Apostle Howell MADE CHASE GOODEN delete his page because Howell is in trouble.  Howell the man who said that he never ran from anything is now on the run.  COWARD!



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1Jn. 2:19 They went out from us, but they were not of us, for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us, but they went out that they might be made manifest that none of them were of us.  (Acts 15:24) Many who run cults or, are cultic shepherds such as Ronald D. Howell Sr, came out of Christian churches, and know what they believe, but disregard it to have people follow them.


Those who are victimize by Ronald Howell and his leaders come from various walks of life, but most vulneralbe to mind control are those going through a difficult time or transition in life are recently divorced, illness, personal tradgedy, career failure, and away from home for the first time and end up being abused by Howell. 


When first reading about the history of Life Changers and how it came to be in Kaiserslautern, Germany, we learn about this false rosey picture, only later to find out that Satan is at the roots of this false and rebellious man who calls himself an apostle, but is none.  There are many waring signs that Life Changers is a cult, and that is why it is so important to look into the history of any churh before joining.  Learn about the "true" history, do not take their word, investigate!  This is the reason many of us are posting all over the internet, and reporting to Howell to other prominent organizations.  We are purposely leaving information everywhere in an attempt to warn people, especially women.  Too many waste years in churches because they neglected to do research on which would have only taken a few hours.  I myself am guilty, because I was warned about the illegal money activities, and other suspicious activities, but somehow I ignored all of this.  There are so great a cloud of witnesses all around the city about the kind of man that Howell is.


Ron Howell is no different than many cult leaders of the past, or today, in that his teachings sound very good, but it is all about a deceptive Christian teaching that he himself is decieve in.  Again research on the subject is very important to ones spiritual health.  When one finds out that something is drastically wrong, they should not hessitate to leave immediately.  The longer one remains, the harder it is to leave a cult like Life Changers.  Remember that false apostles are persuasive in a manner that one is not prepared to counter.   In a cult like Life Changers International one goes through a process of what is called behavior modification by the control used by the cult leader Ronald D. Howell Sr.  Take Victor Jones, and Bonny Williams for example, both them came in from the streets, and through Howell's aggressive behavior modification process Howell was able to get into their minds. 


Howell taught that all he needed was six months with your mind, and the results are very evident.  We see what Howell can do with weak minded people; he even made them change the style of clothes they wear.  In this instance, Howell may have acutually done a good thing for these two.  Well, that and putting on weight made them both purchase new clothes, but even in that Howell controls the tiniest aspect of their lives even to the point that Jones has the power to make members change or remove any article of clothing from children he finds distasteful.

In a cult church like LCI it comes to a point where one cannot question them because of their unique position.  Both Bonny Williams and Victor Jones work as a team to ensure that no one evers questions Howell.  Whenever Howell is questioned he uses his media and pulpit to slime people.  This is a very common thing in Life Changers International.  This is why Howell says that those who left his nasty cult church did not want to respect his leaders. 


It is Bonny Williams and Victor Jones job to protect Howell.  Both of these junior reprobates teach that Howell is right no matter what is found to be wrong, even it it found to be state plainly in the scriptures.  They will not entertain any challenges or questions though they may acknowledge a concern of what you are seeing.  They feign compassion and response to individual needs when they are really more concerned of the whole congregation.  They do not want others to know about any errors or descrepancies of Howell.  The amount of people corralled around their leader is of the utmost concern of Bonny and Victor who have been misled to believe that this is the purpose of God. It is the devil's job to sucker people into this type of false belief, and Howell has done an excellent job on these two.  


It should become apparent that niether Howell or his leaders are there to serve you, but you them.  You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and those who are great over them exercise authority over them. Yet it shall not be so among you, but whosever desires to become great among you, let be your servant.  And whosoever desire to first among you, let him be your slave-just as the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve and give his life for a ransom for many (Matt 20: 25-28).  True authority comes from God as one serves the people (you understand that Howell?) , that is why those lying leaders at LCI are not to be believe or obeyed, they have no authority because they do not serve God, but only there own selfish lusts. 


Remember this, that Jesus style is one os "servanthood" not as the world rules over people taking control of their lives.  I hope the members of LCI reading these post will make that connection and turn back on thier facebooks.  (smile).


