Apostle Howell MADE CHASE GOODEN delete his page because Howell is in trouble.  Howell the man who said that he never ran from anything is now on the run.  COWARD!



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Blasphemer!  You are a lying devil, and the devil respects no one.  You don't even have enough decency to stop "molesting" Sister Desiee's picture.  You are a liar, that who you are.   




I would have to agree with you on this one. Howell may be posing as another innocent person……so Howell, stop jiving, admit your faults and repent. I can’t understand how you would allow your pride to cause to one day be a spectacle for everyone’s amusement. Just like the king of Babylon was made like a beast to eat grass because his pride had to be broken, so will you if this pattern of behavior continues. I am sure those who saw him in that condition was quite amused. Repent Howell before you end up on a grass diet. You don’t have as much time as you think…..I am still waiting to hear from you buddy.

Howell Repent,

The grass diet may actually do him some good since it's been years since he's fasted from meats and COFFEE. SMH

Just because he's on TV doesn't mean he's preaching the truth. There are at least 300 people who can say amen to that! Look at your neighbor and say Mr. Howell, it's time to repent!!!

lol good we know that.snoop dog is on tv tooo lol  thanks for the Info  how about expose ur lies?

Good one Howell, you being on TV is no secret but your 5 members seem to think since you are on TV that means you're preaching the truth. I'm only pointing that out in my sacrcastic reply plus Mr. Howell its funny how you love using Snoop Dogg as an example in all of your sermons and empty conversations...there are more rappers out there that you can use. I'm sure you know a few since you cuss just like'em. Have another pot of coffee before you start posting in the mornings. ;-)


The fact still remains that you need to repent!

Did I miss something here? Here's a quote from Howell's biography, "He spent 22 years in the military and has received three BA degrees, three masters and a doctorate in religious studies." Wow this man is such a liar!!!! He preached against education unless you were gonna use it to help his ministry like be a lawyer or accountant for the church, now he has the gall to boast of 7 degrees? Man you need help Mr. Howell. Like you always said, "you can have more degrees than a thermometer, but it don't make you smarter than the Holy Ghost." God's smarter than you and He's getting tired of your mess! REPENT FOR THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS AT HAND!!!

I'm Exposing YOU!

Yes Sir Im a Muslim, and Im sure you know that Muslims  Know Jesus and we know the bible.

And for the ones that know me,know I went to Church for MANY years and I know the bible, meaning u say u a christian and the bible is ur holy book???!!?! then you should go by that book!


I dont know how I can proof you that Im Desiree Mitchell akk as Michelle my middle name.


I will Pray today for myself you guys and Apostel...because there is only one god!


And he is  a loving god. he dosent care about what we did our race.


We learn from our Elders all I learn is how to slander and hate others. I dont think thats gods will.

Like I said you guys can talk all you want about me.

just think becausef people like u ... others lose the faith and go to hell....and lets see why..... becuse of false information secondhand bullshit.

SHow the Apostel some respect for what he did when u were in need of a helping hand.

there is soooo much wrong he might did. but he does help people

I remember you guys and your testemonies... one of the two now??? either u a liar or u made up lias back then.

If he did anything wrong... then god will take care of it. no need for u to put ur hand on it.

this is soooooo wrong omg.

Im sure Apostel dosent even know about this beautiful page.... even if someone would tell him... he would not care... thats what I call an Apostell. 

Have a goo d one

I think the really sad thing Desiree is that you are defending a man who actually hurt and berated and openly rebuked you in front of the church when you got pregnant out of wedlock. Instead of you seeing him as the evil one you see him as the hero and your mom as the bad guy. It was his church, he was the pastor and he had a moral responsibility to you as a pastor to protect you from that even if your mom wanted to do it that way but he didn't he instead encouraged your mom to bring you before the people in order to drive a wedge between you and her. Can't you see? He thrives off of division in families. Now you have turned your back on Jesus (The ONLY Way), God and the Holy Spirit because of what other Christians have done? No you did it because of what Howell did. He loves to bring people in front of the congregation to expose their sin but would not do the same for his own wicked, nasty self.

I will not leave him alone and I will contiune to do all that I have to do to see that he is seen for the snake he is. This page is not turning people away from God, Howell is doing that. You need to tell Howell to stop fornicating, lying, stealing from the church, hiding behind weak women and men and coveting his members' wives and repent!!! Maybe he'll listen to you since your so loyal to him. ;-)

This is Howell, he is using Desiree's picture.  One of Howell's games is to use others names and pictures and lie about what he did.  That is how low Howell has sunk.

Howell, you eat pork.  You are no muslim, just a liar.  I agree that you are no apostle, but you are Howell the blasphemer.  And yes, God is taking care of all your lying and scheming.  You have just embarrassed yourself on this network in front of your members at LCI.  They see you lying.  You members are going to leave you.  We also know that you check this site everyday.





Ms. Mitchell, I have read your post and I am trying to give you the benefit of the doubt. Let’s say you are not Howell. Is it right for him to lie about people who once labored in his ministry? You speak of slander but never mention the fact that he has truly slandered those he posted on this website and others. That’s why it’s perceived by others that you are for Howell and his agenda or you are Howell. I am still waiting to hear from Howell and have left him my personal email address. I am truly for the Kingdom and this mess needs to stop. A solution need to be reached. Either Howell repents and be converted so his lifestyle will reflect such, close down his organization or others continue to be warned to avoid the testimonies you have heard here. What else can be done?

I understand Howell has a family but what about the sons of the gentleman he lied about calling them gay. These children were innocent and never should have been added in this conversation. Worst of, he was supposedly their Shepherd. This leads me to believe that Howell himself doesn’t view LCI as Church but his empire. The Word is preached to attract but Howelism is used to suppress once they are in the door. If Howell was innocent the Lord would have fought his battle, but Howell is actually fighting God. I believe this can end with bygones being bygones but there are only three choices I see to make this a realistic reality. All the people Howell has lied on has families too, so what about them?


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