Apostle Howell MADE CHASE GOODEN delete his page because Howell is in trouble.  Howell the man who said that he never ran from anything is now on the run.  COWARD!



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Treat others, the same way, you want them to treat you.


Luke 6:31


None of us are surprised at vicous attacks on the German woman, and the posting of pictures of former members of LCI.  It is to be expected from someone who preaches about excellence, but does not possess such qualities.


I was thinking, what if any of the former members of Life Changers were to post pictures of a provocative nature about apostle?  Noble Son has been asking for "proof."  What if anyone was to post a picture of a mini BMW, with the time of the evening, and date, and where that mini was parked?  What about that used Mercedes, and where it's parked, time of the evening, and early morning hours, and the nice photos of the people as they come out to kiss the sky "Good Morning."  I had another thought about someone posting some not so nice pictures of a pastor's kid, and making up a nice juicy story (lie)?  I bet that pastor would have a cow.  How about posting a picture of a bishop's daughter, and making up a wild story?  I bet that bishop would learn that doing such things to others is not so nice.  (isn't that right Noble?)  There are all kinds of pictures to posts, and anyone with a good imagination could make up a lie to go with such pictures. 


Fortunately for the pond scum leadership at LCI, none of us would do such a thing.  All of the former members of LALC are wonderful people, people that anyone would love to have for neighbors, family and friends.  I urge my sisters and brothers to use the right means of reporting the abuses suffered at the hands of Apostle Howell, and his leaders.  Do not stoop to apostles' level, don't be pond scum.


There are plenty of opportunities for the truth to get out, don't be in a hurry, take you time, and think about what you want to say.  When I gave my information to authorities, they were amazed.  I did not lie about anything, I did not have to.  I did not make up any wild stories, I simply put all my thoughts on a word document, and collected all the facts I have, and I told the Life Changers story:  "I Was In A Cult."  That is how it is done.  Every former member, you have a story to tell.  For those reporting abuse, yours is the story authorities want to hear.  Tell it!  When you do, you will be a better person.  When you come forward, the healing process will begin.  Unlike pond scum which posted your pictures,and made up a story, you will be clean, and these people in law enforcement are nice; they are going to believe you.  


For those current members of Life Chagers International, please do not allow Apostle to use you to do his dirty work.  See the curse that is on Noble Son, and Lacie Monique for their complicity in aiding Apostle in his sin.  The Bible teaches if sinners entice you, do not consent:  "do not go with them."  Proverbs 1:10  Do share in the sins of others, keep yourself pure.  1 Tim. 5:22  Howell hides his hands, and allows others to do his dirty work.  There are people who have left LCI with their heads down, don't let it be you, do not choose a curse.  Lastly, when you finally leave LCI, you will find a bunch of loving, accepting and forgiving people waiting for to love you.  We understand what happened to you.  Freedom taste so sweet.


Be encouraged everyone, I am.

This is a trustworthy saying, and I want to stress these things, so that those who have trusted in God, may be careful to devote themselves to doing what is good.  These things are good and profitable for everyone.


But avoid foolish dicussions about spiritual pedigrees, or quarrels or fights about the law, because these are unprofitable and useless.


Warn a devisive person once, and then warn him a second time.  After that have nothing to do with him.


You may be sure that such a man is warped, and sinful, he is self-condemned.


Titus 3:  8-11


One of lesson reinforced at Life Chagers is that when God puts you somewhere, and you pray for help, and you leave, that makes you a transgressor.  When Howell, and Bishop Jones were not using the cause of death as a reason for someone that exited LCI, to hold people in place, this teaching was used to tell us if we left LCI we were transgressors.  We were taught that if we left, we were mistreating the grace of God.


Ronald Howell taught us that if we wanted to hear from God, we must learn to listen to a man.   Hmmmm, that sets up a person to be used by a cult.  We were to persume that Howell was the only man that God would talk to.  Howell did not want us to talk about what we had learn from other preachers, especially Creflo and T.D. Jakes.  He was extremely jealous of these men and their mega success.