The less resistance Howell has in what he is doing, the faster he works to extend his control.  Once peoples liberty is refrained, it is never regained, no matter how sincere conversations they have with Howell or his leaders.  When Howell begins to disallow the freedom to talk to others it become a warning sign that he will not discuss it anymore and that he is about to exercise more control over you so that you are no longer resisting him or his leaders.  Such is the case of every LCI member and other cult members, and they don't even realize that they are slaves, thus they come to cult meetings up to six days a week, give up every Saturday, but they can "ASK" for a day off according to Howell.


Howell's goal is to eventually break your will amd abiltiy to seek truth and have you submit to him.  Those who refuse are those who escaped, and now Howell is stalking these women calling them disloyal because these women and even some of the men had the ability to seek the truth and stop follow Howell and his nasty leaders.  Howell will take advantage of any insecurity and use and abuse you all under the authority of God.  This trains the LCI member to become dependenton a man made religion, and at the same time a lack of faith in God.  This produces victims subject to even more contol to Howell. 


Sister Shelly



I would like to make mention that Apostle Ronald D. Howell Sr, cult leader of Life Changers International New Horizons also uses sterotypes.  His prejudice is very subtle, for example, Howell is using an alias of man that once attended his cultic church; this man's name is Colm Heaney.  This past Saturday Howell used this alias to ask for a box of Lucy Charms cereal.  Many former members are witness to Howell;s social predjudices and ignorance.  It is unfortunate that a children's cereal brand, the popular Lucky Charms , none-to-subtle plays into his outdated predjudices.  Colm-Ronald D. Howell Sr, this Lucky Charms Leprechaun is in fact reinforcing racist sterotype. 


Howell has also publicly embarrassed a male asian that once attended his cult, by "squinting" his eyes.  Howell told the young man that he (Howell) was Chinesse.  Many of us just looked around at each other, and were embarrassed for ignorant Howell.  Shortly after this, the young man quit the cult - good for him.


Howell has also called the German legal community, and contractors a bunch of crooks; Howell said that they were ALL in cahoots with each other.  Howell did not want to pay the German contractors their money (see Petty, you not alone), so all of the contractors got together and sued the pants off of crooked Howell.  Now we can understand why Howell's members ignorantly testify about God helping them steal, and they ignorantly call it a blessing, dancing and shouting about it.  This is what Howell teaches by example, so you see, it is not all of the LCI members fault, their leader is a thief.


Sad, but Howell has lived in Germany for over 17 years, and he and many of his long time members cannot even order a simple dinner in German.  They cannot negoitate even the simpliest tasks, yet Howell says that they are international.  What a joke.  Bonny Williams is no more international than a can of peas.  Minister Petty protends to speak in German, but it is so bad that even the German need another German to interpret what he said.  This is why Howell is so angry that they German women left his nasty tail, he cannot communicate without them.  His leaders cannot even go to a hardware store in Kaiserslautern without help. 


In addition to racial sterotyping, Howell is also a male chauvinist, just as it has been previously stated on this network.  In addition to preying upon women, Howell uses his pulpit to tell women how to dress in his cult, yes, Howell even tries to control how a woman wears her hair, and the type of clothes she wears.  Women in LCI that have hair have to get his permission to color and cut their hair - THAT RIGHT!  Howell uses his right as their spiritual daddy for this control.  It is sad that someone who was a failure as a husband and father now wants to control other people's lives.

I read in an earlier post that Howell prevented someone from going to the funeral of a loveone. Did I understand that correctly?

Someone may have posted this information, Ronald Howell is able to prevent his followers through means of manipulation, and intimidation.


In the cult manipulation and intimidation are always the perferred method of getting subjects to do one's will, and Ronald D. Howell Sr is a master manipulator and an intimidator. 


In my post yesterday I explained that the less the resistance Howell has in what he is doing, the faster he works to extend his control.  For example, I informed some of the members of Life Changers of Howell's conduct against women, but his leaders do not care because they have given up their minds, will, intellect and emotions over to Howell.  This one response I received from one of the members of the military will go very nicely in a packet as "proof" that certain members of the military do not support values, and thus should be forced to retired if elgible, or moved, or lastly, give this person a chance to quit the military and follow Howell who is on his way down.  I am sure that some of Howell military members will soon be making that decision as I will use their responses as evidence that they are supporting a known sexual predator.  Again, Howell outsmarted himself.


