Apostle Howell MADE CHASE GOODEN delete his page because Howell is in trouble.  Howell the man who said that he never ran from anything is now on the run.  COWARD!



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It's too bad you miss the mark and cannot see the error of your own ways because you are to set on destroying another.  Your looseness in morals and character will cause you to lose sight of God's will, which is His word, I fear you already have.  We can tit for tat all day about who is worse and what matters most and who is helping somebody.  Well, is Apostle Howell innocent as in free of sin, heck no, are you, heck no, am I, you know I'm not.  Does Apostle Howell hear from God and teach the word with power and authority, you bet, is he doing good things for the kingdom of God right now, I'm a witness...You cannot fake the power of God, read about the 7 sons of Sceva (sp.) in acts...the devil will tear a person up if he is trying to cast him out without God's power, God did not have mercy on them guys.  Would Jesus call me a concubine cept it were true or any of these others cept it were true, I know I am not a concubine nor an erotic lover of my man of God....see automatically everything I write is false and everything you write is true according to the bias here.  So how would one know what is true....God will reveal the truth....if I have to trust your judgement and I cannot trust that God will repay, like His word (will) says, I am in big trouble.  God is not a man like you that He should lie, nor the son of man like you that He should repent....but what's your validation, who are you, I don't know, you have never done anything to help me.  I can't see God either, but at least when I pray He shows up in an answer.  My validation that God uses Apostle Howell and that he is indeed a man of God is that if any has question they can come to church and see for themselves, hear the word for themselves, and experience the power for themselves like me.  You spoke of Elijah a man of God, he did run, God said I got 750 others that would not bow down and proceeded to get Elijah the man of God back on track, God picked the replacement of Elijah and God had Elijah train the replacement and God called Elijah up and Elijah in the new testament when Jesus showed Peter Himself Elijah (Elias) was on Jesus' side to represent the prophets (God did not use a foul mouthed man to do his work).  Wow, God did His job, imagine that.  You all are in no wise like Elijah in power, authority or relationship with God.  Apostle Howell is a man of God like Elijah with power, authority and relationship with God.  You will not destroy, replace, have a meeting with to discuss the wrong of, or stop a man of God.  Your words does not discredit or change the fact that Apostle Howell is a man of God, even your own testimonies say they learned, got saved, grew, are able to use the word they learned at LCI under the leadership of Apostle Howell. You do not attend LCI now, you don't know the truth, because you are no longer here, you can testify to nothing concerning LCI now.  You honestly think  that Apostle Howell hasn't repented in over 14 years and God still allows this ministry to exist.  What kind of God do you serve, I am a praying woman and I believe that God will never leave nor forsake me, that's what His word said and if He wants me to leave LCI, He will send someone with integrity, love, meekness, humility, longsuffering...somebody with the qualities of Jesus to tell me and you people are not it!

Wow Lacie! You sound like many of us when we were under Mr. Howell's bondage. Howell this and Howell that. You better make sure he hasn't become your God. It sounds like he has. Another thing I wanna leave with you, Romans 11:29 "For the gifts and callings of God are without repententance." God will use you and still send your butt to hell. Works don't save you, God can care less about your works He's more concerned with the condition of the heart. I guess your gonna continue to come on here and be Mr. Howell's advocate while he sits back and look like the victim. If we are so bad why do you continue to come on here? You can't convince us that he's changed and we can't convince you that he hasn't...so you're wasting your time.

Andrea is proof.

Noble Son please get over yourself!! Proof is proof whether its on the internet or not, whether its in person or not. We are real people and we are only speaking out about the sin we've witnessed within your cult. Oh I forgot you are not a cult, but according to your leader the military chapel is a cult but I don't see people on here talking about the military chaplains sexually molested them, or broke up their families. People speaking out about what your cult leader did to them and their families is proof enough. You may not know Andrea but your leader Ronald D. Howell Sr. knows her and he knows her very well as a matter of fact he knows her intimately. Just ask him. Oops your not allowed to ask him anything so never mind. Man you need to man up! Stop letting another man control you and instead be controlled by the Holy Spirit. If your not Mr. Howell, don't you find it strange that he hasn't answered any of these facts spoken about him? Jezebel never did her own dirty work, she had her enuchs to do it for her. Quit being his enuch and let him do his own posts. I would love for him to address these facts. If you are allowed to be on this site ask him to join the conversation.

Better be careful Bishop, for when they say peace and safety, then destruction cometh, and they shall not escape.  Now you have a name and face to go with it and it does not appear that she is going away.  Their are also others. It takes time to expose and bring some men to judgement.  Your leader may not be with you much longer.   You do not answer to God, you answer to Apostle, this is who you are loyal to.  One day when all this is over Bishop you will be able to learn again about truth and you too, will admit that you were once blind and then(now) you see.

I keep trying to figure out how someone could be "on the run" when they've been in the same place for over a decade.  And they are on TV and they have a website with the address of where they are and they are in the find it guide and they are in the KA with directions and times of when they are a certain place.  Maybe the coward is the one who no one knows their name or anything about them for that matter, except the fact that they like to sobatage people's lives.  Come to think of it it's best no one put their real name on here, we are dealing with a psychotic individual....it's like one of those scary obsession stalker movies.

Idiot!  Howell you are on the run when you hide from the truth you sexaul predator.

