Next Friday, I would like to hear from people about counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders.  Let's base our discussion from 2 Thessaloanians 2


I would love to hear of people's experience in the supernatural of these three things, and how you were able to discern the real from the counterfeit.


Love you,



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 Then Elisha said to him, "I went with you in spirit when the man turned around in his chariot to speak to you. How could you accept silver, clothes, olive orchards, vineyards, sheep, cattle, or slaves?

2 Kings 5: 26 

 HEAR WHAT I AM SAYING:  “By the prophetic spirit it was shown unto me!”  "Was I not with thee in spirit - did I not see the whole transaction, as if I had been present at it?"  I am unconcerned about being called a gossip or a liar:  “I KNOW THAT I AM NEITHER & SO DOES THE LYING WONDERS!”  Yet there is no empathy.

The seventh characteristic of a narcissist is a severe lack of empathy for the feelings, concerns and predicament of others.  “THIS IS NOT GOSSIP!”   I have personally witnessed this behavior in the counterfeit churches.  This type of leader uses people like a napkin toilet paper; once finished -  “JUST THROW IT AWAY or FLUSH IT!”   People are little more than a commodity to be exploited, used and abused by the narcissist counterfeit churches leaders. VICTIMIZATION IS THE NAME OF THE GAME IN THESE FALSE CHURCHES!


By the way:  I have PROOF: & “THEIR SIN IS “THEIR” PROOF!” You see, the liar knows what they did:  THEY KNOW THEIR SIN!  Many a lying wonder in the pulpit has some spirituality, enough that they should know this:  THAT GOD GIVES REVELATION TO THOSE WHO BELONG TO HIM!  The bible says that the Lord knows those who are His.  God reveals the sins of lying leaders to His Elect.  That is why you will see people eventually falling out of agreement with the devil.  What communion does light have with darkness?  THAT IS WHY THE PEOPLE LEAVE THE COUNTERFEIT CHURCHES:  “THEY RECEIVE THE REVELATION OF GOD´S TRUTH!”  Once someone sees the light, they can no longer remain in darkness.  Remember that Jesus said that which is done in the darkness will come to the light.  SO STOP SHOOTING GOD´S MESSENGERS!  To all lying ministries God sees you, and He is going to WARN OTHERS ABOUT YOUYOU CAN´T SHUT UP THE TRUTH


Consider how Joseph Smith, Jim Jones and David Koresh all died:  FIGHTING THE TRUTH!  And this is what will happen to those who refuse to repent, and continue on their dark path. 


Every time a lying church leader that commits sexual sin, lies on God, swindles, or any other thing that is detestable to God:  GOD SAW ITHE WILL REVEAL IT!  To all liars, you don´t know who God is talking to right now about you.  THE TRUTH TESTIFIESAND IT IS NOT FAKE, OR MANIPULATED, BUT PURE UNADULTERATED TRUTHALL LIARS ARE GOING OUT OF BUSINESS!  YOU ARE FIGHTING A LOSING BATTLE AGAINST THE LORD!  Yes, these lying counterfeit narcissist leaders are insane.  It is only a matter of time before others see the light and leave the counterfeit churches.  GET READY! GET READY!  GET READY!  All liars are going to lose!


God still speaks to people today.  He has some Micaiah´s around to tell the Ahab’s of this world that their doom is approaching.  WE CAN SEE WHAT GOD REVEALS TO US!  This is not to brag.  It is to let every liar know to beware, there is no hiding place from the Lord.  Liars should cease to get mad at REVELATION about those things done in the darkness.  If a lying preacher sleeps with any woman, GOD IS GOING TO BRING IT TO THE LIGHTWHYFOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLDGOD LOVES PEOPLE AND HE DOES NOT WANT PEOPLE TO BE LOST! Remember this; IN VAIN the narcissist leader will do anything to keep the truth from coming to the light because of fear.  Fear makes a coward call the truth GOSSIP!  Those who are liars and are acquainted with the supernatural KNOW I AM TELLING THE TRUTH!  Those who are not call it GOSSIP!  These call it gossip out of ignorance; their eyes are not open to God.


Remember Gehazi was caught lying, Gehazi told Naaman a lie. He said that two people had come to visit Elisha and he needed silver and two sets of clothes. He hid the treasures and then went back to Elisha’s house. When he arrived, Elisha asked him where he had gone.  Gehazi lied again. He told Elisha that he did not go anywhere.  Elisha then told Gehazi that God showed him that he went to Naaman and greedily asked for things. Gehazi was caught. He knew that Elisha knew the truth.  “GOD” – NOT GOSSIP!  And the lying counterfeit leaders know that I am telling the truth.  A liar cannot abide in the truth, and has no choice but to embrace the lie.  A non spiritual person is ignorant – unlearned how to receive revelation, and even if they did most of the time they will dismiss it, and thus when someone like me comes along to warn the target that their sin is revealed, the unlearned calls it gossip.  It does not bother me because I KNOW THAT GOD WILL HIT THE INTENDED TARGETHIS ARROWS ARE PRECISE


