Apostle Howell MADE CHASE GOODEN delete his page because Howell is in trouble.  Howell the man who said that he never ran from anything is now on the run.  COWARD!



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Howell you accused one of your ex-members of not being loyal to anyone. I ask this question - how can you accuse someone of disloyalty, when you have openly slandered people who once sowed into what you claimed God called you to do. Shouldn't loyalty compel you not to do such a thing. From what I hear this individual was with you over 15 years and you say they were not loyal; I beg to differ. You are the one that lack loyalty. These people have lost a lot to help you in “your” ministry and this is what you give them. Howell, like always your thoughts are always welcome.

The word of the Lord came also unto me saying, Son of man, thou dwellest in the midst of a rebellious house, which have eyes to see, and see not; for they are a rebellious house.


Ezekiel 12:  1-2






Yesterday, I was reaching out to my Sister Tamara, and for that much to all the sisters in bondage to a so called ministry.  God has never called us to bondage.  I am so sad for Sister Tamara being in captivity for the past 17 years; being in bondage to a man who is so selfish and unfaithful to God and his former wife.  Selfish to those women who could have a good life instead of being in bondage.  Being in bondage is a decision, and after awhile it is hard to come out of the cult and leave the only life that one knows.  IT SCARY!  Why?  Because for so long a time the people of Life Chagers International have had a liar in their ear telling them all kinds of lies, like,"if you leave LCI you will be leaving your purpose."  I have to laugh everytime I think about that stupid remark.  If Ronald Howell were to be truthful, (cough-cough) the lying apostle would say:  "IF YOU LEAVE ME, YOU WILL BE LEAVING MY PURPOSE!"  See how simple it is to yank gullible people with religion?  Howell hollered and scream against this Bishop Neil in Kaiserslautern, Germany, constently ranting and raving about the man asking his member to double tithe but yet Howell who taught that we were to tithe where we are fed now has a few suckers on the hook tithing to him but attending church elsewhere.  Eventually some of the people actually get into a REAL CHURCH with REAL PASTORS who teach TRUTH, and the people cease to tithe into Howell's fantasy.  Besides, whether these people actually attend a church or not, why tithe to a man who actively "SEEKS" to use his postion to molest women, destroy families and take up offerings using tactics and techniques - LYING?


When heeded, warinigs serve to protect one from the consequences of ignoring, or being ignorant of, dangers.  However, it takes a willful choice to either ignore or heed a warning, and people often choose to ignore them.


Destruction does not come without much warningl  God sets down His plan through His Word, and continually speaks through "FAITHFUL" people who bring God's word.  If people refuse to follow God and follow the culture of the godless world, only disaster will result. 


Through the years many people have served as a witness to Ronald D. Howell Sr about his wicked behavior, asking, begging, pleading for him to repent.  For years people have told Howell that his end is coming.  How did Howell and some of his leaders respond to such a warning?  It is probably safe to say that very few individuals in Life Changers International gives any heed to these prophetic warnings.  That is why my Sister Tamara has lived a life as the other man's woman for all these years.  Let me asks everyone, what kind of a life is it to live like that?  That kind of life is not a life in Christ?  Yet my sister is an elder in Life Changers.  What kind of an elder is that?  What kind of a testimony is that before the Lord, and her children.  You know, they are smart enough to put two and two together.  Just think, week after the week the people sitting behind my sister are looking at her and on the inside they are saying:  "poor woman," although they should be saying the same about themselves.  My Sister Tamara does not have anything to celebrate and there is no joy of a life in Christ when you serve a false prophet on your back.  Wouldn't you like to be one of the T.D. Jakes women:  "THOU ART LOOSED!'  Sister Tamara, my beautiful sister you can free right now, get up and leave Ronald D. Howell's purpose.


Why does Howell ignore the passionate messages from these prophecies?  Ronald doesn't believe that those bearing the warnings knows anything he does not know, and he ignorantly believes that GOD HIRED HIM!  It makes me laugh out loud everytime I think about some of the stupidest remarks I ever heard came out of the mouth of Ronald D Howell Sr.  No Howell, GOD DID NOT HIRE YOU, but yes GOD IS GOING TO FIRE YOU!  The process has already begun.  Kings David's son Absolom hired himself, and God took care of him, and God knows how to get rid of a liar.  Howell does not believe that there is any authoirity or truth in these prophetic messages, but look at the financial mess that LCI is in.  And while Howell's name is not attached to any of it nonetheless LCI is in a financial mess.  Look at Howell's dream and scheme - it has gotten him no where.  Howell wanted fame, he now has it.  (smile)  it is actually called infamy or SHAME!  That is the pay that rebellious people get when they lie on God.  So, Howell ignores the "prophets" messages that have come to him, just like he ignore those leaders who told him that he was not ready to begin a church, his pride, and I say again HIS PRIDE is why things have not worked out for Howell.  Howell often speaks where he can be heard askihng himself WHY THINGS DID NOT TURN OUT THE WAY HE FIGURED."  You have been living in rebellion that is why things did not work for you.  Seeing, you see not!  Brother Jerimiah and Brother Ezekiel were entirely ignored as they used every resource at hand to give the people an opportunity to repent and AVOID THE COMING DISASTER


