Chaplain Pat your comments under the "Satelite" post inspired this commentary. I was not able to access the 'reply' button to your comments regarding being 'sick of being accused of being against blacks because you are not crazy about Obama.'

You wrote that in response to my comments concerning 'hate' towards blacks who are pro-Obama. Well, first let me say, I am truly dissapointed that you are comprehending the back and forths as if we supporters of Obama are at fault. The TRUTH is all we ever said, was 'we are proud of him' and the 'attack' has been against we who have just as much right to be proud of Obama as you all who are against him for whatever reasons you all choose to be against him. That is a FACT!

As for 'hate' blacks, well, it is a form of 'hatred' against this black President to denigrate him in the way that he is being slanderously denigrated. Even the Bible tells you that. It says, 'liars hate' their victim.

Not only that, when the President of these United States is referred to as 'your' President, insinuating that he is not 'everyone's' President then that is an insult that leads one to question the 'hateful' speech.

When people on the board are angry or HATEFUL towards positive speech on Obama then that leads one to question if such a one is 'hateful' towards blacks especially when they are roting, right-wing, white supremacist, rhetoric against black people who like Obama.

Bottom line, we have a right to like Obama just as you have a right to dislike him. However, clearing up the record for you, it is those who dislike Obama who are attacking we who are pro-Obama because we do support him.

In fact, we who are pro-Obama are taking it all in with a grain of salt. What you perceive as 'anger' was wit, sarcasm and laughter at the insanity of it all. In fact, 'we' Pro-Obama believers are simply doing what the Bible tells us to do i.e. 'answering a fool according to his folly, lest he seem wise in his own eyes.' It's really too funny, and we're having a blast as anyway you look at it, TRUTH is on our side.

How then can you turn it around and as you alluded 'get sick of those who call such hateful attacks hate?' Well, it is a form of a 'hate' get sick of that.! You got it all backwards, my dear. We are entitled to be Pro-Obama without it being an offense to you all who are anti-Obama. The truth is, we who are pro-Obama have not repeatedly stated our joy rather, anytime we say annnnything about the man we come under attack by you Anti-Obama folks and that's sick. In fact, that's more than sick, that's 'straaaaaaaange' real strange, since the right wing rhetoric is coming from you all's mouth.

Now, bottom line, I respect you but I, like every other pro-Obama person on the board is allowed to say something positive about the man without it being the obvious offense to you all who are against him. In fact, I would think that you in righteousness would be sick of it being an offense to right wing black folk anytime we post a subject matter concerning Obama. Oh, dear sister in Christ. do think about that. Think upon or LOOK UP the 'truthful' facts that I have just put forth as it is just that, TRUTH!

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Sis. Elaine, please do not accuse me of being anti-Obama. Not once have you read in my comments that I said I didn't like "our" President or that I hated him. There is no anger in my heart for those who are Pro-Obama and there is no anger in my heart for President Obama.

I have the capability to separate issues, agendas, etc., that I do not like from the people who support them. I am not against the President as a person, only his agenda and principles at this point. Your support for our President does not offend me. You have the right as a human being and citizen of this country to think and feel as you choose, as well as support whomever you choose.

So, for the record, I do not hate anyone except Satan and his demonic spirits. I have no problem nor do I take offense with those who disagree with my views. I may not agree with the things President Obama is doing or things that he speaks, but I do respect the office of the President as commanded by God (Romans 13:1).

Now, one last point . . .Although I used the reply to your comment, my response was made in general and it was specifically addressed to Bro.Trevor Greene.

In His Grace,
Chaplain Harris
Hi again Chap Pat, I think it the most important thing in the world for believers to speak factually lest they don't see the 'truth' and are deceived by the enemy.

What you actually said, under the 'Satelite' post I have pulled up and yes, though you addressed it to 'Bro. Trevor' you were speaking about my comments on 'hatefulness' as you yourself, had just before spoke 'directly' to me and stated thus:

"Woman of God, take a deep breath. There's no need to speak hatefully to a brother in the Lord just because you disagree on some issues."

