I know that we are quick to jump up and say "send aide to Haiti, those poor victims!", and some are just as quick to say that Pat Robertson is a jerk for what he said. I personally would agree with sending aide to Haiti, and I will also be praying for them, However I will not be praying for what people think that we should be praying for. The human mind possesses ingenuity, and if determined enough, they shall recover. The recovery however is up to them in this one area: REPENTANCE! Pat Robertson was right about ALL that he said. Quite frankly, I not only agree with everything he stated, I will add to it. Those who doubt the validity of the devil having a contract on Haiti know little about two things: 1) Haitian spiritual history, 2) spiritual warfare.

Things like this tie closely into the belief of the power of the HOLY SPIRIT, the offices of the Apostle & Prophet, miracles, signs, wonders, and actually realizing that we are STILL within the Book of Acts, just a few chapters later. If you knew anything about Haiti, you would have known that just by looking at it, the country was literally cursed. Therefore, if you are truly a Christian, then I would advise that you pray first for REPENTANCE of the people of Haiti. If they want to have any hope of recovery, they need to truly turn to CHRIST JESUS.

What say ye?

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It's all about the mighty weak dollar!!!
No money.
No word.
That is one side pf the story the real truth is that we as a people continue to live in denial and remain in captivity being dedicated to the serivce of the captor who taught the descendants of the hebrews their language and teach them away from their true self now they have lost their identity as royality living below their dignity taught about the captor diety believing it is divinity now it a clamity as duet 28 and other writings that te same captor write and published continue to be a reality while they are caught up in religion .YAH LOVE AND PEACE
THIS IS THE REAL TRUTH l (2) Simeon & (3) Levi - Gen 49:5-7 - Simeon and Levi are brethren, the people occupying the Island of Santo Domingo & Haiti known as Hispaniola. They share one island divided into two, which makes them close by neighbors or brothers. An instrument of cruelty that’s in their habitations represents the machete that they use for warfare. But mainly it represents the Voodoo that used against their people or enemies.
(6th verse) - Jacob didn’t want his righteous spirit to be involved in their secret endeavors that they have assembled, because of what they did to the inhabitants that dwell in Canaan (Gen 34:24-31), when they defiled their sister. Be not united; that’s why Santo Domingo & Haiti is divided by language barriers, and skin color and racial differences.
(7th verse) Jacob is letting us know cursed be their anger for what they did to their enemies, who defiled their sister, for it was cruel and they were divided and scattered amongst Israel, when the nation was spilt Southern Kingdom & Northern Kingdom. Deut 33:8-11 - The Thummin and Urim represented a certain elemental stone that was worn on the breast plate of the High Priest when he went into the Holy of Holies, to commune with the Most High, and there the Most High will show him judgment of the Children of Israel. The elemental stone will illuminate, and give off accurate information from the Most High to the High Priest.
(9th verse) Meaning when it came to the judgments and laws off the Most High it was no respect of persons (Exodus 32:26-28) they executed the righteous order and penalties, and were well disciplined.
