Apostle Howell MADE CHASE GOODEN delete his page because Howell is in trouble.  Howell the man who said that he never ran from anything is now on the run.  COWARD!



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Do Demons have a zip code? 


According to Apostle Howell they do.  67657 - Kaiserslautern, Germany.  I remember during one of our evening cult services listening to apostle tellings us about casting out demons around the cult.  Actually, I would think Demons are at home in LCI.  One evening during alter call, I witnessed a man scooting around the floor hollering:  "get away-get away."  Based on Howell´s teaching, that man was running from a demon.


Some of these today´s apostles, and prophets are some of the most dangerous purveyors of the gospel.  In LCI the scripture was cleverly used by Howell (get the CD\DVD), to tell us that we could not hear from God a part from a man of God.  We were told to bring our dreams to the leadership.  Again, it is public knowledge, not defamation.  I was advised to keep stating CD\DVD, that way people reading these posts will know that it is not made up what I am saying.


The movement at LCI is dangerous, because apostle on several occassions purported to speak for the Lord, claiming to hold authority over the lives of people.  Again, a good example is the often comments by Howell telling people who they sould and should not marry, telling people not to associate with other, and the list goes on.


The root of this "sin" is apostasy from the truth.  Beware of this apostle and his cult who lays another foundation than the one already laid in Jesus Christ.


Yesterday when I was speaking with a real minister, I was impressed about the ethical standards that members of the clergy are to uphold.  Even the Bible teaches us about the ethical standards of God´s leaders.  What the minister told me led me to Exodus 20, I am sure that most readers are familiar with the ten commandments, and as the scriptures begin to play over and over in my mind, I was drawn to the conduct of our former leader:


"You shall have no other god before me."  Idolatry is the main poison at LCI.  Members must idolize apostle, Nobel Son is an idolater,  Lacie is an idolater.  Apostle has publicly demonstrated that he is an idolater.  Fortune and fame is his main theme.  How often has apostle spoke his dream of laying on some island paradise and phoning in his orders to his underlings?


"You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.  For the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain."  We have publicly heard Howell use the name of the Lord in a superficial, stupid way, such as blaming God for him divorcing his wife.  When Howell used that man, Smith´s name, he in effect claimed a special connection to God in that he used the death of that man for the purposes of promoting fear in those who would leave.  I am happy to annouce that everyone who left cult LCI is blessed, none is cursed, no matter what you are going through.


"You shall not murder."  For those women who committed abortions for the reasons so stated,  it has already been said, but ladies, you are not to blame.  There are plenty of stories of women who were decieved by these false clergymen, some of them are going public telling their story.  It is the clergy´s fault.  Again, members of the clergy are to uphold the highest standards of ethical conduct.  That is why every major denomination now has a site that anyone can report abuse.  Any member of the clergy who disgraces their office by getting a member pregnant and then causing her to have an abortion is a murderer.  That is what we learned at LCI.  Yes, just as Howell taught, God is a forgiving God.  So ladies, accept God´s forgiveness, forgive yourself, and know that the unborn child is present with the Lord - PRAISE GOD!


"You shall not commit adultery."  What more do I need to say, just read these posts, and from personal observation, and testimonies, we all know that it is true.


"You shall not steal."  There are several examples of stealing listed on these posts.  Not to go in depth, but anytime any leader in the church publicly tells people that they are raising money for one purpose, and spends the money on something else without informing the public, that is stealing.  Apostle has no way around this.


"You shall not bear false witness."  For years, apostle has beared false witness against many of the people that he holds a grudge against.  As I have stated several times, he used his pulpit, he is a gossip, he used his media ministry against people, and the information from NIMROD could only be apostle; who else would have access to his former wife´s personal information?  I am sure that Howell would personally control such information.