I then replied and informed you that I was NOT speaking 'hateful' nor 'angry' at Trevor's ongoing silliness.

It was at that time that you did not reply to my counter comments to you, but rather, addressed your comments to Bro. Trevor 'about' the same 'anger' you had erroneously misjudged me of having.

Amidst those comments you stated thus, "Bro. Trevor, I don't know about you, but these false accusations of being against blacks because some people are not impressed with Obama is getting real old and tiresome."

As I stated in this rebuttal post, if as in the case of 'anti-Obama' posters, and if, you say you are not anti-Obama, it does seem you may have to examine your own disposition more thoroughly for on the one hand you say, 'you are not against him,' while simultaneously writing, 'you are not impressed with Obama' but anyway, if any of the anti-Obama posters are so against him then so be it.

The arguments put forth have all been acknowledged and thoroughly shot down by we pro-Obama people while no admission of positive accomplishments we put forth concerning Obama is ever acknowledged, let alone shot down because truth can't be.

In fact, this is why so many of the well, not to offend, let me put it like this, those folks who find fault with Obama people were sooooo shocked and insanely enraged at Obama receiving the Nobel Prize. Such has been so busy hurling 'hateful' lies and distortions as the sum total of Obama that they are altogether blinded to any accomplishments that he has made.

So you see my dear sister in Christ, 'false accusation' does not have a real place in this convo, seeing that the 'hateful' actions speak in and of themselves.

Then when you go on to make the following statement it just shows you are in error.

You stated:: "So, why is it that many black Ameericans want to curse those of us who are speaking out against the principles Obama represents?

I'm beginning to think that Black America can't see anything past black and white, which would explain why the art of deception became real easy."

MY REPLY: Yes, segments of black Americans can't see pass black and white but it is the anti-Obama folks who are guilty of this as they rote to a absolute tee, 'white rhetoric' while hatefully throwing aspersions against blacks who are for Obama. They accuse us of the very thing they are and are just too blind to see it. That's all I'm saying. That's all I was ever saying.

As so, I hope the FACTS clears things up for you with regard to the inaccuracy in this your other rebuttal. Remember, the devil is always in the details so pay attention to the 'details' so you won't get tripped up again.

For the record, I've enclosed the entirety of
the conversation that you spoke to me and 'about' me and my views so we can always walk in absolute truth as that alone, will set ya free.


Reply by Ms. Elaine Johnson 1 day ago
You know what Newview, it's the 'wheat among the tares' all the way to the end. Such goodness of the Lord in seeking to deliver them via the first black President will be a testimony against them.

It's their souls that you just feel depressed about as I wonder...I truly wonder in that Yahshua said, 'many will say Lord, Lord but do not the things I say.'
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Reply by Trevor T. Greene 1 day ago
I'm sorry but maybe I missed something: where exactly in scripture did it say the coming of the great black President would be a sign of the coming of Messiah and world peace?
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Reply by Ms. Elaine Johnson 1 day ago
You just 'hate' the great black president don't cha'?

You 'hate' blacks who are proud of this 'I have a Dream moment.'

You 'hate' blacks who vote Democrat.

You're just altogether one darn piece of 'hate' while simultaneously referring to yourself as a 'Man of God'.

What a 'hateful' thing to do to the true gospel of Christ.

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Permalink Reply by Trevor T. Greene 1 day ago
So let me get this straight: if I disagree with you, I hate you? If I think that you aren't for the Christian Church, but for our advisory, then I hate you? Even if I said nothing hateful at all, I'm labeled as being hateful? Thats just plain said.

The fact of the matter is this: I do not hate you or Newview, or anyone that loves Barak Obama. I don't even hate Barak Obama! Like I said before, I thought of it as being cool that a black man is President, but my Christian morals will not allow me to celebrate a man who openly stands for and even legislates things that are against the Body of CHRIST and the morals of GOD listed within the Bible. I hate this worl'ds system, but I don't hate you or any other person.

