Apostle Howell MADE CHASE GOODEN delete his page because Howell is in trouble.  Howell the man who said that he never ran from anything is now on the run.  COWARD!



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Ron can care less about others, he only wants to defend himself. He so used to people protecting his image but now he's being EXPOSED on the World Wide Web and there's nothing he can do about it. He's got his few followers working overtime to create blogs to counter act this one but it's not working because the world can see straight threw the smoke screen. He always said he would be known worldwide...I guess he finally made it lol.

Joshua do you have a real name? Its soooo Funny how people talk to loud and  try to be so right about  what they saying ,but then  cand even use they real names ;) I like to chat with people that have real names, real words, and real reasons..... : )

I post my name and My Picture and what I think.

And I can say it in your Face to.... what about u?

Now we talking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Funny, but on facebook Desiree's last name is Strong, this is her picture, but the wrong name.  Again, for our viewing audience you are witnessing a demonic manifestation operating through Ronald D Howell Sr of Life Changers International Cult in Kaisersluatern, Germany.


Howell, we already KNOW this is you illegally using a picture you stole, just like all the other pictures.  I am sure that the real Ronald D Howell is fool enough to tell any person off to their face, but Howell is tormented by his demon because he wishes to meet each of us face to face.  Again, there was a time when each person posting met with Howell face to face, but Howell refused to listen.  Instead Howell reacted to the warnings with such cowardice.  He attacked people on the WordNetwork, and during his cult meetings.  Howell encouraged his members to attack those who dared to stand up to Howell.  These members such at Tamara and Kimberly sent nasty emails to many of us, and these are ministers and mistresses of Ronald Howell.


To boldly answer your question Howell, all of us have already spoken to your face, and we will not ever make that mistake again.  I for one do not mind you hiding behind the faces of different people slandering them, or using their faces to lie for yourself.  My hope is that your members which, some which have emailed me, and those who are viewing these post see you for the devil you are.  In particularly, I hope that Air Force Colonel Brian Patnet will withdraw his support that you called yourself binding upon him and his family.  I am sure that our brother will not support a sexual predator, he has daughters of his own.  I hope that my sister Teloris Witfield, who has two daughters would give her right arms the head of the scoundrel that would even attempt to molest either of them - AND THAT INCLUDE YOU HOWELL! I would just love to see my sister kick your old behind up and down the street in front of the cult building if she ever found out that you put your scummy hands on one of her girls.  I am prayerful that both these families will be led to a real church, and stop supporting you.


Everyone, God has set an end to the difficulty that Howell does, it is just a matter of time.  God has given us grace for the season all of us are up against in defending oursleves against a fraudulent lying apostle and his concubine.


The bible declares that a foolish son is the heaviness of his mother; he brings grief and touble to her, as Ronald Howell does to his mother; a foolish son is his mother's grief.  It is sad that Ms Howell will go to the grave in sorrow knowing that her son has committed so much evil against women, children and families.  My heart hurts for her, and I am sure that all the women viewing this blog agrees.  Are prayers are with you Mother Howell and the family.  We are only seeking to warn other ladies so that they will not attend a service disguised as a church where the leaders feigns holiness long enough to get in our pants.  That is wrong.  Ladies, we are people too.  We have a right to expect our ministers be professional and adult about the service they are suppose to render.  It is insulting to have had a pastor who displays how weak she is when something upsets her.  Bonny Williams is a disgrace to pastors everywhere.  It is not everday that one has a pastor that speaks curses on you and twists the scriptures in order to take advantage of the members in an attempt to bind them.  It is not everyday one is a member of what is suppose to be a church and one of the leading elders occasionally sleeps with the leader, nothing more than a call girl.  NOTICE:  Howell uses a woman's picture to disguise himself, HE EVEN STEALS, AND MOLEST A WOMAN'S PICTURE FOR HIS NASTY LUSTS.  Just look at this disgusting stalker above. 