Remeber once people's liberty is refrained , it is hardly ever regained.  Howell achieved his goal with this current group of followers.


What Howell does is use a weak subjects like Bonny Williams.  When her dad passed away, Bonny was used to speak to us about how she and her dad were estranged, and she did not attend his funeral.  Her dad was a Jehovah's Witness leader.  As I sat there listening to her speak I thought about a cult leader running down her cult leader dad. 


Howell pretty much uses the same old boring speech about when his father was sick that he did not abandon what he calls the ministry to go to his dad's side.  This is how Ron "prevents" his subjects from doing whatever he does not want them to do, he trys to make the people believe that he is a living example of what a "loyal" cult follower should do.


Howell has made disparaging remarks "publicly" about members attending/going to memorials; he has remarked to the effects that the person is dead now, what can you do for them now, yet every past shepherd's appreciation we were forced to endure a boring slide show of Howell standing over the casket viewing his dead dad, now, how ironic is that?  I wonder why Howell attended that funeral, I mean, his dad was dead, what could he do for the man now?  (his words)


Ronald Howell will also use the pulpit to prevent his subject from doing something he disapproves of, such as not having anything to do with someone who leaves the cult.  Howell will go on these long diatribes - the man is a persistent nag about anything he does not want a member to do.  Howell will do this right in front of everyone while the person is sitting in the audience. 


Howell has no tact.  I use to push Howell's buttons by saying certain things to weak minded leaders who always ran back and reported it to Howell.  Howell in turn would come into his pulpit and repeat the very thing I had said.  I always knew the right LCI leaders that would run and tell Howell anything.  I did not need any meeting with the reprobate, I simply told it to one of his silly leaders.  Again, this is the way Howell prevents people from doing what he does not like.  Since the people have surrendered their will to him, they will fall in line or else suffer being ostracized within the group.  It is only after these "yo-yo's" (Howell's words), comply that they are restored.  Howell uses his silly elder, minister, and that stupid front row that so many of the weak-minded people covet to get them to do his will.


Howell use to have a pretty intelligent and affluent group of people sitting on that front row, but in typical Howell fashion he ran all of them off.  With intelligence and affluence comes money, influence - prestige, and thus Howell had the ability to pursue his false dreams.  Due to Howell's jealousy and dishonesty, these people became wise  and left, and now Howell is stuck with those who cannnot afford to do what the others did.  Remember I told you about some of those people that during every offering who would hold up their closed right hand with no money and would place the hand in the white vomit buckets?  These people really put one over on Howell, but now these are the leaders sitting on that front row. (smile) 


Howell really does have a lower mentality of folks following him, and it has further diminished the returns that he hoped for because he is now going backwards with a bunch of silly leaders.  Therefore, it is not hard for Howell to prevent any of these types of people, because they simply do not have the will to resist Howell. 


Lastly, it was not everyone in LCI that Howell was concerned about attending family functions, it was only those that Howell was unsure about.  Howell hates to lose members because that is another will, dollar, and time invested in a person that left.  It is all connected no matter what the subject is about, Howell hates to lose control, only those he absolutely trusts does he have no problems of letting them attend whatever they need to attend, because he knows that these types of people shall return.

Saints, I want to encourage you that Howell has not gotten away with the murder and mischief he has caused. Like the Jezebel he is, his is on his way out the window and the dogs are waiting to eat his flesh. BW, you are caught in a catch 22, you wait and maybe Howell choses you after deciding among his concubines. Then you will have to endure his mental and physical abuse. This behavior is indicative of a person with the traits described by many on this blog and the LALC site. When you are living in total terror, you will care less about how attractive his authority may be. You messed this one up; you should not have allowed your husband to be blessing to another woman for a man that will never love anything more than himself, that’s when you are really going to lose it. You will not change Howell. He put his wife through hell and I commend her for she is still standing. You may not have that same testimony.

