Apostle Howell MADE CHASE GOODEN delete his page because Howell is in trouble.  Howell the man who said that he never ran from anything is now on the run.  COWARD!



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We will see how all of this pans out.  What happens when it comes out that not everything that is said is truth?  Will you apologize?  You say we're going to eat our words, but will you if the wind blows this in the other direction?  There are people that pulled you into this.  Do you think it was God who did that?  You speak of Ezekiel and Jeremiah and once again they acted on behalf of God against a nation.  You guys aren't prophets.  You aren't working for God, if you were would you be siding with some of the people on this board?  Somebody tells you something and you believe it, would you have been apart of the number that yelled crucify him about Jesus, or Stephen?  How about the crowd that drug Paul out of the city, or maybe the Jews that plotted to kill Paul.  You know the ones that plotted in secret.  Kind of like what you do.  Plot in secret.  Who else are you trying to find to cosign with you guys?  Listen AW, I know that you feel what you're doing is right, but as I keep saying Vengeance belongs to God.  You are taking matters into your own hands, like Saul did.  The thing is you said that you think what David did was way worse than what Saul did, but according to the Bible God didn't.  Your words show that you disagree with God.  God's ways are above our ways, and His thoughts above our thoughts.  What if God wants Apostle to still be there for His reasons.  What if all of this you guys are doing will turn around and bite you?  Did you used to have a church?  Have you ever been a Pastor?  We need to let God do what he's going to do, but you don't have that much trust in God do you?  When Noah was lying drunk and naked, the one that exposed his nakedness was cursed the one's that covered him were blessed.  But I bet you wouldn't agree with that either.  We know which side you're on, the side that agrees with rebellious people that want to expose what God may have already forgiven. 

Let God be true and every man a lie. 

No you are in no way committed to God. You are committed to a man and his selfish movement. So committed that you will stay till the wheels fall off. Ask Mr. Howell if any of these things are true. I'm committed to God and I will not compromise my loyalty to the Father just to cover another man's continuous sinning.

"Lying lips, are an abomination to the Lord,"


Proverbs 12: 22


I received a very important email dated Wednesday, 25 February 2009. 

It was a reply from Pastor O.W. Davis, Union Chapel, Huntsville, AL. in regards to LCI Shepherd's Appreciation.

It reads the following:


"Hello, I'm Pastor Davis, and I will be praying for you in your present situation.  Let me assure you that I will not be going to preach anywhere outside of the U.S.  I informed your leadership of this at least a month ago.  In addition, I do not know anyone involved in your ministry personally.  I met a few people when they made a visit to our Church last year, but I don't know anyone up close and personal.  I'm invited to preach for people I don't really know all the time, but many times I am just not led to do so-such was the case here.  Again, I'm praying for you and God Bless."


Pastor Davis


For those who were members during this time, they will remember Apostle Howell telling us that Pastor Davis and his church was going to allow LCI to use some of their facilities until LCI had there own.  Apostle, rambled on and on about how he and Pastor Davis had a personal line of communication "up close and personal," but as you can see from the message above-it was a lie.  Also, the message tells all of us that the leadership at LCI "knew" that Pastor Davis was not coming. It was only after the cat was let out of the bag did any of the leaders come forward and both Apostle, Bishop and the BW all tried to find out who from LCI sent Union Chapel a message.  Both Apostle and BW lost their tempers with us. 


Again, we are not liars, and the money collected was under a "false" assumption, and this is the same as stealing.  How can a church call itself a church and steal money?  Is that right?


Today, I was listening to Bishop T.D. Jakes, and he made an interesting comment that it would pay for LCI to take heed:


"Betrayal always leaves clues."  "Look within, you have chosen your own Judas."


I said this to say that it is wrong for the Bishop to come on this site and accuse any of us of trying to break up a marriage of a current LCI member when it is their leader who has been and is often seen with a married women from his church together in the gym, at her job and often at his house.  These are eye witness accounts.  I would think that a member of the clergy should have better sense than to be seen in public with someone else's wife.


Again LCI, look within and you will find your own Judas.

Did you witness this?  Are you an eye witness?  Seeing somebody in public with somebody else isn't proof.  Apostle works out with other people now.  Does this mean that he's messing with them also?  Being seen in the gym with somebody isn't proof either.  There were eye witnesses that she was at his house?  Where they in the house to where they saw her?  Are they sure that she was alone with him?  Or was her husband there also?  Again did you witness this?  If they saw it, why were they camping outside of Apostle's house?  Are they stalking him? 

You say you are not liars but can you speak for everybody that you are receiving information from?  How do you know when somebody is saying whatever to set Apostle up and when they are actually telling the truth?  You are speaking for everybody that is on here, but do you know them all well enough to speak for them?

The same way you don't know if Mr. Howell if telling you the truth right? You believe everything he says right? These people on this forum and others who have never posted here are ready to speak out publicy against Mr. Howell and tell what they have been through personally. You may be able to ask where's the proof but we ask you the same thing as you knowingly defend a person who could do such terrible things to God's people. Sad, sad sad.

