Pastor Donnie McClurkin
Perfecting Church, Freeport , New York

This past week, popular preacher, recording artist and pastor, Donnie McClurkin, went on record to declare his deep disappointment with what he sees as pastoral abuses in the body of Christ. His comments have raised a legitimate question about abuse and excesses in the body of Christ and has brought attention to a topic that has largely been ignored in the church community.

In an article appearing in Essence this past week Pastor McClurkin is quoted as saying:

“As pastors, we have to link arms and have bi-partisanships. The [Black] church has always been the face of the community. Now we have to take on the responsibility of becoming true servants to the people from all walks of life. I get so mad when I see these pimpin' preachers driving Rolls-Royces, Bentleys, flying around in their private jets, and making it seem like prosperity and money is the way of God when 90 percent of your congregation is on Section 8 or can't figure out how they are going to keep their lights on or feed their kids. I'm big on perception, and what would it look like for me to live so lavishly if the people in my church are struggling?” says Pastor McClurkin in the article."

In venting his frustration over the behavior of some in the church community, Pastor McClurkin reveals his own humility and sense of service to God and God’s people, by outlining his own relationship, financial and otherwise, with his church and his refusal to take revenue from a congregation that he has built from the ground up.

"I've done great in gospel music, and only a few of us have accomplished what I have, and guess what? I live in the ‘hood, not some place on the outskirts of the ‘hood. There ain't no gate around my house; I have a white fence because the people I pastor live in that community. I have one vehicle and it's not a Mercedes, it's a Lincoln Navigator. I don't receive a dime—not an Abraham Lincoln copper coin—and haven't for the last seven-and-a-half years because I'm okay.” He tells Kenya Byrd of Essence Magazine.

As such, Pastor McClurkin has become a model and an example for others to emulate. His mentality and actions, that places a greater emphasis on service than profit, can only be admired by all of those who love the Lord and are seeking to do His will to the best of their ability. Pastor McClurkin makes it clear that he has options, but chooses to live a modest and humble lifestyle because that’s what God has called him to do.

If I wanted to buy a Phantom or Bentley I could and not hurt my pockets, but I'm okay with what I have. I can sing and work and I have all that money go back into the church so we can buy the delicatessen on the corner, or the house next door to make it state-of-the-art low-income housing. We've trained our people to put their leaders on pedestals, and some people want to live vicariously through their pastor and say, "My pastor has this and he's on television and so on," but then what do you have? How have you prospered and grown? So when I hear other pastors say, "My people take care of me," I'm thinking, But you're supposed to be taking care of the people. I just don't get it. Pastor McClurkin goes on to say.

What is best gleaned from the wisdom and honesty of Pastor McClurkin is his healthy attitude about the church and who it belongs too. His “ecclesiology”, which is worthy of our consideration, perhaps best represents what Christ had in mind when He gave pastors to the body of Christ in the first place.

I don't have a church, but I do have a church that I pastor. I can't name something the Donnie McClurkin Temple because the people do not belong to me and if they did that would mean I have slaves. I am simply a vessel to deliver God's word. At the end of the day, it's God's church, not mine advises Pastor McClurkin.


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Wow, Prophetess Cheryl Preston, what a testimony! Such hypocrisy, no, such, sickness as you described that is passing itself off as the 'will of God' will be judged in the near future. Again, what a testimony, thanks for sharing the truth.
Totally agree with you and glad you named these wolves in sheeps clothing....Just to out T.D. (one verse) Jakes, you are walking on 'holy' grail there brutha' Anthony. I've been speaking up an out against their "theology" of the health, wealth and happiness deception for years until hoarse. God is not mocked. It is still a terrible thing to come under the wrath of the living God.
Wow Tair, you have a 'rich man/woman's dream' eh? Palatial homes, cars, diamonds, rings, and things, eh? :-)

Well, as I more or less said in my RE-EDITED original reply to this subject matter, everyone, including pastor's have a right to prosper, and obtain wealth. It's just that there is something wrong with having a congregation full of un-employed or section 8 parishoners whose funds aided in making such a one rich. The flock stay poor and the preacher gets rich off of them uniting their funds to give them to him.

If that's the case, a righteous preacher would weekly have the flock pay tithes to give to any given parishoner that is in need. It CAN'T be a righteous thing that solely the preacher gets rich off of conning the collective poor and needy into giving him their funds.

It would be one thing if he panhandled their collective funds to gp towards building wells in Africa for the poor, or better still, feeding the hungry over there or, the hungry in sections of the U.S.

However, to lust after the funds of the poor and Middle class in order to live a extravagant life is a great sin. .