VJ run as fast as you can. This will not end with all this going away and you being a famous bishop of a Church affiliated with Howell. Think about, why doesn’t Howell surround himself with seasoned ministers? They would find him out. Like mentioned earlier you and BW were off the street and novices as it pertained to ministry. Bottom line up front, you both did not know better. That’s why Paul did not want novices being bishops for their pride and immaturity makes them easy prey for the enemy, for example - Howell. A seasoned minister with a relationship with God would not go along with Howell’s fiasco. That is why he preys on those who don’t know better. One day you will know better and follow Christ. Don’t feel bad when you do for many were blinded by this individual.

What's dissappointing is the fact that Howell wronged so many and will not apologize. I read someone's post stating that Howell is placing excess blogs on the internet to attempt to cover what is being said here. How can anyone just ingnore what they have done to people for we are people with feelings and emotions. What if we were his son? I am trying to understand, what is so hard about apologizing to people you have done wrong. Like I mentioned before I was on the middle of the fence but a fool would read all these accusations and say he is still innocent. It's only after joining a ministry where the Shepherd truly loves the flock did I realize where I had come from. Like I said before my life had changed for the worse upon going to to LCI but God allowed me to join a ministry to allow healing in my life.I wish I was warned about LCI.................

Frank, you were doing things worse than that, i remember what you were doing in K-town, you were at it every Friday night,  My girlfriend caught you peeing in a fanta bottle.

Elijah went before the people and said; How long will you waver between two opinions?  If the Lord is God, then follow Him, but if Baal is God, follow him.  But the people said nothing.

1Kings 18:21


The people were mute.  They could not feel the logical force of Elijah's argument; but they were not prepared at once to act upon it.  They wanted to unite the worship of God, and Baal to avoid breaking with the past and avoid completely breaking with their God given worship, yet at the same time to have the enjoyment of new rites which were certainly senuous and impure.


How long halt ye between two opinions?  These people were waiting for a favorable time to make a decision.  Such an opportunity now, through the  mercy of God presented itself.


Dear members of Life Changers International, New Horizons Ministry, how long will you stand between two opinions?  You are standing between Ronald D Howell Sr, and God, and when are you going to make a choice?  Such an opportunity now, through the mercy of God presents itself to you.


Howell's message about operating illegally in the Kingdom of God rings loud and clear about what happens to people who operate illegally in the Kingdom of God.  I am sure by now that Howell has filled your ears with a lot of lies, and denials about these women who are coming forward to report his sexaul predatory practices.  Howell has probably slanders several names or initmated these women with some defamatory remarks.  Howell did this to keep you in the belief of him and his cause.  Ronald Howell and God do not have the same cause. 


Dear LCI members, if God be God - follow him!  Howell taught that those who operate in the God's Kingdom illegally leave open a door for Satan to come in and attack you.  So long as you continue to tithe and give offerings to Ronald D Howell you stand against God, and you support the Devil, according to Ronald's teachings.


Christians will acknowledge that Satan has legal rites to you and your activities when both are not surrendered to God.  Whenever a man claiming to be a spiritual leader for the Kingdom of God is actively practicing as a sexual predator, beating children, destroying marriages, collecting money under fasle pretenses, running around with another man's wife (there's proof), and then calling the husband his spiritual son, that is blaspemous.  


So, since you obviously believe what your apostle taught about operating illegally in the Kingdom of God, why are you still attendig Life Changers?  According to Howell's teaching you should repent, and get out of LCI, so you may close the door of attacks against you and your families.


On the other hand, if you do not believe what Howell taught about illegally operating in the Kingdom of God, then why are you wasting your time, sacrificing your families following something you do not believe?  Either way LCI members, you are hated between two opinions.


Satan knows every sexual predator within close proximity to your homes, schools, work places, buses, trains, wherever you and your loved ones are.  Satan is a crooked operator, and he plays dirty.  In fact, Satan taught Howell all he knows about lying, cheating and living a life of denial.  Satan knows that you have been taught the lesson about operating in the Kingdom of God illegally and the consequences that you must suffer unless you repent and leave LCI.  Satan will not hessitate to attack you are your families.  Remember, that so long as you help a sexual predator you agree with Satan, and you are sowing a seed and you are going to reap a harvest.  Unless you leave LCI, you better be on guard at all times, because there are a lot of nasty people in the world just like Howell living in denial, and hurting women and children. 