All of us have read the scripture, how shall they hear without a preacher?  Romans 10:14.  Howell taught us that no man takes this honor to himself, and that this calling must be passed onto us by a man of God.  He said that we must be careful of who lays their hand on us because of this calling - we would become that person. 


When I think about it, and the earlier post by Lacie and Noble boasting/lying about Howell having 60 preachers, I immediately think about the false prophets of Ahab and  Jezebel - all liars.  I also think about the hi-jacking of the gospel message by Howell and the hands that he laid upon those who he calls pastors, elders and ministers in LCI.  These people are mini- Howells.  Now we understand the actions and conduct of Noble Son, and Lacie.


The gospel message of salvation through faith must be guarded from those would abuse and use it for worldly and material pursuit, such as we saw at Life Changers. 


The Bible admonishes Shepherds to feed the flock of God, which is among you, SERVING as overseers, not by compulsion, but willingly, not for dishonest gain, but eargerly, not as being LORDS as those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock.  1Peter 5


Shepherds, serve God, and His people willingly from a heart that loves the sheep, and wants to serve.  You cannot abuse God's flock and love them at the same time.  Love does not take advantage of people.  Love treats women, children, the sanctity of marriage with respect.  Love does not lie on God to the sheep. 


Shepherds should never do their jobs as LORDS, because THE SHEEP DO NOT BELONG TO THEM!  The sheep are entrusted to them, Instead Shepherds are to serve by being examples, NOT DICTATORS!  Anyone who tells you that you must be at a church when your child is sick, IS SICK!  Anyone who won't give you a break after you gave birth to a child, and you need time to recover is a DICTATOR!  This false shepherd failed to realize that the sheep do not belong to them.  No Shepherd, sleeps with the sheep.   No shepherd raises funds under false pretenses, and then comes back and calls the sheep "silly" (Colm).  I know that there are some members in LCI reading these posts, just remember alias Colm-Howell/Jones/ Williams is calling you "SILLY."  That Shepherd you have is laughing at you, while you struggle to have a few nice things, all three of them are dressing nice, and driving Mercedes Benz's, and you just celebrated his 17th false ministry, and he thinks all of you are silly.


Howell taught that a Shepherd, must be more than a talker.  I have to laugh at that, because that was the primary purpose of being at the cult five to six days a week, to listen to Howell talk. 


A true Shepherd, must be a funnel of distribution, to deliver those who are oppressed of the devil, with sickness and other diseases, just like Jesus did.  In LCI, it is the opposite, since Howell demanded people always be at cult service, people had no choice but to come sick, and/or bring sick children with them and infect other chidren and people in the audience.  This is why I call the chidren's church, "Camp Disease."


We must make sure that those we are committing to in the service of the Lord, are commtted to Him, and not just out for their own glory and profiteering.


We warned Howell, but he would not listen to us.  He shut us down.  He ran us down.  We do not need to return to him face to face.  Why face a devil, he is self-condemned.  Titus 3:  8-11

focus on Jesus Christ.

Apostle Ronald D Howell Sr. is a vicitm of cyberstalking there are posts on this discussion as well as others that is proof of this, below is the definition of cyber stalking, it is apparent that these people will go to great lengths to stalk and defame the character of Apostle Howell.  You decide for yourself if this is what is going on before believing what they say...

Cyberstalking is the use of the Internet or other electronic means to stalk or harass an individual, a group of individuals, or an organization. It may include false accusations, monitoring, making threats, identity theft, damage to data or equipment, the solicitation of minors for sex, or gathering information in order to harass. The definition of "harassment" must meet the criterion that a reasonable person, in possession of the same information, would regard it as sufficient to cause another reasonable person distress.[1] Cyberstalking is different from spatial or offline stalking. However, it sometimes leads to it, or is accompanied by it.[2]- Which would mean they would sit outside the house of the person and note who's at their house

A number of key factors have been identified:

