the invention of Crack? No, you just hold them accountable for their part in the drug trafficking. Did I blame Obama for inventing abortion, or starting the wave of death? No, I just blame him for supporting a sure death sentence for the Black people you SWEAR I turned my back on. I'm here crying out for an unborn, and yet you are crying out for the dead. If you want to truly honor your forefathers, place a person that honors the next generation, not a person that is just focused on here and now. Your Bible and mine says "A good man leaves an inheritance for his children's children". If I leave the idea of pro-choice for my descendants, then WHAT KIND OF MAN AM I IN GOD's EYES?? The interesting thing about blacks of this nation is that we have cried out for a leader of our own race, just like every other nation on Earth has and always had. In your great cry for a leader that represents you culturally, you have neglected who he is when it comes to Bible standards. I have NEVER heard as many saints say "you can't legislate morality" since Obama came along. You think I want to go up against a black man because I'm white-man-brainwashed? No, not at all!! please, hear me out and understand exactly WHY I say what I say, and don't be a fool and try to resurrect a Black Panther Party flag and wave it in my face as if I hate blacks:

SIX MONTHS BEFORE I EVER HEARD OF A BLACK MAN RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT, I received a word from GOD that I didn't understand, so I brought it to my Pastor. I said "the LORD told me that Change is coming here, and many will celebrate it. Many will cry out saying 'at last its come' and rejoice, but its not from GOD. They will celebrate one day, but later on they will regret it because they will realize that it wasn't from GOD, but was the worst thing that ever happened to them". I didn't understand it until I heard and seen Barak Obama come up for election. It jumped in my spirit, but to be sure, I asked GOD a question that I KNOW you hypocrites didn't ask. I asked GOD who is he nd what is he about? Should I support him? GOD gave me a few scriptures, all the 8th Chapter of a book. He first gave me 1st Samuel 8, then HE gave me Hosea 8, for the Presidency. Then HE gave me Genesis 8 for the recession. Then HE gave me Numbers 8 for a new generation of Ministers. I did something I doubt that any of you honestly did. When you prayed for him to win, I prayed if I should support him at all. You got what you desired as if it was from GOD. I have seen people say Baraka Obama came and fulfilled prophesy in the Bible, saying that his name is in the Bible so he must be a man of GOD, saying that Dr. King Prophesied about his coming. You only prayed for what you desired, but I prayed for what GOD desired of me. Turn your back on me Bro. Watson, and anyone else, but I HAVE to obey the Word of GOD before I serve my black people. I have seen a person say to me in this very post that I should support Obama my "king", and another say that GOD set him up as President. JUST BECAUSE A PERSON BECOMES PRESIDENT, DOESN'T MEAN IT WAS IN GOD'S WILL! YOU VOTED HIM IN, AND THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH GOD'S WILL!

1st Samuel 8:5-7 "And said unto him, Behold, thou art old, and thy sons walk not in thy ways: now make us a king to judge us like all the nations. But the thing displeased Samuel, when they said, Give us a king to judge us. And Samuel prayed unto the LORD. And the LORD said unto Samuel, Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee: for they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them."

Hosea 8:4 "They have set up kings, but not by Me: they have made princes, and I knew it not: of their silver and their gold have they made them idols, that they may be cut off."

Brother Anthony

Firstly I must say I have huge respect for you Sir.

But Sir, I must say that Trevor is neither house nor field.

Why, because like yourself you both have the highest calling, you are kings and priests in the Kingdom of God, let us not forget and know that you will judge angels let alone nations!!
I didn't vote for Bush, nor wasI a fan of his. I enjoyed a few good years under him, the last two weren't so good though. I'll tell you one thing though, the Church benefited under him more than under almost any other Presidnt, for he donated more to Churches and non-profit org.s than any other President. Like I said, I wasn't a fan, I'm just telling the truth. I'm glad to see him go, but I'm not so glad to see Obama come.

Mike Huckabee was a good candidate this past election. I really liked him!
TREVOR STATED: Ms. Elaine: It was your ally that referred to him as your king. Did I fawn over Bush, or are you exaggerating words that you simply do not like? Be truthful about it. The truth of the matter is that yes the Church did prosper from Bush's Presidency, like it or not. I'm not just talking about the millionaire Pastors (which you mentioned as if being rich is a sin), I'm talking about the funds that were available for Churches to finally do projects that GOD gave them vision for.

