Ephesians 4:23; Proverbs 16:3

..Be renewed in the spirit of your mind; (v. 23). Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established.

As we begin another year it is by God's grace that we do so; therefore, I felt the need to talk about A Renewed Commitment to Christ as He is worthy of all praises, honor and glory.

That being said let us talk about our commitment to Christ from the perspective of why believers renew their vow to Him. Christ is the head of our lives and it is in Christ that we have our being. It is Christ who saved us from sin so that so that we as believers wear God's garment of salvation and spend eternity with Him. It is God's grace, love and mercy that we are here to see another year with the opportunity to continue witnessing Christ and doing good works unto Him. It is Christ's light of righteousness that we as believers shine in a sin darkened world lighting the way for the unbeliever to see and come to Christ. It is Christ's Spirit that is with us every step of the way even in times of trouble-He is there.
Let me encourage the unbeliever to join the Faith Community and taste the sweetness of God's salvation and the blessings that comes with being a member of God's family of royal priests.
Let me close by saying with a renewed commitment to Christ and working for Him will bring a spiritual revival like never before.

A renewed commitment begins in the heart and good works will follow.

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