Apostle Howell MADE CHASE GOODEN delete his page because Howell is in trouble.  Howell the man who said that he never ran from anything is now on the run.  COWARD!



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But the way of the wicked is as deep darkness, they do not know what makes them stumble.

Proverbs 4: 19


A desperate man knowing someone is ready to expose him removes himself by running away.  Ronald D Howell Sr is a funny sort of paradox, a man who knows he is deeply in debt ethically, morally and financially.  Howell refuses to be a man by not allowing any debt to be attached to his name, and vby refusing to leave these women alone.  He does this by making excuses, lying and hiding behind his leaders; thus Ronald Howell is a coward.  None of us are attacking Howell just to be attacking him, but we are telling the truth, and Howell continues to provide detailed evidence that he is not an apostle called of the Lord.


Ronald Howell continues in the way of darkness hoping and wishing that he had not been exposed as a sexual predator, liar and a thief.  Yes, there is proof to all of these accusations, even Howell and his leaders know that collectively we have the truth about Life Changers International and Howell.


Ronald Howell has no guilt or shame about his sordid past; he is a man without a conscience.  If anyone ever wanted to know what such a man looks like, just look at Howell.  A man with a conscience can be helped, but Ronald Howell has been divorced from his conscience a long time ago.


There is no one who can help Ronald Howell by "illegally" suppressing the truth, or lying for him.  Anyone who does this will call to themselves the same divine retribution that Ronald Howell is going to recieve.


I am not Ronald Howell's enemy, I am his adversary.  The system of being an adversary can effectively garuantee the revelation of all the facts bearing on an issue.  For Howell it is not a question of guilt, innocence nor understanding of these facts presented against him.  It is about Ronald facing the truth insteading cowardly hiding behind lies, which in time shall be made right.  I want to remind Howell that while he is running away from the truth, his rear is exposed.


Ronald Howell by his own admission has been caught lying about fund raising activities such as the parking lot fundraiser, and speaker honorarim.  Howell is now more a source of ridicule than ever before.  In the past Howell has enjoyed relative comfort in casting aspersions against former members, he has even ran down current members behind their backs.  Howell has no loyalty to either side.  Howell is only loyal to himself.  He is not just a phoney and a coward, but a thief, sick, despised, disowned and discredited in his shame and degradation.  Ronald  Howell needs to remember that had a chance to repent and come clean with us ladies, but he refused.


The rejoicing  heard at Life Changers is only a cover - their is much mourning inside the walls of LCI.  There was no celebration this past April, only an appearance of one.  The seed of "truth" is already planted in the hearts and minds of more than just a few LCI members and God is going to give the increase.


We shoudl all be encouraged by the darkness displayed by Ronald D Howell, and know that he has but a short time to continue down his destructive path.


Sister Shelly

But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness.  If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!

Matthew 6:23


A blind man (natural & spiritual) often accuses the whole world of darkness.  This is one of the first lessons learned in the cult Life Changers International, taught to us by Ronald D Howell Sr, cult leader.  One the most important Christian virtues is forgiveness, and Howell taught us an important lesson about it.  Ronald Howell taught us not to forgive those who leave LCI; he taught us to mistreat these people.  As many have posted that we were taught to not speak or fellowship with members who left Life Changers.  Howell always accused people who left his cult of wrong doing.  Many former members will remember that Howell did a series on Honor, in which he proceeded to blast several people who left his cult.  Howell displayed each person's face and used their words against them.  My friends, I kid you not, this is what Howell calls church.


At Life Changers, I learned about hidden agendas versus pure motives.  Ronald Howell taught me that in order to see the righteous things happening, you must show the wrong things going on.  The Devil will attack the righteous thing.  During the past couple of months Ronald Howell has been under investigation for sexual misconduct against former women members.  Since that time Ronald Howell has done his best to besmirch the good character of these ladies; he is attacking the righteous thing.  On the BPN, we are attempting to show the wrong things happening, and the Devil is attacking, yet praise be to God that people, and very important people are able to see the righteous things happening.


Remember that Howell taught that the enemies of the house will fight truth.  Howell's recent acts of desperation provide a perfect example of a spiritually blind man accusing everyone of darkness, but he is the one fighting truth.


