This discussion will be just one of a series on “Relationships”.


What do we mean by communication?
Communicating is conveying, expressing, transmitting, sending, receiving or transferring information.

Communication is done by or through various means such as: the telephone, radio, TV, text messaging, newspaper, magazine, books, letters, notes, telegrams and other written media.

Communication by people includes the above as well as verbal and nonverbal communication. What we say, the words we use and the tone that we use when speak to people all convey a message and make a statement about us in a direct and indirect way.
Our nonverbal communication, that is our body language, our moods, eyes, hand gestures, the way we sit, stand or walk, or hold our head all suggest some type of message whether positive or negative.

Even the way we look and dress also sends out messages about our selves. They way we keep our selves groomed or not groomed declare loudly whether we are a person of good personal hygiene. Is’ sad to say but there is a lot of poor personal hygiene and lack of good grooming going on in the body of Christ. And this should not be found among us.


Do you realize that even if you don’t communicate with your mouth, your silence is a form of communication? Silence can men you don’t have any thing to say, you just don’t want to say any thing, or you refuse to say any thing. Silence could mean you have shut your self down or you have shut others out.

People don’t communicate openly because of: fear of rejection, getting too much attention, not being heard or received, being misunderstood, getting persecuted or repercussions for what they say. Others won’t express themselves because of intimidation, threats, etc

How we communicate what we communicate can have a significant and dramatic impact on who we communicate to. I could tell you that I love you but if my tone or the way I say it is incongruent to what I said, then I didn’t mean what I said. If we mean what we say there will be no problem in expressing it or making it clear to some one, because you know what you mean by what you said. Ask some one about something that they said, and if they can’t explain it, are evasive about it or don’t want to explain it, chances are they didn’t really mean what they said. This can be an acid test if you will, to find out the
genuinality (I made up this word instead of using genuiness, I smile.)) and sincerity of one’s words.


Jesus said how can you love Me who you have not seen and love not your brother who you have seen? I know many people who communicate to and with the Lord better than they communicate and relate to people. Now how is this? Maybe because they know they can trust God. Maybe because they know God will receive them as they are without judging or correcting them. Maybe because they can approach God with out being intimidated by Him?

But where this becomes a problem is when we as God’s leaders, ministers or people, communicate to God well but we don’t know how to communicate and relate to each other. We don’t know how to communicate and relate to our spouse appropriately. We don’t know how to communicate and relate to our children appropriately. We don’t know how to communicate to other family members, neighbors or friend properly. We don’t know how to communicate and relate to the public. And sadly, we don’t know how to communicate and relate to one another in the body of Christ as the body of Christ (crying tears…) AND WHAT’S EVEN WORSE, we aren’t even trying to find out how to properly communicate with one another. We’ve decided, “Well this is just the way that I am.”, not having any regard to the other persons feelings or personhood. O’ saints we have such a long long way to go to look like love, righteous and holiness. We have a big job to do, to get the “spots, blemishes, and wrinkles” out of our garments. Jesus Christ is coming back for a church, a bride who doesn’t have any such thing, so we better get to really working on our selves and put just as much emphasis on working on our selves as we do on teaching, preaching, doing ministry or sharing blogs with others. Amen.

Until we know how to properly and effectively communicate with each other, we will never have true and stable relationships, friendships and marriages.
We will never have real unity and fellowship, it will always be superficial.
Until we begin to properly love, communicate and relate to one another,
We won’t be able to love God with a pure and acceptable love, because we haven’t learned how to love what He loves the most,
and that is His people, His children, His sons and His daughters.

Apostle Melody Barclay

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