I think it is very important that preachers of today need to be seminary trained .

i say that because there are no more dumb folk in the church and i feel that it is a sad day for the preacher if he has somebody in the congregation that knows more about the bible than the preacher. Also i feel that if the pulpit is dumb then the pews are dumb.

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rest is relative... LOL... I sleep but don't always rest and you can't seem to catch up on the rest you loose.

By the way, I'm not a Pastor but when I created my profile here on the ning network, it didn't have any other "title" that fit what I do. And I couldn't just skip it. Just call me Tracy. (smile)
what video Bro? hit me up again, ok?
Yes. It had lots of information. And at present I have no questions about. However, when I have more time to take notes while watching, I will ask my questions. (you know I'm not gonna just ask a question off the cuff). (smile)
ohhhhhhhhhh Schnapppp....LOL

I can't wait... I do know how to bow out gracefully if I have to Ach.
Bishop Hyman my Sister, it seems you are comparing apples to oranges with the Doctor vs God Knowledge scenario (just to me). First we put doctors on peddestals as most professions and put more trust in them than we do God. Personally I dont' trust doctors and stay away from them unless it is something that would require surgery and even then I would thoroughly check it out. How can you go to man to learn about the Holy Spirit when the Holy Spirit comes from God and not man? How much credibility do we put on man's education? We all know that most that goes into any profession is not called into it but chooses that profession for the money of it and not the love of it. (I said most) Doctors as you say aren't what they use to be when they weren't in it for the money but to truly help others. Everything is about money or an easy of a profession for the most part today. We have to be careful as to what spirit is calling one today because it's the end times and satan's spirit is probably in overdrive to deceive us. I know you feel this has been an attack on those that are school educated ministers, pastors or what ever the credential and it hasn't been. It's just been simply stated, it's not necessary to know God and to teach His Word. That's the whole jest of this conversation I thought, not to put down those that choose to do. Peace and Love!
Apples and oranges John? LOL....This is not about Doctors vs. God's knowledge (for ALL knowledge in ANY field comes from God). WRONG comparison. This is about 2 helping professions and vocations that require licensure to operate legally in all states, and that many claim to be called to.

Did not Moshe (Moses) learn Yah from Ru-el? Did not Elisha learn about the spirit of God AND recieve it from Elijah, the disciples from Yahsuah, others who recieved spiritual gifts by the Spirit from Shaul (Paul)? Did not the apostles lay hands on the desciples and they received the Holy Spirit through them....everything in creation came from God's breath and word. I learned the things of the spirit and of the word from my Grandmother who recently passed....not just from TEXTS and from Holy Spirit directly. He was moving through her life, gifts, knowledge of the Word and example (NOT seminary trained either---had a 8th grade education)....she took me as far as she could --but it was God for those phases and developments of my life and character.

Bro John: one cannot make sweeping generalizations based on opinion and state them as immutable givens. We have no statistical evidence that most people are not called ino a profession (especially since many of them do NOT pay great money--such as teaching--lol). I taught college for 10 years at HBCUs--the pay was HARDLY that great. I teach because it is my calling. You think that the only profession of called folks are preachers? My goodness. If so, than NO one in ANY profression except church (and I presume your inferences are to the Christian Church) is called of God to that vocation.

How much credibility do we put on man's so-called anointing? You say doctors aren't what they used to be --I say preacher MAY not be what they used to be either (but this is not the point)--the point is, AS I SAID---we are NOT going to agree....so let us fear God and Keep HIS commandments.....interestingly, you ignored the JIST of what I said.

In your leisure, if you desire, check out the things that have been said over and over about educated and seminary trained preachers on this LONG EXHAUSTIVE thread...and see what's been said about "Holy Ghost" peacher....then we'll determine which crew is being accused the most (not attacked). I just now know what I'm up against, being a black, female, educated, anointed bishop....it ain't easy, that's for sure.
Thanks for your reply Bro. John....
Ok Sister Hyman I'm going to stop replying because you are starting to take things as a personal attack and I'm not doing that to you. This is why I said most and not all in any thing. If you tell me that you believe that everyone that is studying anything are involved in anything be in whatever profession or just what ever is called by God then I would just think you are trying to say what you feel to be politically correct. We can and do sometimes (not most) compare apples to oranges in our rebuttals or defenses and I simply stated that is what I thought you were doing with that analysis. Doctors need and should go to school to do what they do. I'm saying those that preach and teach God's Word do not and if they don't it doesnt' make them less knowledgeable as one that chooses to go to school. I'm sorry you feel it was a personal attack on you and especially on you as a woman being black because I never put my sisters down nor my brothers. How am I to do that. I just voice my opinons. Much love to you.
so then, who is the SWINE, and who threw the rock---and what was the intention of the rock thrower? hmmmmmm
ok, so now I'm just SISTER Hyman---ROFL....too funny Bro John. PERSONAL ATTACK? you have GOT to be joking. I do not percieve that you are attacking me or anyone else here for that matter. How about dis a comprewtah, and we don't even know each other like dat? LOL

