Can believers of Jesus Christ assist or promote productions that showcase homosexual acceptance?

I would like to know if the word of God means abstain from all appearance of evil relates to those believers of Jesus Christ who are marketable and beckoned to help in productions that clearly showcase homosexual acceptance. Should they do the production and set aside their religious faith as it is just fictional characters or is their evil intent behind bringing these productions to the mass population... meaning subliminal messages.

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What you say is so true but just because you are a believer does not mean you can do some things simply because of what you said. There are believers that still teach, preach in the flesh because they don't have the power of the Spirit meaning some of us haven't learned to renew our minds. To do everything in the Spirit instead of the flesh. Read John 17 (the real Lord's Prayer because it's Jesus that is doing the praying), in this chapter He is praying Him Self in verses 1 - 5; praying for his followers (Disciples) in verses 6 - 19; and finally for all of us that follow His Words from verses 20 -26. The problem sometimes I feel lies in us using our own intellect and not truly giving glory to God through Jesus Christ. If we are in Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ is in God that makes us adopted sons (both gender) of God and the ability to be like the Disciples and Jesus but we don't be in the Spirit to make that happen. We think and communicate in the flesh. You know we are an intelligent spieces (so we think) and most times truly forget we don't have or know anything. As Gal 6:2 - 3 says, Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. (What is the law of Christ? James 2:8, If ye fulfil the royal law according to scripture, THOU SHALT LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF, ye do well) verse 3: For if a man thinkhimself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself. Read John 13:34 - 35 and 1Thess 4:9. The whole them is this that Jesus is saying througout. For those that will say it's not a new commandment we know it's in the Law in Leviticus. No one is denying this, just read the Word and ask that our eyes and ears be open. We allow our selves to get in the way of the Spirit. By way if you read what we call The Lord's Prayer it is how Jesus told us how to pray. God bless.
LOL! Much love Brother and you know this.
That's what I'm talking about.
True statement - I it is evident especially when you say that "There are believers that still teach, preach in the flesh because they don't have the power of the Spirit meaning some of us haven't learned to renew our minds." Then they are leaning to their own understanding and not be led by the spirit, which reveals that it is not of God, even though they may think it is. When you are being led by the spirit, it is a total submission and self is no where involved, just the body. It is beyond your comprehension, because who knows the mind of God, but God. God will give us up to our own imaginations and lusts of the body when we are not obedient to His Word. Meaning our own judgements and desires etc. But to be Godly, Holy and exceptable is to be in the likeness of Christ Jesus and He demonstrated while walking this earth in a fleshly body, even when satan tried to tempt Him, He allowed us through His Word to see that if He abided in us and we abided in Him, NOTHING would be impossible. This is why He gave the to great commandments, because if we did those two things we would be able to fulfill the WHOLE law.
That's all I've been saying for some time Sister Denise. The two commandments Jesus says, Love God with all our mind, heart and soul and the second love our neighbor (fellow man) as ourselves and we would be able to fulfull the WHOLE LAW. Not saying anything against the law for you Law people. Finally someone that has been given the understanding. (I say that in jest because I know Moreh is going to come back at
right on
When you say Torah do you mean the OT? How can anyone read just the OT or NT without the other?
So when I read this then you say because Moses and David didn't have a NT that it is not as important? People can't read the NT without reading the OT right. You have to understand the whole bible not just the Torah! I dont' exclude the OT but there is a NT and in order to have a testament there has to be a sacrifice is this not right? I mean I feel your zealousness for the Torah but I have that for the whole bible not just part of it.
The Torah is written out, and obeyed in the Torah. It was obeyed by Jesus, the apostles, and the followers of the apostles, in the NT. It should also be obeyed by 21st century Christians.
See Brother Moreh I don't veiw the NT as the final authority. The whole bible to me is the final authority. You cant' have only the OT or only the NT or it's incomplete. You need the whole bible. You have to read and study both and not just part of the bible. This is my belief only. You and Brother James feel you are being led right because you do the Torah and others believe they are led right because they feel led by the Spirit meaning law and faith. To me we can't take away the NT and still be led nor can you take away the OT and still be led. Can't convince me of that.
I agree with what you say in that you can't read just the NT and that is not what I have done or was taught. I have to read the OT and the NT together as a whole.

I understand you analogy of music also because I was a music major in Jr. High and High school but stopped there because of stupidity. So then that analogy can be applied to those that feel they need to to go seminary school to learn about God's Word and I don't agree with that as we know. There is no way I can get an understanding just reading and studying just the NT as well as just studying just the OT. I still say God put the bible together and until it is made differently in my understanding I will be satisfied with that. I don't think things are missing or left out such as other disciples books as said on TV or that the authors in the bible are the true authors but wrote what God instructed them to write. That's what I believe and I don't think that knowing Hebrew is the key either because if it was then we'd all be speaking it. I don't play God short at all and know that He knew everything before the foundation of the world.

LOL, I love Moreh too. I am just waiting for the Holy Spirit to have His way. Amen!!

I get so educated between the two of you of how dialog brings about understand and who will stand in these last days. Those that believe on the name of Jesus!!! I also call him my Savior, Lawyer, Doctor, Mediator, he actually is my All and All.


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