(10th verse) The office of the Levites was to teach Jacob the Most High judgments, and Israel the Law. Administer the priesthood by Putting Incense before the Most High and burnt sacrifice upon the Altar for a covenant of Salt (forever). (11th verse) Moses asking the Most High to bless Levi and all his substance (which including all the first fruit of their tithes). And to accept the work that they do for the Most High. And destroy all the enemies that rise up against Levi. So how does this correlate with the Haitians. The Haitians practice spiritual rituals on the negative side of life that requires sacrifices of animals, incense burning. Due to the fact that we broke the Most High Laws, we were punished and cursed. So we see Haiti as the bases and most contemptible of the people. Malachi 2:2-3 & 8-9The 12 Tribes are categorizing into four groups.
Judah, Gad, Reuben (North America)
Simeon, Levi, Dan Joseph, Benjamin (West Indies)
Zebulun and Issachar (Central America)
Naphtali and Asher (South America)
Historical books proving Benjamin are the so called West Indians. (Babylon Too Timbuctoo by Rudolph Windsor p. 84-86) (Nature Knows No Color-Line by J.A. Roger p 49, 63, 65, 123 & 130)
Judah, Benjamin and Levi were brought on slaves’ ship, from West Africa during the 1600’s.
Duet 28:68 – We were brought into slavery Egypt (modern Egypt) and there we were sold as slaves. And no man shall buy us (Old Quaker English word meaning “Save”) no man shall save us out of our conditions that we face in America and throughout the Islands.
Duet 28:48 – Serving our enemies in the want of all things. Iron collars upon our necks in slavery.
Duet 28:30 – Slave masters raped and took our women, we builded, planted and didn’t receive our due reparation.
Duet 28:32 – Our sons and daughters were taken away and given to different slave masters. Our eyes look, but nothing could be done; we waited for the return of our children.
Duet 28:37 – We became an astonishment, stereotyped and depreciated examples knoons, niggers, sambo, spook; jigger boo, Afro American, Negro, colored and many more names and degrading characterization.
Duet 28:64 – The Diaspora of us in all countries and people of the earth, where we are serving other strange and satanic religions.
Duet 28:66-67 – Our life hanging in doubt no assurance of our life because of fear. Example: Civil Rights being violated by the European America, Law Enforcement, black on black crime, and all sorts of violence being perpetrated upon us and also during the hard bondage of slavery. In the morning we would say to the Most High it were even for the hard bondage of slavery, so when night came in we would rest. And at night it was morning, because of all the terror, burning, lynching, and all the crimes that were committed at night time in dark desolated areas.
Duet 33:28-29 – Restoration, deliverance and rulership of the 12 Tribes of Israel which is inevitable according to the biblical prophecies of the Most High Yahawah.
Ezekiel 39:22-29 – The Most High bringing us out of captivity in Babylon the Great (America) and all the places where we have been scattered. Then shall all nations know why the true Israelites went into slavery for our iniquity. That’s the reason why the European American was able to enslave and rule over us.
As we look around Israel America and different parts of the earth. We see a conspiratorial, demonic and diabolical plot by groups of impostors and impostures that are cleaving to our heritage and glory. But the Most High Yahawah has made it cleared to us who they really are Ezek 7:21-25, Ezek 25:12-14, Ezek 35:1-15, Ezek 36:5-7, Isa 34:1-16, Rev 2:9. Rev 3:9-10 PLEASE SHARE IT
No, I will NOT "please share it"! I live in NYC, a place where I have to hear the absolutely embarrassing nonsense doctrine of "the real Jews are black". Its actually getting on my last of last nerves! There is no truth behind ANY of the stuff you stated concerning Israel being the blacks of the Western Hemisphere. Let me inform you on some things: I am not new to this information, therefore I'm not speaking from the standpoint of someone whose ears are virgin to such doctrine. I have studied it, and debated against it, and even prayed about it. ALL THREE have proven to show that this information is absolutely, positively FALSE!

