The great Apostle had so learned Christ as to be able to say: "I live, yet not I, but Christ liveth in me; and the life which I now live, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me."
The power and influence of historic Christianity is accounted for by the fact that men and women have been willing to let personal plans and ambitions die that Christ might live in them. That girding and guiding power which comes to the souls of men through the conscious indwelling of the living, conquering Christ is the great need of the world.

So "What Saith the Scripture" about Salvation!
1. The first word in the Bible about the way of salvation is a call to sinful men to repent of their sins. It was the summons delivered byJohn, the forerunner of Christ: Matt 3:2. christ himself began his preaching with the same message: Matt 4:17. It was proclaimed again by Jesus in Luke 13: 2-5.
On the day of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit was manifest in such mighty power that the people who heard Peter's sermon cried out saying: Acts 2:37, 38. This was also the message of the apostle Paul proclaimed in cultrued Athens referring to their worship of idols: Acts 17:30.
Now what is repentance? Some say, it is sorrow for sin. There may be sorrow for sin but I know of people who are sorry for their sins who have never repented. It is more than shedding tears over sins. Repentence is taking God's side against sin. It is being sorry enough to quit the sinful life and to begin to serve the Lord. Take the Word of God for it: Is 55:7, 8.

2. The second word about salvation is believe. There is no assurance of salvation without faith in Jesus Christ. Read Jesus's own words: Jn 3:16, 18. Let no man think that he can improve on the teaching of Christ on this question of salvation. His word is final. But say, I can't believe. There are so many things I do not understand. Yes, Christ knew all about those things, and so he goes right on to talk abou the one difficulty in the way of faith in him. There is one and only one. Remember before you read it, this is not your theory or mine, but the direct teaching of the world's only Saviour. he shows that the reason men can't believe on Him is not so complicated as many make out: Jn 3:19-21. Hence we see the point of controvesy between God and the unsaved soul ins not that man has sinned. god knows that and so does the sinner. But the trouble is that after light has come the sinful man chooses his sin and the way of darkness rather than the Saviour and walking with Christ in the light. There is only one sin that stands in the way of any man'ssalvation and that is the sin of unbelief which keeps the heart out of fellowship with Christ. In anothe place Jn 7:17. Our first duty is to Repent and the second to Believe. We can never believe so long as we refuse to repent and we can't help believing when we tak God's side against sin. We have Christ's Word for it. If we "Do His Will" we "Shall Know" the truth. In 1Tim 1:15. We know it is a faithful saying and that it is true that Christ came to save. If it is worth of all acceptatioin, it is worthy of mine. Read 1Jn 1:9. Now we have learned that he came to save, that he is a faithful Saviour and ready to forgive. Read Jn 1:12. To whom did He give power to become sons of God" to them that Received Him and Believed on His name. Will we receive Him as our Saviour? Then we can become as a child of God. We have Gods' word for it.

3. The third word regarding salvation is Confess. As soon as anyone taked Christ as his Saviour, it is their duty to Confess him before men. Rom 10: 9-11 and Matt 10:32-33.

4. The fourth word about salvaion is Assurance. Read 1Jn 5:11-13. So if we have taken Christ as our Saviour then one who is trusting in Him we know that we have eternal life. It does not depend upon our feelings but upon our faith in the promis of Chirst to save those who come to Him. If we have come and taken Him as God's Son for our Lord and Saviour, then we have all the assurance of God's Word that we have passed from death unto life and that we now actually possess eternal life. Read Rom 6:23 and Rom 5:1. So salvation is Repent, Believe, Confess and Assurance.

Without the way there is no going; without the truth there is no knowing; and without the life there is no living. Jesus said "I am the way which thou shouldest believe; the life which thou shouldest hope for." So the three greatest needs of the human heart, Guidance, Wisdom and Life are met in Jesus Christ. Amen.

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Be ye of the truth and the truth shall make you free. God bless you, Preacher,
How can they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not Heard? and how shall they hear without a Preacher?
And how shall they Preach, except they be sent? as it is Written, How beautiful are the feet of them that Preach The Gospel of Peace, and Bring Glad Tidings of Good Things!!!!
but they have not all Obeyed The Gospel. For Esaias saith, Lord who hath believed our Report?
So then Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. But I say,Have they not heard?

Keep on keeping on,
Really good,
the word itself proves, that Salvation, comes through repentance, and not obedience, Great quotation, and explanation, Brother..............................


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