No one can use God!  None of us can expect to be blessed and lie on God.  I want Victor Jones to know that any church leader molesting women, or children, sleeping with another person's spouse, stealing and USING GOD'S WORD to do it IS NOT BLESSED AND IT IS NOT MINSTRY!  "IT IS AN ABOMINATION!  Howell riches are corrupted and his garments are  motheaten.  Howell can continue to post his messages all over the internet, but it is not going to do him any good to use the Word of God, but call God a liar and live in direct contradiction to the word he is preaching, and anyone supporting that type of leader is also rebellious and cannot see, I DON'T CARE WHAT BIG MAMMA TOLD YOU!


Still today the gospel message is a message of joy and hope for all people, yet most of the world's population reject it and accepts a message filled with lies and bondage.  There is no fear of God in the false prophet and false apostle Roanld D. Howell Sr in using the Bible to promote propaganda and instill fear and deception.  Guess what?  "IT WORKS!"  In essence Howell has lost his mind.  Satan is so clever that he is operating through Howell and is well able to handle, message, caress, stroke, "MOLEST' the members of LCI.  Satan is able to induce those people to serve the whoredom that is Life Changers.  How?  Satan successfully tempted and overcame the people with a title.  Silly isn't it, BUT IT WORKED!  Many of the faces you see on LCI website needed to be affirmed, needed praise, needed a guiding hand of FLESH, and many of them lusted for the title and to sit on Howell's comfy, soft, cushy FRONT ROW SEATS!  You see the devil knows how to sucker people.  There is a saying:  "NEVER SMARTEN UP A CHUMP!"  It was the spirit of Satan that used our Brother Christopher to go and spy for Howell.  The devil made a chump out of nice man.  Isn't that a shame?  Now, the devil has several chumps, sitting on Howell's seats, and he's got them paying for Howell's life of luxury, and YES THAT IS SO.  A retired Sergeant First Class does not make that much money.


Remember, the next time Howell calls any of you members sons and daughters, in reality it is called being a chump for the devil.  Get out of LCI while you can.


As usual, I have enjoyed myself sisters, having this lovely chat with all of you beautiful ladies is so sweet. 




I Love You ALL!


Sister Shelly


So Manasseh made Judah and the inhabitant of Jerusalem to err, and to do worse than the heathen that the Lord destroyed before the Childern of Isreal.


And the Lord spoke to Manasseh and to his people, but they would not listen.


2 Chronicles 33: 9-10


The Consequences Of Ignoring God!


The story of Manasseh King of Judah, is a example of what happens to people that ignore God.   His life illustrates how rebellious actions bring far-reaching consequences to ones self and others.  This man did so much evil that he "PROVOKED" the Lord to anger.  "WOW!"  Take a moment to ponder that thought.  There are people who have no better sense than to make God angry.  That is bad especially when you have knowledge about God and even further when you call yourself a leader in the church and yet you go out of your way to provoke the Lord.  It is foolish to ask yourself questions as to why any of your enterprises are failures.  "BECAUSE YOU FIGHT AGAINST GOD AND HIS HAND IS AGAINST YOU!"  It won´t do anyone any good to fight against God and we should never provoke the Lord to anger.


Let the church say:  "AMEN!"


Ronald D. Howell Sr has done much evil and he has "PROVOKED THE LORD TO ANGER!"  Howell did it to himself, it´s all his fault.  Like Manesseh, Howell has disregarded the Lord´s command and now Howell has been turned over to a reprobated mind.  The member of LCI are following a man who disregards the Lord even though Howell uses a bible, he has "KICKED" God out.  Howell has continued to follow the practices of ungodliness and his "LISTS" of sins are great. 


