Here is the Scripture passage to prove that racism is a sin:

James 2:1-9: " 1 My brethren, do not hold the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with partiality. 2 For if there should come into your assembly a man with gold rings, in fine apparel, and there should also come in a poor man in filthy clothes, 3 and you pay attention to the one wearing the fine clothes and say to him, 'You sit here in a good place,' and say to the poor man, 'You stand there,' or, 'Sit here at my footstool,' 4 have you not shown partiality among yourselves, and become judges with evil thoughts? 5 Listen, my beloved brethren: Has God not chosen the poor of this world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which He promised to those who love Him? 6 But you have dishonored the poor man. Do not the rich oppress you and drag you into the courts? 7 Do they not blaspheme that noble name by which you are called? 8 If you really fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture, 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself,' you do well; 9 but if you show partiality, you commit sin, and are convicted by the law as transgressors."

What this scripture passage means is that you should not treat anybody unfair because they're different than you. Remember that Acts 10:34 states that God is no respector of persons. It means that God loves everybody no matter what race you are. If you say that you love the Lord Jesus Christ, you must love people regardless of what race they are.

What's also sad is that there were churches that are segregated. In addition during early days, while they converted the American Indians, Europeans had forced them to give up their culture including making Indians dress like them. In addition, the slave owners force black slaves to convert to Christianity. How sad!!! Thats what happens when non-whites would say that Christianity is a White mans religion. Whats sad is that due to racist behavior of those who claim to be Christians, people would be scared away from Jesus.

Also, its sad how Sunday at 11:00 AM is viewed as the most segregated hour because people would worship only with others of the same race. Earlier, there were segregated churches. Its crazy for a person to be afraid to worship with someone of a different race in church because he or she would feel funny about how people of a certain race worship in church. The blacks in church were stereotyped as the most emotional people because they dance, shout, jump, stomp their feet, and speak in tongues. Whites in church were stereotyped as people who worship in a quiet and conservative manner. Its time to eliminate the segregated hour and for Christians of all races to worship together. We as Christians are integrated not because were in America, but because were in the Kingdom of God. Remember that there is no race in Heaven. Galatians 3:28 states that regardless of race, we as Christians are one in Christ Jesus.

Churches that exclude people because of racial backgrounds do not represent the true and loving Church of Jesus Christ. What is ironic is that the Ku Klux Klan claim to be Christians, but hate minorities and burn crosses. To prove that you identify with Christ, you must show people love no matter what race they are. Earlier in the Old Testament, a person had to be born of an Abrahamic bloodline in order to be saved and have their sins forgiven. But because of the Crucifixion, Jesus Christ changed that because any person who accept Gods plan of Salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ can have their sins forgiven and be of an Abrahamic bloodline. I want to tell you that you should not put limits on which person God can save. Remember that according to Philippians 2:10-11 that every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Also Matthew 28:19 and Mark 16:15 command us believers to go into the world and preach the Gospel to all creations. I want to tell you when you meet God on the throne of Judgment; Hes not interested with what race you are. Hes interested on what did you do with His Son Jesus Christ and what you did with the gifts and talents that God has blessed you with.

I wrote this message because the issue of racism is less talked about in some Evangelical, Pentecostal, and Charismatic Churches. Yes, they may talk about homosexuality and abortion being abominations to the Lord, but talk less about racism being a sin. Im not talking dirt about churches. My point is that racism is a sin just as homosexuality and abortion.

If you appreciate this message, give me an amen. If you hate racism, repost this as The Racism Issue.

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We have beat up on homosexuality pretty much Brother Sudler and I agree it is wrong. Now I tried to start a discussion on racism with no success or responses. What I feel is this and this comes from knowing in Genesis there were only eight people on that ark, that's it jus eight. We all on this planet came from one of Noah's sons. If we were able to trace our DNA back we would fit under one of Noah's sons. So what does that make all of us except related. But because different climates and what have you changed apperances and satan used those things to get into our heads, we have racism because we base everyone on color of skin. To me it's wrong and please believe me when I was not in God's Word I was a racist and grew up in the 50's, to the 70's disliking those that disliked me for the color of my skin and I fought them like gangbusters. So why hasn't anyone talked about this or tried to present this understanding and especially those that preach and teach the Word. I have no clue and if you know please share that with me.


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