I now understand more and more about this so-call world of "Hip-Hop". I understand now why "Hip-Hop"has really no place in our churches and yet it's slowly creeping in our church doors. After hearing all of this, I will stand behind fellow clergy members by NOT allowing "Hip-Hop" into our churches.

Pastors,Ministers and Church Leaders, would you allow "Hip-Hop" in your churches? Is this a way in keeping our youth in church? I am interested in all feedback concerning this issue.

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I have a question when has not faith in general not obsorbed some aspect of a communities culture. Even in today's African American churches various aspects of the African music traditions have been absorbed into the African American church, some of which not long ago would not have been accepted. My grandmoma use to say to me son right is right and wrong is wrong. If it is right or wrond the holy spirit will let you know if you truly have a relationship with God! Let us not limit the message of Christ.
It depends on what is in the message. I also believe perception is important. What perception is the performance giving and is the viewer witnessing in general. (for it is certain to be different for many) Is God recieving the Glory or is man. These are discenrments that a pastor himself can only answer with constant supplication to Jesus. But as Paul says in Phillipians as long as Christ is preached(paraphrasing). What is the message? This is my conclusion. It has to be nothing but Jesus. The death, burial and ressurrection! If the message and perception doesn't promote him (Jesus) it absolutely must not be allowed in the church. Ministers use discernment. Love in the name of Jesus Christ.
This is the response of a man who is truly connected to God and does not allow his worldly passions to dictate his preaching. God Bless You, Minister Morris!
My Brother I pray you had a great day today, I am in the process of putting an answer together for Tarik, I am taking my time with it because it almost sounds like he is really sincere about wanting some answers, notice I said almost
Brother Anthony,
As a matter of fact, today I enjoyed a real day off! I hope yours was half as good as mine!

I have drawn a line in the sand. Brother Hodge has posed a series of questions to me but hasn't responded to any of mine. Therefore, I refuse to answer any of his questions until he has dealt with mine.

I sincerely hope he wants answers and that he is seeking them. I applaud your efforts. My heart is really broken for the folks whom he has care of; the spirit of religion is a harsh taskmaster and seeks to impose bondage where there should be liberty.

Have a blessed evening!
Brother Day,
Just because Pastor Hodge stands in direct disagreement with you and Brother Anthony doesn't mean he is holding anyone in bondage. What if one of your members ask you for the church's money to play the lottery and you say no, are you placing him in bondage because you disagree with the lottery?
Brother Spencer if it were just that he stands in direct disagreement that would be one thing, To do so in the manner in which he does is something totally different. He has decided to take it to an altogether different level. He came after me, and all but alluded to my position in Christ not being sincere, over this something that does not measure where one is spiritually Once again we all have differing tastes in music, some of us listen to classical, others are into jazz. Some prefer Stevie over James, and yet others who are old enough to remember prefer Geoffrey. All in all my position in Christ is based on the condition and position of my heart, and if my life is surrendered it shows in my behavior, as well as my response to Him when He moves me to do a thing. Music is many things but it is not a determination of my salvation.Had he not done that I would agree, but having done that is clearly a sign of someone who is willing to commit spiritual abuse, and that my dear brother is nothing to be played with. Men and women have died under such bondage. People have lost their way, and in some cases have left the church never to return, in his mind, and based on his writings, its their own fault, that is akin to blaming a rape victim for being raped.Not good at all.
Rev. Miller,
I have to respectfully reject your premise here. Your analogy is invalid. If a church member asked me if he could use church money to play the lottery, I'd ask him what has he been smoking!

What I mean by bondage is that many well-intended men and women of God heap burdens upon their flocks. It's one thing to tell the flock that pornography is wrong. It's another thing entirely to tell them that certain forms of Christian music are wrong. Do we exclude a song because we're Baptist but it originated in the COGIC church? Where does it end.

My concern is that if the church inflicts bondage where there should be liberty, the people don't get to experience the wonder of the new birth, instead, the yoke of sin is traded for the yoke of religion.
What you and Brother Anthony fail to understand is that a pastor can conduct his church (by stewardship) the way he feels God is leading him to. If I pastored a church across the street from yours, what would I look like if I tried to force what I believe on your congregation simply because your pastoral style is different than mine? I'd look pretty foolish, and you would be pretty angry with me. There is no two churches that does everything exactly the same way. If a member of a particular church thinks he is being placed in bondage because his pastor will not allow hip hop music, all he has to do is find a church that does allow hip hop music it's as simple as that.
But you have to understand something Brother Miller. Brother Day and I are speaking of the same thing only different facets.No pastor has the right to abuse his membership. No pastor has the right to lord over his members.
I speak on spiritual abuse because I have both seen and experienced it. Brother Hodge is leaning very close on a thin line, once again I know it because I have seen and experienced it. He is in danger and needs help.
Brow beating? intimidating? huh; What does the bible say about bearing a false witness?

These again are your words: "No pastor has the right to abuse his membership. you guys are not my members??? No pastor has the right to lord over his members. huh

I speak on spiritual abuse because I have both seen and experienced it". We never even met??? When have you ever been to my Church? When have you ever sat in my congregation?

Funny thing, I don't take it personally when you attack me, I don't even get mad...why do you take it personal when I attack you back? We are having a debate; so we are not wearing gloves...I did not know that rough and tough Hip Hop artist wore gloves...lol okay so I don't include the pleasentries...again; we are having a professional argument guys? When its over we'll go back to our neutral corners.

By the way check out my new book: THE FREE CHRISTIAN on Lulu.com


Pastor Hodge
Music is just the tip of the iceberg. Once the musical tastes of the congregation are held in check, next will be dress. After dress, then hair. After hair, then what? This is a very slippery slope. And like Brother Anthony said, the end of this is spiritual abuse.


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