Apostle Howell MADE CHASE GOODEN delete his page because Howell is in trouble.  Howell the man who said that he never ran from anything is now on the run.  COWARD!



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Rest assured Concerned Christain,


There are a lot of interesting people reading these posts, and I am providing a lot more information to several organizations.


For those who Howell is attacking, I think that he is forgetting something important, that he is the one on a low rate 30 minute broadcast, and he is the one depending on the benevolence of his blind sheep.  He needs these people to help him keep up his in bad taste luxury lifestyle of the "decieved and foolish."  Howell is finally getting the recognition he deserves, and he is even taking credit for being Wanzo Brown. 


If people will continue to pray for Howell to be FULLY EXPOSED, God will do it.


It is not right for a sexual predator to be on the loose, it is dangerous.  Right here in the states, we have men impersonating police officers, stopping unsuspecting women, and raping them.  THAT IS DANGEROUS.  It is no less dangerous than having a sexual predator in the pulpit, using the God, and the Bible to get next to women and take advantage of them.


I just listened to as much as I could stomach of your social networking message. Dude, you are everything Shelly is saying and more. The anointing should draw people to you. You are avoided because you are a tree with no desired fruit. Those people in the commissary are now aware of what you are capable of – that’s it. Stop jiving and face the facts. You are not taking vengeance for coming clean and admitting what you did to Andrea and countless others. What’s this garbage about if you defend yourself to some degree, it is vengeance? That’s just an excuse. If you were innocent, why haven’t you stated this fact? Let me guess, after it all washes out, you will be able to say “well” I never said I did not do it. If you don’t believe in taking vengeance, explain the LALC is Cult blog you created lying on your ex-members.

LCI, let me correct this false prophet. If you are truly anointed people will not run when they see you coming but wonder how they can get what you have. Some will hate you because they first hated Jesus – got it. My question is - how can all the pastors in your area hate Howell and ole Ronnie not be the problem. Don’t allow him to teach you how you should only hear him and no one else – that’s how Jim Jones convinced so many to lose their lives for his cause. Boy, only if they would have listened to someone else – food for thought. Yes, don’t tune in to Howell, as he requested, for it will only benefit him if you do. Howell, you are definitely a Cult Leader and I don’t know what gospel you are teaching. I have never heard such manipulation. Noble I am praying for you and your wife for you both deserve better. Look at all the women and marriages destroyed. This is not the legacy you want to leave. Be Blessed

Howell looks more guilty than O.J. Simpson did, when they said he was not guilty.  I remember watching that on t.v., even O.J. looked surprised.


Howell wants it to be ok.  Howell wants to believe that he did nothing wrong.  Howell wants all of us to go away and just leave it all in the hands of the Good Lord.


I would gladly stop my campaign if Howell would tell the truth, but instead he is now whoring out his members testimonies, but it won't do any good.  Even Jim Jones, did the same thing, but it did not work.  Howell, you better read this last statement, and see what your future holds for you.

I thought I would begin today's blog with another quote from that old false apostle Ronald D Howell Sr.


"Whenever you operate illegally in the Kingdom, you leave open a door for Satan to come in and mess with you."


With that, I would like to remind the members of Life Changers International, New Horizon's that many of you leaders have recieved information about your leader Roanld D Howell, that he has been molesting women.  Some of you leaders at LCI have personal knowledge about Howell's sexual deviant behavior, and you still support Howell in the ministry of nasty.


Based on what Howell has taught, those of you who now know about Howell's dirty business, and refuse to stop supporting him are leaving open a door for Satan to come in and attack you.  According to your teacher Howell, Satan has a legal right to attack you, and Satan is dirty, he does not play fair.  Many of you in LCI have daughters, and sons.  How would any of you with children, especially those of you with daughters, feel if one day one of them came to you and told you that a dirty old man posing as a preacher molested them?  Just remember, all of you will reap what you sow.  You who sow into Howell, will reap from what you have sown into, and Satan has a legal right to you, unless you repent and leave Life Changers.  You should not even give Howell an offering, because you become a partner in his crime, and you also become an enabler.


To the rest of our reading audience, I want you to know that we are successful, and Wanzo IS right, Ron Howell is on the run, all over the internet page, wherever you type in that devil's name, HIS FULL TITLE AND NAME, you can see all of the google sites, where Howell is busy trying to override the black preaching network.  I guess I could go the same thing.  But there is no need.  I am borrowing much of my new material from the things that Howell is posting on his sanctimonious sites.  I am also rejoicing because now Howell is running scared, but he is not fighting against any of us.  Howell is fighting to save his own neck.


