Apostle Howell MADE CHASE GOODEN delete his page because Howell is in trouble.  Howell the man who said that he never ran from anything is now on the run.  COWARD!



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Niether may he contend against Him who is mightier than he.


Ecclesiates 6: 10


Fighting against God is useless.  Ronald D. Howell Sr of Life Changers International, New Horizons has been fighting against the one who is mightier than himself for over 17 years.  Right now Ronald Howell is in trouble for his past behavior against women.  Howell is working overtime to defend his tarnished image.  I am afraid that Howell does not understand that he is not fighting against the women or men coming forward but he is fighting against God.  Who has ever fought against God and won?


I would like Howell to know, at least from me, I am not out to persecute him, but to expose him.  The truth needs to be told about a man who systematically rips off people, and is a sexual predator using the pulpit to defend his exploits.  Sadly, Howell feels that his supposed call to the ministry gives him carte blanche, and so he goes on making these ridiculous DVDs defending himself.  Ronald Howell, no one is jealous of you, no one wants your roach infested building, or your demon infested, decieved ministry.  I hope you can get that through your fat head.


You are a sexual predator, one of many using the church to do your dirty business, and one of many that has been caught.  Your call does not give you and special previleges to take advantage of women.


To date, Ronald Howell has tried his best to undermine and intimidate witnesses, by threatening law suits, cyberstalking us on this network, sending his members on this site to defend his self, using people to call others homes, to record their conversation in an effort to find out what they would tell authorities, you weaseled your way onto a closed facebook site due to your insecurities, and now that site has closed, it had to be reopened under a different name.  Only a guilty man would act like that.  To futher prove Howell's guilt, he has used names of Jeffereys, and Nimrod to stalk and intimidate five German women, and put out defamatory information against his former wife.  The rat is now trapped.


Ronald Howell failed to remember that it is God who catches the wise in their own craftiness, and the schemes of the wily are swept away.  God is going to expose you, Ronald Howell, just like He exposed Warren Jeffs, David Koresh, and Jim Jones.  They thought they could get away with using religion to molest and abuse women, and all of them came to a terrible end, just like you will meet a terrible end.  Soon Howell, you are going to get all that you deserve.  God is going to show your nakedness to all the people.  Everytime you open your mouth, you give a piece of evidence against yourself.


I should not help you Howell, but I advise you to move on to messages that do not incriminate you.  No one is persecuting you, but are trying to stop you from hurting anymore women, destroying families, and marriages.  No one wants your dead dream. 


I estimate that once Ronald Howell's cult is closed, that those who are now members in LCI will actually advance in their careers, get education, and have a chance at achieving their own "God-given" dreams.  When these deceived people are released from the bondage they are going to be amazed at the things they can achieve for God without you!  Why should anyone surrender their time to support a sexual predator, and a selfish egostical man in pursuit of fame that will never come.  You will always be known for the crimes you have committed against women, children, family, and marriage. 


I urge women that have been approached on their Jobs by Howell, offering you money, or gifts to report Ronald Howell, because this is another mark of his sexual predatory practice.  Please report it to the authorities.  If Howell has ever counseled you (women) in his office, or house, or apartment (yours, or his) alone, report Howell.  Ladies, if Howell has gotten you to take out loans for his business, and has not repaid the loans, report Howell to the authorities.  Authorities are interested in hearing your stories. 


Remember Ronald Howell is no victim, he is a sexual predator,  Ronald Howell is no man of God, he is a cult leader.


Do not become an enabler for a sexual predator.  Ladies, whatever information you have is important, report Ronald D Howell, and help put an end to the victimization of women. 


Remember Howell, you are not fighting us, you are fighting against God, and you lose.



Those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad.


Anonomus ancient proverb.


Evil sometimes seems good to man whose mind a god leads to destruction.  The god of this world "plans" harm against Ronald Howell, but Satan had to damage the mind of the one who he is plotting against.  He is the one that perverts the mind of a man, or woman filled with lust.


Ultimately we are all prisoners, we cannot escape ourselves, and the world that Howell created these past 17 years is a world where summer will never come.  This should not be of any consolation to any of us that Howell lives in the torment of his mind, and he cannot escape.


