Can believers of Jesus Christ assist or promote productions that showcase homosexual acceptance?

I would like to know if the word of God means abstain from all appearance of evil relates to those believers of Jesus Christ who are marketable and beckoned to help in productions that clearly showcase homosexual acceptance. Should they do the production and set aside their religious faith as it is just fictional characters or is their evil intent behind bringing these productions to the mass population... meaning subliminal messages.

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Peace be still - the battlle is not yours. The sun shines on us all, and the rains come down too. Let not strife be among us, especially those in Christ. It is nothing wrong with disagreeing with one another, but character assassination should not be a human practice among believers no matter what religion. We have all just been exemplifying who our God is to us and even atheist have their beliefs, but we as sons and daughters of the true and living God must allow our light to shine in darkness and not let darkness enter in. God bless you all and remain teachable.
Sister Sledd
I can say to you and my friends on this chat board and even the new members as well as the founder,I am Sorry if I said anything to offend anyone as well as God the Almighty..This is not why I joined,a Pastor friend asked me to join because great place to network and meet a new family in Christ,..I did not join to debate,, however I can,this is not good for the Ministry..I will try not to respond to any more of his beliefs..I wont be the one who cast the first stone
For the most part we all do agree to disagree and still love one another. Nothing wrong with debating and disagreeing as long as it is done in our being in Christ Jesus. Sometimes we get caught up and get totally defensive. Trust me I've been there and in the beginning a few of us were at each others throats. We had to settle down and remember who is in control. Peace and love.
OK,,I am new here and I have not any Idea what is going on here one day people are saying that they want to be friends the next someone else is telling me that we all are stupid for following Christ or saying the word Holy ghost..nothing or no person is going to convert me from Christ Jesus,,Again I am respectfully sorry but I did not ignite this fire,,and I am concern for the new members,,this is why I am extending my apology..I am my brothers keeper ,,,not his KILLER
I have seen nothing but true fellowship amongst the two of you, even I get aroused by some comments, I was just reminding US where we are and the tactics that can be used to bind us, but how we must be our brothers keeper in all things. I love the dialog it has done nothing but allowed me to pray and talk to Jesus even the more and feel His spirit confirm His word. I see your passion and know that you want to please God. I remember a post you wrote stating that the Word does not need defending, maybe not verbatum but I read that within your post, which made me say hallelujah. So continue to dialog on this site. Your friend was right, I love this sight, because it is 5000 strong, but look only about 10 or less of us continued to dialog further. Maybe this was Gods way to see who will stand for Christ and who would turn away. I know for right now...God hasn three who in the last day will stand and say they believe and not be ashamed. Amen.

May God continue to bless you both and increase your knowledge of Him that you continue to be BOLD soldiers who will stand. Wow...I am so proud to know that if some one was going to chop our necks off, we can lay our life down for Christ, because that is what he said we ought to do, this was a demonstration of how easily one can be persuaded and go after other Gods. But I see you stood inspite of.

God Bless
Sister you can believe I will always do what my Father in Heaven says in:

Rom 9:11 For [the children] being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth

1Cr 16:13 Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.

Like Donnie McClurkin says STAND!

God Bless
Praise God for the reading and understanding of his Word.
I thankGod for all of you and for the encouragement,the bible says that when the time came for Jesus to be tempted he was carried into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil ,,and Jesus continued to say it is written,,if it is not written then it is not real,,and then the Bible says that,After the devil left ,, the angels came to minister to him you see you all not aware played a part like the angels when you came to not only to put out the fire but to restore as well,,I learned that all angels dont have wings ,,but they have the spirit to decern what thus said the lord and not abort there assignment,,so you all continue to stay focused and to be used by GOD
We are to be in the world not of the world and showcasing the characters whether real or fake sends a message to the world as well as the advesary that christians are becoming numb to their own morals and standards of biblical living. How can we carry christ with us-in us- and promote a lie that is contrary to everything Gods world stands for. If we will be numb to that we will then allow the world to lull us to sleep and become numb to so much more. Where does it stop?
I 100% agree when you know what you know and what Jesus done for you ,,alone ,,thats enough to become defensive ,,however as I indicated before I am 2 weeks new and see that this is a pattern,,but it comes to what you said we will become numb to so much more,,where does it stop?keep reading the chat board because you will get your answere,,,I have learned to start with the man in the mirror
May Jesus Bless you
I apologize but my statement was not directed at was a general statement to the original question..grace and peace
We are to be in the world not of the world and showcasing the characters whether real or fake sends a message to the world as well as the advesary that christians are becoming numb to their own morals and standards of biblical living. How can we carry christ with us-in us- and promote a lie that is contrary to everything Gods world stands for. If we will be numb to that we will then allow the world to lull us to sleep and become numb to so much more. Where does it stop?


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