If you can actually quote me as saying something hateful such as a lie or something racists, then please show it. Otherwise, its just another case of "you're against my views so I'm against you".

Don't reply to just one part of my statements, reply to all.

Reply by Ms. Elaine Johnson 21 hours ago
Trevor, you just don't get it do ya? heh..heh

Just like you DON'T get it, when your right-wing brothers are pimping it to ya.

Exhibit A you are! Permalink Reply by

Permalink Reply by Chaplain Pat Harris 1 day ago
Woman of God, take a deep breath. There's no need to speak hatefully to a brother in the Lord just because you disagree on some issues.

I can respect where both you and Bro. Trevor are coming from. But let us not let our differences stir up anger and resentment in our hearts.

Personally, I could care less what color the President is. It's what he stands for that really matters.

Reply by Ms. Elaine Johnson 21 hours ago
Chaplain Pat? 'Take a deep breath?' Ha! For what? You're reading this all wrong my dear, eh Newview and Watson? lol

Oh, with utmost dread, I say to you two, behold the blindness and deafness we are up against. Correction, behold the blindness and deafness our ancestors were up against.'

Oh God, NOT AGAIN! Permalink Reply by


Chaplain Pat Harris 6 hours ago
Bro. Trevor, I don't know about you, but these false accusations of being against blacks because some people are not impressed with Obama is getting real old and tiresome.

I don't seem to recall when many white Americans spoke out against Bush that they were accused of being against "whites." So, why is it that many black Ameericans want to curse those of us who are speaking out against the principles Obama represents?

I'm beginning to think that Black America can't see anything past black and white, which would explain why the art of deception became real easy.1
Ms. Johnson, if I said anything that offended, I sincerely apologize. But with all due respect, I am standing by my views and because I see no point in typing a lengthy rhetoric as a means to support them, I am going to leave it at that. Based on the above posted comment, there is no doubt that you are standing by your views as well. And on that note, let us agree to disagree and move forward.

In His Grace,
Chaplain Harris
Yeah Chap Pat, having simply laid out the lengthy but true facts, I have moved on. No offense taken on my part, just love to think, walk, talk and act upon the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Let's continue to Lift Up Yahshua as He alone, can set the captive free..
Hey Watson, thanks, we who are of the truth, can't help but speak the truth in season and out. That's just the way it goes, Amen?
This posting may not have been directed at me, but it sure does involve me, and therefore, I will share my piece here:

Ms. Johnson, ever since I shared my lack of approval of Barak Obama, and my lack of support for him, you have spit venom at me left and right, literally accusing me of the following with no sign of repentance in sight:

-fake Christian
-fake black man
- Republican
-apart of the "Christian Right"
-traitor to blacks

Are not these words of hate towards me, especially the manner they were delivered? ANYONE can go and read them on their own to see not only the words typed by you, but the context you placed them in. The MOST I have ever said about you was that you were Afro-Centric. If I said anything more, or called you any names like how they were so casually tossed my way, please post it up there. Save all the remarks, all the replies, and all the opinions. You said that you are a person of the truth and yet my words have been twisted left and right, and I as wrongfully accused of many things. Now please, if you are able, please place ANY of my comments in full as to wheer I said some insulting words towards you or Obama.

You said "The TRUTH is all we ever said, was 'we are proud of him' and the 'attack' has been against we who have just as much right to be proud of Obama as you all who are against him for whatever reasons you all choose to be against him. That is a FACT!" Well, the other half of that fact is that we have spoken out loud about how we DO NOT support Barak Obama. Yes I can say that he is "your President" for a few reasons:

-I didn't vote for him
-I never will vote for him
-When Bush was President, I said the same then, and I won't change up now by claiming a man that I do not support as "my President", just like a person who will not take JESUS as "their Savior".

