Apostle Howell MADE CHASE GOODEN delete his page because Howell is in trouble.  Howell the man who said that he never ran from anything is now on the run.  COWARD!



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I am no expert in thes matters but Howell(Repent) seems to be on the nose with his reply. His reply makes so much sense I never saw it that way. This forum in many ways have blessed me. I have learned some things that was once confusing. Colm I don't now what else can be said but like anyone you have a right to your own opinion.

Let the wicked fall into their own nets, while I pass by safely.


Psalm 141:10


This past week we have seen a lot of excitement on Google; Apostle Ronald D Howell Sr is frantically posting various forms of information hoping to draw attention away from the issue of his bad behavior against women, children, families and other abuses that this masochist has enjoyed these past 17 years.


Through Ron's own stupidity we are learning some very important admissions.  We learned from one of Howell's False Shepherd letters that he did in fact solicit money for the purposes of purchasing a parking lot, yet he never used that money to purchase the parking lot, and he never informed the members of this fact, and the money disappeared.  Howell perfectly knew that he was not going to be able to purchase that land across the street, yet he continued to ask for the money, just like he had his consort Bonny, and his bishop begging money for his shepherd's appreciation back in 2009, money for which Howell told us was for a visiting baptist preacher from Huntsville, AL.  We later learned that this preacher has long informed Howell and his criminal associates that he was not coming, yet the LCI leaders continued to beg for money, and when Howell discovered that his cover had been blown, he shouted at the cult membership:  "IF $400.00 IS TOO MUCH FOR YOU TO GIVE, THEN JUST STAY HOME!"  (smile)  Howell was so mad when his nakedness was discovered.  Of course, the lying apostle never apologized, he just kept on begging for the money.


This past week, we have also learned from Howell's Wanzo page, that he is attacking innocent people; people for which have nothing to do with these posts.  This of course is the last ditch effort of a reprobate, to call people disloyal, when it is in fact Howell who has always been disloyal.  What a looney man, to think that anyone owes him loyalty, and the man is not loyal to God or anybody else.  Apostle Ronald D Howell is the epitome of disloyalty - He is the ENEMY OF THE HOUSE!


This past week, we learned through Howell's own stupidity, that he openly admits to buying gifts for women members, typical of a sexual predator behavior, as sexual predators use money, and gifts as a mean of "luring" women for the purposes of sexual relations.  Again, Howell helps us make the case against himself, and again, Howell has outsmarted himself.  Thanks Ron!


Howell also posted some of the as Jorge called them:  "SILLY" members testimonies.  I love to listen to LCI members testify.  They often testify and thank God for some of the most ridiculous things.  In the past several years I have heard some real stupid testimonies from people accusing God of stealing for them, killing people on behalf of their false apostle, and othe dumb things.  Howell truly has a handicap squad of leaders surrounding him.  Many of Howell's leaders are going to reap a curse for lying for their leader, and trying to coverup his sexual inproprieties - all of you remember that you are operating illegally operating in the kingdom and according to Howell, Satan has a LEGAL right to attack you, and the Bible does say God is not mocked, you guys are going to reap what you have sown.  Look for Satan to send some old pervert like old nasty apostle Howell against your sons and daughters unless you stop, repent, and leave LCI you will receive divine due recompense.


I am thankful that people continue to provide important information that is going to lead to Ronald Howell's full exposure of the fruad that he is, and more importantly we are saving the lives of women, children, family and marriages.

This is for Colm Heaney, Jorge, Lazy, Noble, and any other friend of Howell,


I will first address the:  "THERE'S NO EVIDENCE OF WRONGDOING."  Typical of false apostle Ronald D. Howell.


Howell is assuming that since no one saw him actually put his hands on any of these women, that their word is no good.  Bad Move Howell.  All of the women coming forward, are geographically dispersed, most of them here in the United States, and some remain in Germany.  These women's word, (testimony) is more powerful than yours.  For years, Ronald Howell has been playing the same old game, and singing the same old song of denial. 


The TRUTH is more powerful than a million denials.  The TRUTH will always prevail, and don't you forget it Apostle Ronald D. Howell Sr.  You are a disgrace to the mother that raised you, and a dishonor to the son that adores you.