A liar will let you know that they have been hit with the truth, because when a liar has no intention of repenting, truth not only hurts them, but IT BLOWS THE COVER THEY NEED TO SUSTAIN THEIR COUNTERFEIT OPERATIONS! Remember that the narcissist lacks empathy, and the last thing a narcissist wants IS THE TRUTH COMING OUT ON THEM!   THEY MUST CALL YOU A LIAR AND A GOSSIP BECAUSE IT IS ALLTHE DEFENSE THEY HAVE!  The narcissist counterfeit churches leaders are blind to the fact that they are not calling us liars and gossips, but THEY ARE ACTUALLY CALLING GOD A LIAR AND A GOSSIP!


The lack of empathy allows the narcissist to emotionally detach from others around them and makes it easier to justify abusing and harming people. SEE HOW A LIAR RATIONALIZES THEIR EVILIt is not gossip – I don´t care what you think.  The narcissist will objectify and de-humanize others so they can act in the way they want without feeling that they are a bad or unlikable person. In its milder forms, this can lead narcissists to verbally and emotionally assault people. I know a real foul mouth counterfeit preacher who cusses and is so foul.  Right there in the pulpit this preacher verbally attacks people and often emotionally assaults people.  In its more acute forms this characteristic can lead narcissists to torture people – whether physically, psychologically, or emotionally – and eventually to murder. Hitler and Stalin were the most extreme examples, but that’s because they were able to summon the weapons of the large, powerful nations they ruled against their own people, as well as those of other nations. Happily, it is very difficult for a singular narcissist to seize absolute power.
 It is hard to tell what Jim Jones really felt, but we can examine “HIS WORDS”  and actionsNOT GOSSIPWHAT HE SAID WITH OUT HIS OWN LYING MOUTH! with regards to empathy or the lack of it. IN PUBLICWHETHER IN THE PULPIT OR DURING HIS TV APPEARANCES – he displayed an enormous amount of empathy for those in society that were downtrodden or marginalized by mainstream society, including blacks, drug addicts, orphans, the elderly, woman and even abused animals. But were these displays genuine on Jones’ part or were they just the machinations of a narcissistic madman bent on conning all those that followed him? Alternatively, did Jones change from the time he was in his early 20s to his 40s from someone who was genuinely empathetic to others, to someone who became cynical and manipulative as life became less and less like his narcissistic fantasy? LIARSCOME OUT OF YOUR DREAM WORLD
 My sisters we must continue to pray for the lost in these bad churches with lying leaders.  We want to see the salvation of the Lord to deliver our sisters and brothers.  We want to see liars “driven” from these pulpits.  Our prayers are working.  Keep the faith!
I Love You ALL!
Sister Shelly

For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice.

James 3:16


The eighth characteristic of a narcissist IS A HIGH LEVEL OF ENVY OF OTHERS, particularly people the narcissist thinks are a challenge to their rise to power, either inside of an organization, or just in their general social environment.   I once belonged to a church where the leaders were jealous of the members of their own congregation, and also jealous of the other churches in the community.  It is sad when supposed to be ministers’ runs down members of their own congregation and fellow ministers, but counterfeit narcissistic ministers ARE DRIVEN by envy.  Funny thing though, both the former members and ministers all turned out to be blessed in spite of this failing ministry.  Many of the former members turned out to be very successful in the Lord, and are now doing great things for the Kingdom of God, and the ministries in the community are very successful at being an outreach of love, while the former ministry I attended has lost many members, is now heavily in debt and sadly has a irreparable reputation, always in the news because of scandal.


Using envy to feed a desire for more and more power, narcissists can never let their guard down. A logical corollary is that narcissists believe that others are envious of their false success, a belief which plays into the paranoid delusions of persecution(PERSECUTED FOR POWER YOU DON’T HAVE) that many narcissists display. It also feeds into a black-and-white worldview: you are either with me or against me. Finally, the narcissist may use the envy of others TO DISMISS THEIR OWN FAILURES or deflect the criticism of others, by explaining that the naysayers are jealous of the narcissist’s greatness; GREATNESS WHICH DOES NOT EXIST!  It is all a fairy tale in the minds of the counterfeit lost churches leaders.


Jim Jones displayed aspects of this, mostly with his hyper-vigilance about outside groups and government agencies trying to destroy him and his group. He certainly felt that the media were smearing Peoples Temple, partly due to their intense envy of his own power and grand place in American society. Although this characteristic does not seem to be a serious issue on the surface, it can combine with several of the other characteristics, such as lack of empathy, to lead the narcissist into paranoid delusions and revenge fantasies.  In one such church I attended our leader would often stray from reality and drift off into fantasies of greatness.  Playing with one’s own mind is a dangerous game, yet the narcissist leader is caught up in a world of deception.