MY REPLY: Oh Trevor, 'strain at a gnat and swallow a camel' of deception. Okay, you got us! Newview said, 'he is 'King' according to Scripture and I said, 'he's President.' Actually, she's right Scripturally and I just thought modern day common sense approach would quicken you.

Nonetheless, you are right, that's a 'semantical discrepancy' between the two of us. lol. So tell me, is that the depth of your rebuttal to the truth? Newview as you noted, 'my ally' "said King, and I said, President?" Ah, Yeah, the knock out punch, you got us on the ropes now...LOL!

As for your 'fawning over Bush' comment, yeah ya did. You said,, and if memory serves me right, you said, 'many a preacher became millionaires during the Bush administration.'

I guess you can imagine how the 10% MILLIONS of Americans who lost their jobs during that same Bush administration would not share your ethusiam. Mind you, many of the millions who lost their jobs under the Bush administration are the flock that Jesus/Yahshua instructed preacher's to look after THEIR welfare and NOT rejoice over being millionaires. (Jn. 21:15-17).

As I told you in another post, it's easy for politicians to throw money at those who they want to 'speak their will.' That's all that the Republicans really did. They didn't issue grants for the sake of the gospel rather that ill-will, greedy, rejoicing over being 'millionaire' preachers would 'speak and/or preach their disposition' as that which is the will of Jesus Christ.

TREVOR STATED: "If Obama does the same, then ok, thats cool. But I'm no supporter of Obama whether he tosses thousands of dollars at us or he's cheap, whether he's he's black or white, because there are things here in play that your personal ethnic love has blinded you to.

MY REPLY: Is that a 'hint, hint' to Obama forces who may or may not be looking in?Sheeesh, Trevor!

Oh, and as for your 'as if being rich is a sin' comment, wow, tell it to Yahshua and James whom the Holy Spirit spoke through eh? heh...(as Yahshua would say, 'it's hard for a rich man to enter heaven, easier for a 'camel to go through an eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter to heaven' (Mk. 10:25).

Whereas the Holy Spirit speaking through James says, 'is it not the rich who oppress and violate you?' (James 2:5-6).

Hey, you do the math, is it a sin to be rich? The fact is, yes, God gives us power to obtain wealth but the rich have many things that come forward that block their senses to truth. As so, blinded by riches they tend to side with the oppressor over the oppressed. That is the point of Yahshua's denigration of the rich.

Yep, next thing you know, they'll be 'roting' the political hierarchies rhetoric instead of following and proclaiming the truth of the Most High God. Hint...hint.

Annnnnyhoo, you said, 'you are talking about funds for churches to finally do projects." Well, my, I thought Christ was the supplier of all the churches needs to 'finally do projects' not the government.

What projects? Giving funds to the UN-EMPLOYED MASSES whose BUSH's policies caused to be that way? Do tell?

TREVOR STATED: "It AMAZES me that such "pro-black warriors" are not saying ONE SINGLE THING about abortion, the #1 black killer of our generation. I'm the traitor?? "


MY REPLY: Aren't we all pro-black warriors? No, correction, shouldn't we all be 'pro-black warriors' as if we were, we would advance a lot farther.

Speaking against abortion? One of my first posts on this or another board had to do with women valuing the precious life in the womb. In fact, I have a poem or two that I wanted to post but since I was the 'new kid on the block' so to speak, I didn't want to just plaster them but then, I guess that's my fault for being 'shy' eh? lol

Nonetheless, Trevor, try sumptin' else as an argument to justify your er, uhm, whatever it is...eh? heh
Brother Greene - you said:

"...1st Samuel 8:5-7 "And said unto him, Behold, thou art old, and thy sons walk not in thy ways: now make us a king to judge us like all the nations. But the thing displeased Samuel, when they said, Give us a king to judge us. And Samuel prayed unto the LORD. And the LORD said unto Samuel, Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee: for they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them."

Hosea 8:4 "They HAVE set up kings, but not by Me: they HAVE made princes, and I knew it not: of their silver and their gold have they made them idols, that they may be cut off."


Welllll since the Lord told you that BEFORE Barack became President and BEFORE you even heard of him -----> maybe it was about the President that the people had ALREADY set up as king/president.


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