Alois Bell, I feel no sympathy for the situation you have put yourself in

Pastor Bell,

When you use "I give God 10%" as an excuse to not tip a restaurant worker, you demonstrated a lack of compassion, charity and worst of all because you are a Pastor, you used the lords name in vain. The 4th commandment, thou shalt not use the lords name in vain means if you want to be cheap and cruel by not tipping your waitress, DO NOT USE GOD AS YOUR EXCUSE. Be cheap with your own name, not your God's.

I believe that all of this negative attention that has come to you and your church community is God punishing you for taking His name too lightly. God's name is worth more than the $6.29 that you were not willing to pay.

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Pastor Bell

I am a former server.  I waited tables throughout college for six years, as this was the only job that would work through my college schedule.  I also am a Christian, being rasied southern baptist.  I find it very uncalled for and offensive what you did to this server at your local Applebee's.  My mother always told me if I didn't have anything nice to say, then not say anything at all.  From a person of your stature, a role model if you will...... what does the Bible say about this??  Turn the other cheek..... and do unto others as you would have them do to you...... How dare you do this!!!  Servers only make $2.13 an hour and depend on these tips to make their living.  Now this person is fired and doesn't have a job.  You better do everything in your power to get this person's job back.  I hope you feel real good about your "tip" for this server.  It just baffles me that a pastor would stoop this low, it makes me mad as a former server!!!  Spend a day or two in our shoes and I'm sure you will better appreciate the life of a server.  You are the reason why I won't step a foot in certain churches!!

My Son was a server for many years, and the so called Christians were the worst tippers of all. He hated working Sunday because of this. They left him fake Christian money as tips, and one left him a note that he was going to hell because he is gay. I was born and raised in church but I refuse to go to any church now. It is all about the money. You should make it a priority to get this girl's job back! I will not eat at any Applebee


Don't set foot in an Applebee's, either.  They could have backed their server since the gratuity was added automatically for a party of 6 or more.  I guarantee you that the group probably ran the server ragged, too.  Waitress caught behind a faceless souless corporation and a group of cheap church ladies.  She is probably better off not working there anymore but the circumstances that led to that situation are certainly unfair.

Thank you, Pastor Bell, for demanding that an entire staff of people be fired and adding more misery to the world. You are truly a beacon of Christian Generosity. Your patience and understanding of your fellow human beings is legendary. Walk in peace and thank you so much for showing me exactly what kind of person you really are. If you feel your reputation is damaged, you need only look in a mirror to see who is responsible.

Alois Bell you are certainly the most worthless individual I have ever heard of.  I hope your god comes down on you hard.  So called pastors like you are the reason I'm an atheist.  I'll bet you're enjoying your tax exempt status aren't you?  You low life piece of shit.  If you had any guts you'd make sure that server gets her job back and maybe serve her lunch in the process.

Pshh you trolls totally don't understand Pastor Bell's situation. As a pastor ordained by the Lord and Savior Jesus H. Christ himself, she has been set-apart by mere mortals as us. This includes the benefits of not tipping anyone more than she tips God, because Lord forbids those so-called "waiters" receives more percentage cut than God.

The Lord should've thought about that before he created service occupations. I don't recall a commandment that says, "Thou shall not receive more money than I."

Ashley you really do not understand the teaching or works of god.  Give unto Ceasar.  The lord forbids no such thing as you just quoted him saying.   And then if you take the belief you have give more to god so you can give someone a working wage.  

Have you read your bible ?????????????God only asks for 10%......God also said that you have to live by the laws of the land.....Now as a Christian...laws of the land means....following rules, such as paying bills, taxes, tickets, insurance etc. No different from a  resturant which  also have rules set by their companys...which means that if you are eating in a group of 6 or more than you have to pay a certain percentage. I sure the waitress did a good job serving them. Plus you don't know anyone's  situation...she could have really needed that money and job....The point is when you are claiming a certain title that has God behind it you have to live up to the name. God is not a benefit he is a privilege......and God knows your heart..............And I believe the so called pastor was tested by God and missed her blessing...and for you to take up for the foolishness....shows alot about your character......

a thought: in these difficult times that we all live in, a little compassion
and appreciation for those who serve us goes a long way.  When you preach the Word and then go out and
treat a person that is serving your food the way you treated them the Word
becomes meaningless.  This world is full
of people that serve us, clean our places, fix our cars and serve us food, just
like Jesus did at one point.  I'm
extremely disappointed by looking at that restaurant ticket and reading that
message.  That sever deserves your
gratitude and not your insults. If you have been blessed by the hand of the
Lord, I would strongly suggest you pass it on to others. You may give 10% to
God, but He gives you 110% back all the time. 
What you give to someone else in need, God will multiply it tenfold, isn’t
that what the Bible says. Be grateful and pay it forward, it goes a long way.
May God bless you and all your fellowship and may He clear your mind of any
thoughts like this one ever again.

Real poor testimony, doesn't matter what you preach if you aren't going to walk the walk.  You are a bad example for Xians everywhere and for the unsaved as well.

I've commented on both Yahoo! as well as Applebees' Facebook page. As if your behavior wasn't shocking and appalling enough, I get another shocker: you're African-American (as am I). if this world doesn't already negatively judge minorities enough...people like you make me ashamed to be black and realize why I stopped attempting to be a religious person. Shame on you. Maybe if someone costs YOU YOUR job, you can know exactly how that poor waitress must feel. Relinquish your title of "Pastor" don't deserve it.


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