For where envying and strife is, there is confusion.   Everything in the counterfeit churches is unsettled and agitated. There is no mutual confidence; there is no union of plan and effort; there is no co-operation in promoting a common object; there is no stability in any plan; for a purpose, though for good, formed by one portion, is defeated by another.


And every evil work - Of the truth of this no one can have any doubt who has observed the effects in a family or neighborhood where a spirit of strife prevails. All love and harmony of course are banished; all happiness disappears; all prosperity is at an end. In place of the peaceful virtues which ought to prevail, there springs up every evil passion that tends to mar the peace of a community.  In one of these churches that I attended, the leader was so paranoid that he told us, THAT EVERYTHING IS REPORTABLE!  The leader had members telling on one another. Where this spirit prevails in a church, it is of course impossible to expect any progress in divine things; and in such a church any effort to do good is vain.


Our scripture shows the difference between people pretending to be wise, and their being really so. They who thinks well, or they who talks well, is not wise in the sense of the Scripture, if he does not live and act well. True wisdom may be known by the meekness of the spirit and temper.   I have been in churches where the leader was nasty to members, was mean spirited and foul mouthed.  Sadly, this leader was not wise in the sense of the Scripture and he did not live or act well, and because of the leader’s spirit, it affected the membership very negatively.


Those who live in malice, envy, and contention, live in confusion; and are liable to be provoked and hurried to any evil work. Such wisdom comes not down from above, but springs up from earthly principles, acts on earthly motives, and is intent on serving earthly purposes.


My sisters, please continue to pray for the lost, we are making a difference against the counterfeit ministries and we are being a blessing to God’s kingdom.  Our prayers are paying off.


I Love You ALL!

Sister Shelly

Pride precedes a disaster, and an arrogant attitude precedes a fall.

Proverbs 16:18



The ninth characteristic of narcissistic leaders is a high level of arrogance and rude and/or self-promoting behavior, meant not only to prop up the narcissist in front of others, but also to belittle and embarrass others; this was most prevalent at the counterfeit church I attended.  The leadership was quick to blame innocent people for stupid things.  The leadership was nasty; they called people names, and publicly challenged a local pastor to a fight; if anything went wrong with the simplest detail, the leader would holler and scream at members.  While the leadership could not be characterized as high maintenance, this characteristic leads narcissists to overestimate their looks, abilities, charm and power, which in turn can lead to major mistakes. These failures can induce panic in the narcissist after it is revealed that they are not as great as they made themselves into in public.  In one of the counterfeit churches where I attended the leaders are now exposed to closer public scrutiny and now, others in the community have found that those leaders ARE NOT GREAT AT ALL!   It was discovered that this ministry’s abilities were in word NOT IN POWERTHEY WERE PROFESSORSNOT POSSESSORS.   The leader spent precious valuable time always running off at the mouth, talking about him, and wasting others time.  I learned how true the bible is when it says of the tongue, which is a little member which boasts of great things.  In these counterfeit churches, narcissist leaders spend a great deal of time displaying ignorance every time they open their mouths.  Sadly, one of the ministries I attended is now a complete embarrassment to the name of Christ, and a total failure.


In these counterfeit churches failures have led narcissists to blame others for the subsequent hardships and to focus on revenge which will elevate the narcissist to the level of a martyr or sacrificial savior. In the counterfeit church where I attended the leader displayed these characteristics, both in and out of the pulpit.   In public, the counterfeit leader presented a picture as a dynamic, intelligent, open-minded, talented and powerful leader. At times the leader made it clear to those in the group that he was more powerful and talented and deserving than others, and no one else could ever rise to that level of competence or “sensitivity” as a leader.


The leader that uses power right will find that to be the best security.  This kind of leader does not have to spend time looking over their shoulders to see retribution coming after them.  This kind of leader does not spend time making one lie after another, which eventually is going to catch that leader and put them out of business.  Put those in power who know how to speak to the purpose of God.  No Godly leader spends time threatening their own congregation talking foolishness about being prophet, and whatever they say will happen; THAT PERSON IS FULL OF ITThose are fools, who, to obtain the favor of an earthly leader; throw themselves out of God's favor.  And in the counterfeit church where I attended, there were some real foolish people.


There is joy and satisfaction of spirit, only in getting wisdom.   A sincerely Godly person keeps at a distance from every appearance of evil. Happy is the man that walks in Christ, and is led by the Spirit of Christ.   When men defy God's judgments, and think themselves far from them, it is a sign they are at the door. Let us not fear the pride of others, but fear pride in ourselves.  Humility, though it exposes to contempt in the world, is much better than high-spiritedness, which makes God an enemy. He that understands God's word shall find good.  Again, to every counterfeit church leader that wants to understand WHY THINGS ARE NOT WORKING AS YOU PLANED – YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND GOD’S WORD!  If they did, then they would stop abusing people, and disobeying God.  The person, whose wisdom dwells in the heart, will be found more truly prudent than many who possess shining talents.  As waters to a thirsty land, so is a wise person to their friends and neighbors.    The wise man's self-knowledge, always suggests something proper to be spoken to others.   The word of God cures the diseases that weaken our souls.   This is caution to all, to take heed of deceiving themselves as to their souls.   


