Apostle Howell MADE CHASE GOODEN delete his page because Howell is in trouble.  Howell the man who said that he never ran from anything is now on the run.  COWARD!



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Bishop, I forgot to mention something very important for our audience.  You were not even a member of HTOD/LCI during the timeframe; This means you would have no personal knowledge of what transpired between Apostle Howell and this woman; you were not even the Bishop of the church, you were still running around in your sun glasses and jeans playing it cool.  Also, you did not help Apostle put in those seats in the sancturary, that is another lie Apostle often tells.


Furthermore, you and BW have made several posts:  "where's your proof?"  So Bishop, where is your proof?  Tell Apostle to be a man and stop hiding behind others; when he is on the stand in court he won't be able to use you. 

Oh please! Mr. Howell rejecting sex? That will never happen. It seems to me like you are willfully making false statements about Andrea...that is defamation of character. You were even a member of the curch then...all liars will have their place in the lake of fire. Mr. Howell is not so irresistible that women are banging his door down to get to him. You need to look at what you just posted. It makes everything we are all saying even the more creditable. So sad Howell, so sad.

I know you didn't use the term "defamation of character" on this forum.  This is what you guys are doing, following around Apostle Howell's name to speak evil of him.  You guys are defaming him.  None of what you guys are saying is credible. 

Just tell me what is the end result of all of this.  What is it that you guys are looking to accomplish?  When you accomplish your goals what do you plan on doing then?

Yes I did say defamation of character just to let you see how preposterous your claims were in an earlier post...ridiculous right? Waaa waaa waaa you want a bottle or a pacifier? No one is "defaming" Mr. Howell. You have to be famous for this to be the case. He has done a great job of that on his own. He defamed himself when he lied to women claiming God spoke to him and told them to have abortions. He defamed himself when he had and continues to have sexual contact and conversations with spiritually weak and vulnerable young women. He defamed himself when he spanked kids in his office without their parents' knowledge. He defamed himself when he said God told him to divorce his wife because she made his credit bad...should I go on? Our goal is to tell all that we have seen and heard and to warn others about this ministry. I thought we cleared that up already. Good night its pass your bed time ;-)

Did any of this happen to you?  Did you witness this stuff?  If not then you need to stop.  The bible says by the word of 2 or more witnesses let every word be established.  So I can see if you guys are actual eye witnesses then you can have a platform to stand on.  I asked Andrea those questions because if she lied about why she got out then she could be lying about her account of what happened.  But the thing is she's the only one that said something happened to her.  Whether or not she's lying about what happened or how it happened has yet to be proven.  But everybody else is speaking what they were told.  You cannot be an eye witness if you were told.  Witnesses have seen and heard.  Unless you don't want to give your testimony because you're scared it will expose you.

Little boy go to bed please! I'm not scared nor am I worried about exposure as my life is an open book to those who God places in my path to minister to after they have escaped abusive ministries and your reverse pschology will not work. You are too funny. That Jezebel spirit is still at work I see. Good night!! Besides this forum is about exposing Mr. Howell and his evil practices against the people of God.

You said "Oh please Mr. Howell rejecting sex"  Have you had sex with "Mr. Howell"?  And if so were you the pursuer.  You also said that "he is not so irresistible that women are banging his door down to get to him."  But in order for him to "reject" sex he has to be offered it.  You need to think about what you write before you put it on here.  

Are you serious? Seems to me like you've had sex with him though, you ran to his defense rather quickly. You really need to let BW screen your replies because you continue to confirm what has been said in earlier posts. You have the ignorant audacity to ask if I, "had sex with Mr. Howell and was I the pursuer?" Really? I can give 2 rats patooty's as to who pursued who and so should you...he is "supposed" to be a preacher and therefore if a woman approaches him and wants sex (which never happens because he's the pursuer) he should tell them NO! Period, point blank, end of discussion. Nobody can even get to Mr. Howell because of all the "red tape" so please save that mess for someone who doesn't know any better. You need to man up and quit defending this person. As I said before...sad so VERY sad.

You didn't answer my question.  Did you actually do anything with him?  If so did he pursue you or did you pursue him?  Simple question should be an even simpler answer.

You still don't get the point do you? Was it right for him to take advantage of vulnerable women or was he supposed to shepherd them? As far as you know I could be a male. Stop trying to pick in order to tear these people down and start being a leader. You are a leader aren't you?

I am a leader, and I'm doing my job.  The bible speaks about accusations against Elders in the Church.  The bible says to try every spirit whether they be of God.  Do you expect me to just believe everything you people say just because you say it?  What kind of disciple would I be if I just through my spiritual leader to the wolves just because they showed up?  You are sadly mistaken if you think I would be disloyal because of this site and what you are saying.  Oh I'm going to dig.  I'm going to knock, and I'm going to seek.  What needs to be revealed will be revealed.  I'm not a disloyal son, or Christian.  Jesus said "I would that you were hot or cold but since you are luke warm I will spew you out of my mouth."  People that quit because of what you are saying are luke warm.  As a matter of fact some of you are luke warm because you were leaders that quit.  I chose my side and I'm going to ride this thing until the wheels fall off.  God truly knows my heart.  He knows that I'm zealous enough to follow the place that I committed to in His name.  The thing is just because you are on here doesn't make you committed to God, it makes you committed to destroying a man.  You did say this forum is about exposing Mr. Howell and his evil practices.  That's what you're committed to.  Well I'm committed to God.  I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing. Trying all spirits.

If this is VJ, have you tried the spirit of your leader? Bud, it's not the world against your leader but God just being plain tired of his mess and avenging those who were wronged. You will see how all this pans out VJ and will have to eat these words you are saying. I have seen this before. Your leader knows where it is going because of his crimes and will drag you along possibly using you as a scapegoat. I don't doubt you want to be a good Christian but you are just a little uninformed and was brought up into ministry by the corrupt Shepherd the Ezekiel and Jeremiah speak of. No matter how pretty you try to put it, it will not end well and you are going to find yourself back to the point of needing another man's validation because you never received God's. Over 100 people are not wrong and Ron the innocent victim. If this is Howell, pass this on to VJ. Thanks


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