Howell is pulling a classic cult play by stating in one of his false apostle letters dated May 5, 2012:  "We are under attack."


The poor slob, has it all wrong, HE IS THE ONE UNDER ATTACK!  This is because of his abusive behavior.  You would think that Howell would learn from his mistakes, but no, Howell has furthrer lowered himself by stalking and calling the names of former members, just to get at me.  Howell is so desperate to find out who I am, but instead Howell is calling out several names of innocent people that are not bothering him.  I urge all of you, to contact the authorities and tell them about Ron Howell's sexual activity.  I also urge you to report Howell's other abuses.


Howell is whining, and it is not going to get him anywhere.  Howell has lost the war against God!  It does not matter who he attacks, because what God has for all of you, it is for you.  Those of you who left LCI, God is in the blessing business.  Do not be afraid of Howell, because soon, he will be no more.


Remember Potiphar's wife?  She was no different than that reprobate Roanald D. Howell Sr.  She lied on Joseph, and caused him to be put into prison, but THE LORD WAS WITH HIM.  Joseph got that promotion, and we never hear about Poti's wife again.  Howell cannot hurt you, he can only lie on you, and I will keep on saying it, because I do not want people to shrink away in fear.  Howell cannot hurt your careers, he cannot take away your clearances, he cannot even control his libido, how can he hurt you?


Currently Howell has a blog spot of commercials from some of his cult members entitled testimonies.  I wonder if Minister Pretty is going to testify about the landlord he "absconded," from without paying his just debt?  I often wonder while Minister Pretty is speaking in tongues if he can hear a voice saying:  "pay your bills."  What a testimony that would be.  Then there is the Minister Dunbar.  She has a wonderful testimony, I call it "Pennies from Heaven."  Sister Silly testified about money coming into her bank account, money that did not belong to her.  Sister Silly failed to understand that once the banks figures out that this money does not belong to her, they will recover it.  WOW!..A Christian would report the error to the bank, but not a LIFE CHANGER, UH UH, NO WAY!  Then there is the testimony of Sister Olive Oil.  Sister Olive Oil testified about receiving free child care, day care from the community.  It appears that one of the supervisors made an error in their book keeping so Olive did not have to pay.  Again, according to Howell, one who operates in the Kingdom LEGALLY will report the error and pay their just debt. 


Life Changers has a lot more testimonies that will leave you rolling in laughter.  Here is another one.  Pastor Prophet lying Williams became very upset during the Mid Night Cross (curse) session one evening.  Now Williams has several mental problems, and serves as Howells consort and pastor of the cult.  Pastor liar believes that she has the power to put a curse on people who disobey her, or say anything contrary about her.  Another one of her problems is that she cannot take rejection.  Someone at some point in time must have told Pastor liar that she was the cat's meow.  Well Pastor Liar, THAT CAT DONE STOP MEOWING 50 YEARS AGO.  Go sit down somewhere and be quiet, and stop practicing that WITCHCRAFT!


What Ron does not understand is that there is a science to what I am doing.  I have made Howel react, he is on the defense, and doing badly.  Howell will nevefr be on the offense, because Howell is providing E.V.I.D.E.N.C.E!   Evidence against himself, in effect Howell is going to help investigators put him away.  HA HA!


I must agree with Howell with regards to all of us have sinned, but Howell wishes to minimize molesting my sisters, and that is wrong ladies.  The Bible teaches us that rulers are not a terror to those who do good.  There are laws against what Howell has done to these women.  Howell does not believe that a Christian should report him.  Can any of you see how sick of mind Howell has? 


Ronald Howell is now in a terrible condition, and it is only a matter of time before the true judge takes His revenge.  By reporting Howell, you are not taking revenge, you are saving lives.  It is right to report a sexual predator, in fact it is your Christian duty to report Ronald D. Howelll Sr, he is the ENEMY in the house.

Shelly, theres no evidence of wrong doing here, as i wrote before he is innocent till proven guilty,

it's really your word against his, why should we just take your word for it and pray negitive things about him.

we dont even know who you are, you know my name, i have nothing to hide, im just asking reasonable questions, where is the evidence? has he abused you? what is his motive? im sure he could get as many women he wants. Shelly, these are reasonable questions. I dont believe everything i read on the net, specially when i dont even know the author. Let me ask you a another straight question..do you believe i should believe you just because you say i should without even knowing your name?