King Manasseh sacrificed his chidren, Ronald Howell had women commit abortions.  Brother King Manasseh practiced divination and witchcraft; false prophetess and false pastor Bonny Williams practices the same.  Both they and Victor Jones have done much to arouse the anger of the Lord.  Ronald Howell has led his followers "FAR" away from the Lord.  God has often spoken to Howell and the members of Life Changers International Cult:  God sent men like Pastor Kris; yes, he was one of God´s watchmen, but Howell was so jealous of the man.  Howell sent our Sister Tamara to speak to us on behalf of his jealousy.  There have been many others that God sent to speak to Howell, but he ignored God.  Both Howell and his handful of followers have become deaf to God´s voice.  That is dangerous.  You surely gather together at LCI but you are not hearing the Lord´s voice.


The Lord brought judgement to both Manasseh and the people he ruled, and the Lord will bring judgement to Ronald D Howell Sr and the people of Life Changers International.  I am not making some vindictive remarks, nor am I trying to scare or intimidate anyone - just stating the facts.  Judgement is happen now, Howell is defeated.  It is just as Howell himself said:  "whatever is happening in the natural has already taken place in the supernatural (spirit). 


I can tell Howell what is seen in the spirit:  He is fallen.  He is destroyed in a moments time.  Mr Howell, destruction is at your door.  Like the song says, it´s getting late in the evening, your time is running out.  Insteading of wasting time fighting against God in your weak and decrepted state, you need to repent.  This is not a joke, I am serious.  THIS IS A WARNING!  REPENT! TURN BACK BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!  I also can tell the member of LCI what will happen to them.  How about it LCI:  "WHERE DO YOU STAND WHO IS ON THE LORD´S SIDE?"  Don´t sit there and watch Howell fall because you could go with him.  Brother Christopher and Sister Tamara, you don´t have to be lost, don´t go where Howell is heading.  There is no mecry in hell.  Hell is absent of love, pure evil and blasphemies.  I beg you my dear brothers and sisters don´t go where Howell is headed.  "PLEASE DON´T GO!"  God loves you, He even loves Howell, but Howell has made a choice against the Lord.  Even Howell said that no one who disagrees with God is going to heaven.  When a man uses his position to rape women he is in disagreement with God.  That man is provoking the Lord.  When a man lies on God, that man is provoking the Lord to anger.  When a Jezebel does evil agianst the people of God, that person is provoking the Lord to anger, and we all know what happened to old Sister Queen Jezebel.


The bible tells us that the people of Judah refused to listen to reproofs, admonitions, and exhortations to repent and reform.  Their hearts were not touched to repent and believe.  What a terrible condition that not even TRUTH and the word of God had any effect on them.  This is you Life Chagers.  There is no wealth laid up for you.  You are not justified by faith in a wicked man and his six times a week salvation of works program.  You all are lost.  Brother Christopher can´t you hear or feel the prescence of the Lord telling you to repent for what you did?  Don´t you know that you are in trouble.  Brothers Brian and Terrence, don´t you know that you are heading in the wrong direction?  My wonderful Sister Teloris, sweet and beautiful as you are, my lovely, you are heading the wrong way.  Dear Nettles family, I would to God that you would be saved from the coming destruction.  All of you please turn at the Lord´s reproof.  Wake up before it is too late.


I will end my post today with this message for those Howell has hurt in the past.  God knows.


To my beautiful sisters in Christ, I love you ALL!


Sister Shelly





LCI, need we say more? What is your vote concerning spiritual abuse? Those who are familiar with th K-Town area, can you recommend some churches for those who find the courage to do the right thing?

God Bless


you have to go to the poles to vote and I am not talking about the election between Romney and Obama, but rather you will allow Howell to remain in business to practice his destructive lifestyle against women and families. The next family or woman that suffers at the hands of Howell have those who support him financially to blame. Therefore to him that knows to do good, and does it not, to him it is sin(James 4:17). You are aware of what Howell is doing and you have to go to the poles with your body. Moreover, if you stay, you support his destructive lifestyle – if you leave, you don’t. As mentioned by Dr. Arterburn a prominent author, it’s that plain. By the way, Dr Aterburn has authentic credentials.

LCI, unlike the electoral college, your individual vote counts. If you did not look at the film that Brother Moss posted, I have attached it below. This will aid in understand what we are saying.

Brother Moss, I recommend Agape Church in the K-Town area. Bishop Neal is a pastor after God'sown heart and will care for those who Howell wounded. Howell, come on....just repent!!! Don, Joshua, Andrea and Shelly, good points!!!!