Remember that the enemy doesn't only hate people, but he also hates life, for the thief cometh not but for to steal, kill, and destroy.  Howell's creation Life Changers International does all three things quite well, steal, kill, and destroy.  Howell hates life, that is why he has Noble Son speaking on his behalf trying to convince everyone of the many different reasons that members must be at this cult up to six times a week, and maybe even seven times a week.  Howell hates to see the people progress where his hand is not involved.  Howell was always good for giving counsel and advice to people who were having a problem, achieving a dream, or goal.  Howell would tell people that they were having problems because something, or someone was in their life that they needed to get rid of.  Imagine that!  Once a person leaves LCI, that is the begining of life, and purpose are put back on track.  People who leave LCI, their lives significantly improved.  The day I left LCI for good, that very moment life returned to me.  I was able to achieve goals, receive certifications, promotions, and I did not have some nag calling me about why I missed my fifth day of the week meeting at the cult.


It has to upset, and even drive old Howell mad when a person has left his cult, and he gets to see or hear about those people blossom, and flourish, SUCCEED!  Howell should be quite upset  because many former members have gone on to have successful ministries, unlike LCI, especially when Howell told these people that they would fail.  Many former members have returned to college, and successfully completed degrees, and now have careers, something not possible at LCI, because of Howel's constant nagging when you don't show for cult meetings.  Success is in Christ, and success is outside of the cult LCI.


Many of the women who Howell preyed upon are doing better.  The only women not doing so good, are those women, still on that front row inside of LCI.


Today was Mother's Day.  I wish all of my sisters a Happy Mother's Day, and many happy returns for this day, and years to come.  I am prayerful that by this time next year that our sisters who remain trapped beneath that layer of deception at LCI, will be free.  I am not your enemy, in fact, I am your friend, and I am fighting for you to get free of a sexual predator.  Ladies, you are mothers, sisters, aunts, nieces, granddaughters, daughters, and friends.  I remember Howell once spoke about blasting young men out of the zip code, young men who are not worth their salt.  It would be nice to hear about some father doing the same to that nasty old moran of a false apostle.


Happy Mother's Day!



God is not to be blamed for a person's sinful nature, according to Ron Howell.  It was passed down by lineage.


No person should settle on being in an dysfunctional state.


Sex is mental = mental delimma, it's in your heart, and Jesus said that we must chage our hearts; all sexual sins are of the heart.


Again, Howell talk a lot about sex, and in one of his series, Howell taught about the transference of spirits (unclean).  He said that in sexual sin, when you share your "stuff" with anybody that is dangerous because of the willingness to change your mind.  As we can see, Howell had complete knowledge of his wrong, and how he arrived at being in the bad condition he is today.


Ronald Howell said that you must not blame someone else because you are comfortable in "your" condition.  He said that emotions are a setup!  Whatever "you" allow them to rest in, you are setting up yourself to be dysfunctional, and God and no one can depend on "you."  Howell said that a woman, and a man can be turne by emotional ties, must not allow emotions to override "your" relationship with God.


I have a question for Ronald:  "How bad has the Devil induced your mind, and you don't feel it?"  It is just like surgery when the surgeon cuts you open and you don't feel it, because you are anesthetized. 


Ladies, the reason Howell took advantage of you, and everyone else is because the Devil induced his mind, and he no longer feels the evil that he does to you, or anyone esle, Howell is "anesthetized."


Remeber that Jesus said when an unclean spirit comes out of man......it returns, and brings seven more unclean spirits and the "FINAL" condition of that man is worse than the first.  Matthew 12: 43-45


We are seeing the final condition of Ronald D. Howell Sr.



Unfortunately, Howell continues to blame others for what happened to them as a result of his sinful condition.  Howell refuses to accept that as a professional he has certain responsibilities that come with a person of the position he claims he is.  Howell continues to deny, deny, and deny.  Howell does not sacrifice for the sheep, He SACRIFICES the sheep.  Howell does the opposite of what Jesus did.  Again, this is the "proof" that Noble Son was asking about, but he too, is blind to see what I, and others have reported on the false apostle.


Do you know, that Howell once said that is not a pastor, therefore denying a pastoral role?  In his mind, Howell will use this to further his own deception that he could not have abused because he was not in the role of a pastor.  Possibly why Howell chose the apostle facade.  But it makes no difference what title Howell choose, a sexual predator by any other name is still a sexual predator.


All, please continue to stand on the wall and warn women, and families about the dangers of attending, and joining Life Changers International.

This experience about Life Changers International, and Ronald D. Howell, has taught me much about human nature and cults.  I am joining forces to work on a Warning  about Life Changers International New Horizons's and Ronald Howell.  This information to be developled is meant to primarily warn women about the dangers of joining or even attending the cult Life Changers, and it is perfectly legal.  So Howell, go tell your lawyer to put some seasoning on that and eat it.