Selfish pride can be defined as "excessive confidence or glorification in one's self, and possessions." The wrongness of self-centered pride is essentially twofold. On a spiritual level, it inevitably leads to disregard, disrespect and disobedience to God i.e. self-centered pride is primarily what transformed the once-righteous Lucifer into the wicked Satan after he became too impressed with himself: "I will make myself like the Most High" (Isaiah 14:14 RSV, see also Born To Be Wild?). On a worldly level, selfish pride very often results in self-destructive behavior because, while a form of self-delusion, GET THIS:   it isn't necessarily as much an overestimation of one's self as it is a dangerous underestimation of others, which often catches the wicked leaders by surprise;  hence "Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall."


In the counterfeit churches, the leader always thinks more highly of themself than they ought," and they are contrary to character of GodGod’s character does not lie, and abuse women or children.  His holy character does not lead people to sin, or bind, manipulate or intimidate people; this is how I knew that I was in a counterfeit church.  The leader was haughty in mind, selfish, empty, and conceited; all the leader ever thought about was his personal interests.  Eventually, I came to understand that counterfeit church leaders were very insecure and they demonstrate their inadequacies by placing the blame on others for their sins.  Never expect a false church leader to repent because pride has its hold on the false leader.     BRAGGING ON DESTRUCTION AND DOES NOT HAVE ENOUGH SENSE TO KNOW IT!                   


In the false churches, leadership is full of SELF-ADMIRATION; one leader might as well wear a sign that read:   "Look at me!"  Everything I witnessed in the narcissist leader was about his abilities, talents, and assets.  This leader always boasted about his superficial spiritual gifts, and ministry.  The false leader always saw himself as ALWAYS RIGHT!  Oh, he put on a good show about Biblical and theological knowledge, and because he had been deluded by his own false grace messages the false leader believed that his way was the right way.  His spirit was competitive, always a ONE-UP-MANSHIPBUT NOW, it is a failing ministry, no glory, and no success, just a handful of people going in circles.  The narcissist leader would rather go in defeat than admit they have already been defeated


Ladies, we must continue to pray.  Not a day goes by without prayer against these ungodly leaders who are taking advantage of our loved ones.  Our effectual prayers work, and God is going to deliver people out of the hands of prideful and stubborn leaders.  KEEP PRAYING!  This battle has been won; we can see the enemy and we know that he is defeated.


I Love You ALL!


Sister Shelly

There was never a man like Ahab, who sold himself to do evil in the eyes of the LORD, urged on by Jezebel his wife.


1 Kings 21:25



In all the churches my family and I ever attended I could find no more a repulsive character than one nasty shepherd; I remember him well as there was none like him, who sold himself to work wickedness in the sight of the Lord." Not only do we need to look at Jesus, Paul and others to see the kind of qualities we should have. We need to look at these bad church leaders - to see the kind of qualities we should not have. We know there are persons who think that kind of negative preaching and teaching is wrong, but the Bible teaches otherwise.

One of the most apparent faults our shepherd had was covetousness. This is one of the most dangerous and insidious sins known to man. Men have confessed to murder, lying, adultery, and almost every sin known. I have never heard one confess to covetousness. One of the reasons is found in its definition. It is an inordinate desire for something.

Paul says in Colossians 3:5 that covetousness is idolatry. That word is "pleonexia" and means "the desire to have more." It is always used in a bad sense, and was that which characterized Ahab.

This improper desire for money, power, or anything else is the root of all kinds of evil. There are some ways to tell for sure whether or not you are covetous.  I saw in the counterfeit churches where I attended that the prosperity of others who left it pained the fallen leaders, they were extremely jealous because they could not control the blessings, which they always lied to the congregation about.  Counterfeit churches leaders want followers to believe that they will be blessed if they remain close to them.  The chances are that they are not only envious, but also covetous. They desire for themselves what another has even if it means that them getting it deprives someone else of it, THEY ARE COVETOUS! If you are never satisfied, no matter how much or what you have, it is probable that you are covetous.

