As I journey towards my elevation to the office of Bishop in the Lord's Church, I have noticed throughout the recent years, an influx of the usage of the title of Bishop and Apostle and MANY of these persons are "SELF-APPOINTED" and have NO APOSTOLIC SUCCESSION nor LINEAGE. In fact, some were consecrated by Bishops and Apostles with NO SUCCESSION nor LINEAGE. Let's Discuss this BPN.

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Neither the Apostle nor the Bishop can be self ordained. This is, however, quite an interesting subject considering the fact that the entire Protestant side of the Church broke its line of "Apostolic Succession" from the Roman Catholic Church due to disagreements in doctrine. This is one of the reasons why a person often come along without "Apostolic Succession."

As far as the office of the Apostle goes, since when does Apostolic Succession place a role? Truth be told, the apostolic Succession of an Apostle goes as follows:

-the Apostle JESUS Christ calls, equips, and ordains; all other Apostles can only "affirm"
-the HOLY SPIRIT allows for a mentor to be given Apostle, most likely an Apostle and/or Prophet, to guide and aide.
-other Apostles recognize the Apostolic grace upon the Apostle-Elect
This is, however, quite an interesting subject considering the fact that the entire Protestant side of the Church broke its line of "Apostolic Succession" from the Roman Catholic Church due to disagreements in doctrine. "

Fascinating comment, thank you Trevor. Most certainly food for thought.
What is an Apostle?
How can you know if someone is an Apostle.
Anybody can be one today.
I think I shall make myself 'Pope/Her Honor/First Lady'
Does not the Grace, the Power, the Mercy and Gifts following have anything to do with it?
Or perhaps the seven fold ministry of the Spirit.

1 — the Spirit of the Lord;
2 — the Spirit of wisdom;
3 — the Spirit of understanding;
4 — the Spirit of counsel;
5 — the Spirit of might;
6 — the Spirit of knowledge;
7 — and the Spirit of the fear of the LORD. Isaiah 11:2
Has anyone met an Apostle? I mean a real one.
I do believe there are Apostles today. I cant say that I have ever met one. And then maybe I have.
But how would any Christian be able to tell that they are in the presence of an Apostle?
How, how, how, how?
Raising the dead? Laying on of hands so that people receive the gift of the Holy Ghost (speaking in tongues)?
Walking past the sick and their shadow healing the sick? They are missionaries to foreign lands? Seeing the Lord with their own eyes?
How can Christians tell they are in the presence of an Apostle?


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