  • False accusations. Many cyberstalkers try to damage the reputation of their victim and turn other people against them. They post false information about them on websites. They may set up their own websites, blogs or user pages for this purpose. They post allegations about the victim to newsgroups, chat rooms or other sites that allow public contributions, such as Wikipedia or Amazon.com.[5]
  • Attempts to gather information about the victim. Cyberstalkers may approach their victim's friends, family and work colleagues to obtain personal information. They may advertise for information on the Internet, or hire a private detective. They often will monitor the victim's online activities and attempt to trace their IP address in an effort to gather more information about their victims. [6]
  • Encouraging others to harass the victim. Many cyberstalkers try to involve third parties in the harassment. They may claim the victim has harmed the stalker or his/her family in some way, or may post the victim's name and telephone number in order to encourage others to join the pursuit.
  • False victimization. The cyberstalker will claim that the victim is harassing him/her. Bocij writes that this phenomenon has been noted in a number of well-known cases


Preliminary work by Leroy McFarlane and Paul Bocij has identified four types of cyberstalkers: the vindictive cyberstalkers noted for the ferocity of their attacks; the composed cyberstalker whose motive is to annoy; the intimate cyberstalker who attempts to form a relationship with the victim but turns on them if rebuffed; and collective cyberstalkers, groups with motive.[14] According to Antonio Chacón Medina, author of Una nueva cara de Internet, El acoso ("A new face of the Internet: stalking"), the general profile of the harasser is cold, with little or no respect for others. The stalker is a predator who can wait patiently until vulnerable victims appear, such as women or children, or may enjoy pursuing a particular person, whether personally familiar to them or unknown. The harasser enjoys and demonstrates their power to pursue and psychologically damage the victim.[15]

The most common behavior is to post defamatory or derogatory statements about their stalking target on web pages, message boards and in guest books designed to get a reaction or response from their victim, thereby initiating contact.[17] In some cases, they have been known to create fake blogs in the name of the victim containing defamatory content

Your gift will make room for you, it will bring you before great men.


Proverbs 18:16


When it comes to gifts, the devil always presents a counterfiet.  Certain gifts brings the devil out, causes him to act up.  We must have a strategy when the devil shows up.  We must have the spirit of discernment, because it gives us accountability; discernment tells us when we are in step, and when we are out of step.


In recent weeks, we have witnessed Life Changers present several counterfiets, because of our gifts.  Our gifts is what is causing the devil to act up.  We are in step, we can discern, and the devil does not like it, therefore the devil has showed up.


Your enemy and your gift are attracted to each other.  Your gift is for your enemy, it is to "defeat" your enemy!  Your gift and your enemy are destined to meet.  Now, each of us should understand our reason for the season we were in the cult.  Our gifts brought us to LCI, our gifts are for our enemy, they are to defeat this enemy of righteousness, we were destined to meet.


How would you approach your enemy?  God often allows you to roam among your enemy in order to become effective.  Flesh and blood is not the enemy, however; the Satan uses flesh and blood to accomplish his "ministry."  Did you know that Satan has a ministry?  One of his locations of operation is Life Changers International (only two locations).


In order for us to approach the enemy, we must stand having our waist girded about with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, having shod our feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace (we expect a stupid comment from Noble Son).  Above all, taking the shield of faith, with which you will be able to quench "ALL" the firey darts of the wicked one (see, your enemy is not going to win).  And take the helmet of salvation,(for that, you had to leave LCI), and the sword of the spirit, which is the Word of God (mishandled at LCI)!  Ephesian 6.  This is how we are to approach the enemy.


When you allow your shield to drop and become friends with your enemy, and you comply with the enemy of peace, then the enemy is available to cut off your head, and set you up.  In Life Changers, many people are friends with the enemy of peace.  They do not know that they are being set up, and their heads are about to be cut off (let holding the bag).


Remember that Satan is not bound to the truth.  His power is in the lie, and if he can, he will make you give into the lie. Do not respond to the enemy!  Don't give into his lies, that is what they want you to do.   The devil works to get people to move before the time, so he can get your gifts, and frustrate your destiny.  Ignore them.  It ought to be easy, since this is what they do all the time.  Right Lacie? 


As a Christian, we are boJoeund to the truth (here comes Noble), our power is in the truth. 