It took over 30 years for this murderer of the Milk Carton Child to come forward.  This man was hiding in plain site, just like all the other predators who pass by you on a daily basis.  They are in our schools, yes, that is correct, sexual predators are in our schools that our children attend.  Do not bother to pray over your children so long as you protect a wicked man who is hurting women, children and families.  Satan has a legal rite to you and yours, that is what Howell taught, and you never know how Satan is going to activate that pervert that is in your path.  Come out of Life Changers, before it is too late.


Always remember these women that Howell hurt are daughters.  Someone loves these women, and somone was hurt when they found out that their daughter was mistreated by this evil false apostle.  If you do not leave LCI, you will feel the same pain that these people felt.  Satan has a legal rite to attack you and yours.  Again, Howell said so, and since you believe what he taught, you ought to be leaving LCI, in fact do not ever return.


Ronald Howell is going to ride that train: THAT I AM INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY!  Many of the leaders sitting in LCI know for a fact that Ronald is guilty, in fact, some of his female leaders have first hand knowledge that Howell is a  liar.  If they keep on covering up for Howell, they call to themselves a curse,  and that is what Howell taught.  I would like to ask Bonny Williams this:  What kind of a man runs around sleeping with every woman he can get, Bonny, what do you call that kind of man.  Men have a nasty name for women who act like this, but what do you call that kind of man?  Please Bonny, stop calling what Howell does a TEST!  It is not called a test, it is called a MESS!  No man is a spiritual son that allows his shepherd to have his wife and does nothing to stop that beast.  That man is called foolish, not a son, but a sucker.  People of Life Changers International, stop being a sucker for Apostle Howell.  Come out of the whore, Howell is calling a church, but is polluted and in reality is a cult.


It is only a matter of time before Howell and LCI go down.  Howell is surrounded by incompetence.  Howell has one deacon that has unwittingly hurt him, by giving out information, and he has another member about to roll over on him, because the person discovered that they have a heart.  Do not waver between opinions when it comes to the truth.  I know for a fact that many LCI members are reading these posts, and caught between a decision, run for your life, and the lives of your families, you'll be glad that you did.


Sister Shelly

Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

John 8: 32


Frauds have a way of ulitimately tripping over the truth, but the fraud whose hoax turned hope to dread shall take his place among the dead.  The fasle apostle, Ronald D Howell Sr, postulates that God hired him; he concludes that God is the only one that can fire him.  I personally want Ronald to know that I am not trying to bring him down, that is not my intention.  I am ony a vessel for the Lord to use.  I know for a fact, that my calling at this time is to use the necessary means to expose you in the hopes that it will protect women, children and families.  I truly believe that God is going to bring you down, and I have a very good reason to believe it.  Just remember this Mr Howell, once the dam brakes everything is going to pour out.


Deception, flattering, lying, deluding, talking behind the back, putting up a false front, living in borrowed splendor, wear a mask, hiding behind an honorable profession, playing a role for others and for yourself in short, defines you, Ronald Howell and Life Changers International, New Horizons Cult.


Howell´s senses, words, teachings nowhere leads to truth, all roads lead to destruction.  Everytime a member attends another cult service, or comes to a Saturday morning clean-up - choir rehersal chat with Howell, it all leads to destruction.  If any of you members take a closer look in the spiritual realm, your will see demons all around you.  I wish that your eyes, and heart could be opened, all the while Howell sits in his "tent" of glory getting high off of himself and his world is crubling down all around him.  Howell (the Devil) is planning on taking all of you with him, just like the people of Waco and Jones Town, but you are still halted between two opinions.


Here some help for you, the liar is a person who uses valid designations, the words - listen to Howell´s Words, in order to make something unreal appear to be real.  Howell says, for example, "you are signing your tickets to hell, if you associate with members who leave LCI," when the proper designation should be, "I do not want you to speak with members who leave LCI because you will learn the truth about me."  "You will find out that I, Ronald D Howell Sr am a liar."  Satan has to do whatever he can to decieve you, and keep you with him. 


Ronald Howell fixes situations by means of arbitrary substitutions or even reversal of situations, such as God hates bad marriages, so therefore God told me to divorce my wife.  That is what Howell said, and he said it without any remorse that he lied on God.  If a man can lie on God without any feeling, you know that he will lie to you.