"You shall not covet....thy neighbors´ wife.......,nor anything that is your neighbors´......,..."  ´There was once a family at LCI, and one of the members of this family had a musical talent; he made a CD.  The leader was so moved to envy against this member, and they left.  How many times have we heard apostle talk down someone´s clothing, church, ministry?  Anyone familiar with Creflo Dollar will see the envy of the man upon arrival in the cult sancturary.


If for some reason, a current member of LCI should read this or any of these posts, please prayerfully consider this and all other warnings to beware of that place, and get out of there.  Every Christian deserves a good leader, who is not abusive and publicly profane.  You deserve to have a life outside those blue gates.  You deserve to spend time with your families, you should not have to ask to go on a vacation.  You should not have to give up your families in the states, or in Germany.  You have a right to your finances.  Ladies, you have a right to feel safe in your place of worship.



The bible also says let he who is without sin cast the first stone.  It also says do not be unequally yoked together with nonbelievers.  You're right the bible does say that what God has brought together let not man put asunder, but what if God didn't put you together with your wife or husband?  Do not be unequally yoked with non believers.  The bible says that for what measure ye meet will be measured against you.  

You are continuing to bring these accusations and yet Apostle hasn't been convicted of anything.  You said something about being able to spot the tares from the wheat.  But the bible said the enemy came in and planted the tares among the wheat, and it says to leave the tares lest you pull up the wheat also, until harvest time.  

So is it harvest time?  If it were wouldn't it be left for God to decide?  I hope you don't think that you are doing the work of God on here.  It's funny if you spent as much time building the kingdom as you do on here trying to tear down imagine how powerful you'd be.  I have yet to see any of your fruits as to whether you're a christian.  You steady speak of how you don't hate Apostle but whoever reads these posts can see that you do.  Whoever reads these posts can see that you are nothing more than a bunch of hateful people that will stop at nothing to get your way.  Some of you have been trying to get charges brought up on Apostle for years, but the problem is how many of you have something that he's done that is actually illegal?  

Oh I saw Apostle with a married woman in public...not illegal.  Oh Apostle had us all in bondage because we were told if we didn't come out and clean the church we'd be sat.  My kids got pink eye and worms from children's church, even though they are in school and kids get pink eye and worms from school and from playing in sandboxes and from touching things and rubbing their eyes and from some of their parents dirty houses.  

When you join the church Apostle tells you what it's going to be like.  He tells you about his high standards.  He tells people that expects a lot out of people.  You don't even get ordained without having put in some work, so you see the extent of what it's going to take.  But you chose to do it so you can get a title.  It's amazing how much you said you did in order to get a title, but as soon as you lose the title you go running off speaking ill of Apostle when you should've been seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.  

The stuff about the women have yet to be proven as I said.  Why do I need to believe what you say or why should anybody believe what you say?  If Apostle is what you say then people will see it on their own.  Just because you didn't see it until you were mad and then you started listen to other hateful people doesn't mean it was true.  I have yet to hear anybody say what Apostle did to them directly other than Andrea and she has yet to be a credible witness.  Everybody else is going off of what they were told.

I know the word says to endure until the end to be saved.  What if Jesus disciples would have listened to everybody else instead of sticking with Jesus until the end?

Since I know you won't want to hear about me comparing Apostle to Jesus even though We ALL need to be compared to Jesus, I should actually be able to compare you also to Him...

But since I know you don't want to hear that, how about this, what if Samuel wouldn't have stuck with Eli the very man that God had him deliver a message of doom to, Not from a faraway country but from his own house?  Eli still had to train Samuel to hear the voice of God, a man that the bible did not say was a prophet, had to teach a prophet how to hear God.  What if Samuel saw the evil that Eli was doing and allowing to happen through his sons and left.  Would he have been able to hear God to anoint David?  