Welcome back Colm,  I missed you, and your stupid comments!


Oh, yes there is plenty of evidence, and you know that authoriteis are not going to disclose what people are turning in on your low down reptile of a reprobate for a disgusting sexual predator False Apostle Ronald D Howell.


And this is for everyone out there, authorities will not disclose your information to Howell or his nasty leaders, so just keep on turning in that evidence.


You see Colm, old buddy, Howell has been doing his dirt for years, and he has slipped up.  The womanizer was sloppy, and in case you cannot accept this, then the bible says that God takes the wise in their own craftiness.  Howell really thought that he was going to take his filth with him to fame and fortune and never be challenged, but his tail is showing and this news is out even in Alabama.  Now, HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT!


None of us have lied on Ronald D. Howell, he is a mean, nasty old pervert of a man, masquerading as an Apostle.  What the low down thing deserves is castration, and after they cut it off, they should sew it across his mouth!  That is what all men who do what he does to women deserve!


By the way Ron Howell, you are just trying to find out what any of us have provided to authorities, GO FISH!



By the way everyone, look at what Colm, a.k.a Ronald D Howell Sr braggs on himself:


"I am sure he could get as many women he wants."  This is none other thant the devil himself.  See, how stupid Howell is?  That man is a barrel of laughs.  Howell can't help himself, and I knew we would be hearing for the devil again, I knew he could not keep silent.  Even Howell cannot resist us ladies.


You keep on thinking that you can get as many women as you want, this is the reason why you are now under investigation for being a sexual predator, and NO, my sisters are telling the truth on your nasty tail.   You probably better get ready for the next phase of Operation: GET RID OF THAT REPROBATE, because I have a new surprise coming at you.




Sister Shelly.


I need something more than your smooth manipulative words avoiding the question everyone deserves to know – did you do it? Are you clean of the crimes you have been accused of? I prefer to know before all this washes up. An innocent man wouldn’t have anything to hide. I believe the members of your organization deserve it as well. I believe this is fair, especially if you are innocent…..

Awaiting your response

Colm Heaney here again, firstly let me say that I am not a friend of ronald howell and have not seen him in years, 

I also dont know anyone personally on this forum, I do however find it strange that persons here remain anonymous, usuallly when people remain anonymous they dont want to be held accountable for what they say, this is just a simple fact of life, i can come on here and write what i like and am able to stand behind what i say..so here is what i have to say...  I do not speak for Ronald Howell but i do know that he is under no obligation to come onto this site and defend himself, why would he? would you.  If I started forums about you ,would you hurridly run round trying to defend yourself declaring your innocents?  Because of this post you may even set up a forum accusing me of something, would you expect me to dignify your accusation with a response.  This forum is now around 46 pages, a small book, we hear about howell being seen with a women, this may be true, we hear about him taking money of people this may be true, churches do this, we hear about familys breaking up, this my be true but none of this is against the law.  About families breaking up, its usually about the man and wife who come to church ,they both like the church, they join the church, they listen to the message of men should get more active in the running of the church, the man dosnt want too and after a while feels bad about it and leaves, he dosnt feel like the man anymore in the eyes of his wife, he feels he's not being shown in the right light and it creates problems.  The husband dosnt like how many hours the woman is working in the church to get things done and sure enough the point comes were she has to choose between Church or her husband.  Sometimes its Church, sometimes its husband, thats just the way it is , simple human dynamics.

About howell at peoples jobs giving them money, i must say he was at my work one time and he give me 50$, i was selling furniture and he came into the store, we had a short chat and when he was leaving he just past it to me, i think ive only talked to him about 3 or 4 times.

I should really say here that im not trying to defend howell here, i would do this for anyone this was being accused of something without real evidence, whats going on here is cyber bullying, you may not want to say it is, but it is.  45 pages of - he's stupid, he's a rat, he's this, he's that. But no content, just rambaling nonscience with no facts attached. Just give us the facts son, just the facts.  If you you havent given them in the last 45 pages i guess you just dont have them to give.  Some folks on this forum are just like a dog with a bone, and another 45 pages will be written and 100 pages will be written, ill probably come back on this site in a month or so and see were we are though i still dont think ill see anything new.