However, as important as the lesson on covetous may be, there is a broader lesson here. This shows what can happen when a person is a slave to his circumstances. That is, when a person allows things and circumstances to control his thinking and happiness, many bad consequences come. This is one reason Paul's attitude in Philippians 4:11 is so valuable, "I have learned in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content." When a person has not learned that, he is almost invariably discontented in whatever state he is. He may assume that money, power, possessions, fame, success will give him contentment, but they will not. Alexander the Great had the whole Babylonian Empire. He had conquered the world, but because he could not get ivy to grow in his garden, could not rest. This is why the statement of Solomon in Proverbs 16:2 is so valuable. "He who rules his own heart is better than he who taketh a city." If one gets the idea that his present car is not big or glamorous enough, he will discover all sorts of things that are wrong with it that he never thought of before. It will ride rough on the smoothest places, rattle all over, and be a general headache.

We should learn to live in such a way that our happiness is not controlled by external circumstances. How does one do that? First, be aware of the truth about it. In the counterfeit church where I attended, our shepherd was uniquely gifted at twisting the truth.  This man could lie to your face with the most solemnity; If I needed a liar, I would have went to him for counsel; he lied on God, and he lied on past members AND TO current followers.  Know of God's warnings and examples in the Bible and your own experience that show the importance of finding happiness in spite of adverse circumstances.

Second, let your mind and soul be so controlled, motivated and directed by spiritual values that the things that really matter are so important that the external circumstances are insignificant, like not having to get approval from a FALSE SHEPHERD if you are going to get married, and if he or she does not approve – LEAVE THAT FALSE CHURCH!  Who cares what a controlling church leader thinks?  You will discover that when you get that APPROVAL you will not be any more or less happy. You can make up your mind that happiness in marriage does not depend on a lying church leader, especially one that was unsuccessful in marriage two times or more.  These things are a result of a choice of will.

You can set your mind on certain things (Colossians 3:1-2). Paul gives a list of things to think on in Philippians 4:8, "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true (everything in the counterfeit church is false), whatsoever things are honorable (the counterfeit church is WITHOUT HONOR), whatsoever things are just (the counterfeit church is UNJUST), whatsoever things are pure (the counterfeit church is idolatrous and lustful), whatsoever things are lovely (the counterfeit church is  sour, crabby, and irritable in his temper), whatsoever things are of good report (the counterfeit church is full of lying leaders and scandal); if there be any virtue (the counterfeit church is the antithesis of virtue), and if there be any praise (the counterfeit church celebrates its own wickedness), think on these things." The result of thinking on these (TRUTH) will bring happiness and serenity, for if you think on these things, you cannot think on the things that cause frustration and anxiety.  Ladies, if you have a spiritual leader that cannot keep his or her hands off of you, this will cause frustration and anxiety.  LEAVE THAT PLACE IMMEDIATELY AND REPORT THEM!


One result of living for self is that one gets tired of himself. When a man gets full of himself, he may become allergic to himself. He is self- centered, wrapped up in himself, but he has no place to go to get away. That is, he would have no place if God had not provided the solution. This is why Paul says in Galatians 5:24, "They that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts." In Romans 6:6 he says, "Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him that the body of sin might be destroyed."

The dangers of these undisciplined desires are universal. They are not confined to the rich. They apply to any kind of desire, whether or not we call it coveting. The natural desires are God-given and right. Undisciplined and undirected by the Lord, they always lead to sin. The counterfeit churches leaders desire for food was God- given. His desire to have things that delight the eye was not wrong. His wish to be wise was not a sin. When they became undisciplined and undirected by the word of God, they led to sin.

We can see from this that happiness is not in having material things, but in being certain kinds of persons. When God promises "The God of peace shall be with you" (Philippians 4:9), and "The peace of God which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ" He made those promises contingent upon being a Christian, not being in a cult where the leaders are committing acts of indecency.

There is value in our knowing how to deal with temptations, whether it be toward covetousness, or any other. First, do not be like Balaam. He kept playing around with the idea, though he already knew what God's will was. Temptations seem to have a hypnotic power if we keep looking.  Our former shepherd was just weak.  He kept looking at temptation and playing around with women and money.  Second, "Flee these things" (1 Timothy 6:11). Whether the temptation is fornication (1 Corinthians 6:18), idolatry in any form (1 Corinthians 10:14), or the desire for possessions (1 Timothy 6:10) that advice is important.

Each of us has our own weaknesses. We should find out what they are, and be especially on guard to muzzle, curb, or kill them. "If thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out" (Matthew 5:29). Hebrews 12:1 adds one more dimension to it. After saying, "Lay aside every sin" he adds, "Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith." Keeping Him foremost in your mind will help in every situation.

The tenderness and longsuffering of God in Ahab's case and in ours is amazing. He sent Elijah to warn him, and gave him chance after chance to repent. In Noah's case, in Israel's case, in our case we are impressed with how gentle God is. Sometimes we stress that it hard to get to heaven. Considered from another standpoint, we might say that God has tried to make it hard to go to hell. We have to fight against our conscience. We have to try to eradicate precious memories of mothers and fathers, and the others who have tried to lead us aright. We have to deliberately close our eyes to the ruin sin makes of other's lives and deliberately refuse to accept the warnings we know are right. We have to deliberately shut out the picture we see of Christ loving us enough to die for us. We have to break through these and many other barriers God has put in the way of us being lost.   The counterfeit church leaders deliberately closes their eyes to sin, and refuses to accept the warnings that are right.  IT IS NOT ON THEIR PURPOSE!