It's funny that God didn't have other people warn Eli about his doom but he had his spiritual son (if I may) warn him.  Because God can get a message to the people that he wants a message to get to.  Not like this though.  You guys are not of God, period.  If you were you wouldn't be on here.  Warning people you'd be at your churches praying effectively and fervently for God to deliver us from Evil.  But if you were of God then you might not have spent 10 years in a place that you say is not of God.  Or you wouldn't have joined the church just to become an elder.  Or  you wouldn't have let yourself be manipulate or put into "bondage".  Even though Paul says that he's a Bond servant of Christ.

I still want to know how a christian can tell someone to bite or eat a mop whatever it is shelly said...

Then I guess Howell must be without sin, huh?  (joking).  Over the years, this man has not only thrown stones, but boulders!  He sends you and Lacie on here to cast stones and defend his cultic position.


In LCI, Howell decides who is unequally yoked.  Howell decides who can wear an engagement ring, who can marry, who can date.  A fasle apostle, that lied on God in public, accusing God of telling him to divorce his wife, a man who can´t keep a wife, but would rather be seen in public with someone else´s wife is making decisions about who is and is not unequally yoked.  To make matters worse if the people decided to marry, Howell puts them on blast, Nimrod - Howell calls them names, chases them around the community spewing out curses.  He is a lunatic, not an apostle.  Thanks a lot VJ; you are helping make our case.  Are you sure that you are not on our side?


Again, to what you refer to as "accusations" are FACTS!  That makes you a liar, or unable to embrace the truth, as you sit there next to your wife and hear the same teachings we did.  What is worse, is that Howell sold his messages to the public, so we have what he said on record.  As for the other things, in time they will be proven.  The authorities are smart, and today we have a high conviction rate for people like your apostle.  He won´t get away.  I am not about to turn a blind eye to the truth.  I used the wheat and tare scenario as a sucker play.  I told my friend that you would bite the bit, and you did.  Again, Howell chose the right person for the job of defending him.  I am glad that you are on his side and not ours.


On a previous post, I listed my fruits working backwards.  However, it is love, that makes us report Howell and warn others about the dangers that Life Changers presents.  Love allows us to warn families about the destruction of their unit, marriage, and freedom.  Love has allowed these women to come forward and tell the truth.  For you, it is quite the opposite.  You hate truth, and abide in darkness, you support a reprobate who has been backed into a corner and is fighting the only way he knows how, and he is losing.


As for those, who for years that have been trying to bring Howell to justice, "If at first you don´t succeed, try, try, try again," don´t give up.  It is morning time! After 17 years Howell has slipped up, when he should have been "zipped up!"  (smile)


You are correct when you say it is not "illegal" for Howell to be seen in public with a married woman, IT IS STUPID!  Howell does not have enough sense to protect himself, that is why you and lacie are doing the defending, and I might add that if you are Howell´s defense, then he is in a  worse shape than I imagine.  It is dumb VJ, for Howell to be seen with the same woman over and over again, where camera´s can record his visits. Where others witness it.  Any other minister would tell you the same thing.  Agian, I am glad that you are on Howell´s side.  All Howell has done is give "teeth," "STRENGTH" to Andrea and the others women´s testimony.  Authorities can possibly establish his habit of stalking women.  Go back and read Andrea´s testimony.  Keep those dumb comments comming.  (smile)


As for the bondage, and being sat part of your comments, again, you are helping our side, thus proving that LCI is a "works" base religion of bondage, and "YO-YO´s.  A person could be sat in LCI for any reason, at the whim of apostle, a person could be promoted today, and by evening they could be demoted.  Howell vascilates worse than any of us when we are on our cycle; he is one of the most emotionally distrubed person´s I have ever seen.  As for Howell´s titles,  I never heard any preacher use comments like: "when you accept this title, you are signing on to go down with the ship."  That is like Jim Jones.  Howell´s stupid titles are not worth the paper they are printed on.  Howell answers to no one, no one is above Howell.  Toilet paper has more value than those titles that Howell gives his yo-yo´s.


