Do Christian women have a right to dress sexually provocative and say that the brothers need to control themselves? Can we truly dress how we want to dress?

Many young women wear this during church services, in the choir and doing their so called praise dances.

It is my believe that we are not to become a stumbling block for our brothers. Many sisters are quoted as saying that is his problem if he can’t contain his lust and we already know that some men’s minds are going to go where they are going to go.

According to the following scripture can a woman truly excuse her sexual dress and provocative behavior. Should a Christian woman wear anything that may cause her brother to fall.

For the record I am not talking about brothers who would be tempted by anything walking but those who struggle daily because of being exposed to underdressed women, media overexposure and so on.

Romans 14:13 KJV
Let us not therefore judge one another any more: but judge this rather, that no man put a stumblingblock or an occasion to fall in his brother's way.

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Lady you always seem to have a bone to pick with me because you obviously have a problem with sound doctrine. Many pastors tell these stories in their sermons ALL THE TIME. I have given many examples and excerpts of sermons preached and conversations. It is not gossip or sin to speak on a public message or a private message given in proper perspective. You don't know these people so how is it gossip. I don't even know all of them but using these example is very appropriate for the subject matter of men and women creating lustful atmospheres in churches and causing others to fall. These references are to show how this type of behavior has and does create problems in the church and is happening. I know you wish to shut my mouth on this but people are falling in sexual sins at an alarming rate in the church. Just like the one example I gave earlier can be found on G. Craige Lewis's DVD but you don't think that I should share what have heard in messages.

You don't know these nameless people but are merely aggravated at my preaching style. Jesus and the apostles were always telling stories and examples of events to cause the listeners to take heed and not fall for the same things. You seem to advocate lukewarmness on every post that you are making but that is not the message for today. You seem to be stalking every post on every forum that I am on and down playing the problem of sin in the church.

People have got to be aware of snakes in the church both men and women. If you are against preaching against sin then please start a post for lukewarm, jellyback Christians.
You have a problem with me which is fine. However, don't presume to know what I have been through. One of my former pastors was molesting young girls and raping women in our church. If it wasn't for the elders and other saints in our church calling a meeting and confronting him openly and allowing some of his accusers to confront him safely before the brothers I know I would have been a victim.

Lady, you can not keep your mouth shut about everything. This man called my home and asked me to come to the church so I can be interviewed for an after school job as the church secretary.A sister warned me and of course trusting my pastor I didn't believe her. He did a similiar thing to my sister. We both always did things together and wouldn't allow ourselves to be alone with anyman.

We didn't know that our own pastor had a lust problem and that things were so out of hand. We were just teenagers at the time and thankfully some of the older saints protected us. You think everything is gossip but If the pastor is a pedophile then I am glad someone told me of it and I don't care if you think it was gossip. This man raped his own daughter yet you probably think that the elders of the church were wrong for exposing him.

You know exactly what my post are about but yet continues with this unbalanced deciphering of what I have said.
"Do Christian women have a right to dress sexually provocative and say that the brothers need to control themselves? Can we truly dress how we want to dress?"

Simply put...NO!

1 Timothy 2:9-10

9)In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; 10)But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.

1 Peter 3: 2-5

2)While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear. 3)Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; 4)But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. 5)For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands:

The Bible's rules about dress cannot be applied directly to today's situation. WHY? Attending church in a cloak, tunic, sandals and a turban or veil would cause quite a disruption in most churches! But the general principles of modesty and propriety can be applied.

Be Blessed
Proverbs 7:10
And, behold, there met him a woman with the attire of an harlot, and subtil of heart.
Jesus said We are to be the salt of the world - and if the salt looses its savor - what good is the salt?

If the Church is to be just like the rest of the world - then what are people being saved from?

Jesus is to save us FROM our sins - He does not save us IN our sins.

Dressing in a way that will make the brethren fall or to be distracted is not showing the love of Christ.

If the mothers of the church that are not only keeping their mouths closed about how the sisters (I mean those that are saved - I mean call themselves saved sanctified and filled with the holy ghost) are coming to church then they are guilty of dereliction of duty. They are asleep on the job.
But can you blame them? Do they get the back up of the preachers? What are the preachers teaching from their pulpits?
If the preachers are not calling sin - sin then what can the old mothers do?
And some of the women aint gonna let some old mother tell them what to do - they will tell them to mind their business.
What are the old mothers to do?

These women dont even listen to the preachers that do teach that a woman of God should cover up and not dress like a floozey.
Hah!!!!! They dont even listen to their own husbands! They are holy, yet naked, spirit filled, yet rebellious.

If the holy apostles James and Paul was to come back right now and visit some of these so called holiness churches - they would have a problem with the ELDERS - not even the women.