Now, not to judge, and, forgive me if I'm wrong, you sound like you are all about getting the wealth in order for you, yourself, and "I" to proser while more or less saying to the poor sheep in your congregaiion, 'you are obviosly NOT speaking the word. Yes, obviously not!

{;ease imderstamd. it is a great sin, if he takes their funds and buys fine cars, homes, etc., with their money. It is a great evil before God.

I pray you humility amidst your excitement to get rich.
Dr` Scott,

thanks for sharing this and the link to the article. I LOVE IT. Pastor Donnie is the second man of God to speak up and out nd go on the record with TRUTH. The first I heard on Larry King a few years ago was Pastor Rick Warren. It made me cry. he doesnt take a salary either, but he had for years until God changed his mind. Then, after the sale of his book, he and his wife repaid all the salary he had received for the previous 22 years. Of course I immediately shared the newsclip and my own insight/commentary with my circle of prophetic ministers in my home church. For my trouble I was ostracized by small minded jealous spirits. Not really a big deal because it is a narrow path we walk anyhow and there are few on it anyway, because few find it.

I agree that these brothers Pastors Donnie And Rick have means. Rick Warren as far as I know wrote one book and it was like a God directed seed that was sown and brought a 100fold return. Frankly we all have seeds of greatness in us. To access this greatness and exploit it, we need to shut out the cacaphony buzzing constantly around us, heck even in us. And leave some of our preacher friends/folk who aint going where we are by the wayside. We gotta know and appreciate that we're not the end all be all for every man and women in our churches. We must learn to push back on the regular, impart to and train up others and allow them to do what they'll do without interference or micromanaging. It takes discipline as you know. Only then can we mine the treasure God invested in us.

Personally as far as I'm concerned a preacher can shop anywhere he wants too, I do, just please, not at the expense of your people. Drive what you want, but do not expect the people to pay for it. Its not biblical, its tradition of man. I dont think I could sleep at night personally. Now, if you're fortunate to be a leader where your people out of their generosity want you to have a salary, then thats your funds. Do with it what your conscience or conviction leads you to do. I could sleep at nite in this case: been there done that got a few battle scars to prove it. My comments have to do with leaders manipulating and abusing the flock of God, at the expense of the people of God. Please take the time to read Nehemiah 5th chapter. It would be as if someone who is getting a salary, also wants to raise a special love offering, every now and then. At first, then later the special love offering is every month, and soon, every service. Or, same pastor has a guest speaker in, raises another special offering for the guest, but takes half of it for himself. If you cant afford to pay a speaker honorarium out of your church checking account, then I guess you'll have to get him for free or not at all. Anything else is living beyond your means. Can you help me out here? Who in scripture sat around getting fat off the people they were supposed to be serving? Did Paul do this? or Peter? or any of Jesus' disciples? On the flip side, I have the same problem with ministers who demand a $500 & $1000 honorariums for one service. I know those that do. Its excessive and outrageous.

Will you help me understand something? When did preaching Anthony become a profession? Its a vocation, a calling. I thought. Sometimes church leaders and people seek ways to pattern the church after the ways and ambition that is in the world. Could this be one reason for the "mess" that pastors deal with? Or is it because they've not set their church houses in order to anticipate, deal with and resolve "mess" before it happens?

I'd really like to hear from you on these things.
Hi Tracy Scott, God bless you for posting this dynamic post which is full to overflowing with spiritual truths worth expounding upon. First, let me say, rather than read through all the replies I am going to give my reply as the Holy Spirit has given me the wisdom to understand.

First, applauds, accolades go out to Donnie McClurkin and his humble stance. He is so right about the hypocrisy of proachers, etc., who abuse the funds given them to enrich themselves while the flock goes without.

The problem is this, Scripture says, 'my people perish for a lack of knowledge (Hos. 4:6). The 'lack of knowledge' is on behalf is found among clergy. Instead of taking the funds and buying big homes, cars, jet planes, etc., those funds should be set up to monthly administer out to the poor and needy amon God's flock.

That is, the preachers, evangelists, teachers, etc., need a good God/Revering, honest accountant to set up a banking system to bless God's sheep who are in need of health care services, such as dental, surgery, optometry, etc.

Preachers, evangelists, prophets must pray down the fire of the Holy Spirit to begin to set up such systems. I well understand that perhaps this thought hasn't even entered their heads. What I mean is, the clergy is faced with lots of issues. They do 'on hands' work with the individual flock and it is hard for them to execute things in a perfect order as they are not dealing with perfection. As so, I am not condemning clergy rather putting forth the truth that the Holy Spirit will accomplish in the near future.

The reality is this, blacks will need to build up anew Rosewoods and Black Wallstreets existence in order to save our lives from the evil plots by racists who are opposed to a righteous government under our beloved President Obama. We see that in the form of them opposing 'health care' and any other program Obama would implement to help the poor and needy.