As far as those sickness children get in children´s cult church, we are correct.  Howell publicly nagged and complained when people were not present for his brain-washing sessions.  He spoke about his circumcision operation and other ailments, stating that if he could come when he was sick, then so should others.  When I was in children´s church, I saw some of those "pink" eye children, plus some other sicknesses of the children being placed in there with healthy children.  I saw the dandruff, flakey scalps and lice.  You forgot to mention the ringworn and roaches.  You know that the kitchen was unsanitary to feed our children, in fact one of your elders is a vet, and he publicly told us about the bacteria in that kitchen.  Again, not accusations, but facts.  Keep the dumb comments coming VJ.


As for your assessment of me, or anyone else, we can live with your dim view of us.  We understand that you have been brain washed, and that you are in darkness.  What else would make a man such as yourself bash women; in the middle of the day when you are suppose to be working, you leave your paying job to go run errands for Howell.  I bet that is why you were cleaning those toilets at the gym, you lost your job.


It is your decision to believe us or not.  Frankly, we are not trying to convince you.  Remember, you are lost. You support a reprobate, an abuser.  You are the enemy of the Kingdom of God.  You made your mind up.  When you came on here questioning Andrea, your mind was made up.  You were already on Howell´s side.  You came on here using your gutless leader´s words accusing Andrea of stalking.  At least you and the beast will not get that chance with these other women.


As for being to compared to Jesus,  Jesus is not abusive,  Jesus does not slander on the WordNetwork.  Jesus does not slander other churches and pastors.  I have not read any testimonies of Jesus running his hand up a woman´s dress.  I have not read about Jesus avoiding giving to Cesar what belongs to him.  I have not read about Jesus stealing money.  I did not hear Jesus lie on God, but I clearly heard Howell lie on God, and Howell is still lying, and next weekend, he is going to celebrate his 17 years of lying.


Again VJ,   Howell told us that God will do his part, but that we also have to do our part.  We are doing our part by warning others.  You seem to have a hard time remembering what we have already stated.  It is okay, we understand that you must come on here an answer our charges and run up space hoping to deter our message.  That is why you are proof that LCI is a cult, and that Apostle Howell is a false apostle.  We are very grateful for your assistance.  (smile)


As for Eli, Jesus said if the blind lead the blind, they both fall into a ditch.  Since Howell cannot hear from God, how is he going to train anyone else.  He cannot hear God telling him to repent and turn from his wicked ways.    Samuel told Eli what was up, and we are doing the same.  You need to be more careful of using simultudes, you are not good at it.  Which is another reason you should not be called a bishop.  In fact, you are not even a good deacon.  From the size of you, you show a lack of restraint for your appetite.  How can you come on here trying to tell others about using restraint, and you walk around looking pregnant 365 days a year.  (laughter)


Lastly, I said go kiss a mopp (mop), and I don´t care if you question me being a christian or not.  Again, your opinion of me does not matter.  VJ, what do you know about Christianity, or truth?  You have your nose so far up Howell´s womanizing behind that you could not smell truth or a christian when it come your way.  I told you to go kiss a mop because you are insulting to women, just like your spiritual daddy.


Now, go and meditate on these things, and please return with some more of your stupid comments.



"He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.  Come and see the place where he lay."


Matthew 28:6


Today we celebrate Easter, we celebrate a risen savior, Jesus Christ our Lord.  It is good to be able to celebrate the truth, no longer bound, no chains holding me, free from the darkness of the cult.  We are no longer serving a false teacher who is dead in sin.


In Act 20: 29-30, "For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock. "Also from among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things (God told me to divorce my wife), to draw away disciples (Lacie BW, Nobel Son VJ) after themselves."


