Apostle Howell MADE CHASE GOODEN delete his page because Howell is in trouble.  Howell the man who said that he never ran from anything is now on the run.  COWARD!



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And again Its Desiree Not Mr Howell

Again, we know that you are Ronald D Howell posing as Desiree. 


Everyone, Howell figured that if he could not beat us, then he would join us.  Now Howell wants to masquerade as a woman.  Remember that Ronald Howell taught about being able to talk woman? 


Howell, you are a desperate man and you will only continue to go down from this point.  The hand of the Lord is against you - Ronald D Howell Sr.

Howell, can we both say this has gotten out of control. There is nothing left for you but repentance. Your dream of being this mega pastor is over. Why would God bless you with more families to break up when His will is for them to be together. A house divided against itself will not stand according to Jesus. I honestly believe that those who are there have been warned by God and chose your acceptance rather than obey God.

I am Pastor Rob a Pastor from Huntsville Al and this website has been the talk within pastoral circles. Most pastors are surprised about what we have been reading and wonder how this has been allowed to go on for so long. I would recommend if this is false to cease from hindering God’s work, but if it’s the truth, I believe God would have it no other way. Apostle Howell, I ask that you drive on if this is untrue, but if any of this has any truth to it, you have to make it right. In Huntsville your name is traveling fast and it is not in a good way. People who once contemplated joining your future ministry upon seeing you on the Word Network have since joined other Churches. I pray you make the right decision concerning your future in ministry and understand that Huntsville is a small Church community and “unfortunately” word travel fast.

Well Pastor Rob, you really give it to them. Liked what you had to say about the proof and gossip.

Go get em Pastor, your on fiirrrrre

And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.


Matthew 16:18




Christ is called a rock, )Isaiah 28:16; 1Peter 2:8.  In  Psalm 118:22, it reads the The Stone which the builders rejected is become the Head-Stone of the Corner; and to Isaiah 28: 16, Behold I lay a Stone in Zion for a foundation) - will I build my Church, my assembly, or congregation, I.e. of person who are made partakers of this "precious" faith.  The body of Chirst is built on "truth" and Jesus is the Truth.


It is the devil that comes along proclaiming lies and distortions to the assembly.  It is the spirit of the enemy that tells people to avoid speaking to members that leave a setting - WHY?   "FEAR OF THE TRUTH!"  It is the spirit of the enemy that tells the assembly to CLOSE DOWN YOUR FACEBOOK,  "ABORT YOUR CHILD," steal money, MOLEST WOMEN, intimidate people with DEATH, tell people  who to marry or date.  THAT IS NOT CHRIST!  None of these things that Ronald D Howell Sr TEACHES has anything to do with the foundation that Christ has laid - THAT MEANS RONALD HOWELL IS A FALSE APOSTLE!  Howell tells lies on God; Howell openly accused God of telling him to divorce his wife. Howell told women that they were to serve his sexual appetite since he did not have a wife, who this liar accuses God of telling him to divorce his wife.  Both Howell and his common law wife continues to lie on God, by twisting the scriptures in an all out effort to control the single members of his cult by saying that need Howell's stupid blessings (curses) to marry or they will be cursed.  Then when people decide to marry and leave LCI - don't let Howell see you in the community because this deranged man will follow you and shout curses at you.  WHAT A LOU-LOU!  HE'S CRAZY!  And Bonny Williams is being fitted for straight jacket and a padded cell right next to Howell.  They both are COO-COO!  Let this be a warning to everyone that when you lie on God and misuse His Words you are going to go crazy.


Christ has no part in Life Changers International New Horizon's, just as Christ had no part of Jonestown or Waco, or any other cult.  Life Changers is not apart of Christ's assembly or congregation, they are just out there flapping in the wind.  Christ is the STONE WHICH THE BUILDERS OF LCI REJECTED!