Did sell himself to work wickedness – In one of the counterfeit churches I attended, our leader hired himself to the devil for this very purpose, that he might work wickedness. This was to be his employment, and at this he labored.  He worked hard to bind the people, manipulate and intimidate them.  He fancied himself a lady’s man, thus becoming a despicable abuser of women AND HE USED GOD FOR THE PURPOSES OF GETTING SEX!  Our leader was greedy for money, so much so that he resorted to lying to raise money.

Perhaps the most impressive lesson we get from this story is that there will be pay day some day. My former churh leaders may have relaxed in the thought that they had covered their tracks, but they had not. Some wages of sin may be paid in this life. Venereal diseases, broken homes, deaths from drunken driving, and all sorts of other things that produce bad results may and do come now. Some wages may not be paid until eternity. All will be paid. If we accept the payment Jesus made on the cross, we will not have to make that payment. His whole life and death were the opposite of covetousness. He loved and gave. As we look at Ahab and Jesus, we can deliberately choose the one that appeals to us the most. It is hard to imagine that one has read this far and would choose “the way” of my former shepherd, or  Ahab, but my experience and observation leads me to the sad conclusion that some will. I hope you are not one of them.


My dear sisters, I want to thank you for your support and messages of love.  Together our prayers are working against the falsehood propagated by the counterfeit church leaders.  Don’t stop praying.


I Love You ALL!


Sister Shelly

The wicked borrow and do not repay, but the righteous give generously.


Psalm 37:21




The Lord our God requires that we do justly, and render to all their due. It is a great sin for those that are able, to deny the payment of just debts.  I was in a church where our leader live like royalty, drove an expensive car, took care of the many paramours, but the church was head over hills in debt.  One would think that our leader would have enough sense to budget correctly.  Instead our leader just kept running up the debt.  Our leader’s greedy condition only grew worse, but these actions best demonstrate wickedness as I learned that none of the debt was attached to the counterfeit leader.


The wicked borroweth, and payeth not again - This is probably intended here, not so much to describe the "character" as the "condition" of the wicked. The idea is, that he will be in such a condition of want that he will be under a necessity of borrowing, but will not have the means of repaying what he has borrowed, while the righteous will not only have enough for himself, but will have the means of showing mercy to others, and of "giving" to them what they need. The ability to lend to others is referred to as a part of the promise of God to HIS PEOPLE, and as marking their condition as a prosperous one, in Deuteronomy 15:6 : "And thou shalt lend unto many nations, and shalt not borrow." Compare Deuteronomy 28:12, Deuteronomy 28:44. It is true, however, as a characteristic of a wicked man, that he will often be "disposed" to borrow and not pay again; that he will be "reckless" about borrowing and careless about paying; and that it is a characteristic of good or upright man that he will not borrow when he can avoid it


While the wicked live, they are scandalous; they live by borrowing, which was always reckoned mean; see Deuteronomy 28:12; and what is worse, as they borrow, they do not design to repay; they take no care nor thought about that, wicked leaders continue to spend themselves into more debt, and THEY ONLY HAVE AN EXIT STRATEGY :   for this either expresses their incapacity that they cannot pay; or the evil disposition of their mind, which rather seems to be the sense, that they will not pay.


The bible says when the wicked are cut off, you shalt see it - This implies that the wicked would certainly be cut off, and that the righteous would be permitted to see the result of a course of righteousness and one of wickedness. It is not necessarily implied that they would have any satisfaction in seeing the punishment of the wicked; but the meaning is, that they would be permitted to live so as to see that one course of life tended to secure the favor of God, and another to incur His displeasure.  In Psalm 37:6 it says "Yet he passed away." What clean sweeps death makes! "And lo, he was not." To the surprise of all men the great man was gone, his estates sold, HIS BUSINESS BANKRUPT,, his house alienated, his name forgotten, and all in a few months! "Yea, I sought him, but he could not be found." Moved by curiosity, if we enquire for the ungodly, they have left no trace; like birds of ill omen none desire to remember them. Some of the ablest of infidels and blasphemers hardly their names are remembered beyond a few years.