Wolves are the enemy of the sheep, they eat sheep.  They chew up the flock as sheep are their diet.  I find this saying very interesting and true of the cult LCI.  I can think of the many twisted teachings we recieved from apostle, all designed to "eat the sheep."  The wolf takes up time as a measure of eating the sheep.  There is one member in LCI that came there as a late teen, and she is still in the pit.  This poor soul had a husband, but no more; he could not compete with apostle and LCI.  She has wasted her youth in a barren waste land of falsehood.  I feel bad for my sister as she is approaching 40, because she could have done many wonderful things with her life.  It makes me sad for her to be decieved.  That is why I am asking for those who will to pray and fast with me April 20-22, 2012.  I truly want to see people set free from that bondage.  That includes Lacie, and Nobel Son.


Jesus warned about those coming from within the church that would actually tear it apart.  In LCI this is done by what is taught by apostle, which is "patently" false.  Yes, he teaches from the Bible, but it is a distorted message.


In 2 Corinthians 11:  13-15 Paul said they are false apostles and messengers looking like those who teach righteousness.  These false teachers may look good on the outside, but the life of Christ is not on the inside and apostle´s message will always be with scripture, but he distorts its meaning.  His focus has always been his cult organization instead of Christ.  Remember that "ridiculous" Glory Dome which Howell had the crazy notion that we would live there and work for him.  This is similiar to the "Jones town dream, and Waco compound."  There are those inside the cult still hanging onto the promises of music contracts and other dreams of false glory in LCI, as publicly promised by the false leader, instead of standing on the promises of Christ - promises that cannot fail.


LCI represents clouds without water.  The false apostle is represented as clouds, he has a form of Godliness, but not substance, no power.  Clouds without water have no weight and are carried about the wind.  Waterless clouds that come and look like they hold promise of refreshment but won´t give a drop of rain, they only hide the sun (Son).  They have no benefit, they boast of their gifts but it is empty, there is "not" nourishment for others in their spiritual life. 


If you can stomach it, go to the LCI website and see those who are spiritually improverished.  As you look at each of these starving souls, I want you to think about those commercial ads on television that depict the desperation of those in foriegn countries where they are in need of nourishment.  It is no different for those that are in the cult.  Just as people need our donations to feed and cloth the poor, members in LCI need our prayers because they are destitute, being led by a leader who is a waterless cloud hiding the Son.


Happy Easter.

One last thing for Noble Son,


I want everyone to notice that he thinks he is smart coming on here running up a whole page in an effort to keep people from seeing the my current request.


Again, anyone having the name of Serena Milledges´lawyer I would like to have it.


Agan, if you would like to report and issue to the IRS, google the whistle blower at the IRS, your name will be kept confidential.  I am preparing a statement.


Women who are the victims of abuse, (and men), can email the National Organization for Women.


This is why Nobel son keeps taking up space, in the hope our message won´t be heard.

hey shelly, you can ask serena herself, i believe she does have a facebook, or the twins,smith or heike might have some information on that.

anybody on the german side that wants to report things, can turn to the german finanzamt, im pretty sure they would be excited to hear about all the hospital visits and the cooking for the poor neighborhoods that never took place, but got claimed on the tax report every year.

and could you please do me a personal favor.............stop calling those people anything but their name

i remember howell saying "around here howell giveth and howell taketh away" concerning his leadership and titles, so none of them are deacons, ministers, pastors, bishops, apostles or whatever else, they are joneses, williamses or howells, they dont work for the kingdom of God, so they shouldnt be approached with a clergy title, that is just wrong for the real clergy that has been ordained and are doing the work of the Lord.

oh and noble son, if this is really vj, you are really alot dumber than i thought you was! like i said before, you either know whats going on and just dont care about anybody but yourself or you are really stupid.

and if you should be somebody that is not on the inner circle of the leadership, of course you wouldnt know whats going on, but then you should just stop wasting peoples time here. yes you might be one of howells ministers or elders even, that doesnt mean your on the inner circle and know whats going on. they let you know, what they want you to know and only the people that sit at his house 2-3 times a week knows the dept of whats going on.............so again unless your one of them, hush and stop wasting peoples time with talking about things that you know absolutely nothing about. they probhably have teens that grew up there, that have more insight than you have!