I want all of our reading audience to understand one important thing about Apostle Howell:  "He does not believe in the God of the Bible!"  He does not believe that God is in control of the "proof."  All of these women, and God all know that Howell, you are guilty.  As I have said, time and time again, I am not waiting on human justice to do anything to you, I have already seen your end, and that's enough for me.  However, I have a duty to report you on behalf of my sisters everywhere.  You are a threat to people, and God is going to make an end to your lying reign of terror, threats, manipulation and intimindation.  When God takes you out, your demon will simply move onto another willing worshipper, while you slip away into the darkness you love so much.


To further correct your deception about:  "IT JUST MY WORD, AGAINST YOURS."  NO,  IT IS NOT!  I don't think you realize all of the testimonies accumulated against you - do you?  Some of the most powerful evidence coming against you is YOU! 


Howell, if you don't mind, I will borrow one of your sayings to best describe you:  "YOU ARE STUUUUUUUUPID!"


Again, it is the TRUTH against you alone Ronald D Howell Sr.  It is the Truth that is going to put you out of business in Germany, and I believe that God is going to make an end of you, because you turned your back on God.  In fact, you better watch your back, because one of your members is going to roll on you in the very near future.  It has NEVER been about my word, it will always be about the truth.  People are free to pray whatever they wish, obviously if you were not worried you would not be frantically creating all of those pages on Google, attacking all the innocent people, stalking all of these women, trying to buy silence, abusing - using Bonny, Victor, and some of your niave members. 


It is just like Ronald Howell, always trying to minimize, marginalize and point the finger at someone else.  Just how low is Ronald D Howell Sr?  He is low enough to blame all of these women, that's how low he is.  I have listened to Howell for years, and that is modus operandi: "it is their fault."  What a loser.   Ladies, don't worry, God is not going to allow Howell to escape, and I am talking about the Most High God, the Lord of Hosts, that's His Name, and Howell may use that name, but he does not believe in Him, if he did, he would have stopped his womanizing years ago.


Howell says that he doesn't even know my name, yet he keeps on calling me a man, MAKE UP YOUR MIND!  You keep on saying:  "I HAVE NOTHING TO HIDE!"  Howell, you are full of lies, and deceit.  If you did not have anything to hide, then you would not be running around with your head on fire, calling former members "disloyal," making false accusations, and using your media against them, posting member testimonies, posting past, and new member newsletters, trying to make yourself look good.  I believe you know that you are in trouble - this time, and that cloud of suspicion is not EVER going to rise from off of you.  I need for you to understand, that you are not hurting any of the people reporting you, you are indeed fighting against the Lord.  You are in God's hands, and He is going to use those who you have abused, abusing, all against you.  You need to get your affairs in order Howell, you are going down. 


I am not concerned if, or when authorities ever confront you Mr Ron, God is handling this matter, I and my sisters are simply telling our stories, hoping to warn others not to come you way because you are an evil man.  We are just doing what is right. 


So, I have answered your questions again, again, and again, and I do not care what you think, or believe.  For the last time, step down, repent, pray and hopefully the Lord will grant you repentance, that you may experience His forgiving grace.  You are in an awful condition Ronald D. Howell Sr.  It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

Wisdom is the priciple thing; therefore get wisdom, yea with all thy getting, get understand.


Proverbs 4:7


Yesterday, I felt that Colm Heaney was trying to reach out to us, trying to make a connection with his comments, which were in support of his alter-ego Ronald Howell, or I should say that the bragadocious Ronald Howell was reverse role playing as one of his many alter-egos that being Colm Heaney.  Howell loves to play different characters: for the past 17 years Howell has been playing the role of being a member of the clergy, he has fooled a lot of people, but with so many new sites popping up against Howell, warning the public about his game, "the gig is up."


So, I wish to help Colm understand some of the characteristics of a sexual predator.  Howell has created new google sites, and on many of these sites Howell has openly admitted to many of these characteristics, but for the sake of his alter ego I will elaborate a bit more.



A sexual predator often reports having few close friends, or confidants, as we often noticed that Apostle Howell often said that he did not like to be approached in places such as the commissary or base exchange.  Howell always displayed paranoia even against his inner circle.  Howell was/is very select about the female members that come to his house, and into his office area.