The Apostle Paul taught that our battle is to bring down every deceptive FANTASY and every imposing defense that men erect aginst the true knowledge of God.  We even fight to capture every thought until it acknowledges the authority of CHIRST - NOT RONALD D HOWELL SR!  We as Christians who are sensible to the Holy Spirit are to do this unitl we are sure of the obedience to truth, we should not shrink from dealing with those who REFUSE TO OBEY THE TRUTH.  Especially those who use the Bible and masquerade as members of the clergy.  You cannot be an apostle and lie on God!  That means no one has to listen to Howell because he is not in authority or EMPOWERED BY GOD!  God never empowered a liar.  God never gave power to men to molest women, or have them to abort their babies!  God never commissioned a man to competely run your life.  God did not give the preacher the right to take away your freedoms.  You members of LCI ARE DECIEVED!  You are HOWELL'S not Christians.  If you are going to insist that you are christians, then we are going to continue to contend for the faith because you are a dangerous pack of wolves who will go out and devour the flock of God.  WE MUST CONTEND FOR THE FAITH THAT WAS ONCE DELIVERED UNTO THE SAINTS!  Jude 1:3


Truth means FIDELITY - GOD IS TRUECONSTANCY - God is not wishy-washy, He is always the same, sincerty in action; God is not a man that He should repent, CHARACTER - God shows us the perfect character.  Only someone with a foul mouth and a foul mind would MOLEST THE CHARACTER OF CHRIST!  That is you Ronald D Howell Sr.  God even knows what a person utters; Pslams 139 says that before a word is on my tongue He knows it competely.  God knows what you are going to say before you said it.  GOD KNOWS WHAT YOU MEAN!  God knows the deliberate lies that Howell has used to mislead people, but those who follow Howell are not off the hook, they too must assume liablilty.  That includes those who are door-keepers in the tents of the wicked LCI.  You help Howell fight against the Lord!


The gates of hell - the scheming or crafy action and powers of the invisible world.  Our Lord's expression means, that neither the plots, strategies, nor strength of Satan and his angels, should ever so far prevail as to destroy the sacred TRUTHS of this wonderful confession of Peter. We may firmly believe, that though hell should open her gates, and VOMIT out her devil and all his angels, to fight Christ and his saints, ruin and anxious embarrassment must be the consequence on their part; as the arm of the ALMIGHTY CHIRST MUST PREVAIL!  Howell, you are just wasting your time - you cannot win.


I hope the Huntsville community will realize that they should consider themselves blessed that only a few of Howell's misled leader are in your community - don't worry, they don't know nothing, completely inept at any form of leadership, especially spiritual leadership.  Howell is not sociable with any other church in Kaiserslautern, Germany.  He has spent years running down other churches and their pastors.  You don't need a malcontent ministry in your community, and I urge the christian community with all dilligence to warn the other in the community about this reprobate and the evil he has done to so many people over the past 17 years.  Go back and read this all of this blog, many people are trying warn others not to go to hell.


My sisters, I Love You ALL!


Sister Shelly




why you so mad?

Its so funny becuase nowi know who you are : ) and no sorry Im Not Apostell Howell

But anyway take care my sister. : )

Church was awsome 2night. : ) thanks for asking. sister if so. Im a female : )

Im out..... looks like the devil had his hands on this..... god bless u all. Lets not talk about our brothers and sisters. there is so much more we can do.

Okay once again.. there is only one god my dear.......and Im not Apostell. Im desiree Mitchell....  hahaha I didnt use my phone to get online.... maybe thats why.... *smile*

Do you really think that the Apostell has time for you Ms fake name?

lol oh snap....

I wont say anything to you anymore.... you a waste of time ; )

have a good one...... da da da da Ms Shelly aka Ms Im afraid to use my real name lol sweet :)

be glad you aint talking to me Ms fake...  later!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By the way Howell,  I noticed your english is much better.  You are such a liar, and a bad one.  See everyone, I told you this was Ronald Howell impersonating Desiree Mithchel.  Everytime one of his flock's name is mentioned for all the abuses, he gets mad and shows up.


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