Even in his response using Desiree's pictures Howell makes a weak confession that he is guilty of molesting these women:  "IT TAKES TWO."  Yes, Howell is admitting that he is guilty to what he has done.  It is a weak confession, but this is as close as it will probably get, SO THERE'S YOUR PROOF NOBLE SON!  Your reprobate leader has once again outsmarted himself.  Too stupid to be quiet, as his ignorance is now on public display, and his rear end is uncovered.  HA HA!


A fool in the scripture is someone who is arrogant and self sufficient, such as Howell claimed to be yesterday when he used Desiree's picture and declared that:  I AM THAT I AM!  Howell who refuses to answer or submit to another ecclesiastical supervision, has his idiots preachers standing up front at the end of every service telling people that they need a church home, but Howell answers to no one.  Howell lives and orders his life as if there were no God.


All of us have real names, but don't let it trouble you, what you should be concentrating on is making peace with God, and telling all of us that you are sorry for all your nastiness.  We already know who you are, and what you are.  :)  You like to do more than chat, you like to shoot off your big mouth up to five times a week.  Did it ever occur to you that you are a boring person.  GO SMELL YOURSELF!  That's right - get high on that funk you call yourself.  Go into the closet, shut the door and smell your nasty moth ball smelling self.  :)  Howell you are the only person I know that is so in love with himself.  You don't love your members, you use them, just like you use women for your sexual gratification. 


Ladies, be weary of any church - cult that has a unmarried leader.  Look at the awful mess that Life Changers is in right now.  Full of scandal and sex everywhere.  Life Changers is nothing more than a playground for a old oversexed reprobate of a false apostle always trying to get his groove on with whatever women he can.


Well Howell, I have enjoyed chatting with you, NOW WE ARE TALKING!  Good Night Bonny!


Love Sister Shelly

i dare you to say that again!!!!

I dont give  a f... who u are who u think u are.

Dont try to tell me who or what i should belive in.

YOu should not even talk about Christ. or god.

This whole page is evil and the devil is a liar.... Joshua!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I feel sorry for u.... why dont u give me ur real name.. and I will give u a real reason to post something here....

Get a life....

Well well I still hat eto talk to a person thats fake!!!!

Im wondering If I know you because If I would I think I would get in ur face.

People dont go to hell if they serving god!!!!

looks like u were one of those who went to church kissing B.... and now u trying to make ur self look good.

I can show no respect to a person thats to fake to tell us who he or she is.

This here is not about god... this is about people being like the devil a LIAR!!!!

Do your thing... I dont give a d....

Im sorry Im not that holly yet!!! so it could be that I lose it if u would ever stand face to face with me.

You suck This page sucks and all of u posting bs on here suck.


language lets u know where im at lol .... good but thank god im a real person.. i never said I was holly like u guys.

you trying to challenge my intelligence!!

I have to get on ur level my friend so u get the point!!

So sad that people Kiss b all these years and now trying to be someone lol nice.


Well like I said i cant see u i cant hear u... I dont know who u are... all I know is that u a p... for not telling people the real deal.... well

You know where to finde me if u ever feel liuke being who u are : )



yeah do your thing. dont forget to lift yourself up in your prayers.

I wish I would know who u are. why dont u inbox me. Im sure u still in the kaiserslautern area. I dont even know why im still answering such a mess.

Ms Shelly looks like you just left lci?

And Im sure u were one of the ladys that told me,why dont you come back to church....



intelligence??? what intelligence, you don't even know how to write english well! where did you get your highschool diploma again? oh yeah i forgot, YOU DON'T HAVE ONE! how dare you come on here and start to insult people cause they are not telling their names? you see what happened to people that your "leader" thought was involved in this.

before you come on here talking out the side of your neck, you might wanna get your facts straight and oh by the way wikipedia is a powerfull thing as far as the "i am a moslem" bullcrap.............your confused, that's what the hell you are

Howell, I would have to say that I am quite jealous of Joshua. You don’t want to know my name nor will you email me as I openly requested. I am still waiting: howellrepentnow@gmail.com

oh wow u dont have a own name to open an email account lol nice... And by the way its Desiree not Howell ;  )

No, it is you Ronald D Howell Sr.

like I said. Im not going to get on your level.


take care


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