Control and Power:

A sexual predator, sexual crimes are seen as a way of exerting control and power, resulting in pleasurable feelings of  power that are less concerned with sexual gratification, and more with emotional validation.  By manipulating his advances on these women, Howell was experiencing one area of his life where he was the controling factor, and it spread to other areas of his cult ministry.  This is the reason Howell uses his voodoo priestesses to do his bidding.  Remember how Howell would use Bonny, or one of the other concubine women to call us and order us around,  Howell operates through the female leadership, and keeps them on the front row of his Life Changers cult.


Knowing the victims:

For a sexual predator, they generally know their victims, mostly these women that Howell violated were all acquaintences, which he built a relationship with for the purposes of having a sexual relationship with.  Those women who left LCI were stronger than Howell, and those who remain in that bondage are as Howell puts it, are women with low self esteem issues, I guess Bonny fits this category, right along with the rest of the his current concubine.  Typically Howell seeks out women lacking strong emotional support, and Howell works over time in trying to cut off family ties.  Howell has already admitted to buying gifts, and he has offered financial assistance.  Every member of LCI must be reachable, especially women.



Sexual predator never admits responsibility, in fact Colm is a perfect example, and representative of all of Howell's little friends, he will never admit to being wrong about anything.  This is the reason Howell is actively engaged in a smear campaign against other people, in his sickness Howell wants to blame others for terrible acts he has committed.


I hope this help Colm Heaney (Ron Howell), and I can have a counselor contact him if he wishes for more help.


Sister Shelly


Shelly, your so messed up man, im in my bed in ireland, you seem to think im Howell, i met the guy a few times, think he's a bit of a dick, and I dont even think he liked me either, dont think he even reads this crap and if he dos he probably wondering why im writing.  well i find it a source of amusment.  Still awaiting the facts...this is all here-say....oh.. by the way..if its not to much bother.. could you send me over a box of those lucky charms

You mean you are drunk in bed with your consort, right there in Kaiserslautern.  Probably just finnished your lying Sunday morning cult message to feed to those naieve members.


In your dreams Ron, besides Jones was outted by the real Colm Heaney.


Bet you did not know that, you lying sexual predator.  Howell, you just cannot win, and you cannot stop lying.


The REAL Colm Heaney has been contacted.  You and Bonny Honey have a nice night doing whatever two malcontents do with your preverted selves.


Sister Shelly

In Howell, as we have just witnessed with his remarks using the alias Colm Heaney we are witnessing a descending deception.


Ronald D. Howell Sr wants us to believe that the real Colm Heaney is in Ireland, and just happend to be on the Black Preaching Network.  Poor silly Howell, he did not know that he has been outted by the real Mr Heaney.


Howell's deception runs deeper than we think.  Deception is inherent to his problem of sexual sin on two levels.


First, in Howell's own teachings he spoke about the leading of a double life, this is another representation of who Ronald D Howell is, a man posing as an Apostle, leading a double life with secret meetings with several women, this behavior was carefully hidden, or though Howell thought so, but there are lies, the more lies to cover the lies.  Face the facts: the motive Howell wants secrecey is so he can keep on committing his nasty behavior.  Howell's secrecey is an indication of his committment to run from the light, just like the roaches running around the children's church (Camp Disease).  And people loved the darkness rather than the light because their deeds were evil (John 3:19).


Howell's second level of deception is self-deception.  Since his heart is deceitful, it impacts the way he wants to view the secret of his life, and the way he wants his members, and the public to see it.  That is the reason Howell is working overtime to create new GOOGLE posts about himself, he is in a rage, and desperate for all of this to go away.  Howell cares nothing about these women, children, and families he has hurt, and unless something is done to stop Ronald Howell, he will continue to hurt many more people, just look at the the current membership, unable to comprehend what kind of a man is in front of them.


Ronald Howell, when you say that you are going to keep this part of your life a secret, what are you saying?


Hidden from view is the scandolus behavior that is horrifying your congregation, and now, a crowd that is larger than what you was preaching to on the WordNetwork.  In fact, you owe all of us a debt of gratitude for the name recognition you are now recieving.  Afterall, it is not everyday that a sexual predator in the pulpit is found out.  You have worked for years to keep all of this dirt hidden, and put forth this image of you being (excuse the expression), a Man of God. 


Your life is one of a calculated contradiction of your public image now being revealed as a life of shame, congratulations, you earned it.