Mr Howell,

My question to you is this: Are you gong to repent or blame everyone else? LCI, your money is going towards abuse of women and families and the slander of former members. Your leader have people who are on salary posting lies about people who once sowed into his minstry like you all are presently. When will it be your turn to be slandered with the money you invested in LCI. It will happen when you decide to follow God and not Howell. This will make you the outcast that was discussed in my link. Howell (Repent), thanks fo your recommendaton and I am seeking more to provide variety for those who will need a Church home upon leaving LCI. Anyone, any other suggestions? Thanks

The wise shall inheirit glory, but SHAME shall be the promotion of FOOLS!


Proverbs 3: 35



FOOLS SUCCEED!  They accumulate money and wealth, some become rich and famous but their end destiny and inheiritance shall be shame.




The bible says that the mouth of the foolish pours out foolishness.  Yes, FOOLS:  "THEY TESTIFY ABOUT THEIR FOOLISHNESS."  The foolish are "SELF DECEIVED;" they walk in darkness.  It is a SPORT for fols to do mischief and they do not delight understanding - FOOLS DESPISES WISDOM AND INSTRUCTION.


Fools display dishonor and GLORY in that which is indeed their shame.  What mother in her right mind would GLORY in neglecting her own child?  THAT IS FOOLISHNESS!  What is worse is that this sister would call what she did SERVING THE LORD!  Child protective services should come and take your son away from you, if by "CHANCE" they read that dumb testimony  you allowed Howell to post on the internet (like you had a choice).


We are not speaking about fools in the natural, but in a religious sense; such as know not themselves, nor the way of salvation; those who ignorantly mock at sin.  These type of people shall take, or lift up SHAME as part of THEIR PORTION, in opposition to the glory that the wise shall receive.  Shame LIFTS UP FOOLS -  (SHAME LIFTS UP "RONALD D HOWELL SR) and makes them manifest and conspicuous - all the promotion the fool will recieve is only shame and confusion.  The manifestation is that Howell ignorantly promotes foolishness, just look all over the internet.  Again, Life Changers International is a cult.  Sometimes I must admit that I laugh out loud when I think about the stupid things that Howell does to help our cause:  HOWELL ACUTUALLY HELPS US TO TELL OUR STORY!  Sin blinds.


Anyone having time, please go and read the testimonies of the foolish that Howell posted.  I believe there are a couple of testimonies that will provide ample proof about how decieved and simple minded people can be when it comes to messing around with church and a reprobate leader.  Howell had no better sense than to post more stupid testimonies.  At Life Changers International people are taught to give stupid testimonies.  First, there was the testimony about "money" magically appearing in one of concubines account, and then there was the testimony by the woman who also stole free day-care and now she is testifying to having to leave her infant son to go speak at one of Howell´s weak and silly quarterly conferences while her son was having a blood transfusion.  WHEW!  I have to wonder if the hospital staff wondered if that sister had taken leave of her senses.  Dear Abby would probably tell this sister to either put a sock in, or hand over her mouth until her brain got connected to the rest of her body.   Sister, dear, what were you thinking?  I understand Howell´s stupidity and desperateness but I would like to think that a "MOTHER" would have better sense.  Listen:  "DOING GOD´S WILL IS TAKING CARE OF YOUR CHILD NOT NEGLECTING YOUR CHILD!"


Remember, that former members of LCI have said that Howell does not care about families, and this stupid testimony is "NOBLE SON - PROOF" of that.  None of us should think it odd that Howell would convince a mother to leave her son for a couple of hours to come and reguritate some tripe about what "APOSTLE SAID" during a woman´s conference.  By the way,  Howell scrutinizes every message before it is given, all messages must be HOWELL inspired - NEVER GOD INSPIRED.


Let´s address one more testimony of the promotion of fools.  One of the members of LCI recently received her law degree and it is a sister, and while this is very admirable and commendable she is not aware as to why Howell gave her special treatment when she was in Germany attending LCI.  Our sister has two cute little twin girls, so when Friday evening cult services were over both our sister and her husband were ALLOWED to leave the plantation and go home for the evening while the rest of the members with children HAD TO REMAIN FOR MID NIGHT CROSS CULT SERVICE.  It it obvious that our sister failed to understand that Howell wanted something from you and your husband.  THAT´S RIGHT!  You both had something that Howell wanted so he gave you special treatment.  Howell SUCKERED YOU.   I wonder what the justice community would think if they knew that you support a man that molest women?  Hmmmm, something to think about.  But, no matter, WE KNOW WHAT GOD THINKS ABOUT IT!  Sister, you expect God to bless you in a law practice, but YOU TAKE SIDES AGAINST THE LORD!  Why should you call a curse to yourself?