When a Christian is operating at the level they are suppose to operate, then they will see the enemy.  As I continue to check the LCI membership roster, I can tell that many people have departed the cult LCI.  Those who leave Life Changers came to operate at the right level, they saw the enemy at work, destroying lives, cheating and abusing people using spiritual authority.  More people are going to leave Life Changers in the very near future.


Ronald Howell is a man who lives by his guilt, he has convicted himself.  Guilt always brings suspicion; remember Howell taught about the Hazards of a Suspicious Mind?  Howell has it!  Guilt also produces fear, and it is suspicion and fear that keeps those four women in LCI on that front row.  These four women are forced to bear the burden of Howell's dirty secrets.  These women are being forced to take responsibility for Howell.  That is a sad commentary for a cult leader to hide behind his members, using them as a human shield.  These women are victims.


For you women who were abused by Ronald Howell, Psalms 91 says that God's truth will be your shield and buckler.  That means regardless of what Howell says about you ladies, you are protected, and this is the power of the righteous against the enemy of the house.


Just remember that truth is coming to light about the abuses committed by Ronald Howell, people are coming forward, and soon both Howell and his leaders in Germany and Alabama will be fully exposed.  Know that your labor in Lord is not in vain.  Please stay encouraged.


Sister Shelly

Enemies of God

I have been watching this forum for a while and I have come to the conclusion that there are people that are against God, I say this because, if you are against a man or woman that is trying to do God’s will then you are against God. This forum is really sick and the people are idiots. After reading all of this mess, I come to the conclusion that these are fallen leaders and some of them I’ve experienced myself as a saint.  Knowing what little I know of Apostle Howell, he will not take the time to address these idiots, but I will. Listed below are fallen leaders that are behind this mess, they use fake names because they are cowards. If any of this mess was true, why not use your true identity and speak.

Only cowards hide behind an alias! This site is no more that a haven for “Clergy Killers.”(check out the book) People who are only hating the fact that they can’t be blessed, as these people, because they are hiding, not only on this site, but in their entire lives. You pretend to be one thing and always end up being something else. But; I guess as the saying goes, “once a coward; always a coward!” You all are a disgrace to the Christian race.

SGM Terris & Cerstin Collins

I remember these leaders.  Terris acted like a spoiled brat when he didn't get his way.  Always waiting in his car for his wife to finish at church instead of helping her clean up.  The only time he ever offered to help was when he was offered a position as Elder.  He also had a problem with respecting women, shutting the door in women's faces when they were walking through.

Cerstin I remember always had an attitude problem with women that she didn't get along with.  However she was always friendly with men.

Aaron Wilson

Aaron Wilson always wanted to be in charge and talked negatively about people over him to make them look bad and set himself up to take their place.

Allen Wilson

I believe Allen Wilson was fired from every job he had in the ministry.  His oldest son told me twice that he couldn't stand him.

Heike Stubbs

Heike Stubbs was furious when she was told to work with sister Milledge, because she also had a problem with other women that she felt threatened by instead of helping them.  It is believed that she was taking money from the lawyers that were representing the church

No surpises here, I have been expecting Howell to do this, but I am not going to stop until Howell gets what is coming to him.  Again, I am offering $10,000.00 towards a legal defense fund for those women who have been molested by Apostle Ronald D Howell Sr.  Kieth Johnson is somehow that Howell is using (hiding behind).  Again everyone, this is proof that Life Changers International New Horizons Ministry is a cult. 


People of Kaiserslautern, Germany and Huntsville Alabama, take a good look at what happens to innocent people when a cult leader like Ronald D Howell Sr, a man demonically possessed is on the loose.


I want the public to know that none of these people are guilty of what Kieth Johson is accusing them of.  It is a lie.  All of us know these former members, and none of the are guilty of the things Howell is saying about them. 


Again, I apologize to every person whose picture is on this website.  I am sorry that Ronald D Howell Sr.  is attacking you because of me.  But you are serving a greater cause by helping expose a man who is a sexual predator, and someone who has beaten your children, and destroyed familes and marriages.


