And he spake unto the children of Israel, saying, when your children shall ask their fathers in time to come, what mean these stones?

The setting for today’s message is when the nation of Israel had crossed over the Jordan River, and Joshua instructed the priest to take twelve stones from the riverbed as a memorial to the time when God brought them safely across the river as He did when their forefathers crossed the Red Sea.

This was so that future generations, just as we do today, would know how God provided for their forefathers and how we are all part of a shared history and faith.

A memorial is a time of reflection and remembrance. Today, we reflect on fond memories of our loved ones and our fallen soldiers who sacrificed so much for our safety and peace around the world, and for that, we say, “Thank you for your service.”

As we celebrate this day, let us do so in peace, love, safety, and reflection.


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