The burden of proof rests on the Accusers not on the Accused.  I don't need proof that Apostle hasn't done anything.  You need to provide proof that he has.  You see how that works.  Who proves what hasn't been done.  The proof is, it hasn't been done.  But if it has then there needs to be proof for at least a court of law to even proceed past accusation.  There may be some idiots that will take your word for it.  I'm not that person though. 

You know who doesn't need proof?  God, because he knows, the thing is you don't trust in God, you know how I know?  Because you are on here.  If you were sent by God as I said before you would be bold enough to go speak to Apostle yourself.  You guys have already said people know where he lives, you know where he goes to the gym, you said it yourself, you know where he preaches, you know where he works.  There's so much that you know about him but yet you are on here.  It's funny Moses was bold enough to go to the Pharaoh, who actually enslaved people by the way, and told him face to face to release the people.  Now that's a deliverer.  Do you think Apostle is scarier than Pharaoh?  Pharaoh had an army and was the Law in Egypt, and no matter how scared and apprehensive Moses was about saying anything to Pharaoh he still did it because God sent him to do it, face to face.  Not anonymously.  God has never sent people to do what you are doing to deliver his people.  The devil hides, not God.  And before you accusing me of not using my name, you guys are the accusers, you are supposed to be the deliverers of Gods people from the shackles of spiritual oppression and molestation.  I don't need to give my name because I'm defending not attacking.  The funny thing about the men of God that God sent to deliver stood alone, against many.  But you are many coming against one.  How funny is that.  hmm.

Now Ron, come on guy. Do you see where this is going? I don't believe anyone here desires to take you down maliciously but want to warn others of your abuse and rotten fruit as a clergyman. I read as much as could and had to reply to this fiasco you have going on. Please give this ministry to another Pastor in your area and get the help you need. You are not in the condition to lead – it’s that plain and simple. The stuff that has been said about you among 100 of your ex members should have never  been once named among you as being a Saint - especially a Pastor. Stop trying to figure out who’s who - you know who God is right? What He is going to impose on you is a lot worse than what you think the people on this forum are. At a drop of a dime you can become leprous, swallowed by the earth, destroyed by fire and brimstone but you are trying to outwit to find out who’s who – man I tell you.  What's sad is - you don't want to know to apologize but to wreck their credibility. Beauty for ashes, whatever you do, remain anonymous. He will just discredit you to get the attention off him. Back to you Howell - man you have no fear whatsoever of God and you are trying so hard to reverse the judgment that awaits you. It's futile to attack the people on this forum for you cannot cancel God’s plan for you. God is an avenger and everyone you abused in a million years never would have thought this would be God’s plan for your demise – God knows how to hit you where it hurt. Many would have avenged you in ways that would not have mattered to you BUT GOD- He hit you where it is hurting.  It’s not Andrea, the countless number of women you molested or families you destroyed that you should be bitter with - you need to take this up with God.  After Saul was rejected by God for his continual disobedience he resorted to drastic measures such as consulting a medium and repeatedly mistreating David. It seems you have come to this point.  David in my opinion, committed a crime that was more horrific than that of Saul; nonetheless, David was genuinely repentant unlike Saul. He did not blame his crimes on Uriah and Bathsheba. He did not have his servants lie about Bathsheba to get the pressure of him; he did paint a bad picture of Bathsheba to Israel to make himself the victim – he repented upon being confronted. Upon being confronted, you have become Ahab – you surrounded yourself around a “Yes” man and woman who are advising you to go to war and continue to slaughter these women and families when God’s true people are telling you to stop and repent!!!!However, like Ahab you will go out to battle at the advice of VJ and BW and will die in battle losing the ministry and possibly your soul – when you should have been advised to Repent!!!!!! (1 Kings 22).VJ and BW if you are not confronting this leader about these acts you know to be true, you are one of Ahab’s lying prophets – you know what’s right but refuse to do it.  Judgment also can affect those who are close to the accused like the passengers on the ship with Jonah – throw Howell overboard before the waves take you out.

well how about you contact the german court, that actually has photos of howell and two women in his house nacked instead of constantly trying to defend his doing!

and yes one of them is married and her husband is nowhere to be seen on those pics!!! which would only make the situation sicker than it already is.


Well Nobel, I guess you were not there to put a cover over Noah huh - this is just plain foolishness.........I just refuse to believe you are this naive. I guess promises of being on Word Network and being rich and famous is worth your soul come on VJ....wake up!!!!!

You wake up, did you see these pictures?  I know that  you are this naive because you keep believing this stuff, without seeing the proof.

You've seen these pictures?  Did you take them?  Or did you hear about this from somebody who heard about it from somebody.  You know it's more illegal to take a picture of somebody inside there house than it is to be a grown up with two naked people in the house.  However I really doubt if this is true, because what is the crime in what you are saying?  These pics do they really exist.  Or is this another one of your non actual proof, that you say is proof of how Apostle is doing people wrong.

I witnessed many things, I know things about the man that would shock you Bishop Jones.  Everyone coming on here is speaking for themsleves.  Soon, you will have all the proof you require.  Soon some people will be knocking on your Apsotle's door with all the proof you need.  This thing is for an appointed time, though it tarry, wait for it.


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