Is your church teaching Gods commandments or man's traditions. Yes, I am aware that some traditions are to be passed down from generation to generation. But here lately I am hearing a lot more about what seems right unto man and not what God said in his word. Be careful! Are you looking for religion or salvation there is a difference?

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Love the Lord your God with all your heart (Mt 22:37-40)
Jesus replied: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
Actually the Second teaching you refer to is alluding to a Historical saying of the highly revered teacher of Israel- Rabbi Hillel"
And if you look close enough at the Rabbinic history you might just detect that Yeshua would have been a 'Student of the Hillel's academy of higher learning.[Torah study being his basic message]... as most of what he taught was in simlar context with the House of Hillel teaching~who were in a direct battle against the controlling party of the Temple grounds..That would have been the House of Shammai' running the Temple grounds at that time:

Rome Lied: big time but then any true Historian can tell you that.

Enjoy your journey 'out of her"

May the ShekinahLIfe shine upon you...
iam bless to join your group thank you evangelist pastor susie houston
This is a good one pastor Benita,the problem with humanity is beyond traditions it is accelerating towards self negative transformation and individualism and spiced with christian knowledge.let us be sincere,it will never blend.the church will suffer the consequence in time.evangelist Fortune
You seem to know the difference Pastor Benita. Are you identifying yourself as "Israel"?
Faith Obeys God's Directions

Heb 11:8-10 By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going. By faith he made his home in the promised land like a stranger in a foreign country; he lived in tents, as did Isaac and Jacob, who were heirs with him of the same promise. For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God.

In characterizing Christian faith we find in Romans chapter 4 that Paul used two examples - David and Abraham. The faith that saves is the faith that listens and obeys. The Bible is full of this principle. Even earlier in Hebrews we noted concerning Israel, "And to whom did God swear that they would never enter his rest if not to those who disobeyed? So we see that they were not able to enter, because of their unbelief." Heb 3:18,19

Again even in the Christian community many don't obey because they don't listen. They avoid hearing what the Bible commands and so think that they can excuse themselves. And there are others who hear but refuse to obey. Both would be categorized as unbelievers.

By faith, when called he went
By faith, he lived as a stanger in this world in anticipation of the kingdom to come

Might this be your epitath?
Leadership must step up to the plate by pure example not just what the face says but what the body does. If some in leadership would get out of the habit of title giving privvy to talk about the flock and making judgement or sizing them up or their intentions or taking their confidential conversation to prove a point or point them out when sermonizing then maybe leadership would command a greater hand of respect and God to be awed by the example of Christ being exemplified What's put on a headstone is one thing, it could and might not be a truth. More importantly to hear the Master say: well done good and faithful servant, well done!
Mrs Streeter writes"More importantly to hear the Master say: well done good and faithful servant, well done!"
Actually if you are a true servant all you hear is this Son I am taking you to this... Son' I am taking you to a place of...etc...etc...etc...etc...It is a journey out of Her" out of whore-dom,... out of harlotry,... out of self: John was an obvious Kabbalist...So when he ( Yochannon) write "In my fathers house are many mansions" ( in your christian version)...would equate to the ~~~Many dimensions in the Multi-Verse~~
All You might hear ma'am is ~"Son'/daughter~ I am building your mansion by your faithfulness and obedience" ~~~If you are Jewish' that may equate to ~'Son I am opening the doors to greater dimensions in your life and beyond~

That is why we stay on the Derech ( the Way) with HaShem
....Obedience to Torah' is greater than the sacrifice of bulls and rams and......... bowing to idolatry of Roman Hellenistic just palain foolishness and rally states that the person who does so Has never read the Bible with true clarity:

What came first the chicken or the egg:

What came first is the Marriage at Mt Sinai from YHVH to his Children Israel ~~~and that is all HaShem wrote my friends and students,... That is all YHVH wrote!!!!!~A Ketubah ( Marriage-contract) for all humanity To the Jew and the Stranger who is among them"~~~

Rome is Replacement theology at best.

Simply,... we who are Observant and obedient are Sons' of YHVH~

Hope that help your excellencies~~ Shalom Aleichem:= peace be upon you'
Thank for sharing are you from the old country? I've heard some of what you are conveying and to be enlighten for all people about the truth and living the righteous lifestyle of the example of Christ the anointed one as our model now about that... because He was born in old testament times where new testament did not enter in until after the life, death and resurrection of Christ and the meaning of the Messiah coming in the flesh. What type of belief as a jewish teacher or minister are you under again now let me understand?
We, often time still mix them up; salvation, religion and tie them to emotions. What do you do when the way you've been taught back in the day of women wearing long dresses, but inside an emotional mess? Or when men are still taught to soar the oates and are still some of the biggest whores to the congregation they are shepherds over straight and gay? Look at the laws to the land; how should we really honor these days and keep our salvation (that is free) without being bound by the silence in the church, church politics and wolves swallowing up the sheep? Our communities are hurting and yet we have 25 churches on some corners here in Detroit and yet nobody seemed saved in those community. The church are not uniting with each other. Jealousy gets in the way. Back biting and slander all the time. It's time for the mega churches to embrace the smaller, and store front churches and bless the surrounding community of neighbors and treat them with respect so that they will come in the doors running to get some of what we got because it has attracted them. As I post this to your group forum I will also exclaim this more to reach out. We need help to build and grow. We have got to be the light everywhere we go!
man' tradition only takes away from us, it makes the word of God of non effect, it's better we stick with God's command


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