About Andrea, I dont know her though ive read her story, i dont know if this is true or not true, but if it is she needs to go to the police, molisters have been convicted years after the event.

Im not going to write much more here, i have things to do.  Let me finish on this..Howell could be guilty of what is written on this site, I dont know.  I do know that howell shouts at demons to come out of people, and he's aware that this will provoke them, he's smart enough to know that even if he dosnt take it seriously they do.

Do you remember what Jesus said when the people around him said that he was casting out demons with demons.   well, you can look it up.   We'll i gotta go,  heres to the next 45 pages of empty nonscience, im sure we will see inventive writing, we shall witness scripture unraveling,we'll read it all however the one thing that will be remiss will be evidence of any sound nature.  Before I go, Shelly, decern all voices, who told you to come up with the name sHELLy

Welcome back reprobate, I have missed you.


Just call me Sister Shelly!  (smile)


Chat with you later.


I heard that Bishop Jones, is sick from sugar posioning.  I heard that there was a case lot sale at the commissary on Moon Pies, and that Jones rented at trailer and bought all that they had, and went to Hog Heaven.

By the way, each person that reports Howell to the authorities,must give the facts. that is all the authorites want, the facts. 


You complain, that there is no content, oh yes there is.  And you are mad, because people are reading what we are posting about the sad soap opera called your life.


I am here along with the others to warn people against Howell, and his Jim Jones Cult Church.  I have done my part for the authorities, I will continue to do what I do for the health and welfare of people.  That, and that alone is all I am doing.


Here's to the next year, bump just another 45 pages.  And it is only empty "NONSENSE" to you because it is finally your nasty rear end showing.  You are finally on the recieving end, you can dish it out, but you cannot take it, can you Howell?


Just for the public, Ronald Howell is running around starting sites sliming former members using this name, S. Jeffereys, NIMROD.  See what a liar Colm - Howell can be?


Before I go Howell, discern all voices, who told you that you to come up with the title Apostle?

Good day and God Bless. I have no issues answering your questions and I pray
they are not foolish and unlearned questions that will only gender strife
and not edification. Concerning accountability. Is Howell accountable to
anyone? There is no one to check this behavior and that's the way he wants
it. God isn't even in charge there - Howell is. When God is on the back
burner these are the results. People have decided to remain anonymous for
the simple fact that this manipulator will only discredit them to make
himself look innocent. Bottom line up front, he needs to take responsibility
- period!!!

 Now concerning Howell not coming on here defending himself, why wouldn't he
if he did nothing wrong. You asked the question, would I come on here if I
was falsely accused? I sure would and would ensure those listening knew it
was me. He has the resources to put his sermons on youtube to get his
message to those he feel are bashing him, therefore, he can use those same
resources to set the record straight, but he as to keep his trump card in
his back pocket just in case he is found guilty .I don't expect for you to
come on here and defend yourself Colm, but if you were a Shepherd of God's
flock - yes I would expect that, for leaders are held to a stricter
standard. These are not light accusations and a man in his position owes the
people of God just that, but a man who is not accountable do not see the
need to do so.

 Let's discuss how lightly you take the break-up of families. Colm come on.It
is Satan's job to separate the families that God have joined together. When
man decides to do so, he is yielding his members to Satan's agenda and plan.If  a husband and wife come there enjoying the Church they
should leave with a better relationship with one another and with God. A man
not active in the church is no excuse to purposely elevate his wife with the
intention of causing division. Regardless of what the wife is called to do,
she is a Christian first and wife second and then she is a Church member.
Marriage is our first ministry - point blank. Howell has the order wrong to
benefit his agenda. A woman's first covering is God then her husband.
According to some of the testimonies on the LALC site many men were fired
from positions while their wives were continuously elevated. This was
Howell's divide and conquer method where the wife thought God was promoting
her and wanted to please God even if it meant leaving her husband (which was
the ultimate plan), not knowing that ole Howell was pulling the strings; now
the husband is gone and you know the rest. I have seen
this method so many times and it was the cause of many divorces among my
friends who trusted their leaders.

 Let's talk about bullying. I once read how Howell threw a chair and wounded
one of his members for making a mistake with the sound system. I once read
how Howell would just fire people for any little thing and laugh about it -
now that's bullying. Whatsoever a man soweth THAT shall he also reap. I don't
know Howell and I don't know you, but there is nothing new under the sun. However, I have never seen it to this magnitude.

Be Blessed Colm


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