Sister Shelly



I want to level with you for a minute. I believe the consensus from everyone is for no one else to get hurt. Can you say that Jesus would want the same? Howell, you appear to be a hurt man, by what: only you and God know. Nonetheless, it is the foundation of all the hurt you read about in this blog and LALC. As for targeting women you should be mentoring, you have to understand that your authority is for keeping order and not seducing and/or coercing women to be your sex slave. Your authority should be used to protect our daughters. If I had a way of talking to you in private about this matter, I would and it is what I actually prefer, however, I want you to look at this problem and not attempt to bad mouth me to take the magnifying glass off yourself. Not that I care but it will not yield the intended result – you not hurting anyone else. Howell, the only answer is to repent, be reconciled with those you hurt and be healed yourself. It will not happen while you are in the pulpit; however, pride will tell you different. What I said a while back is in the process of manifesting or already has for you did not repent as warned. I don’t think it’s too late but some damage will be incurred. The seeds of pride in disobedience have yielded a harvest. Please!!!! Take heed and get right with God. Howell, you can’t win against God. The answer will never be you are reinstated even though you have hurt the countless of people I have entrusted in your care, but you repenting or being punished severely by God. Please!!!Don’t just migrate to Huntsville, Al to hurt more innocent people. You are not in the condition to lead only drive and wound sheep. God’s people are more important than numbers who provide you with money. You have a son and this could one day happen to him. I am sure you would not like that.

Howell, if you decide to do what’s right, I will be the first to commend you – you have my word on it. Sit yourself down and allow an outside minister to under-shepherd the flock until you get the help you need. What you read about concerning you is not normal for any church scandal. You are human like any of us, and you really need to come to grips that you really need some help. God love you and do not desire that you go to hell as castaway after ministering to so many others. Let go of your pride; your soul is more important. I honestly believe God has raised up Wanzo and Shelly to handle you. You have to admit they are anointed at doing such and this negative publicity would have been avoided had you repented – that’s all God wants. I don’t believe only two people could have done this to such a magnitude unless God be with them. God is really trying to break down your pride to better utilize you. Surrender to God before He ultimately takes you out. Wanzo and Shelly were just His instruments and you can’t really fault them. If it wasn’t them, it would have been another willing vessel. This is meant with much love.

LCI, Howell really needs to sit down from leadership for his present condition aids to his running a Cult. Churches edify or help; Cults eventually hurt and bruise others for it is grounded out of flesh. I hope this message allow Howell to begin walking down the road to recovery. With God all things are possible.

Samuel said,

Has the Lord as much delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the Lord?  Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed than the fat of rams.  For rebellion is as the sin of divination, And insubordination is as iniquity and idolartyBecause you have rejected the word of the Lord, He has rejected you.  1Samuel 15: 22-23c


I have a thought about a possible scenario at work against Ronald D. Howell Sr over in Life Changers International, New Horizon's cult ministry in Kaiserslautern, Germany, and at his Huntsville, Alabama location.  Wouldn't it be funny if the police setup a sting operation, or had already conducted surviellance of Howell's illegal activities, and those who have supported him?  All I know is that Howell is going to fall.


I chose this scripture because of the prophet Samuel words to King Saul.  These words echo down through history that religious observance without obedience is empty before God.  A rebellious stubborn heart rejects God just as someone who practice occultism, and idolatry rejects God.  Apostle Ronald D. Howell's heart is stubborn and rebellious against God, and the people who follow him or just as subborn and rebellious against the Lord, because Howell has led them that way, using the very Christian Bible up to six days a week to lead these people in rebellion against the Lord.  The proof, all of Howell's leadership now know about his bad behavior against women, even some of the women leaders in his cult organization know about the bad boy Howell, but in their rebellion against the Lord they choose to follow a liar.  These people choose to follow someone who binds their freedom, hurts their children, selfishly takes away opportunities to advance both in the Kingdom of God, and in secular society, in effect, they are losing out on the promise of Jesus Christ who came that we all might have life abundantly. 


I thought about the naive comments of Victor Jones, a.k.a. Noble Son; who spoke about Howell opening his eyes in the ministry, and all that jazz about the excitement of slavery.  I remember one evening that Elder Patterson asked Victor Jones about that married woman that Howell chases.  Patterson wanted to know why this female member never works like the rest of the members.  Jones told Patterson that it was none of his concern.  One evening the married woman was assigned to work in Children's cult church (Camp Disease); when Howell found out that his favorite girl was not on that front row where he could watch her, Howell immediately had his sweetie pulled out of Camp Disease.   You see everyone, Jones was decieved about true ministry, he was caught up in eurphoria, truth violated by falsehood that the ministry is greater than people, and that his leader Howell has such a mandate from God, that it is alright to take another man's wife, prey upon other women, beat the members children, manipulate and intimidate people.  Jones fell in love with his leader's means of deception so much so that he does the same things.  One day Jones will be free of LCI, and he will come to accept the truth about him being deceived.  Jones will see that all that he did was not of God, but of man.