Howell has done all of these mean and nasty things to women, children and marriages for years; he has done it in a selfish and harmful manner, and members past and present are witness to this "proof."   Now the community and society which Howell accused of not wanting anything to do with LCI will cease to trust Howell, and truly exclude him. 



Watch out for false prophets.  They come to you in sheeps clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.  By their fruit you will recognize them.  Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles.  Likewise every good treebears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit.


Matthew 7: 15-17


From a Biblical point of view, this speaks about the con artist, sociiopath troubled with narcissistic personality disorder.  Today I had the opportunity to meet a man from Guyanna, the place where cult leader Jim Jones caused the death of over 900 people.  This man was a narcissist, a person who is overly self involved, vain and selfish.  This perfectly describes Ronald D Howell Sr as well.


To best define a con artist, we have only to look at Ronald Howell, Bonny Williams and Victor Jones; these three primary leaders of Life Changers International New Horizon's Ministry practice swindling by exploiting the confidence of their victims.  Howell preys upon woman, and the gullibilty of people, while Bonny and Jones are the enforcers of Howell's bad behavior.  Authorities should know that both Bonny Wiliams and Victor Jones know exactly all of Howell's business.  These two help Howell defraud others after gaining their trust.  All three of these false leaders are adebt at lying, cajolery, or glib self-serving talk.


A con artist should never be underestimated!  They are experts at gaining the confidence of others, and to prove it, just look at the people Howell has doing all his dirty work for him in addition to Bonny and Victor.  Look at his Alabama operations, and you will see that Howell was well able to sucker those who practice evil for Howell.  You see, LCI in Kaiserslautern, Germany is not the only place that has a front row full of decieved people.  Howel's strong point against those he is able to sucker is that he can be charming, persuasive, just like the serpent in the Garden of Eden, also Howell has a creative imagination.  In order to defeat Howell and his organization, you have to study, study, study Howell's practices, and think ahead.  Once you have studies Howell's game, then the playing field can be leveled, in fact Howell becomes very predictable about his every move.  In coming on this website I knew Howell was going to deny, defend, attack and slime a bunch of people, and thanks to that Howell would be the one to give authorites the right people to ask questions about him and his operations.


One thing the fianace ministry should do is question Howell about why he does not provide tithe and offerings statements to his membership.  All of us know that Howell says that claiming our giving on taxes is the same as robbing God.  Funny, a thief accusing people of robbing God.


The oldest and best known evil is more supportable and tempting than one that is new and untried.  Every con game that Howell has practiced on his decieved followers over these 17 years is best known by those who are knowledgeable and intelligent enought to study, and take heed.  These people are not the ones who are quick to say "amen" everytime Howell says something.  That should be a clue to Howell next time he climbs up behind his pulpit.  Let it also be a clue to those members who manage not to say amen to some questionable remark from Howell. 


Howell is slightly more intelligent than those who follow him; as an accomplished fraud Howell uses evil - supportable and tempting on a group of people that the Bible describes as people who shall heap to themselves having itching ears.  (2 Tim 4:3)


The Anti-Christ will have no trouble with people that follow leaders like Ronald Howell, David Koresh, Jim Jones and Warren Jeffs.  Life Changers is a perfect test bed, full of examples just as the Bible describes in Matthew 24, and shall decieve many.   Howell was able to buy these people for titles.  Just think, that people are losing their souls over a title, stop listening to voice of God for a title, and the approval of a hypocrite.  Members of LCI serve a man that preys on women.  If Howell can decieve this small group, just think about this, that the Anti-Christ is not going to have to work hard at all at getting the world to follow him, the people are going to fall just like flies.  During the era of the Anti-Christ EVERYTHING IS REPORTABLE!  Just as it is in LCI, the Anti-Christ is going to take away your time and freedoms, you see my dears, the members of LCI are already to serve the Anti-Christ, they practice up to six times a week.


You see, the con games that Howell practices on the naive are games that are as old as the hills, tried, and believed by those most susceptible to the con. 


