I now understand more and more about this so-call world of "Hip-Hop". I understand now why "Hip-Hop"has really no place in our churches and yet it's slowly creeping in our church doors. After hearing all of this, I will stand behind fellow clergy members by NOT allowing "Hip-Hop" into our churches.

Pastors,Ministers and Church Leaders, would you allow "Hip-Hop" in your churches? Is this a way in keeping our youth in church? I am interested in all feedback concerning this issue.

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Sis. Angela,
You still have not researched your arguement and refuse to use sound scholarship. If this is how you want to represent yourself, that is your choice. It would be to your best interest to learn a little about what you are taliking about, before you make statements like you have made. Like Min. Mitchell has already stated, we can agree to disagree. I do that as well in love. Thanky you!!!
Pastor Ray I do everything in love but when you claim I have misuse Scriptures when I have not quoted any Scriptures it would seem you need to follow the conversation and ensure you attributing your response to the right person and your statement of who is qualify to discuss biblical argument my dear sir is igorance.
Sis. Satin,

What are you talking about??? Sorry, don't speak Christianese. Please explain???
would you allow her to be your pastor?
Just wanted to say to all of you that all feedback has been interesting. I certainly thank all of you and keep the comments coming.....
This is a great topic, we will!
Please forgive my lateness of response. However, I wanted to chime in on this subject. Not to debate but to present another thought and to give a bit of a history lesson for us. Firstly, I am both a musician and a minister of the Gospel and I personally like some of the Christian Hip hop that is out. I listen to the Da Truth, Ambassador, Trip Lee, and some others. Now, this has not always been. I, like you, a few years ago thought that it was evil and not good, but then I got to doing a little walk down memory lane and realized that this discussion has already been had years ago and we as Black church people don't realize it. There was a man by the name of Thomas Dorsey. We today, have given him the moniker of "Father of Gospel music". Anyway Dr. Dorsey started out in music as a blues and Jazz pianist, but eventually he got saved and brought his talents over into the church. However, there was one problem he still played like a blues and Jazz musician. Dr. Dorsey began to use the skills that he had amassed during his blues days to write and present songs to the church. Unfortunately, he was rejected and his music was called the devil's music. Dr. Dorsey has recounted on numerous occasions that he was kicked out of some of the best church's in America. However, what most church folk, both clergy and laity alike don't realize is that they are dancing and shouting to a music that was once called the devil's music, but I can say along with many of you that many songs based upon this music have blessed my life over the past 32 years.

Here's my point Christian Hip Hop is not evil in and of itself no music is. Instrumental music is based upon 12 scale tones and various Chord progressions that allow us to write songs. When these chords are played without words there is nothing intrinsically wrong with them. However, it is when you put words to those very songs that it brings clarity to whether they are evil or good. We as church people because of what tradition has taught automatically shun Hip Hop because we have been taught that it is the devil's music. If we are going to completely shun hip-hop we must let go of all music all together. Why would you say that? Because the "Christian" music down the ages have always been based of the culture of the day. Many of the hymns of classical fame were written in a classical style, yet we take those hymns apply our modern musical prowess to them and they bless us even in the 21st century. Hip Hop is an expression of the culture of the youth today and we must be able to express Christ through that particular culture. One more point and I'm closing LOL! Paul in the 17th chapter of Acts preaches a sermon at Mars Hill, but I think we miss something in this text that is so key. Paul as he is preaching the Gospel to these people uses the idols and philosophy of the day to point to Christ. In other words he became weak that he might win the weak (I Cor 9:21-22). Remember, God always uses unconventional means to bring about a change. He had Jesus to come as a carpenter instead of a kingly prince on a white stallion that Jews were looking for. Maybe this is how God is using Hip-Hop to draw our youth. You don't necessarily have to understand, but you must respect it.


Elder Azikiwee Walton
Outstanding post, Elder Walton!
cross movement baby!
Elder Walton, thank you for your maturity and education. You have a good grasp on black culture and history. We cannot continue to make the same mistakes in the black culture. Dr. Dorsey was a legend and dealt with some of the same ridicule that some of the people on this forum ar displaying. These same people sing his music every week. It is funny how history repeats itself.
Out of the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established,(2 Corinthians 13:1b) Elder Walton I have been saying the exact same thing, almost word for word since Sunday....
Question, Why does the beat make the hip-hop demonic? I'm asking the question to gain a level of clarity not as an attack. I have never understood that statement.


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