The same goes for the current membership, they will eventually leave Howell; they may not see it yet, but they are going to leave.  The current membership of LCI does not understand that they have left off from following the Lord.  The Bible speaks of many being decieved.  These are those who are trapped by the deception that Howell once bragged about that man at the circus so cleverly being able to fool the people into believing that the straw being pulled by the rope was a chicken.  Howell has been able to pull these people along by deception, and the devil working through Howell was able to use the limited knowledge that these people had about God to fool them.  The elect of God are those who left LCI, and are no longer supporting a man who takes advantage of women.  I am sorry for those who actively support Howell, because Howell was correct about one warning, that these people have opened a door of evil against themselves and their families.  Their only means of escape is to repent and get out of LCI as quick as they can.


Howell's number one proselyte is the false Pastor prophetess Bonny Williams, she is the one who proclaimed a curse against the people for exposing Howell's fundraising lie.  Of course Bonny does not have any power against those who left LCI, but as long as the people in LCI remain there they are in danger.  Bonny will be one of the very last people left in darkness after Howell is gone.  Bonny is going to do everything she knows to keep the people from leaving LCI.  She is evil, make no mistake about it.  When Bonny talks to you LCI members, it is no different than a demon speaking to you.  Remember that Howell told you that the devil is not going to appear with a tail and horns, but he will where a dress and high heel shoes.  Beware of Bonny Williams, she is a proselyte of Howell through the transference of spirits.  Just like Howell told you.


You see, Howell has told his members how he was going to decieve them, and he was able to do it to them.  Only in God's mercy did those who escape, get out of LCI.  I pray that God will open up the eyes of those who are in LCI very soon.  Realize that God has rejected Ronald D. Howell Sr, and it is only a matter of time before he is taken out of the way.  Do not wait until things go down, but get out while it is day.  Waiting means, you did not believe the truth, and held onto the lie that Howell tells, and you will be lost. 



A word of encouragement for those who were abused by Ronald Howell; in his series:  "Enemies of the House, old Howell said that you got to get beyond fears and anxieties, and those who talk about you.  See Genesis 37: 4-8


I have a an opportunity to view some of the nasty things Howell has authorized his leaders to publish about a lot of you; please do not waste your time worry about anything Ronald Howell posts about you, in fact rejoice because God is going to turn it around in your favor.  We cannot afford to be afraid to report the truth against a sexual predator just because he posts some nasty things on Google,  That is the way the enemy is suppose to attack, BUT GOD, is working everything out in our favor.  No matter what Howell says about you, it is going to prosper you, and don't forget that!


The nature of the enemy in order for his to survive, he will kill you, and that is Ronald D. Howell Sr, he is in the fight of his life, and his intentions is to kill (hurt) those who dare to come forward, but we have the Greater One on our side. I am so confident in God's ability to use each and everyone of us to get the truth out in the open, and protect innocent women, children, families and marriage.  For so long a time, Ron Howell has gotten by; the enemy says you can't get approved unless he approves.  This has been a favorite montra of Howell used to manipulate and intimidate people, especially women.  Howell uses his twisted messages to minipulate marriages as we see that Howell has admitted that he must, and that he has the RIGHT to approve of who dates and marries.  Howell uses a series of montra's to control the people, and you can see that it is affective just be looking at his website.  Again, I can't help but laugh at anyone who gave up a career to follow Howell's messy cult.  Just think, Ronald D. Howell Sr did not have the faith to give up his career to follow his Glory Dome dream.  No, Howell retired and gets a small retirement check from the army with some medical benefits.  In effect, Howell is smarter than many of his members whom Howell was able to talk them out of pursuing a bright career, and Howell was even able to convince some of his female members to leave their husbands, most of whom have moved on and remarried, doing much better and properous.  In fact, everyone who leaves LCI is prosperous and in a much better position that those who remain, serving a man who preys on women.


