Chaplain Pat your comments under the "Satelite" post inspired this commentary. I was not able to access the 'reply' button to your comments regarding being 'sick of being accused of being against blacks because you are not crazy about Obama.'

You wrote that in response to my comments concerning 'hate' towards blacks who are pro-Obama. Well, first let me say, I am truly dissapointed that you are comprehending the back and forths as if we supporters of Obama are at fault. The TRUTH is all we ever said, was 'we are proud of him' and the 'attack' has been against we who have just as much right to be proud of Obama as you all who are against him for whatever reasons you all choose to be against him. That is a FACT!

As for 'hate' blacks, well, it is a form of 'hatred' against this black President to denigrate him in the way that he is being slanderously denigrated. Even the Bible tells you that. It says, 'liars hate' their victim.

Not only that, when the President of these United States is referred to as 'your' President, insinuating that he is not 'everyone's' President then that is an insult that leads one to question the 'hateful' speech.

When people on the board are angry or HATEFUL towards positive speech on Obama then that leads one to question if such a one is 'hateful' towards blacks especially when they are roting, right-wing, white supremacist, rhetoric against black people who like Obama.

Bottom line, we have a right to like Obama just as you have a right to dislike him. However, clearing up the record for you, it is those who dislike Obama who are attacking we who are pro-Obama because we do support him.

In fact, we who are pro-Obama are taking it all in with a grain of salt. What you perceive as 'anger' was wit, sarcasm and laughter at the insanity of it all. In fact, 'we' Pro-Obama believers are simply doing what the Bible tells us to do i.e. 'answering a fool according to his folly, lest he seem wise in his own eyes.' It's really too funny, and we're having a blast as anyway you look at it, TRUTH is on our side.

How then can you turn it around and as you alluded 'get sick of those who call such hateful attacks hate?' Well, it is a form of a 'hate' get sick of that.! You got it all backwards, my dear. We are entitled to be Pro-Obama without it being an offense to you all who are anti-Obama. The truth is, we who are pro-Obama have not repeatedly stated our joy rather, anytime we say annnnything about the man we come under attack by you Anti-Obama folks and that's sick. In fact, that's more than sick, that's 'straaaaaaaange' real strange, since the right wing rhetoric is coming from you all's mouth.

Now, bottom line, I respect you but I, like every other pro-Obama person on the board is allowed to say something positive about the man without it being the obvious offense to you all who are against him. In fact, I would think that you in righteousness would be sick of it being an offense to right wing black folk anytime we post a subject matter concerning Obama. Oh, dear sister in Christ. do think about that. Think upon or LOOK UP the 'truthful' facts that I have just put forth as it is just that, TRUTH!

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You are welcome Sister Newview.
The Lord has called us to shine His light into the darkness, and America is still a Christian nation (regardless of what Obama may like to say to other nations).

In the UK, we were Christian, and were blessed mightily by God, but now there is only about 2% of us that are born again. And most of afraid to speak out! I praise God that missionaries from Africa are coming to our country, we need them so badly.
In the UK, we were Christian, and were blessed mightily by God, but now there is only about 2% of us that are born again. And most of afraid to speak out! I praise God that missionaries from Africa are coming to our country, we need them so badly.

You know what Caral, I am glad you brought that up...
Our God used the saints of Britain MIGHTILY to spread His holy word and then - there was a great falling away.
Same thing for America - God used the saints here to spread the gospel MIGHTILY throughout the world. We did some big things.
But there is a crazy crazy falling away now. And we can not blame that on any elected officials. It is the church that is to turn from her wicked ways. The world is doing exactly what the world is supposed to be doing.
But God knows how to save his people and God's spirit listeth where it wills and if it takes missionaries from some 3rd world countries to bring the word back in it's raw form - so be it.

They say the church in countries that were behind the Iron Curtain would pray that their government would take their boots off of the churches' necks.
Then the wall came down and everyone rejoiced because the gospel could flow freely. And Christians from the free world could come and fellowship with the oppressed saints there. Well it didnt turn out like they thought.

They say the brand of WORLDLY Christianity that America was bringing over there - horrified them. These harshly afflicted churches' form of Christianity was old and primitive and closer to the bibles form of Christianity BECAUSE it was persecuted and poor. In their persecution, the word of God was preserved - so to speak.
Our brand of wordly christianity affected them so much some of the chruches were asking that the American Missionaries to just go home.
They say the saints became wordlier and less God centered.