I have seen a wicked person [acting like] a tyrant, spreading himself out like a large cedar tree.  There will be some degree of great surprise, that what will occur to wicked leaders was not looked for or expected.  Followers of the wicked leaders, [somevery small few] will be devasted when they pass entirely away.  The word of God says:  “Yea, I sought him, but he could not be found.”  Completely the wicked church leaders will disappear. It might be supposed, perhaps, that their removal is only temporary - that they are still somewhere upon the earth; but the psalmist says that after the most diligent search, he could not find him. He had disappeared entirely from among men. I am writing this again, to wicked counterfeit church leaders as a WARNING OF WHAT IS COMINGBETTER REPENT WHILE YOU CAN


Again and again, the Bible clearly shows that most human beings are deceived. Describing the end-times, the Apostle John described the Devil in this manner: "So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him" (Revelation 12:9). The more than two billion "Christians" in the major denominations are part of the "whole world" that John described—and many are deceived! These people and their preachers do not intend to be evil. For a deceived person does not know that he is deceived!  So it is with the former church leaders where I once attended religious services. 


Very few professing Christians even begin to grasp the enormity of the deception orchestrated by Satan the Devil. They find it hard to grasp the fact that Satan has not only deceived those in the pagan, non-Christian world, but that he has devised a counterfeit Christianity and has foisted it off on millions who sincerely think they are following the Christ of the Bible!  In the counterfeit church I once attended, there remains a remnant of sincere people who are bound by the wicked counterfeit leaders.  They are told who to date, marry; when and if they may have a vacation, what to wear, and who they may socialize and or associate with.  These few remaining counterfeit church followers are sincere, but according to the scriptures and common decency:  THEY ARE SINCERELY WRONG!  Unfortunately, counterfeit church leaders are bankrupt of the Holy Spirit; these wicked leaders are in debt to all whom they have robbed of time, family, innocents and resources.  It is unfortunate for anyone to have a spiritual leader so self-absorbed and unable to realize YOUR DREAMS ARE DEADYOU KILLED THEM!  To all counterfeit church leaders, you may continue to go further into debt and abuse human resources, but you are not ever going to realize that dream of greatness – GOD WILL SEE TO IT!   


As the Apostle Paul warned the Corinthians: "But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. For if he who comes preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or if you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel which you have not accepted—you may well put up with it!" (2 Corinthians 11:3–4).  The counterfeit church preaches a FALSE –BANKRUPT CHRIST, not the Christ of the bible!  My prayer is that people may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men: for all men have not faith.


Sisters, I often wonder how much longer my former wicked counterfeit church leaders will be allowed to misuse the gospel, break up marriages, and destroy families, and women.  I often wonder how and when God will bring to pass those things He has shown me that will come against the cult counterfeit churches.  Please let us continue to pray as there are some nasty people in pulpits – WOLVES out to get whatever they can from sincere and unsuspecting people. Keep the prayer wheel turning:  OUR PRAYERS ARE WORKING!


I Love You ALL!


Sister Shelly

Evil men do not understand justice, but those who seek the LORD understand all things.


Proverbs 28: 5




God wanted us to learn lessons from their example of evil, that sin has consequences, that you reap what you sow, that we can't defy justice,  that the truth eventually comes to light. It does not matter how hard the wicked try and conceal their dirt – IT WILL COME TO LIGHT, and there’s nothing you can do about it.  It is so funny, but when wicked leaders are busy enjoying their sin, they take no thought of the consequences; but when judgment comes to the wicked, like cowards they run, duck and dodge, BUT THERE IS NO PLACE TO HIDE!


The bible says that evil men understand not judgment, or, "men of wickedness" that are under the governing power of it; who are given up and give up themselves unto it; who, like Ahab, sell themselves to work wickedness: these know not what is just and right between man and man, at least not to do it; they know it not practically; they are wise to do evil, but to do good have no knowledge, Jeremiah 4:22; they know not the law of God, the rule of judgment, justice, and equity; at least not the extensiveness and spirituality of it,  It is amazing how a lying hypocrite can stand up in any pulpit and purport to know the bible, yet their lives are an utter mess of ruin and a stark contradiction to what they are preaching.  People, we need the Holy Spirit so that we will know when a liar is standing before us.  A liar is WISE TO DO EVIL, and the word that a lying minister preaches THEY REALLY DON’T KNOW THE EXTENSIVENESS AND SPIRITUALITY OF IT.  If they knew, they would not continue down the path of destruction.  Here is wisdom, to preach AND LIVE the word of God.  Yet the fornicating, controlling manipulating counterfeit preachers are so deceived, just like Ahab that they don’t have enough sense to stop their wickedness.  It does not matter if a wicked leader tries to conceal their sin by checking into a hotel.  The moment you went there GOD SAW YOUYOUR BUSINESS IS ALREADY OUTYOU ARE CAUGHT!   Wicked church leaders don’t know the truth they preach about it, BECAUSE TRUTH ELUDES DELUSIONAL NARCISSITIC PURVEYORS OF FILTH, and much less the Gospel of Christ, which is sometimes so called, Isaiah 42:1. Nor do they notice, as they should, to the judgments of God in the earth; they do not consider his work, and the operation of his hand; the vengeance he takes on wicked men, nor do they take any notice of the judgment to come, at which they must appear, and into which they will be brought, and all things done by them.  Dear wicked counterfeit church leaders, you may dress the part of a minister, but you have nothing, you lose.


