Apostle Howell MADE CHASE GOODEN delete his page because Howell is in trouble.  Howell the man who said that he never ran from anything is now on the run.  COWARD!



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Lacie, satan can perform signs and wonders too and this was taught by your leader. Signs and wonders? Yep plenty of that goes on there...signs of fornication, adultery, abuse, neglect, extortion, money laundering, etc and many wonders go on there...boy I wonder if the people on this forum are telling the truth. My only prayer for you is that you go on a real fast and seek God for yourself and when you find that all of the things we are saying are true we'll be here for you. If you really are who you say you are, it seems that you really haven't been exposed to what many of us have been exposed to in that place. As a dedicated member how many days are you at the church? How many times have you been to the church til 1 or 2 a.m. doing "church stuff?" Have you ever been in a leadership position? Have you ever been approached by Mr. Howell for sex? Are all the leaders still paying those outrageous $2000 per couple price tags to remain a "leader?" Lady you have no idea who your dealing with and I can see your still using your leaders favorite scriptures...

Nope, none of that's happened to me, I guess there has been some major changes, seems like you are describing a whole nother person.  I love Life Changers, the fellowship, the word is so good, the conferences, the picnics, even midnight cross (we get out by 12:-), I love it.  I love hearing people's testimonies of how they applied the word and it changed their situation.  See people confuse the person praying with the One who hears and answers.  I understand the difference between a man of God and God Himself.  I know many of you made that mistake and it's easy to do because the man of God is tangible and God is not.  But whatever church you go to now remember that the preacher is not God, if you need to go home go, if you need to take care of your child do it, if you have to go to work early the next morning go home...common sense...don't blame a person for your failure to exercise common sense.  I am dedicated, I'm there cause I want to be, I am not brain washed, I meet beautiful people all the time that are blessed at LCI...I'm sorry you had a bad experience, but is it necessary to destroy our fun in God?   As for scriptures, I hope we never stop using them because they are God's promises concerning Christians:)

How Great is God:)

Lady don't flatter yourself that stuff is still going on. You can dress it up any way you like. Mr. Howell was never my God but he is yours...howell this and howell that. Howell healed me, no God healed you according to your faith. Midnight cross...lady you can pray at home. One day you'll think back on some of the things that were said here and know it to be true. If he's changed so much why hasn't he addressed his victims and asked for their forgiveness? Because he hasn't changed. By the way I don't need my pastors approval and I don't need to tell my pastor every move I make unlike you all...but we're the ones in bondage. Sure Ok

The Lord Rebuke you Lacie.


Now you are OUTRIGHT LYING BONNY WILLIAMS.  We know for a fact that Apostle Howell is preaching a lying word, and HE IS A LYING WONDER and the signs IS THAT YOU ARE ON HERE FEEDIN US A LOAD OF CRAP!