Can your information compensate for information such as this?

Its sad that African-Americans teach this. The truth of the matter is this: African-Americans folks have classically tried to re-identify themselves with some winning culture because they have identified with slavery and being the bottom of the barrel for generations. Many do not even want to be called African-American simply for the deep rooted hurt of the knowledge of African tribes selling them into slavery. They feel disowned and homeless, a people without a history. This however is not true.

- If any man be in CHRIST, he is a new creation. You are Hebrew not by physical bloodline, but by the precious blood of JESUS. Therefore, your true fathers are not just Abraham, but YHWH GOD the FATHER Himself.

-Home is where you hang your hat. We have been forced to make a history for ourselves here, and we should be satisfied enough to consider the slaves of the beginning of this nation our Patriarchs. Doing anything else would be a slap in their face.

- To steal anther's culture is the same as what Europeans did to African slaves, only without the chains of iron.
MY GOSH!!!!!!

NYC appears to be an open stage for any group of people to take to the streets in a parade for whatever reason they come up with. It appears that Downtown NYC never sleeps.

But you are so right Trevor about our spiritual connection to the nation of Israel through the shed blood of Jesus.
NYC is the big melting pot. Practically every culture comes on by. So if you ever here a NY'er say "I seen it all", BELIEVE THEM!
african american is only a name that was give to the hebrews from the judah tribe .Let face it our ancestors all came here on one ship they drop some in america call those black america drop some in Haiti call those haitian drop some in Jamaica call them Jamaican and the list goes on.What is common among all these islanders and the black america is that they all remember that their people was singing cumba Yah and how when they remember canaan land.,they didnot know any religion they didnot know english or french they were taught and was converted to christianity .One of the curses that they would unto to a nation to language that they would not understand they would give them their god to worship anther is they would go into egypt again as bondsmen and bondsmaid when no one shall buy them ,our ancestors were brougt to western world The sign are every where the almighty state his children was going to be a sign to the whole world.The truth will come to the top very soon.
You must REALLY not know your history, do you? I can speak for the West Indian islands very well, for my family from Trinidad-n-Tobago. Is your family from there or any West Indian Island??

Judging from how you are talking, I highly doubt it......
Trevor, these people are caught up in the flesh. And its quite embarrassing.
Yes it most certainly is!! Blacks try to steal other people's style, culture, and ID simply because they feel inadequate. The same thing was done with the creation of the N.O.I. If the Blacks are the only true Jews, the the people of Bene Israel are false as well.

If the Black of the West are the only true Jews, then people like the Bene Israel are false as well.

I don't doubt that we have Black Hebrews, but COME ON!!!!!!!!

Israel was scatter across the four corners of the Earth, and America is NOT the four corners, just one corner.
Hebrews are not jews there is no J in the hebrew language. Hebrews are a nation not a ,
A Semite (or, "Shemite") is someone descended from Shem, one of the sons of Noah. A Hebrew is someone descended from Heber (or, "Eber"), one of the great-grandsons of Shem. So all Hebrews are Semites, but not all Semites are Hebrews.

Six generations after Heber, Abraham was born to his line, so Abraham was both a Hebrew and a Semite, born of the line of Heber and Shem.

Isaac was born of Abraham; then Jacob of Isaac. Jacob's name was changed to "Israel," and he fathered 12 sons. His sons and their descendants are called Israelites, and they would be both Semitic and Hebrew. However, this would not make either Abraham or Isaac "Israelites." Some, who interchange the words "Jew" and Israelite, call Abraham a Jew, even though Abraham was not even an Israelite, and the word "Jew" is not used in the Bible until 1,000 years after Abraham.

One of Jacob-Israel's children was Judah (Hebrew - Yehudah). His descendants were called Yehudim ("Judahites"). In Greek this reads Ioudaioi ("Judeans").

The confusing factor is that almost all Bible translations employ the word "Jew," which is a modern, shortened form of the word "Judahite." Every time you come to the word "Jew" in the Old Scriptures, you should read "Judahite;" and every time you come to the word "Jew" in the New Scriptures, you should read it as "Judean."

Once you have those proper translations in mind, then we have to interpret those words further, because they can have more than one meaning, depending on the context. In the Old Testament, the word "Judahite" has three distinct usage's:

1. one who is of the tribe of Judah in a racial sense;
2. one who is a citizen of the southern "House of Judah," including the tribes of Benjamin and Levi. Thus, this word can be used either tribally (racially) or geographically (nationally).
3. This is also used in a religious sense of those who followed the religion of Judah. At the time of Esther, many non-Israelites "became Jews" (that is, Judahites) as the result of the Judahite victory (Esther 8:17).

In the New Testament, the Greek word Ioudeos should be translated "Judean." Again, this term was used in the same manner:

1. one who is of the tribe of Judah in the racial sense;
2. one who is a citizen of the province of Judea (as opposed to Galilee and Samaria), as is shown in John 7:1. This usage is geographical, and it applied also to the non-Israelite citizens of Judea who had been incorporated into the nation in 135 B.C.; and
3. a follower of the religion of Judah as given by Moses and the prophets. This usage is found in Romans 2:28 and 29.

Therefore, we can say:

1. All Israelites are Hebrews and Semites.
2. Only a few of the Israelites were called Jews (or, Judahites, Judeans).
3. Many non-Israelites were called Jews (Judahites, Judeans) simply because they lived in Judah or claimed to follow the religion of the Judeans.


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