For years Ronald Howell has been sleeping with, and trying to sleep with female members.  Ronald Howell currently has four female members who are a part of his concubine.  One of these women is a married women who has confessed that she slept with Howell via email.  Ladies, all of us know that one should never kiss and tell.


Ronald Howell is posting these pictures and lies about these people in the hopes that it will throw the light off of him and his sexual predatory practices.  Ronald Howell is resposible for not less than two women having abortions, women he got pregnant, and one of them remains in LCI and is an Elder.


Again Howell, I am unmoved and will not stop warning the public that you are a pervert, and sexual predator.  I am happy that you posted all of these pictures if for no other reason than to show that you are not a christian.  I am also happy for your LCI members to see what you are doing for persecuting these innocent people.


I am asking that those who are pictured on this site, please do not respond to Howell, Jones, or Bonny Williams.  That is what Howell is asking for, a response, do not give him any response.  Right now, Howell is like a spoil little boy who is having a tantrum because he can't get his way, and these posts are spanking his tail.  Keep the faith, God is going to avenge you, and please none of you respond by posting any pictures of LCI leaders on this siteWe will not stoop to their level.


Sister Shelly


I failed to mention to the public that Keith Johnson, Colm Heaney, NIROD and S. Jeffereys are all aliases for Ronald D Howell Sr. the fasle apostle of Life Changers International New Horizon's Ministry.


Howell wrote, that he has now come to the conclusion (funny), that there are people against God (very funny), RONALD HOWELL IS AGAINST GOD!  No man or woman in the ministry goes around preying on women, that is not of God.  See how deluded Howell's mind has become?  He really believes that what he is doing is the work of the Lord.


Tell me Howell, what is sick and idiotic about reporting you, which you might as well blame me for you getting reported, I am on the blame line.  None of these people, nor any of the other 100 + former members told on you, it was I.  (smile)  Why pick on these people?  Why not pick on Thomas Petty, one of your ministers who "absconded" from paying his debts, isn't that sick and idiotic?  Why not pick on Bonny Williams, she has an emotional problem, unable to accept criticism, much like you.  It would not surprise me if Bonny has had a trist with one or more of the male members in your cult. She has the same spirit as you.  It was idiotic for Bonny to lie to members giving them false prophesies, now, isn't that sick?  What about that married woman that you have been fooling around with, right under her husband's nose; she acted in an idiotic manner when she sent that email about sleeping with you, she has no idea that this information was going to fall into my hands.  I think that everyone would agree that you are the sick one, sleeping with that woman.  Oh well, at least you and the man from the post office have one thing in common - bad taste.  I am still praying for her husband.  Why not pick on yourself Howell?  You continue to play with you mind by refusing to accept what you have done against these women as sick and idiotic.  A man who wants to become a great televangelist should not be sleeping with the members as that idiotic, you shot yourself in the foot!


You come on here posing as this Keith Johson person and proclaim that you know very little about Howell, yet you do something as stupid as attack these people and in doing so you lie on them and bascially admit as Keith that you do not know them. 


Again, when you were playing Colm Heaney, you exposed yourself, just as you have now, we know for a fact that you are Ronald Howell. 


I know that you are angry that anyone dares to challenge you, but you deserve it.  You run around Kaiserslautern threatening people like some escapee from a mental institution, and you set up behind that pulpit attacking people, always saying stupid things.  Thanks to you Howell, we are proving our case, and you are boosting the ratings of this BPN.  Thank you for your contribution.  (smile) 


How can you pretending to be someone else draw any conclusions about people you are pretending not to know?  That is idiotic.  I have not read one post from any of these people's picture that you have posted.  I am not even sure that any of them even read this website, and I am not going to tell them.  My hope for them is that they ignore you, then that will show you that you have no effect on them.  How do you like those potatoes? (ha-ha-ha)


Howell is our most faithful reader on this website, and he has failed in every attempt to distort and hide the truth about his sexual misconduct.  Howell helps us keep our ratings on the BPN; we have more readers than Howell has listeners on the Word Network, now, isn't that amazing!  Howell's members go home at night, and even at their jobs they are reading these posts; they are learning that their apostle is a false leader, and it is only a matter of time before they leave you Howell.  Get ready for the exodus!