Your hopes that Apostle Howell will be going to prison are in vain.  You depend on "important people" viewing this webpage, you should be concerned with The Important Being viewing this webpage (That's God if you are confused).  You may feel your efforts are pure and you are on a noble cause however, you will not destroy the work of God's hands, how arrogant think you can,  of you to presentence someone to prison.  What an awesome Appreciation title "Against All Odds."  You know often times the odds are not just outside, sometimes the odds are within ones ownself.  I can assure Apostle Howell IS NOT posting ANYTHING on this site.  He does not have time to answer you, because he is answering God for the many souls he has been put in charge of.  Now, if you have any knowledge of spiritual matters you would know this is a great deal.  And if and only if God decides that any of his sins are beyond repentance, God will handle Apostle Howell, but if YOU and these like you are the culprit and trust me God knows, God will handle you all....What a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the almighty God....I reiterate God does not work for any of you and apparently none of you are working for Him.  I pray God reveal to you all your ways and when He does that you all choose to end this silliness, defaming the character of  a vessel of God that is making way for God to heal, deliver, and save people who come through LCI.  Now, ironically enough, I was molested as a child on several occasions and raped twice as an adult...it's ironic because I wasn't healed from that pain until I came to Life Changers International New Horizon where the Shepherd is Apostle Ronald D. Howell Sr.   Thank God I did not allow people like you to deter me from entering the place where God chose to heal me!  All praise be to God! YOU have no shame, YOU have no honor, I have personally heard the testimonies and seen then result of women told they would have no child having twins, women having several miscarriages having a healthy child, cancer stricken healed, clinically depressed healed, physically dead now alive, child declared mentally disabled healed.....I have seen and heard the truth and am still hear and am still witnessing even in the midst of your posts.....Why would the devil allow God to use him to heal someone when his M.O. is to kill, steal and destroy,  When in the bible did you ever see the devil, a demon, or anyone possessed by a devil healing someone, tell me, please.  I tell you Jesus when was said to be casting out demons by the devil said A kingdom divided against itself cannot stand.                           Find a way to serve God, find a way to better spend your time and words and energy.                                  You will not destroy what God has done or is doing, this Anniversary 17 years will be a great success, we will be happy celebrating, we will be happy even with the knowledge that some think we are blind, a cult, following a devil, trapped, lost, but nevertheless we are blessed....you don't know, you aren't here.  You weren't there when Jesus healed me, you weren't there when Apostle Howell helped my family, you weren't there when Apostle Howell consoled the woman who lost her child, her mother, her father, his mother.  You weren't there when the messages of the Business of Marriage saved my marriage and many others testified to the same.  You were not there, maybe if YOU were there God could have used you, but you weren't.  So how dare you...... Oh you can go on the church website and see us, you see our names and what we stand for...But ask yourself, WHAT HAVE I DONE FOR THE KINGDOM OF GOD LATELY?  Now you can choose to pick a line or word out of what I have said and try to make something negative, but I know God and I know I told the truth right here and you all should strongly consider you next moves, having the knowledge that you have.  God said touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm.  Now you have called the name of alot of anointed people and a true prophet.......I know, you see my testimonies.....I know, now I don't know about 14, 10, 9... years ago, but I am telling you right now God is in Life Changers and His hand is upon Apostle Ronald D. Howell Sr. and you should strongly consider what you say and do because the spirit is real and God's wrath is real.  I'm not threatening anyone I am simply saying what I have seen and heard and it is in the word of God.  Search it for yourself. 



We got the Lover answer us and defending his nasty self.


Lacy-Howell you will soon have numbers on your back - PRISON NUMBERS - THAT IS.  You Apostle Ronald D. Howell will soon be a registered sex offender.  In Jail they will call you Apostle Sexxxx.


Apostle Howell you are not annoited.  God never annoited anyone to molest women, kill marriages and families.  You are a sick man and you need to be locked up.  Ain't nobody afraid of a liar.  You are not a true prophet - YOU ARE A PROPHET OF DOOM!  Heck, you could not even get the sex of Gary Allah's child correct.  We bet you forgot your shoe size.


Here is what we are doing for the Kingdom of God, we are pointing out a sexual predator and it is our duty.  As for your wharehouse-church - YOUR KINGDOM - Your kingdom is divided.


As you say - you are still here in K-Town for now, but such bragging is not good.  That is just like you Apostle Howell - arrogant as ever and you are still a liar - A GOOD ONE, but you are just a liar.


As for your healing power - that is debatable.  Did you heal Bonny?  What about all those other women you have been molesting - did you heal any of them you dirty old man.  It is ashame that man

in his 60s is doing all the dirty things you are doing to those women.

God wants you to expose someone like this? wow, you have left God behind a long time ago.  You are radical, just like Hitler, and the tower Bombers, and Judas and many other bad people...I used to work in a mental health facility and you seriously have several traits of depression, mania, homocidal and maybe phsychosis...I'm not trying to be funny, I'm very serious.  I really think you should make an appointment and talk to someone, before you do something you cannot undo.