This information is also meant to warn about the "False Doctrine" of Life Changers, through the use of Howell's teachings (available on CDs/DVDs, and his monthly news letters).  There are several subjects to be addressed about the impact of behavior, and mental health dangers posed to people that "ARE" attending, and the dangerous affects it had on others that attended LCI (Good example is Noble Son, Lacie, Jorge, Colm, Growing Christian), Many of the LCI characters have provided us a lot of "nonsense" that is very useful in teaching people how cultist act and behave.  There needs to be a section on demonic posssession, oppression (Howell's transferrence of spirits), how a deception gets into the heart and minds of people and gets them to give up their freedom, and one of the excuses we will use comes from our very own false Noble Son:  "THERE ARE MESSAGES TO BE PREACH!"  "THAT'S WHY YOU CAN'T GO ON VACTION," and other such idiotic nonsense as this will be on in this information.


We want to warn of the dangers posed to women, how women are stalked, manipulated and abused by the leader.  This is going to be great, and we want to public to know that Life Changers is not the only cult doing these types of dangerous things.


For those who wish to contribute to this project please email me at my Yahoo, and you may use your alias, we will use your informationl.  I have already completed a series of teachings about cult life in Life Changers, and the strange behavior of the people in LCI, as a result of someone that calls himself an apostle, and lies on God:  "GOD TOLD ME TO DIVORCE MY WIFE!"


Warning the public is the best way to innoculate people before they join a cult - any cult!


You know, you can witness over hundreds of hours to a cultist, and maybe, just maybe they might leave their cult.  But you can pass out, or email this information to people to warn them before they get sucked in to the cult.  It is easier to prevent people from joining this cult, or any cult than it is to get them out.  Howell is no LESS dangerous than Jim Jones, and David Koresh, and as he sees the tide turn against him, we do not know what he will do to those who might decide to leave.  During these past few months, Howell and his force have been working overtime to do damage control AGAINST the truth, but it is not working.


Please continue to get the word out to people heading to Germany, or going to Huntsville Alabama about Life Changers, and its dangerous leader, you will be glad that you did.



Good day. I need you to explain to me how facebook will get your members fired. I do agree that while at work they should refrain from it, unless on break, etc, but any other time should be free game. If face-book got us fired majority of the population will be unemployed - I am just trying to understand….What I got from your message was - don’t get on it “period”. I agree that the beast working through computer systems; however, your members will need them for work and advancing their careers. It seems to me, you are attempting to hide what is being said on this blog. If you are innocent like you say, then this will blow over with no problem and I will myself give you a former apology – like a man. I know guilt when I see it, and I will leave it at that. You tell your congregants to limit their kids entertainment which I agree, so what about how they are being neglected by these same parents and will now grow up with all types of inferiority complexes because they will always think – why didn’t my parents or parent want to spend time with me – what’s wrong with me? I think this was a point that was worth adding in your message. This will do far worse than an Xbox 360. You brought up another good point how you saw kids in your neighborhood play with each other; however, this was healthy for their development and interaction skills; nonetheless, having them in church 6-7 days a week or at home alone, while you control their parents like puppets on a string yields a different result.

LCI – I do believe that the Anti-Christ will use computers to further his agenda; however, Satan will always use what God created for good and pervert the use for evil. Computers and Face-book are not of the Devil unless used with unclean motives. The Bible is a pure book but when scriptures are twisted the intent is impure and the motives defiled.

Howell and his leaders are stupid.


You are correct, more than half of the working population would be fired, or recieve some form of diciplinary counseling.  I see the big boys always misusing the printers, copy machines, and faxes for everything, and I keep copies for future reference.  When Howell was in the Army, he did all of these things, and he was not fired. 


Again, no one that reports Howell is going to get into any trouble; they will not lose their security clearances.  Authorities view the nature of sexual perdator as a serious offense, and they want to speak with women and any other person that has knowledge of Howell's nasty behind.   Everytime Howell name drops any of us, it open a door of opportunity for us to tell our stories, and some of us have a lot to tell, and none of it is good.  It works in our favor to come forward everytime.  The only person that Howell has hurt is himself, and he is too stupid to understand that. 


I did not lose my job, or clearance.  I have recieved praise for doing a good thing.


I get giddy everytime I report Howell to another organization.  In fact I am rejoicing, dancing and shouting all over my house because of all the agencies I have reported on Howell, and I am happy with the responses.