Many of the members of LCI ignore the truth about the bastardization of the gospel and some knowingly turned a blind eye to the facts that Howell has committed these evils against women.  YES THEY KNOW!  How do you think it makes God feel that YOU VOTE AGAINST HIM, and yet you pray to God and ask him to bless you.  MESSY PEOPLE not PECULIAR PEOPLE!


Again, every testimony Howell posted is about the promotion of fools.  Ronald Howell uses relationships to take advantage of people, especially religious people.  THOUGHT YOU KNEW:   "THE DEVIL HAS YOU!"  OH!  I have lots of proof.


For my sisters who are the blessed OUTCAST I want you to remember that the evil you suffered under Ronald D Howell Sr is not for nothing.  God is going to bring good out of what the enemy meant for your harm.  Someday, someone is going to need what we have been through.  Ladies, we are significant; our lives mean something.  Howell tried to destroy us after he used us but no one can curse what God is blessing.


This week my sisters, I challenge you to remember that we are significant.


Have a blessed week and let´s pray for one another beautiful sisters and I Love You ALL!


Sister Shelly



To Those Concerned:

I have read through these post and yes these accusations are true. Ronald Howell is the meanest, manipulative and controlling man I have ever met. I blame some of what has happened to women on families on the fact that anyone can open a Church with little or no accountability. I have seen people get relieved from working in the Church for little or no reason. These people came from having nothing and Howell gave them a position to use it to manipulate them as someone said in an earlier post dangling it like a carrot. Reason being, he knew their broken state.

I am by no means here to insult Ronald Howell but something must be done about this guy. I have not read on post anywhere he attempted to apologize about anything. We all know it is impossible that everything here is a lie but he has not apologized for nothing. This is what makes this situation what it is. He has hit people with chairs and even made a sweet couple get in front of the Church and humiliated them because they questioned his call as an Apostle. This call should have been questioned and the fact that he has lied on past members on the internet proves this fact. I was uninvolved until I saw people I knew to be loyal to Ronald Howell and his Church slandered. I have long repented of my involvement with that Church.

As mentioned earlier, if Howell wounds another person those who are presently following him are handing him the utensils to carry out the job. Those of you still entangled in Life Changers, you know deep in your gut it isn’t right. Like mentioned in the film posted, you have a decision to make. I would tell anyone when leaving a church to make it right with the leadership before leaving to do things with decency and order; however, you will only be abused and dominated if you try this with Mr. Howell. Just leave and already have you a Church picked out for you will need it. The reality is, in a normal Church the process would be quite simple talk to the pastor so he can be aware and do what God is telling you. When dealing with a Cult you announcing such a thing could be catastrophic. Shelly is correct about the brother who knew God told him to leave but was persuaded to stay – case in point. You have no idea what you are in – leave your soul may one day depend on it!!!!!!

exlcimember, You are right. Howell did hit that gentleman with a chair. It was so bad his wife had to console him while he sobbed from being attacked instead of protected by his shepheard.    

Frank and Ex-LCI Member this is what was precisely relayed to me about this monster. I can guarantee no apology was ever given, but I guess I should not be surprised. Someone stated earlier they had an email that was sent from a married woman in Howell’s congregation. I will like a copy for I have someone who may need it to help in our attempt to warn others of this Howell fellow. There is not a day that goes by where I am not disgusted of this supposed Apostle’s behavior. We are in the last days and the Church is suffering enough persecution and it doesn’t need heretics like Howell to help in this cause. I prefer this email be sent to my email so I can forward it without a break in the traffic. My email address is howellrepentnow@gmail.com. Howell feel free to email me. I would love to hear from you, and I prefer to hear from you, not one of your eunuchs.

Dr Howell, this will only get uglier if you don't repent. You cannot expect your attempt to make a mockery of God and the slander of His people to end with you living happily ever after with another man's wife.

well well, Im asking myself day by day ...why people post things about others.... if we all trust in the same god why do we waste time to talk about other people?!!!

Any way I trust in god!!!

Only god can judge.

In trouble??? well let me tell you i have been in trouble for reasons...so thoese that give anyone a right to put my life out like that? All i have to say is....if you really love the lord u would not post these things.

Because god knows whats going on...and noby can judge him,you or me only god can...so if u really wanna make a change....you should pray!!!


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