Justice turns slowly, but it turns.  Be patient, and tell authorities the turth.  It takes time to interview people, and get all the facts together.  These people are professionals, and they deal with situations, like the one we are handing them.  They are well able to separate the truth from a lie.  They will spot a liar, so tell all the truth, no embellishments. 


Joseph's gift brought him to Egypt, to prison, and to the palace.  Your gift, will bring you, it will bring you out of situations, and messes, and it will take you places, that gift will drive you. 


Our gift took us to Egypt (Life Changers International, only two locations).  Egypt always represents the world, something under.  For a season, we were in prison, but our gifts are bringing us before great people, we are telling our story, and people are listening, and being delivered, while over in Egypt (LCI), they are worshipping a false god, and going in circles, with a mad man, trying to reach a destiny that God does not intend for them to reach.  This Pharoah is a task master, and they serve him without realizing they are being "driven" to destruction.  They cannot see.  It is up to us to pray for their deliverance. 



focus on Jesus Christ.

Apostle Ronald D Howell Sr. is a vicitm of cyberstalking there are posts on this discussion as well as others that is proof of this, below is the definition of cyber stalking, it is apparent that these people will go to great lengths to stalk and defame the character of Apostle Howell.  You decide for yourself if this is what is going on before believing what they say...

Cyberstalking is the use of the Internet or other electronic means to stalk or harass an individual, a group of individuals, or an organization. It may include false accusations, monitoring, making threats, identity theft, damage to data or equipment, the solicitation of minors for sex, or gathering information in order to harass. The definition of "harassment" must meet the criterion that a reasonable person, in possession of the same information, would regard it as sufficient to cause another reasonable person distress.[1] Cyberstalking is different from spatial or offline stalking. However, it sometimes leads to it, or is accompanied by it.[2]- Which would mean they would sit outside the house of the person and note who's at their house

A number of key factors have been identified:

  • False accusations. Many cyberstalkers try to damage the reputation of their victim and turn other people against them. They post false information about them on websites. They may set up their own websites, blogs or user pages for this purpose. They post allegations about the victim to newsgroups, chat rooms or other sites that allow public contributions, such as Wikipedia or Amazon.com.[5]
  • Attempts to gather information about the victim. Cyberstalkers may approach their victim's friends, family and work colleagues to obtain personal information. They may advertise for information on the Internet, or hire a private detective. They often will monitor the victim's online activities and attempt to trace their IP address in an effort to gather more information about their victims. [6]
  • Encouraging others to harass the victim. Many cyberstalkers try to involve third parties in the harassment. They may claim the victim has harmed the stalker or his/her family in some way, or may post the victim's name and telephone number in order to encourage others to join the pursuit.
  • False victimization. The cyberstalker will claim that the victim is harassing him/her. Bocij writes that this phenomenon has been noted in a number of well-known cases


Preliminary work by Leroy McFarlane and Paul Bocij has identified four types of cyberstalkers: the vindictive cyberstalkers noted for the ferocity of their attacks; the composed cyberstalker whose motive is to annoy; the intimate cyberstalker who attempts to form a relationship with the victim but turns on them if rebuffed; and collective cyberstalkers, groups with motive.[14] According to Antonio Chacón Medina, author of Una nueva cara de Internet, El acoso ("A new face of the Internet: stalking"), the general profile of the harasser is cold, with little or no respect for others. The stalker is a predator who can wait patiently until vulnerable victims appear, such as women or children, or may enjoy pursuing a particular person, whether personally familiar to them or unknown. The harasser enjoys and demonstrates their power to pursue and psychologically damage the victim.[15]

The most common behavior is to post defamatory or derogatory statements about their stalking target on web pages, message boards and in guest books designed to get a reaction or response from their victim, thereby initiating contact.[17] In some cases, they have been known to create fake blogs in the name of the victim containing defamatory content

Ronald D. Howell Sr is a False Apostle, and he is not a victim, other than being a viction of making a bad, very bad decision to touch on these women, using the cloak of the ministry to victimize us women.


Lacie is so desperate, that she came on her before saying that some other woman was lying, and at first I did not know who she meant, but since then, I figured out who Lacie was talking about and contacted that women and she is going to tell on Howell.  Good for that woman.