Remember this, that religious people do not want you to go no where.  That is what Noble Son said when he was talking about LCI members being denied the right to go on vacation, all because there were messages to be preached.  See how gullible Noble Son became?  Remember Jesus spoke about the Pharisees, the message rings loud and clear about Life Changers International, Howell does not want the people to go no where, he is just like Jim Jones, he wants total control of his members destiny.


Howell has a hidden agenda, and all of you who left LCI escaped being a patsy for him.  Howell is mad at the time he spent trying to mold and shape you for his use, but because those of you who left LCI - you were able to hear the voice of the Lord.  We are spiritual people, able to walk through to the other side where we are now blessed.  The current members of LCI can only see walls up to six days a week.


Remember that something righteous is happening now, and it is showing the wrong things going on in the Cult Life Changers International, so be prepared for the devil to attack the righteous thing.  I am not surprise at Howell revealing confidential things about people's personal lives, that is typical of the devil to act like that.  Allow God to bless you as a result of the slime that Howell is putting out on people. 


Be encouraged all this week, and know God is working everything for our good.


Sister Shelly  

Before today's post, I thought I would put forth this idea to all my sisters that were sexaully preyed upon by Ronald Howell.  There are so many women, together we could bring a civil suit against Ronald D Howell.  I am willing to put up $10,000.00 towards a legal defense fund against this predator, and there are other organizations that possibly will contribute to such a cause.  We must come together.  The best place to start is to contact Sister Serena Milliedge's lawyer.  I will need some help to get this started, please email me at my yahoo.  You see dear hearts, Sister Shelly is not playing.  I really want to put this terrible man out of business. 


Today, I wanted to blog about the mindset of a cult leader in order that others reading this blog will know some of the characteristics of such a person.  All of us former members of Life Changers International, New Horizon's ministry in Kaiserslautern Germany are well acquainted with the mindset of a cult leader; we had as our example the false apostle Ronald D. Howell Sr.


Cult leaders are not instantly made; they often have a gradual ascension to their position of control.  Many times they come from among the church as the Apostle Paul warned.


Cults are on the increase, cults such as Life Chagers are all about control.  Dictators posing as apostles, bishops and pastors can be cult leaders, such as we see in Ron Howell, Bonny Williams and Victor Jones.  I want to make it clear, that no all pastors, bishops and apostles are dictators.  Many of the people in these position love God, and are genuine people, but this is not the case about the leadership at LCI.


To identitfy a cultic church, we need to know what a church that is "free" in Christ looks like. A church can only operate correctly under Christ by knowing its limits of control and by maintaining an attitude of "servanthood."  True shepherds abide by the Word of God, the Bible.  They do not lie and twist scripture in order to take advantage of unsuspecting people such as Ronald Howell openly does.  Whenever a minister tells his flock that God is to be blamed for any situation, and the people say "amen," then those people are ignorant of the scriptures, and Satan will use such a minister to mislead people.  This is the case of those in Life Changers.  Man maid doctrines is not the Word of God.  God never intended for a husband and wife to have Ronald D. Howell Sr in the middle of the marriage.  God never intended for Ronald D. Howell to stand in the way of any man or woman deciding to marry or date.  God never intended for Ronald D. Howell to take away family maintenance.  God never intended for Ronald D. Howell to tell a person that they could not take a vacation , or go to the home going celebration of a loved one.  All of this is a man made doctrine, this is what the people of LCI are connected to, NOT to the kingdom of God.  They may believe that they are Christians, but these people have left off from following Christ, their god is Ronald D. Howell, and he is not of Christ.  We have never read where Jesus ever put his hand on a woman in an unseemingly way to deliver anything out her.  We have never found in the Bible where Jesus was a sexual predator.  They accused Jesus of many things, but being a pervert is not one of them.


Peter writes to the elders: "Sheherd the flock of God which is among you, serving as overseers (1 Pet 5:2).  That word "overseer" means to beware and watch carefully.  This is why we are on this network, and other areas, we are trying to get the word out to "beware and watch carefully," do not attend Life Changers International, New Horizons Ministry.  In fact do not associate with any church that has a Ronald D. Howell Sr anywhere in line of its authority - RUN AS QUICK AS YOU CAN AWAY FROM THAT HELL BOUND PLACE!  You can tell a true shepherd by how they guard the sheep against what would harm them.  They wil address falsehood (not speak falsehood), from the pulpit when necessary for the protection of the sheep; they will give their lives for the sheep, not take away life (Jn 10).  A true shepherd is not going to compromise the integrity of the gospel by promising a music contract, or some other pie in the sky future -one day thing like Howell has done.  A true shepherd is not going to compromise for fortune and fame, and while Howell has done this, he has neither.


