Chaplain Pat your comments under the "Satelite" post inspired this commentary. I was not able to access the 'reply' button to your comments regarding being 'sick of being accused of being against blacks because you are not crazy about Obama.'

You wrote that in response to my comments concerning 'hate' towards blacks who are pro-Obama. Well, first let me say, I am truly dissapointed that you are comprehending the back and forths as if we supporters of Obama are at fault. The TRUTH is all we ever said, was 'we are proud of him' and the 'attack' has been against we who have just as much right to be proud of Obama as you all who are against him for whatever reasons you all choose to be against him. That is a FACT!

As for 'hate' blacks, well, it is a form of 'hatred' against this black President to denigrate him in the way that he is being slanderously denigrated. Even the Bible tells you that. It says, 'liars hate' their victim.

Not only that, when the President of these United States is referred to as 'your' President, insinuating that he is not 'everyone's' President then that is an insult that leads one to question the 'hateful' speech.

When people on the board are angry or HATEFUL towards positive speech on Obama then that leads one to question if such a one is 'hateful' towards blacks especially when they are roting, right-wing, white supremacist, rhetoric against black people who like Obama.

Bottom line, we have a right to like Obama just as you have a right to dislike him. However, clearing up the record for you, it is those who dislike Obama who are attacking we who are pro-Obama because we do support him.

In fact, we who are pro-Obama are taking it all in with a grain of salt. What you perceive as 'anger' was wit, sarcasm and laughter at the insanity of it all. In fact, 'we' Pro-Obama believers are simply doing what the Bible tells us to do i.e. 'answering a fool according to his folly, lest he seem wise in his own eyes.' It's really too funny, and we're having a blast as anyway you look at it, TRUTH is on our side.

How then can you turn it around and as you alluded 'get sick of those who call such hateful attacks hate?' Well, it is a form of a 'hate' get sick of that.! You got it all backwards, my dear. We are entitled to be Pro-Obama without it being an offense to you all who are anti-Obama. The truth is, we who are pro-Obama have not repeatedly stated our joy rather, anytime we say annnnything about the man we come under attack by you Anti-Obama folks and that's sick. In fact, that's more than sick, that's 'straaaaaaaange' real strange, since the right wing rhetoric is coming from you all's mouth.

Now, bottom line, I respect you but I, like every other pro-Obama person on the board is allowed to say something positive about the man without it being the obvious offense to you all who are against him. In fact, I would think that you in righteousness would be sick of it being an offense to right wing black folk anytime we post a subject matter concerning Obama. Oh, dear sister in Christ. do think about that. Think upon or LOOK UP the 'truthful' facts that I have just put forth as it is just that, TRUTH!

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29 eh? Oh baby, hencefoth, you watch your mouth around your

Oh Trevor, my, my, do tell me this, 'who brought the economy down during the Bush administration dear? Obama?
29 and counting, watching my elders. Now, watch how you speak to me. Just because I'm not 39 or 49, does not mean that I do not commend the the same respect or anointing.

"Oh Trevor, my, my, do tell me this, 'who brought the economy down during the Bush administration dear? Obama?"

Normally I wouldn't even answer such a comment, but I will address it since it is a real question wrapped in a stupid outfit. I will name them IN ORDER:

-Foolish consumers who do not educate themselves about their own economic advantages, and their economic enemies. Go green! Use the bus! Car-pool! Put solar cells on your roof! Buy foreclosed homes and used cars! Shop less, and invest in gold/silver!

-the Corrupt mortgage bankers who robbed people LITERALLY while I was standing there watching them with no shame whatsoever

-the Federal Reserve, and its top leaders and founding families (Morgan, Rothchild, Warberg, Rockefeller)

-the Bush regime, which goes back even to Grandpa Prescott Bush, who worked with Nazis

-Greedy Republicans who do not allow the average man to rise in the economic chain

-Foolish Democrats that only focus on welfare tactics, giving people fish instead of empowering people to open fish markets

Did I ever blame Obama for what happened in the market? Did anyone else ever do that? If I did or anyone else here did, then please post their words up there to show us all.

I think what gets my goat with you guys that are against the President being the president is - you say your views are pure and far from the rightwing hate machines - but I can't see where you have posted ANYTHING positive about the president.
I mean you havent even said - well he's horrible but at least he doesnt speak with a lisp...he's not good on getting rid of abortion throughout the land but at least he was right on Iraq...he aint the most Christlike person but he did say he believed in Jesus Christ...he had a kookie pastor but at least he went to church...

That makes me do alot of questioning.

Will you be praying for the President to do a good job in office and for he and his family's safety?
If you haven't voted for a President, why are you in the political discussion at all? You're mad at we who DID exercise our right to vote for Obama? Black people died that we might have the right to vote and here you are, a man of God, trampling the fruit of their labor. It's a sin for blacks not to vote after all the black bloodshed was paved so we could have that right.