What do you know about the cost of anything.  You get on a free website  and defame a person, that's rich.  Meanwhile, the cost of the WN even in it's 30 minutes saved and helped more people than you have in your adult life.  Yes, even an atheist by the WN got saved (I was there), not in the name of Howell, but in the name of Jesus.  Howell doesn't save, you know that, Jesus does and many others call in testimony of their healings and deliverance from viewing Apostle Howell's God given messages and calling LCI's prayer line.  You said, "All kinds of LIARS have web address."  You said something true, that's the goodness in you trying to come, let it through, it's the truth that will make you free:)  But, be careful we will all pay for every idle word we speak, it's free for now, but be careful what you put on your credit, you might not be able to pay it back. 


P.S. Try to let some more of the truth come out and not those evil, slithe remarks.  You can do it Overcome evil with good.

P.S.S. To put your mind at ease no one is talking about you all, I don't even recognize but a couple of your faces or names and I've been here awhile.  I just figured most of you PCSd or found something different to do, or anything.  Apostle Howell, he keeps on preaching with the same intensity, we keep getting blessed, lives keep getting saved, God keeps on moving.  You all don't have to attend LCI, but go to church and serve the Lord the way God wants.   

But we are all  nuts for the Lord, Hallelujah! Come on Wanzo lighten up get your praise on:)

Wrong again Bonny Howell.


What is the difference, your phoney Apostle Howell has been lying to church members and ripping them off.  Yes, all of know all too well about costs.


It cost us raising our children and it costs us families, it cost abortions, it costs some their innocence. It cost some their privacy, it cost all of us a lot of money.  IT COST! IT COSTS! IT COSTS! Yes, it costs to follow a devil - it is costing all the current members their lives,  STOP TALKING FOOLISH.


Think about all the money Apostle Howell told us he was raising during the offerings to buy that stupid parking lot across the street.  HE NEVER BOUGHT IT!  APOSTLE LIED!  HE TOOK OUR MONEY AND USE IT FOR SOMETHING ELES!  WE KNOW ABOUT COSTS - SO DON'T TALK TO US ABOUT COSTS!


It costs all of us our money for Apostle Howell to bring his family over here to Germany so they could ride around at OUR EXPENSE IN MERCEDES DURING HIS STUPID APPRECIATIONS. 


Now, let us speak about defaming a moran.  Apostle Ronald D. Howell Sr began being defamed AT HIS OWN DOING when he first cheated on his wife.  HE IS CHEATING ON GOD RIGHT NOW AND HAS BEEN CHEATING EVER SINCE.


Again everyone, Apostle GUTLESS HOWELL never wants to assume any responsibility for his own conduct.  You can see that he has brainwash Lacie - Bonny - Howell.


As for those HEALINGS YOU CLOWNS WISH YOU COULD TAKE CREDIT FOR.  Remember this you spiritual moran.  It is the hand of God that heals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The faith of the people - Their Spirit believes God's WORD!  IN THE WORD OF GOD IS HEALING AND IF YOU ONLY BELIEVE YOU SHALL BE MADE WHOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It is not your hand that has healed.  However Bonny, It is your hand that has scattered and destroyesd others.  One day because you help Apostle Howell take advantage of others you also will be a victim and you SHALL NOT ESCAPE!  Now go practice your witchcraft somewhere else. 


Bonny Williams you sure are one stupid person to come on here and say what you are saying.  When was the last time you did anything good to overcome evil with good?????????????????



I'm not Bonny, but what a compliment, I thank you:-)  Now, you know that God gave the gift of healing to some not all.  The facts don't lie, God doesn't lie, you see the scripture below.  God uses an, He gifts men and God gets all the glory yes. But I know where to go if I'm sick.   What gift did God give you?  What are you doing with it?

1 Corinthians 12:9  To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit

like that bad credit that howell left on one of his members name of 2.8 million euro! and aint that where the money for the parking lot has been going?

how many meetings did you sit in, where he got on the leaders, because the offering wasnt high enough for him?

how many reports have you seen, where all of his bills is getting paid from the finance office of the church? and he still claims its his retirement check?

i know soldiers that worked under him said he was a sorry excuse for a 1.sgt, but that aint nothing compared to being a sorry excuse for a shepherd!

why are you guys still here anyways??? wasnt the hq of the ministry supposed to move into that building in alabama? let me guess, thats on hold, just like the parking lot that he has been buying for 8 years now (at least thats how long he has been collecting for it)

and didnt howell himself teach that the problem with a false prophet is, that he is still a prophet, so there would be signs and wonders that follow him (for a while at least)

trust me, the day will come where you will get to know the real howell and bonnie and jones and petty and whoever else it is and you will have no problem walking out, cause all that respect that you have for them now will turn into simply being disgusted by people treating others like that to their own advantage!

You are right former deceited! Lacie claims she not in the inner circle so of course she hasn't seen the finance reports or been in the meetings after service when he fusses and cusses about the offering. Howell has never paid a bill with his military retirement check that's why he had so much money to spend on his concubines. He building up his savings account. They even rallied all the leaders together to buy him a Mercedes Benz while his members had to catch rides to work and church. I see he's still lying about the parking lot huh? Lacie had the nerve to say in one of her replies that Mr. Howell is rich....of course he is when he can save his money while spending yours. Why aren't the members rich? Let me guess its according to your faith.


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