Only those who are the elect of God hear His voice, and were blessed to leave LCI.  These are the people that Bonny Wiliams and Victor Jones attacked.  That is the reason why Bonny mostly would be the one to run interference when someone would be to question anything at LCI.  Howell has incriminated himself several times over these past 17 years, and that is why I can join with Noble Son and say that if it is God's Will, I too look forward to the next Shepherd's appreciation.  I believe by next year we will learn a lot more about the fate of LCI and its sexual predator leader.

Ladies, I failed to mention that on Friday, 25 May 2012, I recieved a email at my YAHOO email from Victor Jones asking me not to email anymore members of Life Changers.  Again, just as all of us have been saying that Howell operates through his leaders, and that LCI is a cult that operates through manipulation and intimidation.  It is also another sign that Ronald Howell is scared.


I will not respond to Victor Jone's email on yahoo, but right here in the open where I know that Howell, Jones and Bonny Williams are faithfully reading every post - everyday.


I reserve the right to email anyone I please, and you are not in control of all of your LCI members.  I can gaurantee that almost every member of LCI are reading these posts, so I don't have to email anyone. 


I reserve the right to continue to respond on a continual basis any person that continues to email me.  Ladies, there is one member in Life Changers that has what is called "BUYERS REMORSE."  I believe we should be celebrating that one person, although they continue to attend LCI, they are beginning to see that what we are reporting is true.  I am hopeful that this person will of their own accord come forward and report Howell activities to the authorities.  If at any time this person asks me to never email them again, then I will stop.  You do not have to be afraid of Howell or any of his leaders ever finding out that you are emailing me,or any of the others, we will not give you away.  Be strong and know that we are praying for you. Whatever you do, do not come forward when Howell or any of his leaders try and persuade you in one of their many meetings during each week. 


Some of you will remember Howell having chairs placed up front and asking for people who want to leave to come and sit in a chair.  I told you that LCI is a cult.


Buyers remorse as we know it involves a sense of regret after having made a purchase.  It is frequently associated with the purchase of an expensive item such as a car or a house.  It may stem from fear making the wrong choice, guilt over extravagance or a suspicion of having been overly influenced by the seller.  Ronald Howell has been selling a false gospel and now there is at least one person in LCI that fears they made a wrong choice.


As many of you know, it is hard to come out of a cult for some.  Howell has repeatedly told members that if they leave they are going to be cursed.  Around Kaiserslautern Germany Community Howell has often ran behind former members cursing, screaming and threatening them.  Howell has told members that if they do not obey him and stay that they could suffer death like that man Mr Smith.  We should not be hard on the those who want to do the right thing by leaving LCI, but are afraid to come out; this is typical for people whose minds have been conditioned by controllers like Ronald D Howell Sr


Again, Howell should realize that after calling us ladies bitches that he made a terrible mistake.  Now, at least the ladies are reading these posts, and I believe some of the brothers are reading this network.  The only way Howell is going to find out if you are reading these posts from your home is to come and inspect your houses to see if you have internet.  Don't put it past the reprobate since he has told us before to close down our face book accounts. 


Ladies, what to know something funny?  I bet more people are reading our posts than there are people looking at that lying sexual predator on the Word Network.


Lastly, Victor Jones, please do not send me anymore emails.  Whatever you have to say, please say it in the open right here on this network.  Also, I do not acknowledge any leadership title or position from any member of Life Changers because Ronald Howell is a false apostle, therefore Jones, you do not send me any emails addressing youself as a Bishop because I do not recognize you as such.


Sister Shelly



Look this dreamer is coming!  We shall see what will become of his dreams.

Genesis 37


Joseph´s brothers decided to defeat his offending dreams by attacking him.  Without intending to, they put Joseph´s dreams to the ultimate test.  If the dreams really were from God, they cannot be defeated by the hatred of the brothers.


I apologize to those who Ronald D Howell is attacking on other webpages because of me.  Poor Ronald is so upset over not being able to discover my identity, so he is attacking all of you.  I chose the scripture above as I am reminded by the Word of God that not even Howell´s hatred of these innocent people will defeat the cause of God.  Howell is attacking you, and without intending to, he is putting everything that God has shown you to the ulitimate test.  I do not know how much time is going to pass before all those things either spoken prophetically or through prophetic dreams will come to pass.  What I do know is that Ronald D Howell Sr is not a Christian, as if he were a Christian leader he would not be attacking people by lying on them.  Howell continues to prove that he is a false apostle, and a stalker of women, all of which is going to be used against him by authorities.