Anyone who listens to word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror, and, after looking at himself, goes away immediately and  forgets what he looks like.


James 1: 23-24


This morning when False Apostle Ronald D. Howell Sr look in a mirror, he saw an awful sight; he saw the face of a sexual predator, but it did not phase him one bit.  Howell has a dead conscience.  Ron Howell is that man who heard the word of God, "used" the Word of God as a cover for his "premeditated" sexual deviancy practices, in short my Christian friends, Ronald Howell is the "Enemy of the House."


There are many people walking around demonically indewelled - possessed just like Ronald Howell.  Ronald Howell's specialty is infecting people by the transferrence of spirits to those he indoctrinates.  On Life Changers International website there are several photos and names of people infected by Ronald D. Howell Sr.  


Howell often said that it is his job to indoctrinate you until what is in "YOU," matches what is in "HIM."  We know about the spirits that are in Ron Howell, lying (Bonny Williams), sexual perversion (Bonny Williams), abuses, manipulation (Bonny Williams), outbusts of wrath (Lacie-Bonny Williams), idolatry (Bonny Williams), witchcraft (Bonny Willians), hatred, discord, jealousy (Bonny Williams), selfish ambition, dissensions, divisions, all of these best described Ronald D. Howell Sr, and his consort False Prophetess Bonny Williams.  Together, this evil dynamic duo, and Noble Son, Victor Jones work hard up to six days a week ensuring what is in Howell is in the people of his Life Changers cult.  Howell's members share the same spiritual diseases he has, just as the Bible says that evill communication "corrupts" good character. 


As the eneny of the House of Prayer, Howell will fight the truth!  That is Ron Howell's main purpose in life since it came to public light that Ronald D. Howell has been taking advantage of women, he is fighting the truth.  Howell is doing anything and everything to cover his naked "ugly" behind, but it is not working. 


Howell, like the Devil has to have a certain amount of truth - "twisted" truth.  Howell failed to see the big picture:  It's all about a Jesus!  Howell's focus has never been on the Lord, it has alway been and still is about his selfish ambition.


The thing Howell feared the most is happening to him; the TRUTH is coming out on him.  Everything Howell is doing right now to come against the truth, is further drawing attention to him, and providing "proof" that Howell and Life Changers International is a cult, and it has nothing to do with being a Christian. 


For those Howell has attacked, remember this:  you are operating at a level that you are suppose to be at, and that means Howell (the enemy) sees us as the enemy.  He is deceived.  These were the words of Howell himself.


Howell once said that the Devil has not done his job if he doesn't make you sell out.  The Devil got Ron Howell to sell out for a little money, a little adulation, a couple cars, some jewellry, some clothes, shoes and sex.  See, Satan is "pimping" Ronald Howell.  Howell is the Devil's male slut!  Howell is no different than a male prostitute.  Satan has ":molested" Ronald Howell, and Howell enjoys it so much that Howell wanted his members to become like him.  Members of LCI should be careful that they do not become prostitutes for Satan.


You see, Howell has been able to get members to fall for the same lie that Satan told Jesus in Matthew 4,:


"And again, the devil took Jesus to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of this world, and their splendor."  "All this will I give you, he said, if you will fall down and worship me."


That is the lie Howell has told members of LCI, Howell always promises pie in the sky when LCI gets to the mountain top, but I am afraid, that all Howell has to offer is a bag of lies, that and some more molesting of the people's body and mind.


The next time you see Kimberly Dunbar, ask her what did Howell promise her?  Ask Bonny Williams, what she sold out the Lord for.  Noble Son already told you why he sold out.  The devil did his job with members of LCI, and he has them all locked up.


Remember, the Bible says, that many will be decieved.  No right thinking person believes that it is alright, to molest women.  No right thinking person is going to support a pervert.  Therefore, the members of LCI that know what Howell is doing to those women on the front row, and what Howell has done to several women in the past, are not in their right minds, because they continue to lie, and cover up for Howell, and divine vengeance is coming to them, and no law or crooked lawyer on earth is going to stop it!


I think we should ponder on this enemy of the house for the time being. 



Annoited For Greater!  Job 8:7


Saints of the Most High - GREETINGS!