Since Nobel Son VJ insists that we are lying over the issue of sick children being bought to the Life Changers cult children´s church: I would like to exercise his memory, because either his has coviently forgotten, or his is just an outright liar.


At LCI, we had a family with six children, the little boy had ringworm in his scalp.  The family could not afford healthcare, so the dad shaved the little boy head and used bleach.  The little boy had an open sore for awhile.  I can call the name of the family, including the little boy´s name, but it is not necessary.  Again, those of us over in the children´s church can easily verified those who were brought to the children´s church sick, and gave their illnesses to other children, plus some of us adults caught ringworm as well.


In the second case, we had a sister who recently returned to the states, but one of her children became ill and had to be hospistalized.  The German doctors wanted to know where the child caught this sickness from and the mother told the doctors that the child caught this sickness over in the children´s church at LCI.  When Howell found out about it, this member who was serving as a deacon was sat.  If authorities want to verify this information they can check with the hospital in Kaisersluatern, and I will be more than happy to provide both of the parents names.


Again, Howell would stand up in that pulpit, and nag and complain if parents stayed at home with their sick children.  Apostle Howell publicly said that he did not want to hear anything about "family time."  So when VJ comes on here with that sham story about everyone knowing up front the costs of accepting a title from Howell, he is not putting forth the whole truth.  The spirit of Howell hates the sanctity of the family.  Again, it is a means of controlling, and manipulating the lives of people that makes LCI a cult.  This is not defamation, as we have solid proof about what we are saying.  This was not done in the darkness, but Howell did these things in the light -public view.  This type of behavior is no different that behavior exhibited by Jim Jones of the People´s Temple in Guyana.

In Matthew the 4th chapter, we read about the devil twisting the Word of God; in Life Changers we witnessed that same spirit in operation working through apostle.


The devil can quote scriptures, and is an expert at quoting them out of context to confuse and defeat those he tempts.  When Satan said:  "it is written," he did not use the Word of God correctly.  It was no different in LCI, where so many of us witnessed the Word of God improperly used.  It is not the nature of a false minister to quote the word corretly.  On purpose these types of "tares-ministers" add and omit necessary words, these lying leaders make the Word of God say what is never suggested.  The sad part about all of this is that in LCI these followers say "amen" to the lie, and the danger is that they may follow in the footsteps of this fallen leader and become no differents than VJ, and BW.


As we have witnessed from the several posts of Lacie, and Nobel Son, truth may be abused to support the lies and the liar, and there is nothing more dangerous to Christians than scripture misinterpreted and misapplied.  In LCI scripture is wrongly applied, it is not used to teach or encourage, but instead to deceive.  Why else would people be so easily convinced to give up their freedom, neglect their families, and marriages, even give up lucrative careers to follow a liar that has convinced them that their purpose is to serve him and make his dreams come true.  I heard a teaching on sin, and the speaker said that sin makes people do some stupid things.  Think of all the years wasted on one man´s selfish dream of him becoming a big shot, and all the people get in return is some cheap gifts.  People sold out their dignity for a man´s selfish dream, someone who didn´t even have enough love in him to "allow" the people to stay home with a sick child.  


Today, I did some reading on pathological liars, and this type of individual constantly lies about anything.  I learned that a pathological liar is a very insecure person who lies to persent themselves better than they really are.  A pathological liar often believes the lies they are telling, they manage to convice themself their lies are true.  This is why we only get the deny, deny, deny pushback from Nobel and Lacie, because they have exchanged the truth for a lie, just like the apostle.


These people actually will go on believing their lies until someone can show them "proof" that they are wrong.  They can see the wrong all around them, but go on believing the lie.  Once while working in the Children´s church I witness EP asking VJ for an explanation as to why KD did not have to work like the rest of us.  EP was told by VJ not to worry about that. by VJ.