Getting familiar with the Word of God, is how to get use to hearing God.


In the cult Life Changers, we were told by Ronald Howell that we needed a man between us and God to hear.  Jesus was taken out, by false a sermon.


This is for those currently in Life Changers International (only two locations), when God tells you to move, do so before you have a chance to fear, and mess it up, or change your mind.


Know when to let go!

focus on Jesus Christ.

Apostle Ronald D Howell Sr. is a vicitm of cyberstalking there are posts on this discussion as well as others that is proof of this, below is the definition of cyber stalking, it is apparent that these people will go to great lengths to stalk and defame the character of Apostle Howell.  You decide for yourself if this is what is going on before believing what they say...

Cyberstalking is the use of the Internet or other electronic means to stalk or harass an individual, a group of individuals, or an organization. It may include false accusations, monitoring, making threats, identity theft, damage to data or equipment, the solicitation of minors for sex, or gathering information in order to harass. The definition of "harassment" must meet the criterion that a reasonable person, in possession of the same information, would regard it as sufficient to cause another reasonable person distress.[1] Cyberstalking is different from spatial or offline stalking. However, it sometimes leads to it, or is accompanied by it.[2]- Which would mean they would sit outside the house of the person and note who's at their house

A number of key factors have been identified:

  • False accusations. Many cyberstalkers try to damage the reputation of their victim and turn other people against them. They post false information about them on websites. They may set up their own websites, blogs or user pages for this purpose. They post allegations about the victim to newsgroups, chat rooms or other sites that allow public contributions, such as Wikipedia or Amazon.com.[5]
  • Attempts to gather information about the victim. Cyberstalkers may approach their victim's friends, family and work colleagues to obtain personal information. They may advertise for information on the Internet, or hire a private detective. They often will monitor the victim's online activities and attempt to trace their IP address in an effort to gather more information about their victims. [6]
  • Encouraging others to harass the victim. Many cyberstalkers try to involve third parties in the harassment. They may claim the victim has harmed the stalker or his/her family in some way, or may post the victim's name and telephone number in order to encourage others to join the pursuit.
  • False victimization. The cyberstalker will claim that the victim is harassing him/her. Bocij writes that this phenomenon has been noted in a number of well-known cases


Preliminary work by Leroy McFarlane and Paul Bocij has identified four types of cyberstalkers: the vindictive cyberstalkers noted for the ferocity of their attacks; the composed cyberstalker whose motive is to annoy; the intimate cyberstalker who attempts to form a relationship with the victim but turns on them if rebuffed; and collective cyberstalkers, groups with motive.[14] According to Antonio Chacón Medina, author of Una nueva cara de Internet, El acoso ("A new face of the Internet: stalking"), the general profile of the harasser is cold, with little or no respect for others. The stalker is a predator who can wait patiently until vulnerable victims appear, such as women or children, or may enjoy pursuing a particular person, whether personally familiar to them or unknown. The harasser enjoys and demonstrates their power to pursue and psychologically damage the victim.[15]

The most common behavior is to post defamatory or derogatory statements about their stalking target on web pages, message boards and in guest books designed to get a reaction or response from their victim, thereby initiating contact.[17] In some cases, they have been known to create fake blogs in the name of the victim containing defamatory content

False victimization is coming on this network and posting such "SILLY" things as this trying to deflect the TRUTH, and now that the truth is coming out, Howell is just like any drownig person going down for the third time.


Have you thougt about what you look like posting this several times Pastor BW?  Again, you are providing plenty of ammo against yourself,


Thanks for the gift (Shelly)

Sexual Preadator Warning Signs:


The typical sexual predator is very immature, in his or her understanding of intimacy.  It is like they really want closeness, but they lack the skills to feel satisfaction and trust.  These feelings of frustration erupt into anger many times, and it is in stage that the individual can become dangerous.  Their acts are desperate.  They try to find intimacy and caring for themselves, but when they can´t find it in appropriate ways, they feel a sense of entitlement, and thus look for this intimacy inappropriately.


There are some common characteristics in a sexaul predators, look for these warning signs:


Refusal to take responsibility for actions, and blames others for circumstances or failures, often the victim is blamed.