Being arrogant is what makes Ronald D. Howell think that someone is suppose to put up with him.  This is what happens to a person when they fail to check themselves.  (smile)


Howell loves to talk about an annoiting, as if he has one.  Since Howell is operating illegally in the kingdom he has a false annoiting.  I can say this because of Howell's own teachings.  No man is annoited to molest women, manipulate and decieved people.  Isn't that right Ron?


I am laughing at Ron, because now, this sexual predator is saying that he has not felts so much opposition to what MUST be done.  In so much, that if HE was not sure it was to be, HE WOULD NOT DO IT.  This means that Howell is feeling the pressure coming against him about his nasty conduct against women, yet, he believes that this is what MUST be done, and if he was not sure, then HE WOULD NOT DO IT.   If we are to interpret this correctly, this means that Ronald D Howell is in part accepting responsibility that he feels he has to this nasty perverted apostle.


Howell should have given this annoiting much more careful consideration before he acted like an animal against women. 


Ronald Howell:  "There are no blessing, or increase for a liar and a deciever."  You would do well to remember that.  I urge everyone to keep on looking at Howell, because one day you are going to see the end of this nasty perverted fasle apostle.


Look at this Hosea 6:3, Joel 2: 23-27, Job 42:12, Haggai 2:9, and Ruth 3:10 Howell is in his season of attacks, a season that is not going away.  These attacks, are all rooted in truth, and truth is doing what it is designed to do, cause him and his leaders to deny, lie, act, and react to all that has been done to bring to light the deeds done by this sexual predator, and it has made them look foolish.  See, I told you that sin will make you do some S.T.U.P.I.D. things Howell.


Remember, that Howell's plan was always to "justify" his nasty behavior, and decieive the few member he has left because he needs their money to keep on enriching his lifestyle of the wick and infamous.  Howell's plan was to justify his feelings regardless of the warning sent to him by God,   Howell is goint to perish because he failed to heed the warnings sent to him by God.  Howell is hurt, broken, and decieved, all because he would not hear God, and now he is getting his spiritual booty kicked!


Remember Saints, no one owes loyalty or submission to a reprobate! 


Howell is now at war, at what is within him.  Howell will now fight you.  The fight against pride, selfishness, and the things that crept into his humanity will destroy him.


Remember that Howell never wanted to please God.


Love, yours in Christ,

Shelly Lawson




What really gets my goat, is Apostle Ronald Howell is so evil that he can destroy women and families and have no remorse. Sinners even have somewhat of a conscience. This man has not apologized for nothing he has done!!!!!! He should resign....point blank.

Howell is going to go out the way he said that he would.


Years ago Reprobate Ron told us that only God could fire him, so it shall be, God will EJECT Howell, but in the meantime the law is going to deal with Mr Nasty.


Howell is so mad, that he is giving away valuable inforamation about how he bought these women jewelry and clothes.  Yes, that is correct, HOWELL IS BACKING UP WHAT ALL OF US HAVE BEEN SAYING ALL ALONG.   Mr Howell in fact does try to buy these women, and he actively seeks relationships with them, for the purposes of sex.  Ask Pastor Liar, how much her Sugar Daddy Apostle has bought her for, ask her about her price.  Howell is not a good looking man, he had to use something for barter and trade.  I often wonder if that parking lot money went to buy that used Mercedes Benz for Pastor Liar, that money never purchased no parking lot.  I remember Howel spouting off at the mouth saying that those who are closest to him - God blesses them.  Just another cat call for women from a miserable old Buzzard!  Howell also goes to women's jobs and ask if they need money, and he often buys perfume for particular women.  A sexual predator "STALKS" out his prey, and by purchasing these CHEAP gifts, old nasty has established certain facts against himself.  Nice going stupid.


Howell is calling former members disloyal (laughing) what a dumb mistake.  Since these members were NEVER loyal according to Howell, they should further prove their DISLOYALTY to him by providing statements to the authorities agianst Mr Nasty.  I am especially speaking to the ladies.  I do not know what the men can tell the authories, but what the heck, give it a shot, and help us kick that spiritual booty!  I imagine Howelll feels my foot in his rear, even in his sleep.


Listen, we are rattling that old devil, and it is pretty evident that we are doing our job, but let none of us take credit for what God is bringing to light, we are only vessels, just instruments being used as lights to point the way out of the darkness called Life Changers International, New Horizons, CULT ministry.

Concerned Christian,
Concerning Howell's resignation, I already called for it. He will continue to go his course but God will eventually do what has to be done. I really believe the right people are reading these posts. It's just a matter of time.......Shelly, you were called for a time such as this. Thanks for your candor and determination.


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