Either way - may God bless your country and bless mine and may he give our newly elected king the wisdom to navigate through some dangerous times.
Hey funny carel, don't you mean, you ignorantly think we in the U.S. 'curtsey' to Obama, like YOU are FORCED to 'curtsey' to YOUR QUEEN?

Oh, on the one hand, you're a riot, a real comic relief you remain. Yet, on the other hand, YOU are EXHIBIT A of what a brainwashed, speaking of 'bowwing down' BOWWED DOWN to WHITE NEO-NAZI, CONSERVATIVES IN THE U.S ''LIES AND DECEITS' will turn you into.

A foolish woman blaspeming YAHSHUA and HIS TRUE FOLLOWERS!

Now, runalong little, foolish, girl, I've had enough of your nonsense.
I rebuke you madam in the name of Jesus!

You would do well to gain control of your tongue, it is set alight by hellfire.

You sound like a clanging cymbal!
Then why do you keep coming in to address a 'clanging cymbal' who told you get lost anyway?

Sheeesh! Rebuke yourself and leave!
Because lest you have forgotten Madam, that this is a public forum, not you own personal soapbox.
Wow people! Are you checking this out? Oh, please I'm on a 7 day fast and I'm hungry....:-)

Yeh, yeh, poor, caral, I understand now, really I do. You are right, this is a public board and you have a right to come into 'my' post and speak to this what you see is a, 'clanging cymbal'.

Anything else you want to say dear? I, now understand. Go on, and God be with your precious soul.
Ms. Johnson, the way you just spoke to her was an insult to those that claim Christianity. It was bitter, rude, and shameful, all for the love of a man that does not even know you. You betray Christ's people for a political figure whose own faith has been in question due to shameful, non-Christ-like policies. Its a shame that in such a network for Christian discussions, people would let their passions override the Bible's description of what is called brotherly love.
See there you go again Trevor, MISJUDGING my posts. You don't know what you are talking about Trevor.

For the record blind one, my comments had nothing to do with LOVE OF OBAMA rather, she is rude to burst in condemning blacks in the U.S. So, a little lighthearted humor is what I found the best way to handle the matter.

Trevor, what is rude is for a person from the U.K to insult WISE black people's intelligent via demanding that we except right wing rhetoric.

However, you can't see that for I said, 'wise' blacks.

Go ahead and re-butt Trevor with how 'rude' I am to you. It tickle me.
-When Bush was President, I said the same then, and I won't change up now by claiming a man that I do not support as "my President", just like a person who will not take JESUS as "their Savior".

Bro Trevor - have you ever voted for a president? And which one did you vote for?

Additionally - the Godliest president I can think of is - this may tick off those that are anti-anything not Republican - but I think the it was Carter. He was/is a good man. Actually I can only go by what I have read or heard as I was too young - but the hostage situation was pretty bleak and the economy wasnt so great during that time - but he is and was a good man.
Besides - he voted for my Barack. ;-)

But who did you vote for, Trevor?
To my limited understanding of Carter, he was in fact a good President. Let me be clear ONCE AGAIN that I'm not Republican at all. I supported Clinton, and didn't want Bush to win the Presidency. Does that sound Republican to you??

To date, I have not voted for a President yet, and for certain reasons......
There are certain reasons why I haven't, which I will state openly. Before I would have been shamed to say it, but hey, Satan wins with shame.

If you read my profile, I'm fairly young. I was born in 1980, thus making me 29 years old to date. When I was just gaining my right to vote, I was also exercising my "right to remain silent". As a young man I was more focused on becoming a gang leader than a community leader. when I was 22, I was sentenced to prison, loosing my right to vote temporarily in the state of New York. I have yet to regain those rights. However, if I had them, I would have voted for Mike Huckabee all the way, and no other.

However, I never did turn my eyes totally away from the political moves of this nation, even during my gang-war days. Now, I am, more than ever, paying attention to the movements of this government. When Bush was elected, and during his time in office, I studied his moves, and the nation's economy. When I started working in mortgaging during the mortgage breakdown, I seen first-hand just who brought this nation to its financial knees.

My eyes have been on the prize since I was incarcerated, and the prize is not in a Presidency. To aim for that is to aim pathetically low!


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