The sad part about those who twist and lie the way LCI leaders do is becuase  they lie to build themselves up, because they feel worthless.  There goes that message that Howell preached about Low Self Esteem..  Again, it is not defamation because Howell publicly preach about having Low Self Esteem.  You take one of us girls that come in off the streets with Low Self Esteem, and be subjected to the smooth lies  directly from someone who prides himself thinking that "he can talk woman," when instead this liar is just an opportunist looking to take advantage of someone who is down and in need.


Howell preached all of these messages, and he sold them; so, we are not liars, not making things up, no defamation. 

I cannot look at the word of God be blatantly misquoted in a persons attempt to accuse another of misquoting as Shelly has said of Life Changers: 

Shelly wrote above: "When Satan said:  "it is written," he did not use the Word of God correctly.

Satan never said "it is written,"  Jesus did.  How can someone judge that scriptures are improperly used when they do not know the scripture themselves.

This is the conversation between Jesus and the devil,

Matthew 4

   1Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil.

   2And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward an hungred.

   3And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread.

   4But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

   5Then the devil taketh him up into the holy city, and setteth him on a pinnacle of the temple,

   6And saith unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone.

   7Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.

   8Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;

   9And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.

   10Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.

   11Then the devil leaveth him, and, behold, angels came and ministered unto him


I know the word of God and when it is twisted, seems to me the very sermons that this man has preached are trying to be twisted to make him look evil for the favor of shelly, former deceited and all these that are so clearly freelance in their belief.  These people here want to serve God the way they want to.  Read the bible and do it the way God wants you to, people.  Stop lying on my God on here, and stop telling half truths (these are lies also).  Many will read these posts and be led astray by your disgusting displays of character, the blood will be on your hands. 

I know you will attack me for telling the truth as you have done many other truth bringers, you'll want me to leave this blog and never come back.  The man possessed with devils wanted Jesus to leave too.

Matthew 8

 28And when he was come to the other side into the country of the Gergesenes, there met him two possessed with devils, coming out of the tombs, exceeding fierce, so that no man might pass by that way.

   29And, behold, they cried out, saying, What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God? art thou come hither to torment us before the time?

I am not Jesus, but Jesus is in me.  I bet these teachings spoken of from Life Changers are sound.

2 Tim 3 

 16All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

   17That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.

Looks like people just don't want to endure doctrine, they don't want to be reproved or corrected and definitely don't want to be instructed in anything besides what will fit their schedule and way of life.

You say, "Why else would people be so easily convinced to give up their freedom, neglect their families, and marriages, even give up lucrative careers" 

Now you know to take care of your family, use wisdom, you're worse than an infidel and have denied the faith if you don't take care of your family, and your poor decision to not do so is your poor decision, take responsiblity for your actions.  As far as the rest Well, what is written:

 25And there went great multitudes with him: and he turned, and said unto them,

   26If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.

   27And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple.

   28For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it?

   29Lest haply, after he hath laid the foundation, and is not able to finish it, all that behold it begin to mock him,

   30Saying, This man began to build, and was not able to finish.

Just because someone else has a greater zeal for Jesus than you does not make him a cult, it would actually make him a disciple.  God is jealous and wants to be first.  It behooves you to listen to the man that brings the scriptures, especially if your understanding of it causes you to act out and speak and write with such disregard to the Holy Ghost. 

It does not matter what everyone else is doing, their conduct won't get you to heaven or hell, it's what you say and do that God will judge you by.


These pearls are not for the swine.....I repeat these pearls are not for the swine....these pearls are for those that have an ear for the word of God.


Find a place of worship, get involved, get serious about Jesus Christ.  Christianity should not be comfortable, it should not please the flesh, but it should break you out of the norm, it should cause you to pray, fast, read, get as close as you can to God.  It should cause you to help your neighbor, pray for your enemies.  It should cause you to be offended when someone says they are of God and act like the devil.  You see these posts that they are unsavory and undignified and above all else unholy.  You see that with your own eyes.  Will you believe the testimony of such ghastly character?  They prove who they are by their own words...