Shameful of them but par for the course. Ergo, such types don't matter. We have to go around it. The way around it is for those pasters, preachers, etc., to take the funds God has given thme to build up the flock within the community out of which God assignd them. As I said in another post, pastors must individually agree to cooperate.

Thye cooperate via setting up banking funds with regard to the excess amount wealth they receive. Set up a montly fund to pay 'senior citzens' light, phone, heating bills.

Set up funds to pay the disabled hospital expenses that are not covered by Insurance. Set up wise secretaries to fill out forms for young people's schooling. Clergy should welp them get grants then pay for the extra book expense.

On and on, I could go with what they could do with the extra funds God gives them. Many have greedily and erroneously thought that excess wealth was for them to 'live high off the hog.' Well, in reality, if some Ministers want to do that then they must do what they feel they have to do.

As the soon coming rapture approaches they will stand before a Just God for theire decisions. Donnie McClurkin has made a 'wise' decision IN A WAY! I think extra funds should always go towards neighborhood security. Let blacks call upon our local leaders to set up hidden cameras-security forces in order to watch the violent who would resit him and the flock.

As such, when looking at the disciples whou which Paul more or less said, with regard to his ministry. Again, this is the will of God, this will happen in the veeeeery near future. Mark My Words.

Again, God bless you for seeing and bringing up this article for it is the key to resolving such matters.. .

Hi Tracy Scott, God bless you for posting this dynamic post which is full to overflowing with spiritual truths worth expounding upon. First, let me say, rather than read through all the replies I am going to give my reply as the Holy Spirit has given me the wisdom to understand.

First, applauds, accolades go out to Donnie McClurkin and his humble stance. He is so right about the hypocrisy of proachers, etc., who abuse the funds given them to enrich themselves while the flock goes without.

The problem is this, Scripture says, 'my people perish for a lack of knowledge (Hos. 4:6). The 'lack of knowledge' is found among clergy. Instead of taking the funds and buying big homes, cars, jet planes, etc., those funds should be set up to monthly administer out to the poor and needy among God's flock.

That is, the preachers, evangelists, teachers, etc., need a good God/Revering, honest accountant to set up a banking system to bless God's sheep who are in need of health care services, such as dental, surgery, optometry, etc.

Preachers, evangelists, prophets must pray down the fire of the Holy Spirit to begin to set up such systems. I well understand that perhaps this thought hasn't even entered their heads. What I mean is, the clergy is faced with lots of issues. They do 'on hands' work with the individual flock and it is hard for them to execute things in a perfect order as they are not dealing with perfection. As so, I am not condemning clergy rather putting forth the truth that the Holy Spirit will accomplish in the near future.

The reality is this, blacks will need to build up anew Rosewoods and Black Wallstreets existence in order to save our lives from the evil plots by racists who are opposed to a righteous government under our beloved President Obama. We see that in the form of them opposing 'health care' and any other program Obama would implement to help the poor and needy.

Shameful of them, but par for the course. Ergo, such types don't matter. We have to go around it. The way around it is for those pasters, preachers, etc., to take the funds God has given thme to build up the flock within the community out of which God assigned them. As I said in another post, pastors must individually agree to cooperate.

They cooperate via setting up banking funds with regard to the excess amount of wealth they receive. Set up a montly funds to pay 'senior citzens' light, phone, heating bills. Not only senior citizens, but the poor and disabled. At least, the ones whom they see have no other way. Not the ones living recklessly.

Set up funds to pay the disabled hospital expenses that are not covered by Insurance. Set up wise secretaries to fill out forms for young people's schooling. Clergy should help them get grants then pay for the extra book expenses and the such..

On and on, I could go with what they could do with the extra funds God gives them. Many have greedily and erroneously thought that excess wealth was for them to 'live high off the hog.' Well, in reality, if some Ministers want to do that then they must do what they feel they have to do. Don't get me wrong, Ministers should be able to earn a good living and do good by their family. They should also be able to live nicely as that's not a sin. Rather, the sin is as Donny recounted, livING extravangantly while the flock is on 'section 8.' Something is wrong with that.

As the soon coming rapture approaches they will stand before a Just God for their decisions. Donnie McClurkin has made a 'wise' decision IN A WAY! I think extra funds should always go towards neighborhood security. Let blacks call upon our local leaders to set up hidden cameras-security forces in order to watch out for the violent who would resist such good ministers and the flock. In other words, set up law enforcement, neighborhood watch security forces.

The fact is, there are money hungry criminals who know of Donnie and other well-meaning preacher's success and such types will try to take advantage of them i.e. hurt them.