As for hiding behind alias' you sent Victor Jones on this site to threaten everyone with a lawsuit if they told on you Ronald D Howell. YES!   Everyone should use an alias as a precaution on this site.  By the way, you should not threaten any of us with a young lawyer who flunked the LMAT, now isn't that idiotic?  Even Howell uses several aliases, so he should stop playing the hypocrite.


Perhaps the people who you are sliming trust God to defend them.  God will bring good out of the bad that you have done, you may be around to see all the wonderful things that God is going to for faith abiding people.  You can attack them, but you cannot hurt them.  I know for a fact that you are lying on Sister Stubbs.  She is not guilty of any of the things that Howell says.  Howell is fit to be tied, because he desperately tried to keep from paying all the German contractors, and Howell lost every legal case because he was wrong.  It is no ones fault but Howell. 


Why should Sister Stubbs feel threatened by other women?  She is a beautiful woman, intelligent and confident.  When you say "it is believed,"  you are saying that "YOU WANT PEOPLE TO BELIEVE YOUR LIE!" Sister Stubbs was smart enough to see through you and get out of LCI, unlike Bonny Williams and Victor Jones.  (ha-ha-ha).  No wonder why LCI is falling apart, your leaders are no brighter than you, or else LCI would not be over 2 million euros in debt.  Howell gambled and lost!  YAHOO!  You know Howell, I would not be surprised if this sister, and the rest of these sisters turned down your advances!  I bet your man hood could not take the rejection. That's it, they spurned your advances,and now you are trying to get even with them.  But what about those brothers you are attacking, what's up with that?  Ronald D. Howell is notoriously jealous of other men, any man, it does not matter who they are.  Howell even attacked my husband.


As for Sister Serena Milledge, you congregation should know that it is public testimony of what you did with her.  That's right LCI, my sister told on Howell and his nasty behind.  That is why Howell was trying to control Serena but it did not work and when Howell was hauled into court, the worm squirmed.  Howell had to back track and lie that he even knew some former members. 


How much lower can you go than by insinuating that Sister Cerstin was a loose woman?  Let's talk about the married woman you and the POSTMAN slept with.  I bet her husband and you don't know about that.  Hmmmm, let's talk about Bonny Williams, the day her husband left her, you were quick to showed up on the doorstep.  I bet you can't count the number of nights she has stroked your brow. By the way, nice family pictures of you, Bonny and her daughter in front the egg car taken during her highschool graduation.  Don't worry, I won't post them, unless Bonny wants me to post them. This young woman is very friendly with young bucks.  (smile)  Yes, Mr Howell, there is plenty of filth in your own house.  Let's not forget to mention the lunch dates that your married Bishop Jones had with one of your female elders.  Again, there is plenty of filth in LCI.
Happy reading.
Sister Shelly
Chief Adversary and Arch Nemesis


This is so sad and pathetic. Nice try Ron but you’re
fooling no one. Do you actually think that you’re fooling anyone with these
fake aliases? You are such a liar. You are attacking people who you yourself have
wronged. The sad thing is you have wronged so many people that you have
absolutely no clue who’s exposing you on this blog. By posting these pictures on
this site you have confirmed everything being exposed about you and that is you
are a tale bearing, no morals having, lying, manipulative snake. You lie with
every word and anyone who could sit and listen to you talk and pretend to
preach that rotten unsound doctrine is in need of deliverance and salvation.
You lied about your podium, you lied and said Creflo Dollar and TD Jakes were
preaching “your” sermons when in fact you were preaching sermons you heard them
preach, you lied about not having sexual intercourse with the women in your
cult, you lied about so many things. The funny thing about this is we all know
the truth including you. You thought you would be able to get away with this
forever but God is snatching the covers off of false leaders in the Body of
Christ in this season. So you can post all the pictures you want about these
people but it doesn’t change the fact that you have sex with your female
congregants, you launder money thru your members’ accounts, you manipulate your
followers, you destroy marriages and relationships, you reveal things that were
told to you in confidence, you prohibit members from vacations, family time and
funerals. You are stockpiling money in your US bank account so you can leave
Germany with a huge nest egg, you are in denial and you use weak-minded eunuchs
to cover and control your cult-followers, you use the cult’s money for personal
gain and to silence your female congregants that you are having sex with, you
don’t give members their end of the year contribution statements to avoid
paying taxes, you cuss like a sailor, you have no vision and everything you
have built or done in your ministry is a replica of the churches you have
visited in the U.S. or seen on TV, you are a manipulator and the worse is you
have been rejected by God. You can call us idiots and say we used to be leaders
that you “fired” and now we’re mad but the real people of God can discern and
know the truth and if Ron aka Keith can read thru over 50 pages of blog posts
and still think Mr. Howell is the one being wronged he is either doing the same
stuff that Howell is doing or you Mr. Johnson are Howell. So sad….still
unrepentant. You keep talking about we are former leaders that you fired, not
true…guess what Mr. Howell? God fired you a long time ago.

