I now understand more and more about this so-call world of "Hip-Hop". I understand now why "Hip-Hop"has really no place in our churches and yet it's slowly creeping in our church doors. After hearing all of this, I will stand behind fellow clergy members by NOT allowing "Hip-Hop" into our churches.

Pastors,Ministers and Church Leaders, would you allow "Hip-Hop" in your churches? Is this a way in keeping our youth in church? I am interested in all feedback concerning this issue.

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Pastor Hirsch,
What is the revelation you have received? Please share it with us according to 2 Peter 1:20. As for Holy Hip-Hop being a tool of deception, well, even satan used scripture to try and deceive Jesus! That's right, even scripture can be used as a tool of deception...
Well spoken comrade
So Pastor Hirsch, is Satan just using hip hop? He didn't use hip hop to trick Eve or when he attempted to tempt Jesus. What is hip hop by definition to you? Is the book of Psalm a precursor to hip hop?
I do not have Hip-Hop in our church because I am convinced that if we have to use trickery to get not only our Youth in the church but adults, they will never have the personal relationship with Christ that is needed. The words of Christ teaches us that "If I be lifted up from the earth I'll draw all men unto me."
Remember fish are delicate creatures, if you used the wrong bait to get them in, chances are they will join the Christian band damaged and unable to become fishers of men as Christ desires us to be.
Yet another great response, thank you Pastor Goggins for exposing the truth!
What is Gospel Music Bro. Goggins? Who do you accept to be played in your church?
Let me get in on this, what does "...played in your church" mean? Do you mean "played" as in played by a DJ?
I mean played by a musician or by a DJ. I DJ plays music that musicians, who specialize in hearing music sounds & and compose them, record in a studio. Do you have something against the word DJ?

The question I ask, since you what to "get in on this" is "what is Gospel Music". Let me help clarify the content of the question.

"Gospel" in regards to music has been defined by many "Christians" as a sound, style, or genre of music. HOWEVER...THE GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST is not a style or language of HIS speaking, but the SUBJECT matter of which HE SPOKE OF. and THE LIFESTYLE of worship & holiness that HE lived out.

This is Gospel Music....despite the style....it is the message.
Ok folks, thanks to you all once again for the feedback but after hearing the responses from different folks I guess we can agree to disagree.
I am keeping this forum up for one more week and we can talk about something else so make use of it now before we shut it down.
This is what the Apostle Paul said on this wise:

I Cor 11:18
In the first place, I hear that when you come together as a church, there are divisions among you, and to some extent I believe it.
I Cor 11:19
No doubt there have to be differences among you to show which of you have God's approval.

Whoever is shepherding one of God's flocks - they must do it all to the glory of God.
Remember to sing the Lord a new song but remember stay away from the entertainment leanings that goes on so much in churches today.
The newly church attendants go from glorifying musicians in the world, to GLORIFYING Christian musicians. It's all idolatry!


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