I think it is very important that preachers of today need to be seminary trained .

i say that because there are no more dumb folk in the church and i feel that it is a sad day for the preacher if he has somebody in the congregation that knows more about the bible than the preacher. Also i feel that if the pulpit is dumb then the pews are dumb.

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Well my dear brother Sweet,

I really can appreicate your passion and heart. However, I can't judge any of those people who say that they hold degrees and don't. That's not my call, you can if you desire too! and you have that right. As far as myself, I choose to build people up and not tear them down. Second, in regards to looking up degrees or schools on line through the Dept. of Board of Education,list school which offers General theology that compile with the standards of the Dept. of Board of Education! That means in simple word, you can't teach your own Bible Doctrine as a required courses, nor church history of one denomination, nor preach Jesus as the only means of Salvation. Most Missionary Baptist Seminaries, DO NOT GIVE UP THEIR CONVICTION, JUST FOR A DOLLAR, OR TO BOOST ENROLLMENT OF STUDENTS. THATS ONE DIFFERENCE IN OUR SEMINARY. We choose to be accredited through the American Baptist Association of Theological School and Seminary, Also, its not hard to find our organization if you look for it, because its the oldest Baptist orgainization in American history. CMBI, where I received my Associate thorugh Master's Degree was founded in Bellflower, CA. in 1935. And Coast Baptist Seminary of Hattiesbug MS was establish around the late 50's & 60's in Theodore, Alabama. Nevertheless, all of our seminaries were and is supported by sister churches of like faith from the days of Roger Williams of Rhode Island. And from the American Baptist Association came the Southern Baptist Convention, and the MBA and others. These splits were becuase of Slave onwership difference and others which I don't care to bore you. Another example my brother, I'm the second Black in its history to earn a legitimate Doctorate of Theology and it took me 13 years, to get my doctorate outline approved which was a 493 pages of a Greek translation of the first 8 chapters of the Book of Romans. Also, I teach Biblical Hebrew, Ancient Hebrew, Modern Hebrew, New Testament Greek, Modern Greek, and Arabic, what school do you know of; that offer such courses, beside Havard, Yale and other Ivy league Schools. However, within my dissertation I gave a grammatical analysis of each word, a rough translation and a smooth translation also, an application of each verse of scripture. Now my brother, I don't judge people, but I'm qualifed to do so. My advise to you my brother, don't be upset at people who take short cuts in life, because it will catch up with them in the end. "Be Tender hearted toward those who are without and you just might win them in the process."

How is it tearing someone down if they lie (sin) about saying that they hold degrees that they do not. Man everyone on that network looks at the profile of the person that they talk with. People have visited my churches webpage and for good reason I have it posted for that point. You state “the Dept. of Board of Education, list school which offers General theology that compile with the standards of the Dept. of Board of Education! That means in simple word, you can't teach your own Bible Doctrine as a required courses, nor church history of one denomination, nor preach Jesus as the only means of Salvation.” You and I both know that that is not true. The Dept of Education only set a guideline as to how many hours a given degree must take. Every Bible College and or Seminary is open to teach their own theology. The Government has no desire in teaching theology. You know that. The point of accreditation through the Department of Education is so that people will not be taken by diploma mills.

Your claims about Missionary Baptist Seminaries and their conviction may in fact be good. I know Baptist church history very well. I know all that you stated about the splits over slavery. Please note that I am not speaking of you when I say that black preachers need to be train, if what you say about your self is true I very glad for you. But why would it take you 13 years to outline the Greek text? Just a question!

The Bible tells us not to kind and tender hearted to false teachers, and many of these self called Drs. Are just that false teachers.

You ask about courses in the Biblical languages;

Every real bible school student knows that the languages of the Bible are Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. And if the student is a OT student we study languages such as Ugaritic, Akkadain, Assyyrian as well as the others. Not to mention French and German.
The Schools that offer these courses or:
Dallas Theological Seminary
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
The Master’s Seminary
Baptist Bible Seminary
Fuller Theological Seminary
Talbot School of Theology
And many, many more great schools that is why I’m at DTS.
As it has ben said in previous posts, Seminary training is good, but without the Holy Ghost guiding them and telling them what is really His word and revealing the revelations that no man can reveal without the Holy Ghost; It would be pointless. Anyone can learn a bunch of history and facts in the Bible (especially people who love history in general) which may or may not even be true, but only someone with a relationship with God and open spiritual ears can truly learn what the word of God is saying. Not spending bad about seminary training, but without the Holy Ghost and a strong relationship with God, then it ould profit the trainee nothing.
Thank about what it is that you're saying for a moment. “Seminary training is good, but without the Holy Ghost guiding them and telling them what is really His word and revealing the revelations that no man can reveal without the Holy Ghost; It would be pointless.” The mistake made in your thinking is that only a few believers have the Holy Spirit. False I said this before “all believers have the Holy Spirit a conversion. If you mean what is called the “second blessings” the Bible don’t teach that.

The same mistake is being made when you say “Anyone can learn a bunch of history and facts in the Bible (especially people who love history in general) which may or may not even be true. To question the facts of History is your choice but sounds very crazy in light of all the history to be learned.
I dont think a few people have the Holy Ghost, but all believers dont accept the fullness of God and therefore lack the connection needed to Him and aren't open to Him like they should. Schools teach doctrine, but not all of it is the correct doctrine.
What do you mean by the fullness of God? The Bible is Doctrine, the question is what doctrine are you looking for?
Yes the Bible is doctrine, but man has made his own interpretations of it and have missed God on many occasions and I mean the fullness of God as in the fullness of the word, because the word is God.
I’m sorry I have no earthly idea what that means. You say that man has made his own interpretation of the Bible. Please give me an example of what you mean.
Meaning when they believe scripture says one thing when it says another. How many people have different doctrines and al believing their doctrine is right while the other is wrong. Like how some have (just for an example as you asked) Oneness doctrine while others have Trinitarian one and both back up with what they believe with their scriptures. Instead of everyone having the same interpretations, many people have different ones, because of different teachings or even different studyings.
The problem is not in Seminary's or Bible College's. The problem comes from the fact that many of the preachers that teach oneness doctrine or any other false doctrine have rejected the truth.
That's what I've been saying. Wasn't downing the Seminary or Bible College's at all, just saying that if someone doesn't have that right connection with God then someone could be led wrong by leaders or the wrong colleges.
The issue here is what it truth, I know that alot of people like or should I say follow prophets today. But there are no prophets today! I'm sure you're going to point me to Eph 4:11 but before you do read it very carefully.


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