To the Church of God that is in Corinth, to those sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints together with all those who in every place call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, both theri Lord and ours.


1 Corithinians 1:2


This past week I recieve a email from Victor Jones; for the benefit of those who are reading this post for the first time, Victor Jones is a member of the cult Life Changers International, New Horizon's Ministry (LCI) in Kaiserslautern, Germany founded by a false apostle named Ronald D Howell Sr who now stands accused of being a sexual predator.  Mr Victor Jones serves a the cults 'bishop,' a "holy" title given to those in the Bible who oversee a Christian work.


When I received the email from Victor Jones, he asked me not to email any of the members of LCI because his leader Ronald Howell is afraid of his deviant behavior being found out among his members.  However I thought it peculiar that Jones' referred to the LCI members as "saints," a term used rather loosely these days by many church denominations who do not understand what this term means.  In fact, I seriously doubt that until this post if Victor Jones could find in the Bible where anyone was called a saint.


To be a saint, means those who are seperated from the world, and set apart to God as Holy.  Men do not make you holy.  The number of times in a week that one attends church does not make you holy.  Giving tithes and offerings does not make one holy.  The idea which the Apostle Paul introduces in the above scripture is, that they became saints is because they were called to be such.  The idea in the former part of verse 1 is that this calling was done by "Christ Jesus," here Paul says that they were call to this privillege.  God does this through his Son - Jesus!  In 1 Timothy 1:9 the Bible teaches that this calling to be a saint is not according to our works, but according to God's own purpose and grace.  I hope this will help Victor Jones in years to come when he looks back on life after Life Changers.


It is peculiar that Jones should call himself, his leader or any of the other members of LCI a saints.  Ronald Howell epitomizes worldliness.  All Howell ever spoke or bragged about were things related to the world, not Godliness.  Howell's messages are predicated on the "athem" of his life.  The end result of what Howell had hoped to achieve was fame and fortune.  Ronald Howell specifically expressed that he want to be lounging on some island phoning in messages to be spoken from his dream Glory Dome.  You see, even if Howell could have achieve the fame he lusted after, he would have tried to control and manipulate what was spoken, a mark of a true cult leader.


Additionally, saints will not practice a lie, nor is a saint ever involved in doing dirty works for a leader.  Right now I can name, and give specific testimony with regards to LCI leaders who have attacked former members,and lied for Howell against them.  These are elders and ministers of darkness, not saints!


No saint would eversexually victimize women by predatory means.  A saint would not allow millions of euro debt to be attached to another member without their knowledge, and yes, there is plenty of proof. 


Saints do not mistreat a person because they chose to leave a church.  This must mean that LCI is not a church, because this is what the members of LCI do to those who leave their cult. 


A saint would not tell members to close down their facebook accounts only out of fear that these people would discover truth, and now the LCI members have found out about their leader Ronald D Howell Sr, that he is a phoney.


Saints do not destroy marriages, or try and control who a person marries.  Saints do not forbid the freedom of people, a saint gives advice, ministers, coaches counsels and teaches, not manipulate, lie and intimidate.  Howell's pastor-consort Bonny Williams is a blatant liar, how can she be a saint?


Saints will not support a sexual predator in any christian pulpit or organizaton, we do not support such a thing!