I am simply illuminating what everyone can already see.

You can tell by all previous posts that these people will not stop, don't get involved:  1 Corinthians 15:33:

   33Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.

There is no good etiquette or good manners here, only evil. 

Everyone that would do good Let Your Light Shine! let men see and glorify God our Father. 

I have simply told the truth by the word of God, but I will be rejected for it, because that's what evil does, darkness does not like light, evil does not like good.  But tell me, who denies the word of God? 

Get on God's side, not man, not the devil, God's side!






Good Day. I had the opportunity to read your post and would like to chime in, if I may. In my opinion, this forum isn’t to evaluate one another’s hermeneutics but to expose this false prophet and to prevent one more woman or family from being violated. I believe anyone with the heart of God would be more concerned with the sheep versus the evaluation of someone quotation of scripture. This same evaluative effort should have been given to the numerous claims that have been attached to the individual in question. Rather Satan said it’s written or not, is not the issue here. I am sure that if an error has occurred, Shelly has no issue admitting this fact. However, Howell has violated so many innocent sheep. Will he admit his error? We know the answer to that - moving on.

This is not an attack on you but your lack of love concerning God and His people. No one is lying on your god for Satan is already a liar and that would be somewhat of an oxymoron. I don’t mean this as an insult just making a point. The Almighty God would not tolerate a minister imposing or advocating abuse of his sheep and you cannot find any scripture that will sustain that notion. I know Shelly will respond on her own accord; however, I am disgusted with your motive and how you have allowed Howell to use you cover the crime against innocent women and families – now that is not of God.. You are, no doubt, Howell or one of his eunuchs. The blood you speak of is on the hands of the Shepherd who has and is slaughtering sheep. Are you giving him the scalpel (of covering his actions) as he slaughter God’s sheep. No!!!!, the blood is on your hands. I don’t see Shelly or Formerly Decieted taking advantage of innocent people who may have rejection or insecurity issues. I only see them trying to prevent another innocent sheep from going to the slaughter. Howell, since you are using scripture, what scripture have you found to justify what you have done to Andrea and many others? I am just curious…….

This message is only for those that have an ear for the word of God.  Any person claiming to be a Christian, should continuously act as such.  These people are neither consistent nor do they display the character of Jesus Christ.  I say this because they are on a world wide forum and are deceiving people to think that this is the work of God. 

Now these people are free to say and do what they like, however, I will not stand idly by and see them stamp their rebellious ways with the with the seal of God.

Let these people commit themselves and say, "I am doing this in the name of Jesus."  The blood of all the people that these people have led astray by their ungodly posts will be on their hands.  It's just that plain. 

These people display hate, sow discord and much more, I know this for sure because the evidence is all in these posts.  Not hereasy, but what I can actually see. 

These posts are even against the rules of the Black Preaching Network in their nature.

Naturally these people are wrong, spiritually these people are wrong.

Trying to convict someone else they've erred.  They did not consider themselves, thus they have fallen.

As for me............where did you see me use a scripture or twist it at that??? i dont and i could tell you the reason why, but that is really none of your business that for one.

then i would like for you to point out a lie that i have told in one of my posts! if you cant do that you need to stop talking about things that you dont know anything about! i have been stating facts, everything i have said can be prooven and if you talk to the people that it happened to, they will gladly tell you, just like i told noble to talk to the people that got screwed over instead of the ones that are covering up for it!

and last but not least, i am indeed here to warn people to not get involved with lci, because i have seen the damage that this man and his posse can do, nothing biblical but COMMON SENSE!

if i know that there is a knife somewhere that i hurt myself on, why not let somebody else know that its there and chances are they are gonna hurt themselves too.

once again if you can point out a lie i have told, by all means do that, if you cant i would appreciate you talking about people that you catch in lies, mistreating others and running up other peoples credit, like we caught howell. i would have been glad if someone would have warned me back then!


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