A sense of entitlement.  Low Self Esteem.  Need for power and control.  Lack of empathy.  Inability to form intimate relationships with adults.  Pattern of abuse.  Troubled childhood.  Deviant sexual behavior and attitude.  Good manipulators (seduction is an integral part).  Deny, Deny, Deny. Overly self indulgent.  Arrogant.  -sexualize, objectify women.  Uses various kinds of pornograpy.  Typically known as rationalizers, intellectualizers, justifiers.  Great helpers, they are there to lend a helping hand, preying on the needs of a person, they insinuate themselves into your life.  Uses stressful and vulnerable situations to get into your life, they find a need, they can fill, and they use that to get to the next victim.


If you have been the victim of sexaul predatory practices, call the police, and report that rascal now!


focus on Jesus Christ.

Apostle Ronald D Howell Sr. is a vicitm of cyberstalking there are posts on this discussion as well as others that is proof of this, below is the definition of cyber stalking, it is apparent that these people will go to great lengths to stalk and defame the character of Apostle Howell.  You decide for yourself if this is what is going on before believing what they say...

Cyberstalking is the use of the Internet or other electronic means to stalk or harass an individual, a group of individuals, or an organization. It may include false accusations, monitoring, making threats, identity theft, damage to data or equipment, the solicitation of minors for sex, or gathering information in order to harass. The definition of "harassment" must meet the criterion that a reasonable person, in possession of the same information, would regard it as sufficient to cause another reasonable person distress.[1] Cyberstalking is different from spatial or offline stalking. However, it sometimes leads to it, or is accompanied by it.[2]- Which would mean they would sit outside the house of the person and note who's at their house

A number of key factors have been identified:

  • False accusations. Many cyberstalkers try to damage the reputation of their victim and turn other people against them. They post false information about them on websites. They may set up their own websites, blogs or user pages for this purpose. They post allegations about the victim to newsgroups, chat rooms or other sites that allow public contributions, such as Wikipedia or Amazon.com.[5]
  • Attempts to gather information about the victim. Cyberstalkers may approach their victim's friends, family and work colleagues to obtain personal information. They may advertise for information on the Internet, or hire a private detective. They often will monitor the victim's online activities and attempt to trace their IP address in an effort to gather more information about their victims. [6]
  • Encouraging others to harass the victim. Many cyberstalkers try to involve third parties in the harassment. They may claim the victim has harmed the stalker or his/her family in some way, or may post the victim's name and telephone number in order to encourage others to join the pursuit.
  • False victimization. The cyberstalker will claim that the victim is harassing him/her. Bocij writes that this phenomenon has been noted in a number of well-known cases


Preliminary work by Leroy McFarlane and Paul Bocij has identified four types of cyberstalkers: the vindictive cyberstalkers noted for the ferocity of their attacks; the composed cyberstalker whose motive is to annoy; the intimate cyberstalker who attempts to form a relationship with the victim but turns on them if rebuffed; and collective cyberstalkers, groups with motive.[14] According to Antonio Chacón Medina, author of Una nueva cara de Internet, El acoso ("A new face of the Internet: stalking"), the general profile of the harasser is cold, with little or no respect for others. The stalker is a predator who can wait patiently until vulnerable victims appear, such as women or children, or may enjoy pursuing a particular person, whether personally familiar to them or unknown. The harasser enjoys and demonstrates their power to pursue and psychologically damage the victim.[15]

The most common behavior is to post defamatory or derogatory statements about their stalking target on web pages, message boards and in guest books designed to get a reaction or response from their victim, thereby initiating contact.[17] In some cases, they have been known to create fake blogs in the name of the victim containing defamatory content

Since the focus is on Jesus Christ, as you say,  (even though in works you don´t know Him),

Jesus taught as you would men do to you, so do also to them.


For years, RONALD D HOWELL SR. put people on blast, he defamed them, and anyone who attempts to tell the truth, Howell quickly assembles his demon squad of the bishop and phoney pastor to blast right back.


If this is the best you can do, better quit while you are ahead.


Thanks for the gift Lacie  (smile)



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