Likewise, there are lessons that God is trying to teach us from our current counterfeit churches leaders that be and the scandals surrounding them. There are scriptures that He is confirming and to which He pointing us. Read a few of them...

•          "Thou shall not commit adultery." Exodus 20:14

•          "You can buy an hour with a whore for a loaf of bread, but a wanton woman may well eat you alive. Can you build a fire in your lap and not burn your pants? Can you walk barefoot on hot coals and not get blisters? It's the same when you have sex with your neighbor's wife: Touch her and you'll pay for it. No excuses." Proverbs 6:23-29

•          "Then, there's this other woman, Madame Whore - brazen, empty headed, frivolous. She... calls out... 'I'll show you a good time! No one will ever know -I'll show you the time of your life.' But they don't know about all the skeletons in her closet, that all her guests end up in hell." Pr. 9:13-18   THE WICKED CHURCH LEADERS ALREADY MADE RESERVATIONS.

•          "There's a way of life that looks harmless enough; LOOK AGAIN - it leads straight to hell. Sure, those people appear to having a good time, but all that laughter will end in heartbreak." Pr. 14:12   THIS IS WARNINGBETTER REPENT !

•          "Good leaders abhor wrongdoing of all kinds; sound leadership has a moral foundation. Good leaders cultivate honest speech; they love advisors who tell them the truth." Pr. 16:12-13   I am sure happy that I am not surrounded by unholy and incompetent people always agreeing with me, and sniffing my behind.

•          "We don't expect eloquence from fools, NOR DO WE EXPECT LIES FROM OUR LEADERS." Pr. 17:7

•          "Perjury won't go unpunished. Would you let a liar go free?" Pr. 19:5

•          "The person who tells lies gets caught..." Pr. 19:9 THE WORD OF GOD IS THE “PROOF!”

•          "The Lord will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of men's hearts." 1 Cor. 4:5 THE UNWISE CALL IT “GOSSIP!”  “THE FOOLISH ASK FOR “PROOF!”  THEY HIDE BEHIND A MERE TECHNICALITY:  SUCH AS YOU ARE INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY!  GET THIS YOU LIARS:  Ahab was convicted in HEAVEN!  That is where lying counterfeit leaders are convicted:  GOD HAS ALL THE PROOF HE NEEDS!  Now, LET’S SEE YOU CONTEND AGAINST GOD!  Why don’t you mail Him a letter ASKING HIM TO STOP!  Think He’ll read it?

•          "Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account." Heb. 4:12-13.   You lying wonders are even more naked before God, than you are when you are committing fornication.

•          "Do not be deceived. God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit will reap eternal life." Gal. 6:7-8

•          "But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars - their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death." Rev. 21:8  PLEASE REPENT!

The scriptures explain themselves. They stand on their own merit. Experience proves them to be true.


Remember this   Sin makes people cowards. Wicked people strengthen one another in wicked ways.  Companions of riotous men not only grieve their parents, but shame them. That which is ill got, though it may increase much, will not last long. YOU BETTER ENJOY IT WHILE IT LAST!  You soon won’t need a car, and you won’t be in any pulpit lying and manipulating people.  When liars die, their legacy of wickedness is what people are going to remember.  Lying preachers are CHEAP!  They sell out God for sex, and material gain.  The sinner at whose prayers God is angry is one who obstinately refuses to obey God's commands.   The success of ungodly men is their own misery. I TELL ALL OF YOU THIS:  DO NOT ENVY THE COUNTERFEIT CHURCH, THEY ARE DESTINED FOR FAILURE


So sad, that all the time people spend going to these counterfeit churches is all a waste of time.  Every symposium, conferences and prayer vigils ALL A BIG FAT WASTE OF TIME! Everything that is done in the counterfeit churches is done to appease a devil; IT WAS IDOLATRY!  A BASTARDIZED MINISTRY!  Everything done was under the auspices of unrighteousness.  God is not going to bless wickedness, and this is something that wicked church leaders need to accept.  It is folly to indulge sin, and excuse it. He who covers his sins, shall not have any true peace.  A wicked leader, whatever we may call them, this scripture calls a roaring lion, and a ranging bear. Oppressors want understanding; they do not consult their own honor, ease, and safety.   The lying murderer shall be haunted with terrors. None shall desire to save him from deserved punishment, nor pity him.


My dear sisters, I tell you the truth, I can see the wicked is cut off.  It will manifest in the natural, as it has already happened in the supernatural.  IT IS DONE!  We must now focus on the deceived innocent people who were misled by the counterfeit churches.  Please continue to pray for those who are deceived that God will lead them to real churches, when the evil day against the wicked comes to pass.  They shall not escape, they, just like Ahab shall be cut off.  YOU WILL SEE IT!  God never lies!

I Love You ALL!


Sister Shelly


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