For my sister that Howell continues to defame by making false accusations about money, the court records will tell the truth. These records will prove that my sister is innocent, so do not concern yourself over anything that a lying sexual predator has to say.  It is all too easy to expose Ronald D Howell Sr as the man that got his tail kicked by the courts, and rightfully so, as Howell tried unsuccessfully to con those contractors out of their money.  Howell forgot what the Bible says, that the laborer is worthy of his hire.   


Now for the rest of the story.


Ronald once said that we should not judge others from what you do right, or from what has not bee discovered that you do wrong.  I think that I can safely say that Howell is fully exposed by the things he does wrong, yet he continues to use lying and manipulation as a means to judge others although Howell himself does nothing right.  Ronald Howell is committed under words of deception.  As for Howell´s consort Bonny, and is half witted assistant Victor Jones, both would do well to heed the words of their fallen leader:  "Don´t be partakers in stupidity because you cannot be absolved from a committment you made just because someone (Howell) is acting up."


In Howell´s teaching he said  that if you don´t come to grips with the truth, your are eligible for a snare.  With each passing day, month and year we are discovering that the leader of Life Changers International, New Horizons ministry, Ronny Howell fail to come to grips with truth.  Due to his sexual perversity, lying and cheating Howell is eligible for many snares.  Too bad that Howell never takes heed to his own sermons, if he had come to grips with truth perhaps he would not be in the trouble he is in today 17 years later.


Ronald Howell is like the brothers of the prince Joseph.  Jealousy has to do with ownership and possession.  Many want to possess any area they stay in long enough.  That is why Howell is stuck in Germany all these years later after his big mouth committed him to saying that the Lord told him that he would be leaving now over three years ago.  Again, Howell lied on God, seems to be a habit.  Howell is has not had a good day since the truth exposed his dirty secrets that reveal that Howell is a scoundrel - not an apostle.  A refusal to understand is a refusal to advance. 


When a person is jealous they won´t spend time trying to obtain to the degree they could against who they are jealous of.  For all of you that Howell continues to attack, he is jealous of your success because you did it without his help, you won against this enemy of truth, you defeated Ronald D Howell Sr, and he can´t stand it that you are a contradiction to the lie he is teaching to his gullible congregation.  There is a war inside of Howell even though he has a problem with you.  Howell has tried for so long to obtain fame and fortune and he does not have it.  Howell continues to ask, borrow, beg and steal, connive, and flatter his suckers and he still cannot obtain what he does not deserve anyway, so now the reprobate is frustrated.  Howell has even demonstrated that he has no shame is stealing other preacher´s intellectual property.  No shame in his game.  What an enigma Howell must seem to his own self everytime he looks in that mirror.


Howell simply does not have the right attitude to achieve in God, because his level of sincerity demonstrates that he does not know how to conduct financial matters, because if he did LCI would not have created over three millions euros worth of debt and put it on another person´s name.  Howell level of sincerity demonstrates that he is not remorseful over how he has committed his sexual activity on purpose against these women.  Howell has definitely said the words of what he dreams of obtaining, but he did not ask God in purity and truth.


Howell continues to use Victor Jones to tell people what they can and cannot do.  Again, I wish to remind Jones that he cannot speak on behalf of every member of Howell´s cult.  These people, and only these people can speak for themselves.  I emailed some members of LCI about their nasty apostle´s sexual behavior with the intructions that I would not email them anything else if it offended them, and only one person responded.  Since then I have not email that person anything else.  As for the one person that continues to email me, I am within my rights to dialogue with that person, and their is no law against it. 


Howell proves to all of us that Life Changers is a cult by Victor, Bonny and his own conduct.  At  least now, those of you under attack can understand why Howell is picking on you, he thinks that I am one of you, so the sick twisted perverted man is attacking all of you, and for this, and only this reason am I sorry to all of you.  At least we are making a difference by informing the public so they will not be taken in by Howell.


I for one, am throughly satisfied that Howell nasty behind is exposed, and that the world is learning that Life Changers and its leader are fraudulent, and that eventually all of Howell followers are going to leave him, and Howell is going to leave them when he ultimately falls.




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