Again, this is the will of God, this will happen in the veeeeery near future. Mark My Words.

Again, God bless you for bringing up this article for it is the key to resolving such matters.. .

Oh, one more thing, thank God for those who have always blessed the poor and needy in this way.
Here is an interview I did with Rev. Dr. James H. Cone. Dr. Cone spoke about his attitude concerning the churches' position on prosperity and several additional issues.

Dr. Tracy Scott
Founder/President Healthy Living Seminars
Professor James H. Cone is the Charles A. Briggs Distinguished Professor of Systematic Theology at Union Theological Seminary. He attended Shorter College (1954-56) and holds a B.A. degree from Philander Smith College (1958). In 1961, he received a Master of Divinity degree from Garrett Theological Seminary and later earned an M.A. (1963) and Ph.D. (1965) from Northwestern University. Dr. Cone has been conferred eight ( honorary degrees, including a Doctor of Divinity from Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary (2000).

In 2006, he was offered an honorary degree from Turner Theological Seminary at the Interdenominational Theological Center Commencement Exercise, but declined to accept it, because the speaker at the graduation was a “prosperity gospel” preacher. In the same year, he was the recipient of the Paul Robeson Award from the Mother AME Zion Church. Previous awards include the American Black Achievement Award in the category of Religion given by Ebony Magazine of Johnson Publications in Los Angeles, November, 1992; the Theological Scholarship and Research Award from the Association of Theological Schools, 1994; the Fund for Theological Education Award for contributions to theological education and scholarship, given at the American Academy of Religion, Boston, MA, November 1999; induction into the Arkansas Black Hall of Fame in 2003, and the recent Julius C. Hope Champion of Social Justice Award from the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), Orlando, Florida, November, 2006.

Dr. Cone is an ordained minister in the African Methodist Episcopal Church. He is listed in the Directory of American Scholars, in Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in American Religion, Who’s Who among African Americans, and Who’s Who in the World. He is the author of eleven (11) books and over 150 articles and has lectured at more than 1,000 universities and community organizations throughout the United States, Europe, Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean. He is an active member of numerous professional societies, including the Society for the Study of Black Religion, the American Academy of Religion, and the Ecumenical Association of Third World Theologians (EATWOT) in the Philippines.

Dr. Cone is best known for his ground-breaking works, Black Theology & Black Power (1969) and A Black Theology of Liberation (1970); he is also the author of the highly acclaimed God of the Oppressed (1975), and of Martin & Malcolm & America: A Dream or a Nightmare? (1991); all of which works have been translated into nine languages. His most recent publication is Risks of Faith (1999). The 30th Anniversary of the publication of Black Theology & Black Power was celebrated at the University of Chicago Divinity School (April 1998), and a similar event was held for A Black Theology of Liberation at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary (April 2000) and at the Catholic Theological Society of America (June 2001). His research and teaching are in Christian theology, with special attention to black theology and the theologies of Africa, Asia, and Latin America, as well as twentieth century European-American theologies. His current research focuses on “The Cross and the Lynching Tree,” exploring the relationship between the two theologically.
This article by Pastor McClurkin is so powerful, what do a person say? I meet Pastor McClurkin several years ago when he came to Hawai'i for a Musical Worship/Concert using the local church members; we were station there with the Army. And I'm not suprised one bet at this article because Olivia (May God Bless her Soul), sister, Andrea (Sister), and Pastor were real people. My husband is in the beginning phrases of establishing one of God's Churches and through this article we received confirmation-on what it is that we as a husband and wife in this ministry suppose to do for GOD's people. I believe that God will supply all our needs according to His will and purpose for our lives. My husband is retired military and I work for the government so- why should we take from the church; God commands that the preacher teach,preach and take care of God's flock. He (God) never mention anything about trying to get rich off His chosen people. Pastor McClurkin, I admire you for the preached words that comes out of your mouth, it is very evident that there is a GOD in you. From Hawai'i, the videos, Gospel Awards-(speaking to Steve Harvey), to Sunday Best when you spoke to the Elder. Continue to be you because that is what people like me love about you- the God in you provides knowledge, wisdom and understanding for those of us- that want to see Jesus. Love you much and God Bless.
I agree hold heartly with Pastor McClurkin that people will go broke for their pastors and not have money to buy food to eat or pay the light bill. I believe that a good pastor that is blessed financially should be able to bless their members who are struggling. God gave his all for his people and he ask for nothing in return but to love him and live right according to his word.
This is a great article! I have a new respect for Pastor McClurkin. He said what I have been thinking for a long time now. Jesus rode a donkey, but you riding a Benz, BMW, Bentley, whatever. What's wrong with this picture?


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