Funny that you of all people Bonny-Howell should use Hitler and Judas.  PERFECT, PERFECT, PERFECT!


Apostle Howell runs LIFE CHANGERS INTERNATIONAL JUST LIKE A DICTATORSHIP.  Again Lacie-Bonny -Howell the STUPID is comin out ya.


Apostle Ronald D. Howell Sr, is a JUDAS He traded in Christianity for SEXXXX!  And look at what he got.  SOMEBODY ELES' WIFE!


We are very sane and have hurt no one.  Thanks to you we have all the confidence we need and we know that we are on the right track against this Dog of a man call Apostle Ronald D. Howell Sr.  Now, go lick your masters feet.


Not Bonny, but whenever you decide you want professional help, I could help with some resources, and you know where Life Skills is on Ramstein.  I know you're very angry especially since you long to know who I am, you don't know me though, just focus, you need some professional help.



Lacie Howell,

I read as much as I could before I wanted to regurgitate. Let’s talk about the important Being you speak of – would He be ok with you supporting a man that over 100 ex-members were abused in some form by his hand. Either you are Howell or one of his concubines for no real woman would support the abuse of so many others by a man charged by God to care for them. Anyone who is insecure in who they are will follow a person they know to be corrupt for their approval. Moving on – You sated, what a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the almighty God - Howell you should be concerned about this very thing – Jezebel did use scare tactics on those who threatened her agenda and they actually worked on Elijah, but they won’t work here for if one person is deterred from experiencing your abuse, it was well worth it. If any healings are taking place at LCI as you claim, it's God's love for his flock not your morality which has proven to be rotten. Saul was still the King even though he was rejected years prior and even prophesied upon being rejected. At judgment, why did Jesus tell those evil workers of iniquity to depart after they claimed they did what you say you are doing - because He never knew them - they had no relationship with Christ. This seems to be the issue especially with someone so unrepentant hard hearted as yourself – I am just saying. No one is concerned about ruining your anniversary but your MO of destroying families, marriages and the dignity of women. Again, Howell you have a Jezebel spirit which MO is only to destroy. Jezebel disregards the purposes of God to fulfill her own - like manipulating others to not take a vacation, visit other churches, spend time with their kids and if you are attracted to the woman you draw a wedge between the husband and wife - by the way God approve of these things; nonetheless, it doesn’t benefit Howell so it’s wrong. Nonetheless, God's wrath will skip you and come upon the one's who are exposing evil - I understand now. When the different churches were being infiltrated by False Prophets, I wonder what would have happened if the Apostle Paul said, "No I will let them destroy the Church because I will not touch God's anointed and do His prophets no harm". No!!! he confronted them and we have some of the epistles to prove it. Stop butchering one scripture to justify why you don't want to be unaccountable so you can continue with this satanic fiasco - stop jiving !!!- get the professional help that is very well needed because you have hurt enough people.

We are not depending on men, we are depending on God to vindicate all of these women, families and marriages that were and are being destroyed.

Shelly Lawson, I guess you too woke up and decided to attack “innocent” Apostle Howell like the rest of us huh…. (please excuse my sarcasm). It’s amazing how Apostle Howell thought, when all these people leave Germany they would disappear into the night and he would never be held accountable for what he did to them. He figured, all I have to do is discredit them and everyone will dsipise them while admiring me (Howell). He never thought the internet would be a thriving entity as it is today – but God did.  I hear all the talk about how God will handle the situation – it seems this very thing is happening. Lacey-Howell and friends would disagree of course for they say we should just “pray about it” (the slogan often used for those who choose to do nothing) and let this man continue his destructive behavior. Shelly,  I am delighted that many like yourself have chosen to stand on the wall and protect potential victims. I hear, one of the brothers in the church accidently shorted out some part of the musical equipment and Apostle Howell threw a chair wounding him badly but I guess that's our fault too............


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