Saints love truth.  Howell is the constant enemy of truth, as truth exposes, and provides light.  Truth enables us to make an informed decsion, this is not possible at Life Changers, people are not free to make a decision and remain a member in LCI; instead that person who decides to make a concious choice faces being ostracized.  Victor Jones, and his leader Howell are fighting so hard to keep out the truth from members who are reading these posts, yet Ronald Howell is posting all of those websites against innocent people, attacking them, yet he ignorantly asks people:  "you decide."  How dumb is that?  You don't want your members to find out the truth, which they already have, but you are asking a public to make a decision about people, who by the way do not have an organization, but these people are suppose to be in charge of something.  Even your LCI members know that you are posting lies, and the rest of us are laughing at you destroy yourself, Ronny Howell.


I hope that Victor Jones will be more careful in the future about emailing me; he should make a better choice of words when describing members of LCI, because saint, is not the right word.


By the way, as saint, I have every picture of every member of LCI, past and present posted on the LCI website.  Unlike Ronald Howell, I will not use those pictures by posting them on the web and make up lies about them.  You do not have anything to be concerned about, so you might as well stop being a coward and repost your pictures, or maybe your leaders are scared?


Sister Shelly


You are annointed for a time such as this. Many will thank you for your pesrerverance. They just don't realize it yet. Ron, I believe you have met your match. I advise you to repent. I really believe God has raised up Shelly specifically for you. There are alot of views on this site....only a few other preachers get this type of criticism. I wouldn't want to be you and I don't mean that with any sarcasm.

Everything Ronald Howell is doing is skullduggery; he is just a stinker.  When I see all the posts Howell has created on the web, to include all of these posts I think it is amazing how darkness can lead a persons mind.  I have been expecting Howell to post former members pictures on this site for some time. 


Since I, nor (I guess) no one else would entertain Howell on those other sites he created, the false apostle was "force" out in the open again thus, making a fool out of himself. 


Howell sure does know how to make a monkey out of himself.  That is how his organization reached the debt crisis it has, neither Howell nor his associates know anything about running a business, if they did, then they would not be in the financial perdicament they face right now.  Life Chagers is in financial ruin and the people are still bobbing their heads up and down, drumming away, dancing and shouting, while the leader is feeling up some woman's dress.  (smile)  Again, that is idiotic.


Ronald Howell always said that a guilty dog will holler; Howell is that guilty dog.  I wonder if Howell has considered that the CID is reading all of these posts (smile).  I also invited other agencies to view these posts.  Those reading this blog now have the "proof" that Life Changers and Ronald D Howell Sr are a cult. 


I am thankful for this website; because of it we are helping save the lives of women by reporting a sexual predator.  Howell is no different than those sexual predators displayed on that NBC television show:  "To Catch A Predator."  These men prefer underage boys and girls (pedofiles), I think Chris Hansen does a good job interviewing these surprised men when they are caught on camera.  I would love to see Ronald Howell interviewed one day while he is caught with his married thing.  I am sure that the authorities if they go back and check the security cameras they will be able to catch Howell coming to meet his married sweetie pie at her job. 


I was asked to remain on this site, and not to comment on any other site that Howell creates, I think that was an excellent suggestion, and I am glad that I did what was asked of me.  We have the upper hand against Howell and we are overtaxing his capabilities.  I remember how nasty and mean Howell could become when he is irritable, always rage, and outburst.  One should never be friends or a companion with an angry man, and right now Howell is on fire.  We can expect Howell to do even more stupid things, because that is the mentality of this man, nothing will surprise me, not even murder.  Ronald D Howell is a desperate man right now, he is trying to hang on to his false dreams; he is not interested in what God may have once had for him.


I am sure that many of Howell's members are reading these posts, and they know what their leader has done to these women, and these innocent people he is attacking.  Eventually, LCI members will realize that Howell will do them the same way.  None of them is exempt.  I believe that God is going to lead those people out of hell.


I am happy that we are able to force Howell to take down pictures, and force his cowardice out in the open; all of us have the power over Howell, ever since these posts began we have had Howell in the defensive, and we shall overcome this liar once and for all.  I urge those who Howell is attacking to go to the authorities and tell what you know.  Obviously those people hold great power over Howell, and can help us put him out of business.

So they answered and said before the king, That Daniel who is one of the captives from Judah, does not show due regard for you, O king, or for the decrees that you have signed, but makes his petition three times a day.