When Bush was President, did you speak so greatly about "praying for this wonderful man", or "he's our President, so we need to support him"? Please take the time to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you GOD.

Oh and by the way, can you please answer my original question/statement in the other post also: I'm sorry but maybe I missed something: where exactly in scripture did it say the coming of the great black President would be a sign of the coming of Messiah and world peace?
We are entitled to be Pro-Obama without it being an offense to you all who are anti-Obama.

Ms Elaine Johnson

We are also entitled to be against Obama's policies, without them being an offense to you. You have called me a racist, arrogance fool, satanic afflicted, a stench in the nostrils of God, paranoid, and even infered that I was Judas because of my postings about Obama.

So perhaps you need to just chillax and accept that not everyone will see politics in the same way as you do, and policies that are in direct oppostion to the Kingdom and Christ are offense hopefully to all Christians, but please accept that it is not a slight on you personally.

With love in Jesus
Uhm, excuse me? Who are you again?
Carel? Caral? Neeever heard of ya.

Oh wait, yeah, let me dig back in my memory and see if I can dredge you up. I vaguely remember that you are that girl from the UK who burst into another post with a laundry list of right-wing rhetoric 'lies' on Obama demanding we blackfolks in the U.S. 'better believe them.' Heh, oh yeah, that was funny.

In light of who you proclaim you are, I must increduously, proclaim, 'You have rights?!' You don't even have the right to LIVE let alone, VOTE in the U.S so what right's have you?

Furthermore, I cannot even respect your obvious what is becoming loony-toon 'pop-out' appearances denigrating our President when you didn't even have the decency to answer the basic questions put towards you concerning your own country?

1) The Queen YOU serve, are you just as enraged at her?
2) How about the Parliamentary mishigosh do you have a laundry list of their 'badness' or do you just bypass all that mess over there in your own backyard to hurl 'hate, lies' and quite frankly, 'stupidity' at our beloved President Obama?

Now, until you can be woman enough to answer these same questions that you never answered from jump street while hurling hate at Obama then you can understand where your 'burst out of nowhere' joke status can't help but remain just that, a joke..heh...heh.
I will just keep on praying for you lady that one day you will bow your knee to Jesus, not Obama.
Dear Sister Caral,

Can I jump in and ask that as you bow to Jesus - would you take a little time out and pray for Obama - for his safety and for his wisdom to lead this nation and to get us a bunch of jobs (because the last administration screwed up so bad - we were about to go through another depression - which would not have been good for our nation or your nation or anyother nation hooked up with our nation) and also pray that he and his family is saved with the rest of the Body of Christ.
Would you do that? You dont have to like him for us. Its some drug dealing crack heads I run in to from time to time and some inlaws I run into from time to time that I really dont care for.
But I go to God for them. I pray for their safety and for their salvation and for them to be excellent at whatever job they hold - if they happen to have jobs. Most crack heads I know dont.
But my inlaws whom I dont care for so much - they work. I pray for their success.
My point is - as the Body of Christ - lets hit our knees and watch some miracles be performed.
Dearest Newview

Amen and Amen.

As I have said before, I pray for Obama, I don't dislike Obama, he is a gentle, well educated man, but some of his policies are scary and in direct opposition to the Kingdom.

I pray for America, in particular, I have heard prophecy saying that America is the Voice of the Spirit in the world holding back the evil, I also pray that America will not do what the UK did and turn her face against Israel.

..As I have said before, I pray for Obama, I don't dislike Obama, he is a gentle, well educated man, but some of his policies are scary and in direct opposition to the Kingdom

I pray for America, in particular, I have heard prophecy saying that America is the Voice of the Spirit in the world holding back the evil, I also pray that America will not do what the UK did and turn her face against Israel...

Thank you. That's all I can ask.

This is a side note about America being the Voice of teh Spirit holding back the evil...
All I can say to that is - if thats the case - we are in deeper trouble than I thought and this with or without Obama being in office.

But thank you again.


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