The pastors are not doing their job. They need to preach holy living until the women change or until they become so offended they leave and go to a church that is content with their kind.
Amen Newview,
We as the people of God have got to draw the line somewhere. Accusing someone of being a fashion police for demanding a standard of holiness is just wrong. Would we allow a brother to come to church in biker shorts every Sunday? I think not. So the same standard should be for those women who use the church aisle ways as their personal catwalk for provocative clothes.

We are not free to entice one another sexually and blame them for being weak and lustful. We are not to cast stumbling blocks for our brothers and sisters or the Lord will hold us accountable.
I must say that all that you have said, was awesome and on time you had me on my feet ....ooooo God is good! Amen... Amen..look at the power of authority! ..Let me say that this subject is only going to be accepted only by those who want to stay and are consecrated and separated from this New Christian Theory. Dress down shaking together doctrine that has infiltrate our churches.I share this same burden in our church, and I must say that I'm with you 100% I speak boldly and stand firm to on this same matter.. Again thanks for exposing this enemy for who he is. It is time for us to take a stand in righteousness. much can be added but as I stated all has been said and it is well with my soul...Keep on speaking the Word of Truth.
God bless you my Sister in Christ!
Brother Leigh, most men know where your coming from, but many women seem to be blind concerning this issue. Once sensuality sets into a person's heart they become blinded and ignorant. The Muslims, Hindus, and other heathen religions consider it an extreme shame for their women to enter the temple not completely covered.
But not us Christians. You hit it on the money when you said "many strong men have been slain by her," Even the biblical prostitutes dress better than the women today. And the women want the men to "man-up" and be strong as they parade around in skin with a couple of patches of clothes. Having a lot of strength doesn't matter. Samson could defeat a thousand Philistines, but one women rendered him helpless as a weak baby. She took his sight and damaged his relationship with his God. The strongest man on earth at the time, defeated by a woman. This is a lesson the body of Christ must learn. Amen?
Sister Jones,

That was nicely put.

In the mean time however - as we wait for the holy spirit to loosen up the tight skirts and hike up the low cut blouses - should there be any kind of guidelines for dress as it relates to the sisters of the church? For the brethren as well - because some of them do come in with see through shirts like they are about to give a concert at a local night club :)

Is the pastor allowed to preach against those that are wearing that which is not becoming of a saint?

Should the old mothers be allowed to tell them to drop the hems and should the elders be able to let the brothers know its not appropriate to have their nipples show through their see through blousey shirts?

As we show love - are there guidelines that need to be drawn in the sand for the newbies?
It is my belief that Satan tries to muzzle the mouth of anyone who dares to speak against people dressing inappropriately in the Church. However, when the enemy comes in like of flood the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him. We as adults with the Holy Spirit knows if someone has ill intents in the way they dress. Therefore we must allow the Holy Spirit to use us to lift up a standard through proper teaching.

That being said, the elder women must teach the younger women how to dress. If someone has on a short skirt with thighs showing, Like brother Leigh said, and a shirt with a low bust line, then she has told everyone what her intentions are without saying a word. It's not a secret and therefore she must be taught that you don't disrespect God and his household by dressing this way.

No one is saying that you attack new converts with this right away, but we must consider our brothers and sisters when we decide to dress ourselves to come to Church. Without holiness, no man shall see the Lord.

Yeah - you do have to protect the saints that are trying to hold on by the skin of the their chinny-chin-chin.

I think a brother can see all the revealing clothes he could handle out in the street - Why would have to be bombarded with it - when he comes into the midst of the saints?

Can he get sanctuary ANYWHERE?

Oh my Lord - help your people!
Evangelist Jones,
You are so on the mark with what you have said. When it comes to how we dress in the House of God we must realize that we are our brothers keeper. If a sister or a brother dresses sensually and causes someone else to fall (lust, masturbation, fornication, adultery) then they have made themselves partakers of that persons sin. Not to mention that they have placed a stumbling block and created an occasion for that person's flesh.

All to often I hear sisters saying how weak a brother is if he can't stand looking at their bust line or thighs. This is very disrespectful and unGodly. The one who is weak is the one who puts their body on display in the first place as they have not the faith that God can give them a husband without the showing of flesh.

This is not a matter of being a fashion police or preaching a clothesline religion, this is a matter of respect, modesty, holiness and honor. When you hear people saying things such as they know women who wear dresses and skirts down to their ankles that act like the biggest freak, this is a cop out of reality and a justification of improper dressing or attire.

Proverbs 17:15
He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the LORD.

In our zeal to show love we must be careful not to justify wickedness, but to uphold the truth and holiness. An open rebuke is better than secret love. You can lovingly tell a young woman to cover her body without being insulting. It is more of an insult to God when we say nothing at all.


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