Now, listen dear Trevor, perhaps the matter is that you aren't allowed to vote because of your criminal record that you told us you once had before coming to the Lord.

If that's the case, then you should be honest enough to tell us that you 'can't' vote. It's okay though, you know, you can at least pray for we who retain our liberty to vote.

Again, I voted for Barack Obama. I'm glad he won as it was a spiritual triump in that principalities, powers, wicked spirit of demonic white racism was cast to the ground. That is the spiritual victory of the Obama ascension.


For that alone, we should praise our Heavenly Father who wrought this victory. Satan doesn't give up power, rather, God takes it from him via the prayers of the righteous.

Please comprehend and acknowledge this one fact. Thanks and see ya,
Man, you can actually be more rude than a Satanic worshiper sometimes! Didn't I already say that? Manners is something you need to learn for real. Younger, yes I am, but I know what it is to show respect to all, not just elders.

Let me ask you this real and raw question: would you talk to JESUS the way you talk to us here, with that "razor-sharp wit"?
If you disagree with President Obama policy that does not make you anti-Obama.
I support President Obama, but I may disagree with some of his policies & agenda that may be a small issue. That don't make me anti-Obama. When President Bush & Vice President Al Gore were running for office I didn't like the way the voting went against Al Gore, but I didn't hate President Bush because of that, and still don't. I just disagreed with most of former President Bush agenda. But I did agree with Bush stance on his ban on same sex marriages but I don't hate gays or bisexuals & there were other things President Bush did in office I liked, very few things, but some. But when it came to the war & government defense corporations & government contracts and the abuse & mismanagement of tax payers money the war in Iraq and his administration turning their back on the United States economy & other issues concerning the United States of America it showed in his Administration when some folks resigned. But I don't hate former President Bush.

There were Democrats & liberals that disagreed with President Clinton agenda sometime, it didn't happen a lot, but there were issues some of President Clinton biggest supporters disagreed on. Just because your a black American does not mean you have to agree with everything President Obama does just because he's the Nations first black President. But President Obama & his Administration is very much for focusing on the American crises & getting things done.

Yours truly,
Anthony Smith
You know what Anthony, the problem isn't we 'pro-Obama' people are saying, 'you have to agree with everything Obama does.' In fact, I've seen Newview state her views on what she doesn't agree with that Obama has done and I, have stated a few things in his short administration I don't agree with.

I have no problem with that for Obama is fallible like any other President. Well, he's better than most especially that idiot Bush but then anybody is, and even there, when the 'terrorists' first struck on 9/11 I was all for him going into Afghanistan to kill Osama Bin Laden.

Plus, the Bible tells us to 'pray for those in power' so I prayed. I won't tell you what I prayed but I prayed.:-)

Annnyhoo, here's where these anti-Obama folks miss it, they ASS-U-ME that because we pro-Obama folks praise his good works, that we are 'bad blacks' only supporting Barack because he is black. When in reality, yeah, I'll tell anyone I am proud of this black man but not strictly because he is black rather, because he is an intelligent, black man with a heart towards the masses and against the rich taking advantage like they did under the Bush administration.

In fact, I have repeatedly stated this. I also love that he shut down Guantanamo? and so brought the U.S. out of being a rogue, torture nation.

I like how he implemented the stimulus package to stop the Middle Class from collasping. Oh, I like a lot of good things he's done. He's acted on the godly principle of 'defending the poor and needy from him who is too strong for him.'

He's President, and though that's the most powerful position on Earth, he's still a man who needs our prayers and will have his share of faulty decisions.

However, here's where these anti-Obama folks go waaaaaaaay over the line. When they begin to quote all that right-wing, neo-nazi, bs as the 'truth' with regard to Obama when we KNOW the type quoting it are the true SATANIC FILTH only hating this man because he is black and has stripped their racist kind from the helms of power.

Don't come at me with such white male racist demonism or I'll slice and decipher you and IT for what it is.

Afterall, we're black people. We've been spoken evil lies and deceits against all of our lives in America by this same type of right-wing ilk, now calling for our President's assassination, referring to Michele as a 'bitch', saying perverted sexual things about 11 yr. old Melea, etc.

Then to have a black skin, post their SATANIC LYING so called 'end-time' FACTS as the TRUTH all of which consist of pointing to Obama as the Anti-Christ, come on, that's just SICK!

So though I agree with you on the 'right to speak against policies' just as I have and will continue to utilize my right to speak for the good things Obama does, I hope you can see the difference in just criticism versus aligning Obama with white-wing ilk's referring to him as the Anti-Christ.

I'm a black woman who knows my God and our history. I know the most demonic whites are quite capable of presenting their demonism as that which is the will of God. Unfortunately, I also know the most gullible blacks are able to 'Amen' their every word, just bow down to it with a big smile and a bigger 'hate' towards blacks who will not be so foolish.