John, my skin ain't that thin...perhaps we do have a communication barrier---one being this COMPUTER--lol. If I have communicated poorly here giving you the impression that you have done something to me, forgive me.... I am hardly offended nor do I see anything to take personally. But in reading the whole thread--I do know what I am up against.

Someone said weeks ago that this was getting stale and we probably would not agree. They were probably right, even back then. We have seemingly exhausted this argument....and yet I STILL say....let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter, FEAR YAH, and keep His commandments....now WHO can argue with that?

Oh and for the record, my dear Brother, being politcally correct has NEVER been one of my strong suits....lol....oh and for the record also --- JOHN, me and YOU on the thead? We A'IGHT ok?
Not just Sister Hyman but my Sister in Christ with much love! Hope I cleaned up with that. LOL I'm glad we got it like that and that you didn't take anything from me as being down on you. I'm nothing in this world so I couldn't do that and way less educated than you. Read you playing hoops with the fellows so I know your skin ain't thin for sure. LOL And you know we "gon always be a'ight". Much love to you always.
Fo--sho Bro. John... we're going do always be a'ight--we got it like that. I still plays ball with the fellas a little every now and then (motly THEN), but age, bad knees, and a lil' extra weight (that so easily besets me) keeps me around HALF -court. LOL

Now Bro, John, I got to differ with you again on a lil issue here-- you ARE something in this world.....and I got a few pieces of sheep-skin....but where's the LOOT??---ROFL? so you see, it's a help, but it ain't THAT deep...lol

love right back atcha.
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I have heard "because it says so in the bible". Yes it does. BUt so does the Muslems, Mormans, Catholics,and many others. They believe in their religions because their teachers tell them thats what is right? I have also heard that we need all these different religions. Then why would Paul tell us that if any one even himself or an angel from heaven were to preach anything other than the gospell that was all ready given then let him be accursed forever. False teaching started from the begining of time and continues.

But there can only be one truth!!!!

So how do you know what you believe in is right and true? I dont ask this to weaken your belief . I was once a strong NON believer. I thought people created this God just becasue they were afraid of death. I got sick and tired of the "so called Christians preaching" There were so many different beliefs it would make me laugh. And when I would ask a preacher why is his truth right and the others wrong. NOt one could give an answer without using their printed material. NOt one.

I remember on day thinking to myself that I would once and for all put and end to this God thing. So I went out to prove Science right. Come on these people are educated. They are teachers, Proffesors, and leading scientists. I knew they must have the answer.

Wow, was I wrong. I learned it took more faith to believe in what they did than to believe in a creator. But that still left me with WICH ONE. I figured if this creator was so smart to create all of us that he would surely leave enough information to prove not only his existance but his teachings, his word.

It was apparent that most religions began from the middle east so I started their. The Jews, The Muslems, Hinduism, Buhdism, Greek Mythology, Mormonism, Catholicism, and christianity. Yeah, a lot of reading. But it was worth it. So now I am wanting to hear others.

I have spoke with many leaders of different beliefs and have found one thing in common. They really did not know or nor could they back their beliefs up. There is somthing called circular reasoning. It goes somthing like this. Believe me because I said so. Sounds silly. But many people are betting their souls on it. MANY!!!!! So I ask you. Why do you believe what you do?

I know I hear FAITH!!!! But even the bible says faith without works is dead. Even God told us to test his word so that we may know the truth. Yes I know it also says blessed are those who do not see yet still believe. God left more than enough proof. Both in History, archeology, science to show is word his unbreakable and forever standing.

When someone comes to us and says "how do I know yours is the truth?" Most religions will tell that crying soul to pray, or ponder and you will know. The word told us to seek and we will find, knock and it will be answered. But so many of us expect these hungry souls to just believe because we tell them too. Well so does the devil.....does that make him right?

I will be glad to post my findings. They do match what the bible has been telling us all along. Just to let you know. I dont want anyone to think that I am trying to cause anyone to stumble. But we must be prepared to teach believers why to believe. Most believers believe because they heard a great speaker or because they grew up there. Thats not enough, and thats exactly why so many are led astray. This was not by accident. That is very clear.


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