A Church that is free in Christ leaves choices to the people. (HINT, HINT, HINT), allowing genuine faith to be present to accomplish the needs.  Allowing the Holy Spirit to move the person to do the right thing.  Ronald Howell does quite the opposite, he makes the choices and does not allow the Holy Spirit to move the person, and the results are that Howell is minus many former members, yet the man is so spiritually inept to understand even this basic spiritual principle.  Anyitme a leader can tell you the follower to shut down your face book account, then you should be asking yourself is that a true shepherd.  to make a suggestion and leave the choice to you is the right thing.  Not come back later because some limp noodle of a member reported you to apostle Howell and he now uses the "bully" pulpit against you, that is not a true shepherd.  True spiritual growth is accomplished in an atmosphere of freedom, liberty that Christ gives.  You are not free when you have to at Life Changers up to six days a week and every Saturday - that is ridiculous, NOT COMMITTMENT! 


Ronald D. Howell Sr has taught his followers to turn on one another, not love one another.  He has taught them THAT EVERYTHING IS REPORTABLE, Howell introduced a spirit of bondage and fear, and this is what those people are dancing, singing and testifying about, the members of LCI represent that spirit.  We know the God has not given us any such spirit!  There is no freedom, no liberty in Life Changer, in fact the name Life Changers is an oxymoron, the very name is a contradiction of life.  It is only when one finally leaves, or blessedly is kicked out/banned from LCI does one obtain life.


The real God appointed leader remains responsible, vilgilant as they watches over (not molest women and beat children) the flock.  No God appointed leader reveal personal information about someone elses family over the internet or pulpit.  That type of person is of a the devil.  We are confident that Ronald Howell is of the devil, and I feel sorry for those who cry when Howell does not promote you.  I remember this one silly sister, she cried a pool of tears when Howell either failed or forgot to promote her to the title of Deaconess.  I thought she was going to have a nervous breakdown.  Looking at her sad state told me that is was time to go, that woman must have lost her mind.  Apostle Paul spoke about being gentle (1Thess 2:7), and Ron Howell is anything but gentle.


Understanding what our freedom in Christ is helps us identify what can be taking away our freedom.  A cutl leader justifies everything they do as right, go back and read some of Noble Son, Lazy, Colm's comments, and you will see that I am right, they or Howell never admit to doing wrong.  There is some more proof for you Noble Son - How you like me now?  Apostle Paul said that men arise from you speaking perverse things to draw disciples after themselves (Victor, Bonny, Kimberly, etc.).  They do this by speaking contrary to sound doctrine and lifting themselves to an authoritarian position by abusing Scripture.  Ron Howell use a portion of the truth as a platform for his own unique doctrine.  People like Howell have no respect for God's Word,and they certainly have no respect for God's flock as they have been abused.


Be encouraged in the Lord, and know that God has this situation under control.


Sister Shelly





I sit and ponder over these posts. As stated by someone earlier, how can Shelly and Wanzo have such an impact on Mr. Howell if God wasn't backing them? I find their tactics pretty radical but the situation calls for such an approach in my opinion. The situation of mankind was indicative of the radical approach of John the Baptist and other leaders such as Ezra, etc. Mr. Howell isn’t an ordinary leader who has their flaws. He is a False Prophet who arose out of the church as Shelly indicated. He is in it for self and a hireling.

Would your Dad require you to give up a promising career to work on his farm so he could be rich? Then why would your spiritual Dad require such a selfish thing if he really cared about you. Twenty-years in the military will yield excellent results, but what happens when you realize that over 100 people were right about Howell? I understand it isn’t in God’s plan for everyone to do 20 years, but what if was God’s plan for you to so and you allowed Howell to convince you to forfeit something he will receive until he dies. Shouldn’t your Dad want you to have more than he did; something to think about…..Would your Dad want you to remain single and stay at home with him, so he can have you as his concubine? No….because that’s molestation. This is what Shelly and others are saying. So is he a molester? You do the math. The spiritual world is in direct parallel to the natural.


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