Hey, black people have the lynched bodies of many a black to prove white Christianity for the demonism it is! ! They are the 'confused' false church, deceiving and being decieved! Make no mistake about it!!

As so I declare it rubbish! Rubbish that should be called out for what it is, and it is rubbish that calls for one to question the mindset and disposition of such blacks who dare to hurl it. Get the picture?
...Plus, the Bible tells us to 'pray for those in power' so I prayed. I won't tell you what I prayed but I prayed.:-)...

O dear Sister - you are so bad ;-) I am afraid to think of what you prayed for. Heehee
:-) Hey, Newview, you know ultimately the holy spirit is going to lead you to pray for righteousness to abound even amidst such a wicked reign as was the Bush administration.

Still, I did spiritual warfare against the evil of the Bush administration. Oh yeah, loosed every angel and archangel I could think of.
How exactly can he be deemed better than most Presidents when he hasn't even finished his first year yet?

Such is the same notion that gained him the Nobel Peace prize: anticipation for what they expect to be a great and peaceful man, not for a proven time tested man. Time should be the judge, but you have even defied such a judge.
See Trevor, this is the type of stupid anti-Obama madness that has me questioning you for the 'right-wing stuff' you rote.

How can YOU say he is more or less 'bad' when he's been in office less than a year?

Listen, it's soooo obvious that you are blinded to the madness about you. I'm going to try and wake you up. , it is you who refer to Obama as 'our' not 'your'' President. As so, your very disposition is an 'assault' on this President, okay?

Because it is, whatever negative thing you subsequently say becomes a 'joke' for you have set your mind to believe 'he is bad.'

Now, here's the difference in we righteous blacks, listen very carefully, WE HAVE NOT SET OUR MINDS TO BELIEVE OBAMA IS BAD!

As so, we have a CLEAR PERSPECTIVE on the matter whereas you have a 'bias, unclean' perspective on the matter.

We can look at him and thank God for all the good he is doing. You cannot!

We can also look at him and see some flaws and not equate it to ANTI-CHRIST behavior. You can not!

We can celebrate God's elevation of the first African/American and simultaneously be objective about the goodwill he seeks to bring to America. You can not!

We are not of the 'fearful, trembling' spirit of condemnation of an innocent man. You Are!

Also, for all your glaring oppositon to our thankfulness for Obama, the truth is, our minds are not one-track obsessed on the political arena as the sign of the end of times. Yours' Is and that's why you have come up with all these convoluted ideas about Obama.

I'm telling you Trevor, you are roting right-wing, lies and deceits, granted mingled with bits of the truth.

However, remember the High Priest in Yahshua's day could and did quote accurate Scripture with regard to 'where Yahshua would be born.'He also stated that, 'Yahshua should die for the nation.'

Yet, these religious men were themselves the evil that brought about the death of Yahshua.

In like manner, the very right wing rhetoric you rote are told to you by the very anti-christ, 'people of the prince to come' whose actions have done more to show the end of the age than Obama could ever do.

I ask you, who paved the way for the end-time Babylon/Iraq economic headquarters to come into existence?

ANSWER: George Bush/Cheney, the Republicans fulfilled Daniel 8:24-25. They are the 'transgressors' who opened up this headquarter that was once closed under the evil despot what's his face? Saddam Hussein who George Bush murdered.

Who toppled America on purpose?
George Bush and the Republicans. That is sinister anti-Christ activity.

Who controlled Homeland and trampled our Constitutional rights? Right winger, anti-Christ forces.

You are a hypocrite not to even acknowledge such truths. Rather you babble the same nonsense over and over.

Anyway, that's just you doing you, I suppose.

Oh, I could go on and on, but what's the use? You have shown yourself to have 'feet of clay'. I once admired you, I no longer do that for 'light' has shone on your deceit.

You refuse to acknowledge a positive about the President while simultaneoulsy speaking the same right wing gibberish that's why I referred to you as a 'right winger' or inquired if you were. You speak the same, have the same fury, and you know the saying, birds of a feather flock together so there.

Oh, I'll get to that other stuff you wrote at some point. It's really meaningless, senseless, gibberish.
So you'll get to what I said "at some point"? Why not now? Why not show me the same respect I show you? I have ALWAYS addressed your comments and questions openly and immediately, without insults or name-calling to either you or even Barak Obama. Why is it that such respect has not be returned? Why am I a "rotting right winger" when I ALWAYS say that I can care less about right or left wing? Why am I called racists when I have actually spoken no ill for blacks, of which I am? I haven't said a racist thing yet, but I'm classed right with KKK members. I can easily shoot back at you, but I refuse to because I'm actually saved! Therefore, why should I resort to insults?

You don't have to admire me. I'm not here for fan clubs. If that were so, I would try to make a speech that fits everyone's agenda. My name then would no longer be Trevor T. Greene, but Barak H. Obama.


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