Daniel 6


For my sisters and brothers who are enduring the slander from Ronald D. Howell Sr, hold on just a little while longer; God is on your side and he will not fail you.  It is only a test. Remember that in order to see the righteous things happening we are showing the wrong things going on, and that is why Ronald Howell is attacking you.


Righteousness has its requirements; King Saul found out the hard way that righteousness cannot be ignored.  King Ahab discovered that righteousness cannot be ignored - God cannot be ignored, and when any leader ignores the righteous requirement of God, God is going to ignore them.  Remember that the word of God said that the spirit of the Lord departed from King Saul and a evil spirit from the Lord tormented him.  We are witnessing the torment of Ronald D Howell Sr right here on BPN; he is being tormented by an evil spirit from the Lord.  We can expect anything now from Howell because he knows that he has a short time remaining. 


Members of the ministry everywhere observe what happens to a man who turned his back on the living God.  Observe a fallen leader whose mind has turned completely reprobate.  Ronald D Howell Sr exalted his righteousness above God's righteousness and now he is paying the ultimate price for rebelling against the Lord.  God is the same today just as He was in the days of King Saul, obedience is better than sacrifice!  Now, Howell will end up with nothing.  Ronald Howell is now walking around demonically indwelled - fully possessed, Howell himself is no longer in control.  Members of LCI who are faithfully reading these posts, you do not want Howell to continue to preach to you until what is in him gets in you.


Daniel like so many other great men and women in the Bible are perfect examples of people who had to endure slander.  Everyone that Howell is slandering on this site, and the sites he has created - you are in line for a promotion.  God got a blessing for you.  So then take your stand!  There is a company of angels all around you; these great angelic beings are cheering each of you towards a great victory against evil.  You can make it!

Allow God to be Lord over you, let him choose you.  I hear the voice of the Lord telling me to tell you that you know that you have the favor of God on each of your lives by this sign:  "that Howell is attacking you."  All of you are being set up for a blessing.  Can you stand to be blessed? 


At the end of Daniel's ordeal we see that God elevated him, and we see the enemies of Daniel defeated!  God is going to defeat the enemy, they will not survive.  Howell is already exposed as a sexual pervert.  There are many messages detailing just how nasty Howell is.  Howell never expected that his private life would become public; he did not expect any of these women to tell their story about him.  Howell forgot about the eye of the Lord, which is in all the earth behold the good and the bad.  What Howell has done in the dark has come to the light.  He won't survive.


All of us former members of LCI remember the twin sisters and how faithful they were at LCI.  Ronald Howell is now stalking these women, just like the other women pictured on this site.  As long as these sisters were in LCI, Howell celebrated them, just like he did our Sister Stubbs.  Once any person decides to leave LCI, Howell attacks them.  He cannot be a christian, and he cannot be a saint.  Howell is jealous and angry that these sisters left LCI.  He can't let go, he refuses to accept that these women left the cult.  Howell is tormented day and night at the blessings that these sisters have recieved in spite of his curses.  You see, no one can curse what God has blessed.  That makes Howell a sore loser. (-:   It hurts Howell's ego to lose, but he lost.  Be a man Howell, and accept defeat, besides you were too old for these ladies, stick with Bonny Williams, both of you have a lot in common.  I bet if you went to prison, Bonny would be faithful to you. 


This was just a note of encouragement for all of you under attack by Ronald Howell, whether on this site or others.




Sister Shelly



You know I was just thinking Shelly, what if your wife gives birth to a retarded baby?  Then would that mean that your wife has to take care of a retarded husband and a retarded baby? 

For those who do not know, I am not a man (really), I am a woman, and I am married to a man.  You see how Ronald D Howell a.k.a Keith Johnson is desperate to find out who I am?  But notice the comments from the leader of the cult, Life Changers International, New Horizon´s Ministry in Kaiserslautern, Germany


Ronald dear,  I will at least admit to being a woman, but that is all I am going to reveal to you about my identity.  The rest will come later. 


I am not pregnant either, and my husband is not retarded.  But I let me ask you this question, how hard was it for your mother to take care of you, and your wayward dad?  That should answer your question, shouldn´t it? 




Sister Shelly


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